18 research outputs found

    Social Stigma and Knowledge of Tuberculosis and HIV among Patients with Both Diseases in Thailand

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    INTRODUCTION: Disease-related stigma and knowledge are believed to be associated with patients' willingness to seek treatment and adherence to treatment. HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB) presents unique challenges, because TB and HIV are both medically complex and stigmatizing diseases. In Thailand, we assessed knowledge and beliefs about these diseases among HIV-infected TB patients. METHODS: We prospectively interviewed and examined HIV-infected TB patients from three provinces and one national referral hospital in Thailand from 2005-2006. At the beginning of TB treatment, we asked patients standardized questions about TB stigma, TB knowledge, and HIV knowledge. Responses were grouped into scores; scores equal to or greater than the median score of study population were considered high. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with scores. RESULTS: Of 769 patients enrolled, 500 (65%) reported high TB stigma, 177 (23%) low TB knowledge, and 379 (49%) low HIV knowledge. Patients reporting high TB stigma were more likely to have taken antibiotics before TB treatment, to have first visited a traditional healer or private provider, to not know that monogamy can reduce the risk of acquiring HIV infection, and to have been hospitalized at enrollment. Patients with low TB knowledge were more likely to have severe TB disease, to be hospitalized at enrollment, to be treated at the national infectious diseases referral hospital, and to have low HIV knowledge. Patients with low HIV knowledge were more likely to know a TB patient and to have low TB knowledge. DISCUSSION: We found that stigma and low disease-specific knowledge were common among HIV-infected TB patients and associated with similar factors. Further research is needed to determine whether reducing stigma and increasing TB and HIV knowledge among the general community and patients reduces diagnostic delay and improves patient outcomes

    Prejudice and misconceptions about tuberculosis and HIV in rural and urban communities in Ethiopia: a challenge for the TB/HIV control program

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Ethiopia, where HIV and tuberculosis (TB) are very common, little is known about the prejudice and misconceptions of rural communities towards People living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) and TB.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a cross sectional study in Gilgel Gibe Field Research area (GGFRA) in southwest Ethiopia to assess the prejudice and misconceptions of rural and urban communities towards PLHA and TB. The study population consisted of 862 randomly selected adults in GGFRA. Data were collected by trained personnel using a pretested structured questionnaire. To triangulate the findings, 8 focus group discussions among women and men were done.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 862 selected study participants, 750(87%) accepted to be interviewed. The mean age of the respondents was 31.2 (SD ± 11.0). Of the total interviewed individuals, 58% of them were females. More than half of the respondents did not know the possibility of transmission of HIV from a mother to a child or by breast feeding. For fear of contagion of HIV, most people do not want to eat, drink, and share utensils or clothes with a person living with HIV/AIDS. A higher proportion of females [OR = 1.5, (95% CI: 1.0, 2.2)], non-literate individuals [OR = 2.3, (95%CI: 1.4, 3.6)], rural residents [OR = 3.8, (95%CI: 2.2, 6.6)], and individuals who had poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS [OR = 2.8, (95%CI: 1.8, 2.2)] were more likely to have high prejudice towards PLHA than respectively males, literates, urban residents and individuals with good knowledge. Exposure to cold air was implicated as a major cause of TB. Literates had a much better knowledge about the cause and methods of transmission and prevention of TB than non-literates. More than half of the individuals (56%) had high prejudice towards a patient with TB. A larger proportion of females [OR = 1.3, (95% CI: 1.0, 1.9)] and non-literate individuals [OR = 1.4, (95% CI: 1.1, 2.0)] had high prejudice towards patients with TB than males and literate individuals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TB/HIV control programs in collaboration with other partners should invest more in social mobilization and education of the communities to rectify the widespread prejudice and misconceptions.</p

    Health Related Quality of Life among Patients with Tuberculosis and HIV in Thailand

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    INTRODUCTION: Health utilities of tuberculosis (TB) patients may be diminished by side effects from medication, prolonged treatment duration, physical effects of the disease itself, and social stigma attached to the disease. METHODS: We collected health utility data from Thai patients who were on TB treatment or had been successfully treated for TB for the purpose of economic modeling. Structured questionnaire and EuroQol (EQ-5D) and EuroQol visual analog scale (EQ-VAS) instruments were used as data collection tools. We compared utility of patients with two co-morbidities calculated using multiplicative model (U(CAL)) with the direct measures and fitted Tobit regression models to examine factors predictive of health utility and to assess difference in health utilities of patients in various medical conditions. RESULTS: Of 222 patients analyzed, 138 (62%) were male; median age at enrollment was 40 years (interquartile range [IQR], 35-47). Median monthly household income was 6,000 Baht (187 US;IQR,4,00015,000Baht[125469US; IQR, 4,000-15,000 Baht [125-469 US]). Concordance correlation coefficient between utilities measured using EQ-5D and EQ-VAS (U(EQ-5D) and U(VAS), respectively) was 0.6. U(CAL) for HIV-infected TB patients was statistically different from the measured U(EQ-5D) (p-value<0.01) and U(VAS) (p-value<0.01). In tobit regression analysis, factors independently predictive of U(EQ-5D) included age and monthly household income. Patients aged ≥40 years old rated U(EQ-5D) significantly lower than younger persons. Higher U(EQ-5D) was significantly associated with higher monthly household income in a dose response fashion. The median U(EQ-5D) was highest among patients who had been successfully treated for TB and lowest among multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) patients who were on treatment. CONCLUSIONS: U(CAL) of patients with two co-morbidities overestimated the measured utilities, warranting further research of how best to estimate utilities of patients with such conditions. TB and MDR-TB treatments impacted on patients' self perceived health status. This effect diminished after successful treatment

    Factors Associated with Adherence to Treatment with Isoniazid for the Prevention of Tuberculosis amongst People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Data

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    Objective To systematically identify from qualitative data in the published literature the main barriers to adherence to isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for tuberculosis (TB) among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Methods We searched ten data sources, including MEDLINE and EMBASE for articles published in peer-reviewed journals from inception through to December 2011 for evidence relevant to IPT for TB in relation to PLWHA. Studies were assessed for quality using the CASP critical appraisal tool for qualitative studies. Data extracted from studies were then analysed thematically using thematic synthesis. Results Eight studies, two of which were conducted within the same clinical trial, met the inclusion criteria. In addition to the influence of personal characteristics, five overarching themes were identified: Individual personal beliefs; HIV treatment and related issues; Socio-economic factors; Family and other social support factors, and Relationships with health providers. The review confirms current understanding of adherence to treatment as influenced by patients' understanding of, and beliefs related to treatment regimens. This is in-turn influenced by broader factors, namely: socio-economic factors such as poverty and lack of health facilities; the level of support available to patients from family and other networks and the stigma that emanates from these relationships; and relationships with health providers, which in-turn become a delicate issue given the sensitivity of dealing with two chronic diseases of significant morbidity and mortality toll. HIV treatment related issues also influence adherence to IPT, whereby challenges related to the acceptance, organisation and administration of these two long-term treatment regimens and stigma related to HIV/AIDS, are seen to be major factors. Conclusion Understanding this complex interplay of factors more clearly is essential for healthcare decision-makers to be able to achieve the level of adherence required to effectively mitigate the threat posed by co-infection with TB and HIV/AIDS in developing countries

    Cost-effectiveness of different strategies for tuberculosis control programs in Thailand

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    Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different tuberculosis control strategies in Thailand. Methods: Different tuberculosis control strategies, which included health-worker, community-member, and family-member directly observed treatment (DOT) and a mobile phone "contact- reminder" system, were compared with self-administered treatment (SAT). Cost-effectiveness analysis was undertaken by using a decision tree model. Costs (2005 international dollars [I])werecalculatedonthebasisoftreatmentperiodsandtreatmentoutcomes.Healthoutcomeswereestimatedoverthelifetimeofsmearpositivepulmonarytuberculosispatientsindisabilityadjustedlifeyears(DALYs)avertedonthebasisofThaievidenceontheefficacyoftheselectedstrategies.Results:Costeffectivenessresultsindicatenopreferenceforanystrategy.Theuncertaintyrangessurroundingthehealthbenefitswerewide,includingasizeableprobabilitythatSATcouldleadtomorehealthgainthanDOTstrategies.ThehealthgainforfamilymemberDOTwas9400DALYs(95]) were calculated on the basis of treatment periods and treatment outcomes. Health outcomes were estimated over the lifetime of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted on the basis of Thai evidence on the efficacy of the selected strategies. Results: Cost-effectiveness results indicate no preference for any strategy. The uncertainty ranges surrounding the health benefits were wide, including a sizeable probability that SAT could lead to more health gain than DOT strategies. The health gain for family-member DOT was 9400 DALYs (95% uncertainty interval -7200 to 25,000), for community-member DOT was 13,000 DALYs (95% uncertainty interval -21,000 to 37,000), and for health-worker DOT was 7900 DALYs (95% uncertainty interval -50,000 to 43,000). There were cost savings (from less multi-drug resistant tuberculosis treatment) associated with family-member DOT (-I9 million [95% uncertainty interval -I12milliontoI12 million to -I5 million]) because the trial treatment failure rate was significantly lower than that for SAT. The mobile phone reminder system was not cost-effective, because the mortality rate associated with it was much higher than that associated with other treatment strategies. Conclusions: Because of the large uncertainty intervals around health gain for DOT strategies, it remains inconclusive whether DOT strategies are more cost-effective than SAT. It is evident, however, that family-member DOT is a cost-saving intervention

    Characterization of the antioxidant enzyme, thioredoxin peroxidase, from the carcinogenic human liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini

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    The human liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini, induces inflammation of the hepatobiliary system. Despite being constantly exposed to inimical oxygen radicals released from inflammatory cells, the parasite survives for many years. The mechanisms by which it avoids oxidative damage are unknown. In this study, thioredoxin peroxidase (TPx), a member of the peroxiredoxin superfamily, was cloned from an O. viverrini cDNA library. O. viverrini TPx cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 212 amino acid residues, of molecular mass 23.57 kDa. The putative amino acid sequence shared 60–70% identity with TPXs from other helminths and from mammals, and phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between TPxs from O. viverrini and other trematodes. Recombinant O. viverrini TPx was expressed as soluble protein in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein dimerized, and its antioxidant activity was deduced by observing protection of nicking of supercoiled plasmid DNA by hydroxyl radicals. Antiserum raised against O. viverrini TPx recognized native proteins from egg, metacercaria and adult developmental stages of the liver fluke and excretory–secretory products released by adult O. viverrini. Immunolocalization studies revealed ubiquitous expression of TPx in O. viverrini organs and tissues. TPx was also detected in bile fluid and bile duct epithelial cells surrounding the flukes 2 weeks after infection of hamsters with O. viverrini. In addition, TPx was observed in the secondary (small) bile ducts where flukes cannot reach due to their large size. These results suggested that O. viverrini TPx plays a significant role in protecting the parasite against damage induced by reactive oxygen species from inflammation