2,289 research outputs found

    Pacific bonito management information document

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    Management of Pacific bonito in California is examined in this Management Information Document by a State-Federal team of scientists. Abundance of Pacific bonito in southern California has fallen dramatically between the 1963-1969 period and the 1974-1977 period. Since 1976 the commercia1 fleet has found few large fish in southern California, and has caught fish in the size range of 15 to 57 cm (1.2 to 4.7 pounds). This fact, coupled with the low abundance indices, point out the need for a more active management regime. To develop management measures for the California bonito fishery both a surplus yield analysis and a yield-per-recruit analysis were performed. A maximum sustained yield of 10,000 short tons was estimated for the fishery in southern California, while the whole fishery, including Baja California, has an estimated MSY of 13,000 tons. In order to achieve this level of catch, however, the stock abundance must be increased by a factor of five. Yield-per-recruit considerations suggest that a minimum size limit in the commercial fishery has two important effects. A three-pound size limit could result in a slight increase in yield-per-recruit. If the size limit is increased to 5 or 7.5 lbs, the yield-per-recruit would fall significantly. Offsetting the effect on yield-per-recruit, however, would be a substantial increase in average amount of spawning per recruit which should result in a proportional increase in recruitment. With the current depressed stock abundance both a reduced annual take and a minimum size limit on commercial catch would confer substantial benefits in the form of an increase in the future stock size. After considering seven different types of management measures, the team finds that three types -- an annual commercial catch quota, a commercial size limit, and a recreational bag limit -- appear desirable. Re-establishment of the stock in southern California was the major consideration in this evaluation because the stock is currently depressed. All segments of the fishery will benefit from a more abundant resource. The difficult issues for policy, however, concern the rate of rebuilding, the degree of risk that is acceptable, and the distribution of benefits among user groups. By judicious choice among the options discussed here, a variety of positions can be established with respect to these issues. The greater the size limit, for instance, the more benefit is provided the recreational sector while difficulties are imposed upon commercial fishermen. The higher the quotas adopted, the slower the stock rebuilding and the greater the risk of continued stock depletion. A final reconciliation of the management options involves social, political and legal considerations which must be thoroughly incorporated by decision-makers before adoption of a management plan. (93pp.

    A 16-channel Digital TDC Chip with internal buffering and selective readout for the DIRC Cherenkov counter of the BABAR experiment

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    A 16-channel digital TDC chip has been built for the DIRC Cherenkov counter of the BaBar experiment at the SLAC B-factory (Stanford, USA). The binning is 0.5 ns, the conversion time 32 ns and the full-scale 32 mus. The data driven architecture integrates channel buffering and selective readout of data falling within a programmable time window. The time measuring scale is constantly locked to the phase of the (external) clock. The linearity is better than 80 ps rms. The dead time loss is less than 0.1% for incoherent random input at a rate of 100 khz on each channel. At such a rate the power dissipation is less than 100 mw. The die size is 36 mm2.Comment: Latex, 18 pages, 13 figures (14 .eps files), submitted to NIM

    Direct visualization of G-quadruplexes in DNA using atomic force microscopy

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    The formation of G-quadruplexes in G-rich regions of DNA is believed to affect DNA transcription and replication. However, it is currently unclear how this formation occurs in the presence of a complementary strand. We have used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to image stable RNA/DNA hybrid loops generated by transcription of the plasmid pPH600, which contains a 604-bp fragment of the murine immunoglobulin Sγ3 switch region. We show that the non-RNA-containing portion folds into G-quadruplexes, consistent with computational predictions. We also show that hybrid formation prevents further transcription from occurring, implying a regulatory role. After in vitro transcription, almost all (93%) of the plasmids had an asymmetric loop, a large asymmetric blob or a spur-like projection at the appropriate position on the DNA contour. The loops disappeared following treatment of the transcribed plasmid with RNase H, which removes mRNA hybridized with the template strand. Replacement of K+ in the transcription buffer with either Na+ or Li+ caused a reduction in the percentage of plasmids containing loops, blobs or spurs, consistent with the known effects of monovalent cations on G-quadruplex stability. The minimal sample preparation required for AFM imaging has permitted direct observation of the structural changes resulting from G-quadruplex formation

    Viscous free-surface flows past cylinders

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    Liquid rocket engine axial-flow turbopumps

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    The axial pump is considered in terms of the total turbopump assembly. Stage hydrodynamic design, pump rotor assembly, pump materials for liquid hydrogen applications, and safety factors as utilized in state of the art pumps are among the topics discussed. Axial pump applications are included

    On a strong form of Oliver’s p-group conjecture.

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    We introduce a stronger and more tractable form of Olivers p-group conjecture, and derive a reformulation in terms of the modular representation theory of a quotient group. The Sylow p-subgroups of the symmetric group Sn and of the general linear group satisfy both the strong conjecture and its reformulation

    Performance of J33 turbojet engine with shaft-power extraction III : turbine performance

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    The performance of the turbine component of a J33 turbojet engine was determined over a range of turbine speeds from 8000 to 11,500 rpm.Turbine-inlet temperature was varied from the minimum required to drive the compressor to a maximum of approximately 2000 degrees R at each of several intermediate turbine speeds. Data are presented that show the horsepower developed by the turbine per pound of gas flow. The relation between turbine-inlet stagnation pressure, turbine-outlet stagnation pressure, and turbine-outlet static pressure was established. The turbine-weight-flow parameter varied from 39.2 to 43.6. The maximum turbine efficiency measured was 0.86 at a pressure ratio of 3.5 and a ratio of blade speed to theoretical nozzle velocity of 0.39. A generalized performance map of the turbine-horsepower parameter plotted against the turbine-speed parameter indicated that the best turbine efficiency is obtained when the turbine power is 10 percent greater than the compressor horsepower. The variation of efficiency with the ratio of blade speed to nozzle velocity indicated that the turbine operates at a speed above that for maximum efficiency when the engine is operated normally with the 19-inch-diameter jet nozzle

    On gravity currents driven by constant fluxes of saline and particle-laden fluid in the presence of a uniform flow

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    Experiments are reported on the sustained release of saline and particle-laden fluid\ud into a long, but relatively narrow, flume, filled with fresh water. The dense fluid rapidly\ud spread across the flume and flowed away from the source: the motion was then essentially\ud two-dimensional. In the absence of a background flow in the flume, the motion\ud was symmetric, away from the source. However, in the presence of a background\ud flow the upstream speed of propagation was slowed and the downstream speed was\ud increased. Measurements of this motion are reported and, when the excess density was\ud due to the presence of suspended sediment, the distribution of the deposited particles\ud was also determined. Alongside this experimental programme, new theoretical models\ud of the motion were developed. These were based upon multi-layered depth-averaged\ud shallow-water equations, in which the interfacial drag and mixing processes were\ud explicitly modelled. While the early stages of the motion are independent of these\ud interfacial phenomena to leading order, they play an increasingly important dynamical\ud role as the the flow is slowed, or even arrested. In addition a new integral model is\ud proposed. This does not resolve the interior dynamics of the flow, but may be readily\ud integrated and obviates the need for more lengthy numerical calculations. It is shown\ud that the predictions from both the shallow-layer and integral models are in close\ud agreement with the experimental observations