592 research outputs found

    Solar wind helium enhancements following major solar flares

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    The observations of solar wind helium enhancements following major solar flares are reviewed, and the hypothesis that helium enhancements often mark flare piston plasma is confirmed. Helium enhancements were observed during each of the three periods (March 1966, July 1966, August/September 1966) of major solar activity that occurred from October 1965 to October 1966. No enhancements were seen during the long quiet periods that occurred that year. At 1 AU, the helium-enhanced plasma pistons had slowed so that the velocity was 80 percent of the mean transit velocity, in general agreement with theoretical models of the propagation of flare disturbances. A qualitative model, in which the piston plasma is accelerated from the flare site deep in the corona, is discussed briefly. If the model is valid in general outline, the piston plasmas provide samples of material from the lower levels of the corona

    Note on models of the propagation of solar flare plasma through interplanetary space

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    Theoretical treatment of propagation of solar flare disturbance in interplanetary spac

    The solar cycle variation of the solar wind helium abundance

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    A critical survey was made of the experimental evidence for a variation of the relative abundance by number h, (n alpha/np), of helium in the solar wind. The abundance is found to vary by delta h = 0.01 + or - 0.01 from 0.035 to 0.045 over solar cycle 20. Changes in the average bulk speed during the solar activity cycle was insufficient to account for this increase in h with the solar cycle. The slope of the linear relation between h and the plasma bulk speed is also found to vary, being greatest around solar maximum. An attempt is made to explain the 30% variation in h as the result of the variation in the number of major solar flares over a solar cycle. These obvious transients are apparently not numerous enough to explain the observed variation, but the reasonable expectation remains that the transients observed recently by Skylab which may occur more frequently than major flares could augment those associated with major flares. Since the solar wind flux is not observed to increase at solar maximum, the abundance of Helium cannot be proportional to the proton flux leaving the sun unless the solar wind comes from a smaller area of the sun at maximum than at minimum

    Clinical Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta and Clinicopathological Outcomes

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    Objective To investigate the association between the intraoperative diagnosis of placenta accreta at the time of cesarean hysterectomy and pathological diagnosis. Study Design This is a retrospective cohort study of all patients undergoing cesarean hysterectomy for suspected placenta accreta from 2000 to 2016 at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. The primary outcome was the presence of invasive placentation on the pathology report. We estimated predictive characteristics of clinical diagnosis of placenta accreta using pathological diagnosis as the correct diagnosis. Results There were 50 cesarean hysterectomies performed for suspected abnormal placentation from 2000 to 2016. Of these, 34 (68%) had a diagnosis of accreta preoperatively and 16 (32%) were diagnosed intraoperatively at the time of cesarean delivery. Two patients had no pathological evidence of invasion, corresponding to a false-positive rate of 4% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.5%, 13.8%) and a positive predictive value of 96% (95% CI: 86.3%, 99.5%). There were no differences in complications among patients diagnosed intraoperatively compared with those diagnosed preoperatively. Conclusion Most patients undergoing cesarean hysterectomy for placenta accreta do have this diagnosis confirmed on pathology. However, since the diagnosis of placenta accreta was made intraoperatively in nearly a third of cesarean hysterectomies, intraoperative vigilance is required as the need for cesarean hysterectomy may not be anticipated preoperatively

    Rokhlin Dimension for Flows

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    This research was supported by GIF Grant 1137/2011, SFB 878 Groups, Geometry and Actions and ERC Grant No. 267079. Part of the research was conducted at the Fields institute during the 2014 thematic program on abstract harmonic analysis, Banach and operator algebras, and at the Mittag–Leffler institute during the 2016 program on Classification of Operator Algebras: Complexity, Rigidity, and Dynamics.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Lung adenocarcinoma presenting as a solitary gingival metastasis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Gingival metastases are very rare and generally occur in disseminated tumors. We report a case of solitary gingival metastasis of lung cancer.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 74-year-old asymptomatic Caucasian woman affected by a rapidly growing, painless gingival swelling. Histopathologic examination of the excisional biopsy showed metastasis of poorly differentiated thyroid transcription factor 1-positive adenocarcinoma. A total-body computed tomographic scan revealed a tumor of the right lung lower lobe with ipsilateral, mediastinal lymph node swelling. Moreover, bone scintigraphy revealed no bone metastases. No other metastases were found, so we planned a multi-modal therapeutic approach with a curative intent. However, the tumor proved to be intrinsically resistant and highly aggressive.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presentation of solitary gingival metastasis is exceptional. In view of its rapid clinical evolution, our case confirms that gingival metastasis is an important prognostic factor. This behavior raises the question whether the poor prognosis for patients with tumors with oral metastases depends on its diffuse spread or on its highly malignant nature.</p

    Appealing avatars from 3D body scans: Perceptual effects of stylization

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    Advances in 3D scanning technology allow us to create realistic virtual avatars from full body 3D scan data. However, negative reactions to some realistic computer generated humans suggest that this approach might not always provide the most appealing results. Using styles derived from existing popular character designs, we present a novel automatic stylization technique for body shape and colour information based on a statistical 3D model of human bodies. We investigate whether such stylized body shapes result in increased perceived appeal with two different experiments: One focuses on body shape alone, the other investigates the additional role of surface colour and lighting. Our results consistently show that the most appealing avatar is a partially stylized one. Importantly, avatars with high stylization or no stylization at all were rated to have the least appeal. The inclusion of colour information and improvements to render quality had no significant effect on the overall perceived appeal of the avatars, and we observe that the body shape primarily drives the change in appeal ratings. For body scans with colour information, we found that a partially stylized avatar was most effective, increasing average appeal ratings by approximately 34%

    Association of left ventricular longitudinal strain with central venous oxygen saturation and serum lactate in patients with early severe sepsis and septic shock

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    Syftet med denna studie Àr att synliggöra pedagogers syn pÄ förÀldrasamverkan i förskolan. Vi har Àven intresserat oss pÄ samverkan mellan pedagogerna och förÀldrar med annat modersmÄl Àn svenska. VÄr studie grundar sig pÄ observationer kring bemötande av förÀldrar pÄ förskolan. Vi undersökte hur pedagogerna sÄg pÄ förÀldrasamverkan och hur de arbetar kring samverkan med förÀldrar, för att kunna fÄ en bredare syn i vÄr studie om hur samverkan fungerar pÄ de aktuella förskolorna. Som metod anvÀnde vi kvalitativ intervju dÄ detta lÀmpade sig vÀl för oss för att vi skulle kunna fÄ en bredare syn om hur samverkan fungerar pÄ de aktuella förskolorna. Intervjuer ger mer exakta svar och det underlÀttar för oss som intervjuar att stÀlla följdfrÄgor. Resultatet visar att samverkan med förÀldrar har ökat i förskolan och blivit en stor del av verksamheten. Pedagogerna försöker engagera sig mycket i arbetet med förÀldrasamverkan och letar efter möjligheter för att skapa en bra kommunikation med förÀldrar som har annat modersmÄl Àn svenska. Resultaten visar Àven att pedagogerna menar att oavsett om förÀldrarna behÀrskar det svenska sprÄket eller inte sÄ anstrÀnger de sig för att visa förÀldrarna att de Àr viktiga i verksamheten
