176 research outputs found

    The Emotional and Political Power of Images of Suffering: Discursive Psychology and the Study of Visual Rhetoric

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    Drawing on insights from discursive and rhetorical approaches in psychology, the chapter examines responses to the publication of the photographs of the body of Alan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian refugee who drowned off the coast of Turkey in 2015. The chapter considers how and why the images were constructed as inherently ‘moving’, and as possessing the power to elicit emotions, and affect the audience on a ‘visceral’ level. It also looks at how accounts of (and for) emotional reactions to the images were deployed rhetorically to manage accountability associated with viewing, and sharing, images of a dead child. Through the examination of the Kurdi images the chapter also considers the possibility of a psychologically-informed approach to visual rhetoric, one that offers a better understanding of how and why certain images (but not others) are constituted as topics of humanitarian concern, and a source of emotional and political investment

    Stromal Fibroblasts in Digestive Cancer

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    The normal gastrointestinal stroma consists of extra-cellular matrix and a community of stromal cells including fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, pericytes, endothelium and inflammatory cells. α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) positive stromal fibroblasts, often referred to as myofibroblasts or activated fibroblasts, are critical in the development of digestive cancer and help to create an environment that is permissive of tumor growth, angiogenesis and invasion. This review focusses on the contribution of activated fibroblasts in carcinogenesis and where possible directly applies this to, and draws on examples from, gastrointestinal cancer. In particular, the review expands on the definition, types and origins of activated fibroblasts. It examines the molecular biology of stromal fibroblasts and their contribution to the peritumoral microenvironment and concludes by exploring some of the potential clinical applications of this exciting branch of cancer research. Understanding the origin and biology of activated fibroblasts will help in the development of an integrated epithelial-stromal sequence to cancer that will ultimately inform cancer pathogenesis, natural history and future therapeutics

    A Synthesis of Tagging Studies Examining the Behaviour and Survival of Anadromous Salmonids in Marine Environments

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    This paper synthesizes tagging studies to highlight the current state of knowledge concerning the behaviour and survival of anadromous salmonids in the marine environment. Scientific literature was reviewed to quantify the number and type of studies that have investigated behaviour and survival of anadromous forms of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii). We examined three categories of tags including electronic (e.g. acoustic, radio, archival), passive (e.g. external marks, Carlin, coded wire, passive integrated transponder [PIT]), and biological (e.g. otolith, genetic, scale, parasites). Based on 207 papers, survival rates and behaviour in marine environments were found to be extremely variable spatially and temporally, with some of the most influential factors being temperature, population, physiological state, and fish size. Salmonids at all life stages were consistently found to swim at an average speed of approximately one body length per second, which likely corresponds with the speed at which transport costs are minimal. We found that there is relatively little research conducted on open-ocean migrating salmonids, and some species (e.g. masu [O. masou] and amago [O. rhodurus]) are underrepresented in the literature. The most common forms of tagging used across life stages were various forms of external tags, coded wire tags, and acoustic tags, however, the majority of studies did not measure tagging/handling effects on the fish, tag loss/failure, or tag detection probabilities when estimating survival. Through the interdisciplinary application of existing and novel technologies, future research examining the behaviour and survival of anadromous salmonids could incorporate important drivers such as oceanography, tagging/handling effects, predation, and physiology

    Bem-morar em São Paulo, 1880-1910: Ramos de Azevedo e os modelos europeus

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    Domestic architecture achieves a great impulse in the second half of XIXth-century. From Europe to the whole world, models are conformed to the new social order and spread as industrialization takes command. Dwelling becomes the main concern among architects. New concepts are developed for the ideal house for 011 social strata: working class, middle-class, bourgeoisie. This essay traces the introduction in São Paulo of European formal patterns and principies Ihygiene, salubrity, comfort, social and domestic rites, social visibility) through the activity of F. P. Ramos de Azevedo! 1851-19281. The main projects he conceived for the local bourgeoisie are analysed.A arquitetura doméstica tem um grande impulso no século XIX. Da Europa são difundidos, para todo mundo, os modelos conformados à nova ordem social e à industrialização. A residência se transforma numa preocupação central dos arquitetos. Desenvolvem-se novos conceitos para casa ideal para todas as camadas sociais: operários, classe média, burguesia. Este artigo retrata, em São Paulo, a introdução de padrões formais e princípios (de higiene, salubridade, conforto, ritos sociais e domésticos, as aparências). a partir da atividade de F. P. Ramos de Azevedo (1851-19201. Analisam-se os principais projetos que ele desenvolveu para a burguesia local