57 research outputs found

    Film lessons: early cinema for historians of science

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    Despite much excellent work over the years, the vast history of scientific filmmaking is still largely unknown. Historians of science have long been concerned with visual culture, communication and the public sphere on the one hand, and with expertise, knowledge production and experimental practice on the other. Scientists, we know, drew pictures, took photographs and made three-dimensional models. Rather like models, films could not be printed in journals until the digital era, and this limited their usefulness as evidence. But that did not stop researchers from making movies for projection at conferences as well as in lecture halls, museums and other public venues, not to mention for breaking down into individual frames for analysis. Historians of science are more likely to be found in the library, archive or museum than the darkened screening room, and much work is still needed to demonstrate the major effects of cinema on scientific knowledge. Film may have taken as long to change science as other areas of social life, but one can begin to glimpse important ways in which 'image machines' (cameras, projectors and the like) were beginning to mediate between backstage experimental work and more public demonstration even around 1900.I thank the Wellcome Trust (106553) for support

    ‘A machine for recreating life’: an introduction to reproduction on film

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    Reproduction is one of the most persistently generative themes in the history of science and cinema. Cabbage fairies, clones and monstrous creations have fascinated film- makers and audiences for more than a century. Today we have grown accustomed not only to the once controversial portrayals of sperm, eggs and embryos in biology and medicine, but also to the artificial wombs and dystopian futures of science fiction and fantasy. Yet, while scholars have examined key films and genres, especially in response to the recent cycle of Hollywood ‘mom coms’, the analytic potential of reproduction on film as a larger theme remains largely untapped. This introduction to a special issue aims to consolidate a disparate literature by exploring diverse strands of film studies that are rarely considered in the same frame. It traces the contours of a little-studied history, pauses to consider in greater detail a few particularly instructive examples, and underscores some promising lines of inquiry. Along the way, it introduces the six original articles that constitute ‘Reproduction on Film’.Funding for the Open Access charge was provided by the Wellcome Trust

    Experimental evidence for competitive N-O and O-C bond homolysis in gas-phase alkoxyamines

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    The extensive use of alkoxyamines in controlled radical polymerisation and polymer stabilisation is based on rapid cycling between the alkoxyamine (R1R2NO-R3) and a stable nitroxyl radical (R1R2NO•) via homolysis of the labile O-C bond. Competing homolysis of the alkoxyamine N-O bond has been predicted to occur for some substituents leading to production of aminyl and alkoxyl radicals. This intrinsic competition between the O-C and N-O bond homolysis processes has to this point been difficult to probe experimentally. Herein we examine the effect of local molecular structure on the competition between N-O and O-C bond cleavage in the gas phase by variable energy tandem mass spectrometry in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. A suite of cyclic alkoxyamines with remote carboxylic acid moieties (HOOC-R1R2NO-R3) were synthesised and subjected to negative ion electrospray ionisation to yield [M − H]− anions where the charge is remote from the alkoxyamine moiety. Collision-induced dissociation of these anions yield product ions resulting, almost exclusively, from homolysis of O-C and/or N-O bonds. The relative efficacy of N-O and O-C bond homolysis was examined for alkoxyamines incorporating different R3 substituents by varying the potential difference applied to the collision cell, and comparing dissociation thresholds of each product ion channel. For most R3 substituents, product ions from homolysis of the O-C bond are observed and product ions resulting from cleavage of the N-O bond are minor or absent. A limited number of examples were encountered however, where N-O homolysis is a competitive dissociation pathway because the O-C bond is stabilised by adjacent heteroatom(s) (e.g. R3 = CH2F). The dissociation threshold energies were compared for different alkoxyamine substituents (R3) and the relative ordering of these experimentally determined energies is shown to correlate with the bond dissociation free energies, calculated by ab initio methods. Understanding the structure-dependent relationship between these rival processes will assist in the design and selection of alkoxyamine motifs that selectively promote the desirable O-C homolysis pathway

    Личностные составляющие успешной профессиональной деятельности тренера как управленца

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    В дослідженні встановлено, що виконання управлінських функцій та підвищення ефективності професійної діяльності тренера знаходиться в залежності від такої складової його особистості як організованість. Отримані дані про складові та провідні особистісні детермінанти, що визначають необхідний рівень організованості тренера для виконання завдань управлінської діяльності.The study found that the performance of administrative functions and efficiency of the professional coach is dependent on this part of his personality as an personal organization. The data on the components and leading personality determinants that determine the level of organization needed a coach to perform management tasks. It was determined the importance rank of components coach organization: regulatory (1), productive communication (2), dynamic (3), motivational (4), cognitive (5) and emotional (6). The complex of psychodiagnostic methods, providing improvement of evaluation system of personal organization coach, and his guidance and selection and training were grounded. It was revealed that personal organization of sports coach as manager depends on the personality traits that have two levels of significance: invariant core formed of a combination of qualities that are necessary for efficient operation; personality traits, which are sufficient for effective action. Leading determinants of personal organization of coach provides the following features: setting and achieving goals and objectives of professional activity ; identification of the best options considering available resources; act confidently and convincingly; establish an effective monitoring system in a sports team; confidently and carefully operate in a changing environment; respond adequately to the risks arising in the process of management. The study proposed the program to improve personal organization of coach as the subject of management. The distinctive feature of the proposed program is to focus on the major determinants of personal organization and interactive tools with the "assertiveness" and "time management", which is adapted to the specific management of the coach. The study provides an opportunity to outline areas for further consideration of the problem of professionally important personal coach's qualities formation to improve the efficiency of solving problems of management.В исследовании установлено, что выполнение управленческих функций и повышение эффективности профессиональной деятельности тренера находится в зависимости от такой составной его личности как организованность. Получены данные о составляющих и ведущих детерминантах, определяющих необходимый уровень организованности тренера для выполнения задач управленческой деятельности

    Relationships between Endogenous Plasma Biomarkers of Constitutive Cytochrome P450 3A Activity and Single-Time-Point Oral Midazolam Microdose Phenotype in Healthy Subjects

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    Due to high basal interindividual variation in cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) activity and susceptibility to drug interactions, there has been interest in the application of efficient probe drug phenotyping strategies, as well as endogenous biomarkers for assessment of in vivo CYP3A activity. The biomarkers 4β-hydroxycholesterol (4βHC) and 6β-hydroxycortisol (6βHCL) are sensitive to CYP3A induction and inhibition. However, their utility for the assessment of constitutive CYP3A activity remains uncertain. We investigated whether endogenous plasma biomarkers (4βHC and 6βHCL) are associated with basal CYP3A metabolic activity in healthy subjects assessed by a convenient single-time-point oral midazolam (MDZ) phenotyping strategy. Plasma 4βHC and 6βHCL metabolic ratios (MRs) were analysed in 51 healthy adult participants. CYP3A activity was determined after administration of an oral MDZ microdose (100 μg). Simple linear and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess relationships between MDZ oral clearance, biomarkers and subject covariates. Among study subjects, basal MDZ oral clearance, 4βHC and 6βHCL MRs ranged 6.5-, 10- and 13-fold, respectively. Participant age and alcohol consumption were negatively associated with MDZ oral clearance (p = 0.03 and p = 0.045, respectively), while weight and female sex were associated with lower plasma 4βHC MR (p = 0.0003 and p = 0.032, respectively). Neither 4βHC nor 6βHCL MRs were associated with MDZ oral clearance. Plasma 4βHC and 6βHCL MRs do not relate to MDZ single-time-point metabolic phenotype in the assessment of constitutive CYP3A activity among healthy individuals

    Сейсмічний експеримент TTZ-South

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    The wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) TTZ-South transect carried out in 2018 crosses the SW region of Ukraine and the SE region of Poland. The TTZ-South profile targeted the structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle of the Trans-European Suture Zone, as well as the southwestern segment of the East European Craton (slope of the Ukrainian Shield). The ~550 km long profile (~230 km in Poland and ~320 km in western Ukraine) is an extension of previously realized projects in Poland, TTZ (1993) and CEL03 (2000). The deep seismic sounding study along the TTZ-South profile using TEXAN and DATA-CUBE seismic stations (320 units) made it possible to obtain high-quality seismic records from eleven shot points (six in Ukraine and five in Poland). This paper presents a smooth P-wave velocity model based on first-arrival travel-time inversion using the FAST (First Arrival Seismic Tomography) code.The obtained image represents a preliminary velocity model which, according to the P-wave velocities, consists of a sedimentary layer and the crystalline crust that could comprise  upper, middle and lower crustal layers. The Moho interface, approximated by the 7.5 km/s isoline, is located at 45—47 km depth in the central part of the profile, shallowing to 40 and 37 km depth in the northern (Radom-Łysogóry Unit, Poland) and southern (Volyno-Podolian Monocline, Ukraine) segments of the profile, respectively. A peculiar feature of the velocity cross-section is a number of high-velocity bodies distinguished in the depth range of 10—35 km. Such high-velocity bodies were detected previously in the crust of the Radom-Łysogóry Unit. These bodies, inferred at depths of 10—35 km, could be allochthonous fragments of what was originally a single mafic body or separate mafic bodies intruded into the crust during the break-up of Rodinia in the Neoproterozoic, which was accompanied by considerable rifting. The manifestations of such magmatism are known in the NE part of the Volyno-Podolian Monocline, where the Vendian trap formation occurs at the surface.Сейсмический профиль TTZ-South с использованием преломленных и отраженных в закритической области преломленных волн, отработанный в 2018 г., пересекает юго-западный район Украины и юго-восточный регион Польши. Профиль TTZ-South был направлен на изучение структуры земной коры и верхней мантии Трансъевропейской шовной зоны (ТЕШЗ) и юго-западного сегмента Восточно-Европейского кратона (склона Украинского щита). Профиль длиной ~550 км (~230 км в Польше и ~320 км на западе Украины) является продолжением ранее реализованных проектов в Польше — профиля TTZ (1993 г.) и CEL03 (2000 г.). Глубинное сейсмическое зондирование по профилю TTZ-South, выполненное с использованием 320 сейсмических станций TEXAN и DATA-CUBE, позволило получить сейсмические записи высокого качества из одиннадцати пунктов взрыва (шесть в Украине и пять в Польше). В данной статье представлена упрощенная Р-скоростная модель, основанная на инверсии времен пробега первых вступлений Р-волн, построенная с использованием программы сейсмической томографии первых вступлений FAST. Полученное изображение представляет собой предварительную скоростную модель, которая состоит из осадочного слоя и кристаллической коры, включающей верхний, средний и нижний ее слои. Поверхность Мохо, аппроксимируемая изолинией 7,5 км/с, расположена на глубине 45—47 км в центральной части профиля, воздымаясь до 40 и 37 км в северной (Радом-Лысогорский блок в Польше) и южной (Волыно-Подольская моноклиналь в Украине) частях профиля соответственно. Особенностью скоростного разреза является ряд высокоскоростных тел, выявленных в диапазоне глубин 10—35 км. Аналогичные высокоскоростные тела ранее были обнаружены в коре Радом-Лысогорского блока. Тела, обнаруженные на глубине 10—35 км, могут быть аллохтонными фрагментами изначально единого массива основных пород или отдельными телами основного состава, внедрившимися в кору в неопротерозое во время раскола суперконтинета Родиния, который сопровождался мощным рифтогенезом. Проявления рифтогенного магматизма известны в северо-восточной части Волыно-Подольской моноклинали, где на поверхность выходят вендские трапы.Сейсмічний профіль TTZ-South з використанням заломлених і відбитих у за критичній зоні заломлених хвиль, відпрацьований у 2018 р., перетинає південно-західний район України і південно-східний регіон Польщі. Профіль TTZ-South був спрямований на вивчення структури земної кори і верхньої мантії Транс'єв ропейської шовної зони (ТЄШЗ) і південно-західного сегмента Східно-Європейського кратона (схила Українського щита). Профіль довжиною ~550 км (~230 км в Польщі і ~320 км на заході України) є продовженням раніше реалізованих проєктів у Польщі — профілю TTZ (1993 р.) і CEL03 (2000 р). Глибинне сейсмічне зондування за профілем TTZ-South, виконане з використанням 320 сейсмічних станцій TEXAN і DATA-CUBE, дало змогу отримати сейсмічні записи високої якості з одинадцяти пунктів вибуху (шість в Україні і п'ять у Польщі). У даній статті представлена спрощена Р-швидкісна модель, що базується на інверсії часів пробігу перших вступів Р-хвиль, побудована з використанням програми сейсмічної томографії перших вступів FAST. Отримане зображення являє собою попередню швидкісну модель, яка складається з осадового шару і кристалічної кори, що включає верхній, середній і нижній її шари. Поверхня Мохо, що апроксимується ізолінією 7,5 км/с, розташована на глибині 45—47 км у центральній частині профілю, здіймається до 40 і 37 км у північній (Радом-Лисогорський блок у Польщі) і південній (Волино-Подільська монокліналь в Україні) частинах профілю відповідно. Особливістю швидкісного розрізу є ряд високошвидкісних тіл, виявлених у діапазоні глибин 10—35 км. Подібні високошвидкісні тіла раніше були виявлені в корі Радом-Лисогірського блоку. Тіла, виявлені на глибині 10—35 км, можуть бути алохтонними фрагментами спочатку єдиного масиву основних порід або окремими тілами основного складу, що впровадилися в кору в неопротерозої під час розколу суперконтінета Родінія, який супроводжувався потужним рифтогенезом. Прояви рифтогенного магматизму відомі в північно-східній частині Волино-Подільської моноклінали, де на поверхню виходять вендські трапи

    Introduction to "Working Across Species"

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    Comparison between different animal species is omnipresent in the history of science and medicine but rarely subject to focussed historical analysis. The articles in the ‘‘Working Across Species’’ topical collection address this deficit by looking directly at the practical and epistemic work of cross-species comparison. Drawn from papers presented at a Wellcome-Trust-funded workshop in 2016, these papers investigate various ways that comparison has been made persuasive and successful, in multiple locations, by diverse disciplines, over the course of two centuries. They explore the many different animal features that have been considered to be (or else made) comparable, and the ways that animals have shaped science and medicine through the use of comparison. Authors demonstrate that comparison between species often transcended the range of practices typically employed with experimental animal models, where standardised practises and apparatus were applied to standardised bodies to produce generalizable, objective data; instead, comparison across species has often engaged diverse groups of nonstandard species, made use of subjective inferences about phenomena that cannot be directly observed, and inspired analogies that linked physiological and behavioural characteristics with the apparent affective state of non-human animals. Moreover, such comparative practices have also provided unusually fruitful opportunities for collaborative connections between different research traditions and disciplines

    Aerosolized Delivery of Antifungal Agents

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    Pulmonary infections caused by Aspergillus species are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. Although the treatment of pulmonary fungal infections requires the use of systemic agents, aerosolized delivery is an attractive option in prevention because the drug can concentrate locally at the site of infection with minimal systemic exposure. Current clinical evidence for the use of aerosolized delivery in preventing fungal infections is limited to amphotericin B products, although itraconazole, voriconazole, and caspofungin are under investigation. Based on conflicting results from clinical trials that evaluated various amphotericin B formulations, the routine use of aerosolized delivery cannot be recommended. Further research with well-designed clinical trials is necessary to elucidate the therapeutic role and risks associated with aerosolized delivery of antifungal agents. This article provides an overview of aerosolized delivery systems, the intrapulmonary pharmacokinetic properties of aerosolized antifungal agents, and key findings from clinical studies