457 research outputs found

    Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas diafisarias de tibia en adultos

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    Se ha revisado la evolución y los resultados finales de 148 fracturas diafisarias de tibia cerradas (94 casos) y abiertas (54 casos) tratadas de forma conservadora. Las etiologías más frecuentes fueron los accidentes de tráfico (58%) y las caídas casuales (33%). Se constató un predominio de las fracturas espiroideas (26%), seguidas de las transversas (22%) y oblicuas cortas (22%), siendo la loralización más frecuente a nivel del tercio distal de la diálisis (48%). El período de consolidación medio fue de 15 semanas; la consolidación fue precoz en 36 casos (24%), normal en 88 (59%) y retardada en 24 (16%), observándose la presencia de pseudoartrosis en 10 pacientes (7%). Los resultados clínicos fueron satisfactorios en el 84% de los casos y los radiológicos en el 88%.The follow-up and final results of 148 diaphyseal tibial fractures (54 open and 94 closed) treated conservatively were reviewed. The most frequent causes were road traffic accident (58%) and casual falls (33%). We found predominantly spiroid fractures (26%), transverse fractures (22%) and oblicues fractures (22%). The most frequent location was the distal third of the diaphysis (48%). The average period of consolidation was 15 weeks. This was shorter in 6 cases (24%), normal in 88 (59%) and prolonged in 24 (16%). Pseudoarthrosis was present in 10 patients (7%). The results were satisfactory clinically in 84% of cases and radiologically in 88% of patients

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas de meseta tibial: Estudio de 53 casos

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    Se han revisado 53 fracturas de meseta tibial tratadas quirúrgicamente con reducción abierta y síntesis según el método AO. El seguimiento medio de los pacientes fue de 14 meses (mínimo, 12 meses). Según la clasificación de Schatzker y colaboradores las fracturas se distribuyeron en cinco casos tipo I, tres tipo II, veinticuatro tipo III, seis tipo IV, ocho tipo V y siete tipo VI. En función de la valoración clínica se obtuvo un 76% de resultados satisfactorios. No se encontró relación entre resultado y tipo de fractura, tipo de osteosíntesis o periodo de inmovilización; pero sí con el grado de reducción conseguido. Los peores resultados se obtuvieron en pacientes con fractura de platillo tibial externo o de ambos platillos con inclinación tardía mayor de 4 mm.A review of 53 fractures of the tibial plateau treated with open reduction and internal fixation is presented. The average follow-up was 14 months. Attending to Schatzker's classification, we found 5 fractures type I, 3 type II, 24 type III, 6 type IV, 8 type V and 7 type VI. The results were excellent or good in 76%. In our study, results do not correlate with type of fracture, type of internal fixation or period of immobilization, but do with the articular step-off. The results deteriorated when the step-off was more than 3 mm

    Técnica de Ender y tornillo-placa deslizante a compresión en el tratamiento de las fracturas trocantéreas

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    Se realizó un estudio comparativo de 195 fracturas troncantéreas del fémur tratadas quirúrgicamente de las que 112 lo fueron mediante enclavado endomedular de Ender y 83 mediante tornillo-placa deslizante a compresión (TPDC). No encontramos diferencias significativas de las pérdidas sanguíneas entre las dos técnicas. El TPDC presentó mejores resultados funcionales salvo en pacientes mayores de 80 años en que son similares ambas técnicas. El enclavado Ender presentó mayor número de complicaciones mecánicas y reintervenciones.A comparative study on 195 throchanttric hip fractures treated Esther by Ender's mailing (112 cases) and slidding screw-plate (83 cases) were performed. There were no statistically significant differences between the two techniques regarding blood loosening. The slidding screw-plate showed better functional results, except in cases over 80 years old where both techniques were found to be similar. Ender's nailing disclosed a higher number of mechanical and reoperations

    Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer) from Spanish Bottom Trawl Survey 2008 in NAFO Div. 3LNO

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography carried out in 2008 two bottom trawl surveys in the NAFO Regulatory Area in Division 3NO and 3L during the months of June, July and August respectively. The results on Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) are presented and compared with those from previous surveys from the same series. In 2008 the catch (24.2 kg) and estimated biomass (143.8 t) confirm the decrease of shrimp importance from 2004 in 3NO. In 3L Division, northern shrimp indices show a general increasing trend a long the whole period. Estimated biomass increased from 2003-2006; then, the values of these indices declined in 2007 (about 10%) and increased again in 2008 (149 265 t). Catch results from the surveys and data analysis are discussed in this paper

    Filter optimization and complexity reduction for video coding using graph-based transforms

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    The basis functions of lifting transform on graphs are completely determined by finding a bipartition of the graph and defining the prediction and update filters to be used. In this work we consider the design of prediction filters that minimize the quadratic prediction error and therefore the energy of the detail coefficients, which will give rise to higher energy compaction. Then, to determine the graph bipartition, we propose a distributed maximum-cut algorithm that significantly reduces the computational cost with respect to the centralized version used in our previous work. The proposed techniques show improvements in coding performance and computational cost as compared to our previous work.This work was supported in part by NSF under grant CCF-1018977Publicad

    “Who Cares?”: the acceptance of decentralized wastewater systems in regions without water problems

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    There is a growing interest in decentralized wastewater treatment systems, especially in regions with water scarcity problems or water management issues. This study aims to determine whether the perceived advantages and disadvantages (leading to acceptance) of decentralized wastewater plants in such regions are the same in regions where the population is not aware of these water issues. Firstly, this study systematically reviews previous findings on public perceptions of the acceptance of decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Then, the study details the results of a focus group study to determine whether the elements identified in the literature are also relevant in a region where people are unaware of water problems. The results show that a lack of awareness of water issues seems to be a critical factor influencing acceptance. Reframing the usefulness of these systems by focusing on other aspects, such as environmental sustainability, is key.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Testing common knowledge: are Northern Europeans and millennials more concerned about the environment?

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    This study explores whether there are differences in several environmental dimensions, when the European Region and Generation cohort are considered. In doing so, this study compares millennials in North and South Europe with members of Generation X in three environmental dimensions: attitudes, personal norms, and behavior. Using data from the European Social Survey (n = 6.216), the researchers tested the hypothesis that Northern Europeans and millennials have more pro-environmental standing than southerners and Generation Xers. The findings challenge the common belief that millennials are more committed to being environmentally conscious, showing that many millennials do not feel responsible for their climate footprint, nor do they behave in a way that shows more concern than previous generations to improve their environmental performance. Furthermore, contrary to expectations, Northern European participants are not the most committed, in all environmental dimensions, compared to Southern Europeans.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functional differences found in the elderly living in the community

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    Introduction: Successful aging lies in cognitive and functional maintenance, and in the optimal performance of daily tasks that keep the elderly free of disability and dependence. However, there is little evidence for functional differences for gender and age, and how cognitive and physical demands in past working lives can affect them, to design more personalized occupational therapy interventions to prevent functional and cognitive impairment. Method: This observational descrip-tive study evaluated 367 older adults living in a community with subjective memory complaints and scored between 24 and 35 with the Spanish version of the “Mini-Mental State Examination (MEC-35)”. Basic activities of daily living (BADL) were studied with the Barthel Index, while instrumental ADL (IADL) were examined with the Lawton–Brody scale. Functional differences for gender, age, and physico-mental occupation were examined. Results: The significant differences found for gender indicated that men did better in BADL (p = 0.026) and women better performed IADL (p < 0.001). Differences between age groups suggest that the younger group (aged 64–75) obtained better results for BADL (p = 0.001) and IADL (p < 0.001). For physico-mental occupation, statistically significant differences were found only in IADL for mental (p = 0.034) and physical occupation (p = 0.005). Conclusions: Gender, age, and the cognitive and physical demands of occupational stages, can be important predictors of cognitive and functional impairment. These results can be generalized to other health centers in the province and to other Spanish Autonomous Communities because their socio-demographic variables are similar. It would be interesting to carry out multimodal personalized interventions that consider the factors that might affect functional impairment to preserve personal autonomy. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Influence of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Exercise on Fatigue and Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis

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    [EN] Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that leads to a great deterioration in the quality of life. Objective: We aimed to assess the effectiveness of two individual programs, one based on transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and another based on the effect of physical exercise on fatigue and quality of life in patients with MS. Methods: A total of 12 patients with relapsing–remitting and progressive secondary MS participated. Fatigue and quality of life were assessed before and after intervention. The exercise program and tDCS were carried out over a 4-week period, with a washout period of 5 months. Results: The results show significant improvements in the different quality of life subscales after the application of tDCS, activities of daily living (r = 0.625; p = 0.037) (g = 0.465), psychological well-being (r = 0.856; p = 0.004) (g = 0.727) and coping (r = 0.904; p = 0.18) (g = 0.376), and in those after the application of exercise, activities of daily living (r = 0.853; p = 0.003) (g = 0.570) and psychological well-being (r = 0.693; p = 0.041) (g = 0.417). After the application of both therapies, more than 50% of the subjects did not have a positive fatigue score on the MFIS scale. Conclusion: The major findings suggest that the application of both therapies produces a beneficial effect with significant improvements in the quality of life of this sample.SIThis research was funded by a grant from the Professional Association of Physiotherapists of Castilla y Leó