226 research outputs found

    G.B. Montini-Paolo VI. L'ottavario per l'unità dei cristiani. Documenti e discorsi (1955-1978). [Reseña]

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    Reseña de: Giordano MONZIO-COMPAGNONI (dir.), G.B. Montini-Paolo VI. L'ottavario per l'unità dei cristiani. Documenti e discorsi (1955-1978), Istituto Paolo VI-Studium, Roma-Brescia, 1998, 157 pp

    A Methodology for Assessing the Urban Supply of On-street Delivery Bays

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    The loading and unloading operations carried out by transport and logistics operators have a strong impact on city mobility if they are not performed correctly. If loading/unloading bays, i.e., delivery bays (DB), are not available for freight vehicle operations, operators may opt to double park or park on the sidewalk where there is no strong enforcement of these laws, with significant impact on congestion. This paper proposes a methodology for verifying and designing the number of delivery bays needed for freight vehicles for not interfere with cars or pedestrians. The methodology consists of two stages: in the first stage, an initial estimation is made using queueing theory. Subsequently, in the second stage, using such tentative scenario, in order to take into account the system stochasticity involving different entities, a discrete event simulation is performed to more realistically verify and upgrade (if necessary) the number of delivery bays to obtain the expected outcomes. The methodology was applied in the inner area of Santander (Spain). The study area was subdivided into 29 zones where the methodology was applied individually. The results indicated that none of these zones currently have an optimal number of delivery bays to satisfy demand. In some zones, there is an excess of delivery bays, although in most of them, there is a deficit which can cause significant impacts on traffic. The method proposed can be an effective tool to be used by city planners for improving freight operations in urban areas limiting the negative impacts produced in terms of internal and external costs

    Kausatibo motak aztertzen

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    Lan honetan kausatiboa zer den, zein mota dauden eta mota bakoitzaren ezaugarriak eta eraketa nolakoa den azaldu dut. Kausatiboa eragile batek edo egoera baten aldaketak eragindako ekintza da, hortaz, egoera-aditz bat ez da inoiz kausatiboa izango. Hiru mota bereizten dira: lexikoa, morfologikoa eta analitikoa. Lehena, inkoatibo/kausatibo alternantzian sartzen diren aditzek osatzen dute, *edun-ez lagundurik agertzen direnak dira kausatiboak. Egoera-aldaketa aditzek, toki-aldaketa aditzek eta psiko-aditz kausatiboek bakarrik eratu dezakete kausatibo mota hau, eta multzo hauetan sartzen diren aditz guztiak ez. Ikuspegi klasikoak (ikuspegi lexikoa) eta berrinterpretazio konstrukzionalistak (ikuspegi sintaktikoa) dioenaren kontra, ezakusatiboen multzoaren aniztasunak, hautapen ezaugarriek eta zenbait argumentu morfologikoek erakusten dute kausatibo mota honen oinarrizko egitura aldaera kausatiboa dela. Horrela, kausatibotik inkoatiborako aldaketa hori erreflexibatze prozesu baten bidez ematen da, eta Chierchicak (2004) eta Reinhartek (2000) prozesu horretan kausa geruza ezabatzen dela badiote ere, Ormazabalek (2008) ez dela horrela erakusten digu; horretarako modirikataile agentiboez, helburu perpausez naiz nahi aditzlagunez eta egitura koordinatuez baliatzen da. Kausatibo analitikoa sintaktikoki zein morfologikoki bakuna da. Kausatibo morfologikoak berriz, morfologikoki konplexua da, sintaktikoki itxura bakuna badu ere; buruz-buruko mugimendua da egitura konplexu horri sintaktikoki itxura bakuna ematen diona. Deustuko Mintegiak(1898) argudio modura erabiltzen dituen Axularren bere,galdetzaileak eta uztardurak erakusten digute buruz-buruko mugimendua gertatzen dela eta ez ESPEZ-erako mugimendua. Kausatibo morfologikoa aditzoinari –arazi aditza gehituz eratzen da, nahiz eta euskalki batetik bestera aldaera ezberdinak egon. Gaur egun emankorra ez den –ra- kausatiboa egiteko forma zaharra dugu, kausatibo mota honen barnean sartuko liratekeena. Bestalde, kausatibo morfologikoaren kasu ezarketari dagokionez, aditz motaren arabera kasu bat edo beste hartuko du arazleak. Aditz iragangaitz ezakusatiboetan absolutiboan agertuko da, nahiz eta mendebaldean biziduna denean datiboa erabiliko duten. Iragangait ez-ergatiboen kasuan, datiboa da ohikoena. Aditz iragankorretan ere arazlea datiboz markaturik joango da; baina ditrantsitiboa denean, aditzak bi kasu besterik eman ezin dituenez eta hiru argumentu daudenez, menpeko aditzak bere osagarriei dagokien kasua emango die eta subjektuak datiboa den berezko kasua hartuko du. Kausatibo analitikoa egiteko hiru modu ezberdin daude. Lehena egin aditzak subjuntiboan jokatutako perpaus bat hartzen duenean sortzen da. Bigarrenean egin aditzari –arazi atxikitzen zaio eta menpeko perpausa nominalizaturik agertzen da. Azkenik, -tzera behartu esamoldearen bidez sortzen dena dugu. Kausatibo analitikoa sintaktikoki eta baita morfologikoki konplexua den kausatiboa da, aditzek ez baitute unitate bakar bat eratzen; Axularren bere, uztardurak eta hitz ordenak erakusten digute hau

    Controls on space–time distribution of soft-sediment deformation structures: Applying palaeomagnetic dating to approach the apparent recurrence period of paleoseisms at the Concud Fault (eastern Spain)

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    This work describes soft-sediment deformation structures (clastic dykes, load structures, diapirs, slumps, nodulizations or mudcracks) identified in three sections (Concud, Ramblillas and Masada Cociero) in the Iberian Range, Spain. These sections were logged from boreholes and outcrops in Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene deposits of the Teruel-Concud Residual Basin, close to de Concud normal fault. Timing of the succession and hence of seismic and non-seismic SSDSs, covering a time span between ~ 3.6 and ~ 1.9 Ma, has been constrained from previous biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic information, then substantially refined from a new magnetostratigraphic study at Masada Cociero profile. Non-seismic SSDSs are relatively well-correlated between sections, while seismic ones are poorly correlated except for several clusters of structures. Between 29 and 35 seismic deformed levels have been computed for the overall stratigraphic succession. Factors controlling the lateral and vertical distribution of SSDSs are their seismic or non-seismic origin, the distance to the seismogenic source (Concud Fault), the sedimentary facies involved in deformation and the observation conditions (borehole core vs. natural outcrop). In the overall stratigraphic section, seismites show an apparent recurrence period of 56 to 108 ka. Clustering of seismic SSDSs levels within a 91-ka-long interval records a period of high paleoseismic activity with an apparent recurrence time of 4.8 to 6.1 ka, associated with increasing sedimentation rate and fault activity. Such activity pattern of the Concud Fault for the Late Pliocene-Early Pliocene, with alternating periods of faster and slower slip, is similar to that for the most recent Quaternary (last ca. 74 ka BP). Concerning the research methods, time occurrence patterns recognized for peaks of paleoseismic activity from SSDSs in boreholes are similar to those inferred from primary evidence in trenches. Consequently, apparent recurrence periods calculated from SSDS inventories collected in borehole logs close to seismogenic faults are comparable to actual recurrence times of large paleoearthquakes

    Facies control on seismites in an alluvial–aeolian system: the Pliocene dunefield of the Teruel half-graben basin (eastern Spain)

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    The recognition of seismically induced soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) in sedimentary successions characterized by different facies, and hence by different rheology, is challenging. This is the case for high porosity and high permeability aeolian facies interbedded with muddy wet interdune deposits and alluvial conglomerates and sandstones. Several types of SSDS have been studied in two exposures of the Upper Pliocene (2.9–2.6 Ma) sediments of a fault-bounded intracontinental aeolian dune field in the Teruel Basin (Iberian Chain, eastern Spain). Among SSDS, load and fluid-escape structures, apart from several animal tracks, have been recognized. Those structures show an irregular distribution through the studied stratigraphic sections, being scarce in homogenous aeolian sands and frequent in water-related facies. A detailed study of the distribution and geometry of SSDS and their relationships with respect to the stratigraphic architecture and facies has allowed a critical discrimination of trigger mechanisms, i.e. biological or physical overloading vs. earthquakes. The seismically induced structures are concentrated into seven deformed beds, showing an uneven lateral distribution and geometry closely controlled by the hosting sedimentary facies and their rheology. These seismites resulted from liquefaction during moderate earthquakes (estimated magnitude from 5.0 to 6.8). The most probable seismogenic source was the Sierra del Pobo normal fault zone, located 2 km to the East. Results show how an appropriate recognition of sedimentary facies is crucial to understand the lateral variability of seismites in sedimentary environments characterized by sharp facies changes