18,551 research outputs found

    Energetics of ion competition in the DEKA selectivity filter of neuronal sodium channels

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    The energetics of ionic selectivity in the neuronal sodium channels is studied. A simple model constructed for the selectivity filter of the channel is used. The selectivity filter of this channel type contains aspartate (D), glutamate (E), lysine (K), and alanine (A) residues (the DEKA locus). We use Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations to compute equilibrium binding selectivity in the selectivity filter and to obtain various terms of the excess chemical potential from a particle insertion procedure based on Widom's method. We show that K+^{+} ions in competition with Na+^{+} are efficiently excluded from the selectivity filter due to entropic hard sphere exclusion. The dielectric constant of protein has no effect on this selectivity. Ca2+^{2+} ions, on the other hand, are excluded from the filter due to a free energetic penalty which is enhanced by the low dielectric constant of protein.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    The ion motion in self-modulated plasma wakefield accelerators

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    The effects of plasma ion motion in self-modulated plasma based accelerators is examined. An analytical model describing ion motion in the narrow beam limit is developed, and confirmed through multi-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is shown that the ion motion can lead to the early saturation of the self-modulation instability, and to the suppression of the accelerating gradients. This can reduce the total energy that can be transformed into kinetic energy of accelerated particles. For the parameters of future proton-driven plasma accelerator experiments, the ion dynamics can have a strong impact. Possible methods to mitigate the effects of the ion motion in future experiments are demonstrated.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Context-aware mobile app for the multidimensional assessment of the elderly,

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    Rural areas in Europe are presenting a decreasing population density and an increasing age index. These elders usually present multiple diseases that require complex tools to identify the exact cares that they need. Currently, different frameworks can evaluate their functional status and identify the required cares to maintain their Quality of Life, together with the associated cost to the health system. Nevertheless, these frameworks are usually questionnaires that have to be performed by already overloaded professionals. In this paper, we make use of mobile technologies to build a system capable of monitoring the activities of the elderly and analysing these data to assess their functional status. The experiments carried out show us that it correctly evaluates these patients and reduces the effort required by health professionals

    Enriched elderly virtual profiles by means of a multidimensional integrated assessment platform

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    The pressure over Healthcare systems is increasing in most developed countries. The generalized aging of the population is one of the main causes. This situation is even worse in underdeveloped, sparsely populated regions like Extremadura in Spain or Alentejo in Portugal. The authors propose to use the Situational-Context, a technique to seamlessly adapt Internet of Things systems to the needs and preferences of their users, for virtually modeling the elderly. These models could be used to enhance the elderly experience when using those kind of systems without raising the need for technical skills or the costs of implementing such systems by the regional healthcare systems. In this paper, the integration of a multidimensional integrated assessment platform with such virtual profiles is presented. The assessment platform provides and additional source of information for the virtual profiles that is used to better adapt existing systems to the elders needs

    New calculation schemes for proton-deuteron scattering including the Coulomb interaction

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    The Coulomb interaction between the protons is included in the description of proton-deuteron scattering using the screening and renormalization approach in the framework of momentum-space integral equations. Two new calculational schemes are presented that confirm the reliability of the perturbative approach for treating the screened Coulomb interaction in high partial waves, used by us in earlier works.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.