7,062 research outputs found

    Noncommutative vector bundles over fuzzy CP^N and their covariant derivatives

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    We generalise the construction of fuzzy CP^N in a manner that allows us to access all noncommutative equivariant complex vector bundles over this space. We give a simplified construction of polarization tensors on S^2 that generalizes to complex projective space, identify Laplacians and natural noncommutative covariant derivative operators that map between the modules that describe noncommuative sections. In the process we find a natural generalization of the Schwinger-Jordan construction to su(n) and identify composite oscillators that obey a Heisenberg algebra on an appropriate Fock space.Comment: 34 pages, v2 contains minor corrections to the published versio

    The Information Geometry of the Ising Model on Planar Random Graphs

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    It has been suggested that an information geometric view of statistical mechanics in which a metric is introduced onto the space of parameters provides an interesting alternative characterisation of the phase structure, particularly in the case where there are two such parameters -- such as the Ising model with inverse temperature β\beta and external field hh. In various two parameter calculable models the scalar curvature R{\cal R} of the information metric has been found to diverge at the phase transition point βc\beta_c and a plausible scaling relation postulated: Rββcα2{\cal R} \sim |\beta- \beta_c|^{\alpha - 2}. For spin models the necessity of calculating in non-zero field has limited analytic consideration to 1D, mean-field and Bethe lattice Ising models. In this letter we use the solution in field of the Ising model on an ensemble of planar random graphs (where α=1,β=1/2,γ=2\alpha=-1, \beta=1/2, \gamma=2) to evaluate the scaling behaviour of the scalar curvature, and find Rββc2{\cal R} \sim | \beta- \beta_c |^{-2}. The apparent discrepancy is traced back to the effect of a negative α\alpha.Comment: Version accepted for publication in PRE, revtex

    The Information Geometry of the One-Dimensional Potts Model

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    In various statistical-mechanical models the introduction of a metric onto the space of parameters (e.g. the temperature variable, β\beta, and the external field variable, hh, in the case of spin models) gives an alternative perspective on the phase structure. For the one-dimensional Ising model the scalar curvature, R{\cal R}, of this metric can be calculated explicitly in the thermodynamic limit and is found to be R=1+cosh(h)/sinh2(h)+exp(4β){\cal R} = 1 + \cosh (h) / \sqrt{\sinh^2 (h) + \exp (- 4 \beta)}. This is positive definite and, for physical fields and temperatures, diverges only at the zero-temperature, zero-field ``critical point'' of the model. In this note we calculate R{\cal R} for the one-dimensional qq-state Potts model, finding an expression of the form R=A(q,β,h)+B(q,β,h)/η(q,β,h){\cal R} = A(q,\beta,h) + B (q,\beta,h)/\sqrt{\eta(q,\beta,h)}, where η(q,β,h)\eta(q,\beta,h) is the Potts analogue of sinh2(h)+exp(4β)\sinh^2 (h) + \exp (- 4 \beta). This is no longer positive definite, but once again it diverges only at the critical point in the space of real parameters. We remark, however, that a naive analytic continuation to complex field reveals a further divergence in the Ising and Potts curvatures at the Lee-Yang edge.Comment: 9 pages + 4 eps figure


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    A collection of 70 Medicago introductions were field tested for resistance against potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), damage. All M. sativa L. ssp. sativa and most ssp. mixtures were susceptible. All ssp. falcata (L.) Arcangeli, one ssp. mixture sativa and caerulea (Lessing ex Ledebour) Schmalhausen, ssp. × varia (Martyn) Arcangeli and M. pironae Vis were resistant receiving one-half or less damage than the standard cultivars during four seasons of testing. Resistant introductions were slower in regrowth, attained less height, had smaller leaflets, thinner, tougher stems, and more prostrate growth than standard cultivars. Results suggest most observed resistance is due to avoidance of tough stems for ovipositio

    Functional dissociation of amygdala-modulated arousal and cognitive appraisal, in Turner syndrome

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    On the Role of Chaos in the AdS/CFT Connection

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    The question of how infalling matter in a pure state forms a Schwarzschild black hole that appears to be at non-zero temperature is discussed in the context of the AdS/CFT connection. It is argued that the phenomenon of self-thermalization in non-linear (chaotic) systems can be invoked to explain how the boundary theory, initially at zero temperature self thermalizes and acquires a finite temperature. Yang-Mills theory is known to be chaotic (classically) and the imaginary part of the gluon self-energy (damping rate of the gluon plasma) is expected to give the Lyapunov exponent. We explain how the imaginary part would arise in the corresponding supergravity calculation due to absorption at the horizon of the black hole.Comment: 18 pages. Latex file. Minor changes. Final version to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Duality, the Semi-Circle Law and Quantum Hall Bilayers

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    There is considerable experimental evidence for the existence in Quantum Hall systems of an approximate emergent discrete symmetry, Γ0(2)SL(2,Z)\Gamma_0(2) \subset SL(2,Z). The evidence consists of the robustness of the tests of a suite a predictions concerning the transitions between the phases of the system as magnetic fields and temperatures are varied, which follow from the existence of the symmetry alone. These include the universality of and quantum numbers of the fixed points which occur in these transitions; selection rules governing which phases may be related by transitions; and the semi-circular trajectories in the Ohmic-Hall conductivity plane which are followed during the transitions. We explore the implications of this symmetry for Quantum Hall systems involving {\it two} charge-carrying fluids, and so obtain predictions both for bilayer systems and for single-layer systems for which the Landau levels have a spin degeneracy. We obtain similarly striking predictions which include the novel new phases which are seen in these systems, as well as a prediction for semicircle trajectories which are traversed by specific combinations of the bilayer conductivities as magnetic fields are varied at low temperatures.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; discussion of magnetic field dependence modified and figures and references updated in v

    A projective Dirac operator on CP^2 within fuzzy geometry

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    We propose an ansatz for the commutative canonical spin_c Dirac operator on CP^2 in a global geometric approach using the right invariant (left action-) induced vector fields from SU(3). This ansatz is suitable for noncommutative generalisation within the framework of fuzzy geometry. Along the way we identify the physical spinors and construct the canonical spin_c bundle in this formulation. The chirality operator is also given in two equivalent forms. Finally, using representation theory we obtain the eigenspinors and calculate the full spectrum. We use an argument from the fuzzy complex projective space CP^2_F based on the fuzzy analogue of the unprojected spin_c bundle to show that our commutative projected spin_c bundle has the correct SU(3)-representation content.Comment: reduced to 27 pages, minor corrections, minor improvements, typos correcte