364 research outputs found

    Coherent Control of Vibrational State Population in a Nonpolar Molecule

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    A coherent control scheme for the population distribution in the vibrational states of nonpolar molecules is proposed. Our theoretical analysis and results of numerical simulations for the interaction of the hydrogen molecular ion in its electronic ground state with an infrared laser pulse reveal a selective two-photon transition between the vibrational states via a coupling with the first excited dissociative state. We demonstrate that for a given temporal intensity profile the population transfer between vibrational states, or a superposition of vibrational states, can be made complete for a single chirped pulse or a train of chirped pulses, which accounts for the accumulated phase difference due to the AC Stark effect. Effects of a spatial intensity (or, focal) averaging are discussed

    Attosecond x-ray transient absorption in condensed-matter: a core-state-resolved Bloch model

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    Attosecond transient absorption is an ultrafast technique that has opened the possibility to study electron dynamics in condensed matter systems at its natural timescale. The extension to the x-ray regime permits one to use this powerful technique in combination with the characteristic element specificity of x-ray spectroscopy. At these timescales, the coherent effects of the electron transport are essential and have a relevant signature on the absorption spectrum. Typically, the complex light-driven dynamics requires a theoretical modeling for shedding light on the time-dependent changes in the spectrum. Here we construct a semiconductor Bloch equation model for resolving the light-induced and core-electron dynamics simultaneously, which enables to easily disentangle the interband and intraband contributions. By using the Bloch model, we demonstrate a universal feature on attosecond x-ray transient absorption spectra that emerges from the light-induced coherent intraband dynamics. This feature is linked to previous studies of light-induced Fano resonances in atomic systemsThis project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 702565 as well as from Comunidad de Madrid through the TALENTO program with ref. 2017-T1/IND-5432. LP acknowledges support from Junta de Castilla y León (Project SA046U16) and MINECO (FIS2016-75652-P). JB acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (SEV- 2015-0522) Fundació Cellex Barcelona and the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya, the European Research Council for ERC Advanced Grant TRANSFORMER (788218), MINECO for Plan Nacional FIS2017-89536-P; AGAUR for 2017 SGR 1639 and Laserlab-Europe (EU-H2020 654148

    Controlling high-harmonic generation and above-threshold ionization with an attosecond-pulse train

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    We perform a detailed analysis of how high-order harmonic generation (HHG) and above-threshold ionization (ATI) can be controlled by a time-delayed attosecond-pulse train superposed to a strong, near-infrared laser field. In particular we show that the high-harmonic and photoelectron intensities, the high-harmonic plateau structure and cutoff energies, and the ATI angular distributions can be manipulated by changing this delay. This is a direct consequence of the fact that the attosecond pulse train can be employed as a tool for constraining the instant an electronic wave packet is ejected in the continuum. A change in such initial conditions strongly affects its subsequent motion in the laser field, and thus HHG and ATI. In our studies, we employ the Strong-Field Approximation and explain the features observed in terms of interference effects between various electron quantum orbits. Our results are in agreement with recent experimental findings and theoretical studies employing purely numerical methods.Comment: 10 pages revtex and 6 figures (eps files

    Above threshold ionization by few-cycle spatially inhomogeneous fields

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    We present theoretical studies of above threshold ionization (ATI) produced by spatially inhomogeneous fields. This kind of field appears as a result of the illumination of plasmonic nanostructures and metal nanoparticles with a short laser pulse. We use the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) in reduced dimensions to understand and characterize the ATI features in these fields. It is demonstrated that the inhomogeneity of the laser electric field plays an important role in the ATI process and it produces appreciable modifications to the energy-resolved photoelectron spectra. In fact, our numerical simulations reveal that high energy electrons can be generated. Specifically, using a linear approximation for the spatial dependence of the enhanced plasmonic field and with a near infrared laser with intensities in the mid- 10^{14} W/cm^{2} range, we show it is possible to drive electrons with energies in the near-keV regime. Furthermore, we study how the carrier envelope phase influences the emission of ATI photoelectrons for few-cycle pulses. Our quantum mechanical calculations are supported by their classical counterparts

    Design of a sub-13-fs, multi-gigawatt chirped pulse optical parametric amplification system

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    We present a design for phase-locked chirped pulse optical parametric amplification of ultra-short pulses based on Ti:sapphire. A realistic description is given by measuring the oscillator pulse (11.6fs, 4nJ) with SPIDER and numerically propagating it through the whole chirped pulse amplification system. The interaction is modeled with a full three-dimensional code and compression is ray-trace optimized to yield 12.7-fs, 98-μJ pulses with 1mJ of pump energy. The design is scalable in energy (e.g. 1mJ with 10-mJ pump) and is exclusively based on commercially available component

    Evolution of outer membrane beta-barrels from an ancestral beta beta hairpin.

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    Outer membrane β-barrels (OMBBs) are the major class of outer membrane proteins from Gram-negative bacteria, mitochondria, and plastids. Their transmembrane domains consist of 8–24 β-strands forming a closed, barrel-shaped β-sheet around a central pore. Despite their obvious structural regularity, evidence for an origin by duplication or for a common ancestry has not been found. We use three complementary approaches to show that all OMBBs from Gram-negative bacteria evolved from a single, ancestral ββ hairpin. First, we link almost all families of known single-chain bacterial OMBBs with each other through transitive profile searches. Second, we identify a clear repeat signature in the sequences of many OMBBs in which the repeating sequence unit coincides with the structural ββ hairpin repeat. Third, we show that the observed sequence similarity between OMBB hairpins cannot be explained by structural or membrane constraints on their sequences. The third approach addresses a longstanding problem in protein evolution: how to distinguish between a very remotely homologous relationship and the opposing scenario of “sequence convergence.” The origin of a diverse group of proteins from a single hairpin module supports the hypothesis that, around the time of transition from the RNA to the protein world, proteins arose by amplification and recombination of short peptide modules that had previously evolved as cofactors of RNAs