65 research outputs found

    Expanding Space: the Root of all Evil?

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    While it remains the staple of virtually all cosmological teaching, the concept of expanding space in explaining the increasing separation of galaxies has recently come under fire as a dangerous idea whose application leads to the development of confusion and the establishment of misconceptions. In this paper, we develop a notion of expanding space that is completely valid as a framework for the description of the evolution of the universe and whose application allows an intuitive understanding of the influence of universal expansion. We also demonstrate how arguments against the concept in general have failed thus far, as they imbue expanding space with physical properties not consistent with the expectations of general relativity.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in PAS

    Physics of non-Gaussian fields and the cosmological genus statistic

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    We report a technique to calculate the impact of distinct physical processes inducing non-Gaussianity on the cosmological density field. A natural decomposition of the cosmic genus statistic into an orthogonal polynomial sequence allows complete expression of the scale-dependent evolution of the morphology of large-scale structure, in which effects including galaxy bias, nonlinear gravitational evolution and primordial non-Gaussianity may be delineated. The relationship of this decomposition to previous methods for analysing the genus statistic is briefly considered and the following applications are made: i) the expression of certain systematics affecting topological measurements; ii) the quantification of broad deformations from Gaussianity that appear in the genus statistic as measured in the Horizon Run simulation; iii) the study of the evolution of the genus curve for simulations with primordial non-Gaussianity. These advances improve the treatment of flux-limited galaxy catalogues for use with this measurement and further the use of the genus statistic as a tool for exploring non-Gaussianity.Comment: AASTeX preprint, 24 pages, 8 figures, includes several improvements suggested by anonymous reviewe

    Spectral diversity of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We use published spectroscopic and photometric data for 8 Type Ia supernovae to construct a dispersion spectrum for this class of object, showing their diversity over the wavelength range 3700A to 7100A. We find that the B and V bands are the spectral regions with the least dispersion, while the U band below 4100A is more diverse. Some spectral features such as the Si line at 6150A are also highly diverse. We then construct two objective measures of 'peculiarity' by (i) using the deviation of individual objects from the average SN Ia spectrum compared to the typical dispersion and (ii) applying principle component analysis. We demonstrate these methods on several SNe Ia that have previously been classified as peculiar.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, uses mn2e.cls, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Cosmological Radar Ranging in an Expanding Universe

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    While modern cosmology, founded in the language of general relativity, is almost a century old, the meaning of the expansion of space is still being debated. In this paper, the question of radar ranging in an expanding universe is examined, focusing upon light travel times during the ranging; it has recently been claimed that this proves that space physically expands. We generalize the problem into considering the return journey of an accelerating rocketeer, showing that while this agrees with expectations of special relativity for an empty universe, distinct differences occur when the universe contains matter. We conclude that this does not require the expansion of space to be a physical phenomenon, rather that we cannot neglect the influence of matter, seen through the laws of general relativity, when considering motions on cosmic scales.Comment: 6 Pages. To appear in MNRA

    The Adventures of the Rocketeer: Accelerated Motion Under the Influence of Expanding Space

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    It is well known that interstellar travel is bounded by the finite speed of light, but on very large scales any rocketeer would also need to consider the influence of cosmological expansion on their journey. This paper examines accelerated journeys within the framework of Friedmann- Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universes, illustrating how the duration of a fixed acceleration sharply divides exploration over interstellar and intergalactic distances. Furthermore, we show how the universal expansion increases the difficulty of intergalactic navigation, with small uncertainties in cosmological parameters resulting in significantly large deviations. This paper also shows that, contrary to simplistic ideas, the motion of any rocketeer is indistinguishable from Newtonian gravity if the acceleration is kept small.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Statistical methods applied to composition studies of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays

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    The mass composition of high energy cosmic rays above 101710^{17} eV is a crucial issue to solve some open questions in astrophysics such as the acceleration and propagation mechanisms. Unfortunately, the standard procedures to identify the primary particle of a cosmic ray shower have low efficiency mainly due to large fluctuations and limited experimental observables. We present a statistical method for composition studies based on several measurable features of the longitudinal development of the CR shower such as NmaxN_{max}, XmaxX_{max}, asymmetry, skewness and kurtosis. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to evaluate the relevance of each parameter in the representation of the overall shower features and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to combine the different parameters to maximize the discrimination between different particle showers. The new parameter from LDA provides a separation between primary gammas, proton and iron nuclei better than the procedures based on XmaxX_{max} only. The method proposed here was successfully tested in the energy range from 101710^{17} to 102010^{20} eV even when limitations of shower track length were included in order to simulate the field of view of fluorescence telescopes

    Clipping the Cosmos: The Bias and Bispectrum of Large Scale Structure

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    A large fraction of the information collected by cosmological surveys is simply discarded to avoid lengthscales which are difficult to model theoretically. We introduce a new technique which enables the extraction of useful information from the bispectrum of galaxies well beyond the conventional limits of perturbation theory. Our results strongly suggest that this method increases the range of scales where the relation between the bispectrum and power spectrum in tree-level perturbation theory may be applied, from k_max ~ 0.1 h/Mpc to ~ 0.7 h/Mpc. This leads to correspondingly large improvements in the determination of galaxy bias. Since the clipped matter power spectrum closely follows the linear power spectrum, there is the potential to use this technique to probe the growth rate of linear perturbations and confront theories of modified gravity with observation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Bilateral ischemic optic neuropathy after transurethral prostatic resection: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy affects the anterior portion of the optic nerve and is characterized by sudden, painless visual loss. The affected eye has a relative afferent pupillary defect. The typical funduscopic appearance includes optic disc edema, with associated nerve fiber layer hemorrhage. Risk factors include advanced age, systemic hypertension, nocturnal hypotension, diabetes mellitus, and a small cup-to-disc ratio. Bilateral presentation is rare. Postoperative optic neuropathy has been associated with nonocular surgery; risk factors include a combination of prolonged surgical times, acute systemic hypotension, anemia due to blood loss, or prone positioning. We report for the first time a patient with bilateral, simultaneous anterior ischemic optic neuropathy after elective transurethral prostatic resection. CASE PRESENTATION: A 66-year old man underwent surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The preoperative blood pressure was 140/85 mmHg, hemoglobin 15.9 g/dL, and hematocrit 48.6%. Two hours postoperatively, the blood pressure, hemoglobin, and hematocrit dropped dramatically. One day later, transient horizontal diplopia developed. Funduscopy showed a congenitally small cup-to-disc ratio without papillary edema. Other ocular findings were unremarkable. By 4 days postoperatively, sudden and painless amaurosis bilaterally developed when the patient awoke with nausea and vomiting. Visual acuity was no light perception bilaterally. The optic discs were swollen with small hemorrhages. Scans of the head and orbits and electrolyte levels were normal. There were no responses on visual evoked potentials bilaterally. The blood pressure was 90/50 mm Hg, the hemoglobin 7.0 g/dL, and the hematocrit 22.9%, necessitating infusion of three units of packed red blood cells. The blood pressure, hematocrit, and hemoglobin increased to normal levels. Three months later the visual acuity remained no light perception. The pupils were unreactive and there was marked optic disc atrophy bilaterally. CONCLUSION: Bilateral and simultaneous acute ischemic optic neuropathy may be a rare but devastating surgical complication. The combination of anemia and hypotension may increase the risk of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy postoperatively after transurethral prostatic resection

    Valor de la PET en la recurrencia del cĂĄncer de prĂłstata con PSA < 5 ng/ml

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    We intend to evaluate the usefulness of PET scans in diagnosing recurrent prostate cancer after a curative attempt using radical treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 92 consecutive prostate cancer patients in biochemical progression following radical surgery (63) or radiation treatment (29) were studied with positron emission tomography (PET). In all cases two scans were performed in the same day (11C-choline and 18F-FDG). PET efficacy was evaluated both globally (by employing the results achieved with both 11C-choline and 18F-FDG) and using both radiotracers independently to detect recurrence in patients with biochemical progression. For this purpose, we used comparison of means for k-independent samples, 2 x 2 and 2 x X contingency tables and ROC curves. RESULTS: 1. Global PET: there is evidence of PET alteration regarding the PSA level (P=.003): the clinical stage (P=.01). There are no statistically significant PET alterations regarding the affected biopsy (uni or bilateral), surgical margins, pathological stage and time to progression. ROC curve PET-PSA is statistically significant (P< .0001) permitting calculation of different cut-off points, with a specificity of 91% (highest) for a PSA of 4.3 ng/ml. 2. PET 18FDG: the area under the ROC curve is statistically significant (P< .0001) with a specificity of 91% for a PSA of 6.51 ng/ml. 3. PET 11choline: the area under the ROC curve is statistically significant (P< .0001) with a specificity of 91% for a PSA of 5.15 ng/ml. CONCLUSIONS: PET is a useful tool for diagnosing prostate cancer recurrence after a curative attempt using radical treatment

    Topology of non-linear structure in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

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    We study the evolution of non-linear structure as a function of scale in samples from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, constituting over 221 000 galaxies at a median redshift of z=0.11. The two flux-limited galaxy samples, located near the southern galactic pole and the galactic equator, are smoothed with Gaussian filters of width ranging from 5 to 8 Mpc/h to produce a continuous galaxy density field. The topological genus statistic is used to measure the relative abundance of overdense clusters to void regions at each scale; these results are compared to the predictions of analytic theory, in the form of the genus statistic for i) the linear regime case of a Gaussian random field; and ii) a first-order perturbative expansion of the weakly non-linear evolved field. The measurements demonstrate a statistically significant detection of an asymmetry in the genus statistic between regions corresponding to low- and high-density volumes of the universe. We attribute the asymmetry to the non-linear effects of gravitational evolution and biased galaxy formation, and demonstrate that these effects evolve as a function of scale. We find that neither analytic prescription satisfactorily reproduces the measurements, though the weakly non-linear theory yields substantially better results in some cases, and we discuss the potential explanations for this result.Comment: 13 pages, matching proof to be published in MNRAS; new version adds reference and corrects figure
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