569 research outputs found

    Multidimensional spectroscopy with a single broadband phase-shaped laser pulse

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    We calculate the frequency-dispersed nonlinear transmission signal of a phase-shaped visible pulse to fourth order in the field. Two phase profiles, a phase-step and phase-pulse, are considered. Two dimensional signals obtained by varying the detected frequency and phase parameters are presented for a three electronic band model system. We demonstrate how two-photon and stimulated Raman resonances can be manipulated by the phase profile and sign, and selected quantum pathways can be suppressed.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figure

    Spin-resolved electron-impact ionization of lithium

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    Electron-impact ionization of lithium is studied using the convergent close-coupling (CCC) method at 25.4 and 54.4 eV. Particular attention is paid to the spin-dependence of the ionization cross sections. Convergence is found to be more rapid for the spin asymmetries, which are in good agreement with experiment, than for the underlying cross sections. Comparison with the recent measured and DS3C-calculated data of Streun et al (1999) is most intriguing. Excellent agreement is found with the measured and calculated spin asymmetries, yet the discrepancy between the CCC and DS3C cross sections is very large

    Organizing information on the next generation web - Design and implementation of a new bookmark structure

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    The next-generation Web will increase the need for a highly organized and ever evolving method to store references to Web objects. These requirements could be realized by the development of a new bookmark structure. This paper endeavors to identify the key requirements of such a bookmark, specifically in relation to Web documents, and sets out a suggested design through which these needs may be accomplished. A prototype developed offers such features as the sharing of bookmarks between users and groups of users. Bookmarks for Web documents in this prototype allow more specific information to be stored such as: URL, the document type, the document title, keywords, a summary, user annotations, date added, date last visited and date last modified. Individuals may access the service from anywhere on the Internet, as long as they have a Java-enabled Web browser

    E-Voting in an ubicomp world: trust, privacy, and social implications

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    The advances made in technology have unchained the user from the desktop into interactions where access is anywhere, anytime. In addition, the introduction of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) will see further changes in how we interact with technology and also socially. Ubicomp evokes a near future in which humans will be surrounded by “always-on,” unobtrusive, interconnected intelligent objects where information is exchanged seamlessly. This seamless exchange of information has vast social implications, in particular the protection and management of personal information. This research project investigates the concepts of trust and privacy issues specifically related to the exchange of e-voting information when using a ubicomp type system

    Decay versus survival of a localized state subjected to harmonic forcing: exact results

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    We investigate the survival probability of a localized 1-d quantum particle subjected to a time dependent potential of the form rU(x)sinωtrU(x)\sin{\omega t} with U(x)=2δ(xa)U(x)=2\delta (x-a) or U(x)=2δ(xa)2δ(x+a)U(x)= 2\delta(x-a)-2\delta (x+a). The particle is initially in a bound state produced by the binding potential 2δ(x)-2\delta (x). We prove that this probability goes to zero as tt\to\infty for almost all values of rr, ω\omega, and aa. The decay is initially exponential followed by a t3t^{-3} law if ω\omega is not close to resonances and rr is small; otherwise the exponential disappears and Fermi's golden rule fails. For exceptional sets of parameters r,ωr,\omega and aa the survival probability never decays to zero, corresponding to the Floquet operator having a bound state. We show similar behavior even in the absence of a binding potential: permitting a free particle to be trapped by harmonically oscillating delta function potential

    The dynamics and prethermalization of one dimensional quantum systems probed through the full distributions of quantum noise

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    Quantum noise correlations have been employed in several areas in physics including condensed matter, quantum optics and ultracold atom to reveal non-classical states of the systems. So far, such analysis mostly focused on systems in equilibrium. In this paper, we show that quantum noise is also a useful tool to characterize and study the non-equilibrium dynamics of one dimensional system. We consider the Ramsey sequence of one dimensional, two-component bosons, and obtain simple, analytical expressions of time evolutions of the full distribution functions for this strongly-correlated, many-body system. The analysis can also be directly applied to the evolution of interference patterns between two one dimensional quasi-condensates created from a single condensate through splitting. Using the tools developed in this paper, we demonstrate that one dimensional dynamics in these systems exhibits the phenomenon known as "prethermalization", where the observables of {\it non-equilibrium}, long-time transient states become indistinguishable from those of thermal {\it equilibrium} states.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures+appendi

    Visual parameter optimisation for biomedical image processing

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    Background: Biomedical image processing methods require users to optimise input parameters to ensure high quality output. This presents two challenges. First, it is difficult to optimise multiple input parameters for multiple input images. Second, it is difficult to achieve an understanding of underlying algorithms, in particular, relationships between input and output. Results: We present a visualisation method that transforms users’ ability to understand algorithm behaviour by integrating input and output, and by supporting exploration of their relationships. We discuss its application to a colour deconvolution technique for stained histology images and show how it enabled a domain expert to identify suitable parameter values for the deconvolution of two types of images, and metrics to quantify deconvolution performance. It also enabled a breakthrough in understanding by invalidating an underlying assumption about the algorithm. Conclusions: The visualisation method presented here provides analysis capability for multiple inputs and outputs in biomedical image processing that is not supported by previous analysis software. The analysis supported by our method is not feasible with conventional trial-and-error approaches

    Entanglement, local measurements, and symmetry

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    A definition of entanglement in terms of local measurements is discussed. Viz, the maximum entanglement corresponds to the states that cause the highest level of quantum fluctuations in all local measurements determined by the dynamic symmetry group of the system. A number of examples illustrating this definition is considered.Comment: 10 pages. to be published in Journal of Optics