122 research outputs found

    Gene induction during differentiation of human monocytes into dendritic cells: an integrated study at the RNA and protein levels

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    Changes in gene expression occurring during differentiation of human monocytes into dendritic cells were studied at the RNA and protein levels. These studies showed the induction of several gene classes corresponding to various biological functions. These functions encompass antigen processing and presentation, cytoskeleton, cell signalling and signal transduction, but also an increase in mitochondrial function and in the protein synthesis machinery, including some, but not all, chaperones. These changes put in perspective the events occurring during this differentiation process. On a more technical point, it appears that the studies carried out at the RNA and protein levels are highly complementary.Comment: website publisher: http://www.springerlink.com/content/ha0d2c351qhjhjdm

    Mantle cell lymphomas with concomitant MYC and CCND1 breakpoints are recurrently TdT positive and frequently show high-grade pathological and genetic features

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    Chromosomal breakpoints involving the MYC gene locus, frequently referred to as MYC rearrangements (MYC - R+), are a diagnostic hallmark of Burkitt lymphoma and recurrent in many other subtypes of B-cell lymphomas including follicular lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and other high-grade B-cell lymphomas and are associated with an aggressive clinical course. In remarkable contrast, in MCL, only few MYC - R+ cases have yet been described. In the current study, we have retrospectively analysed 16 samples (MYC - R+, n = 15, MYC - R-, n = 1) from 13 patients and describe their morphological, immunophenotypic and (molecular) genetic features and clonal evolution patterns. Thirteen out of fifteen MYC - R+ samples showed a non-classical cytology including pleomorphic (centroblastic, immunoblastic), anaplastic or blastoid. MYC translocation partners were IG-loci in 4/11 and non-IG loci in 7/11 analysed cases. The involved IG-loci included IGH in 3 cases and IGL in one case. PAX5 was the non-IG partner in 2/7 patients. The MYC - R+ MCL reported herein frequently displayed characteristics associated with an aggressive clinical course including high genomic-complexity (6/7 samples), frequent deletions involving the CDKN2A locus (7/10 samples), high Ki-67 proliferation index (12/13 samples) and frequent P53 expression (13/13 samples). Of note, in 4/14 samples, SOX11 was not or only focally expressed and 3/13 samples showed focal or diffuse TdT-positivity presenting a diagnostic challenge as these features could point to a differential diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and/or lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia

    Phenotypic Studies of Natural Killer Cell Subsets in Human Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing Deficiency

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    Peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells from patients with transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) deficiency are hyporesponsive. The mechanism of this defect is unknown, but the phenotype of TAP-deficient NK cells is almost normal. However, we noticed a high percentage of CD56bright cells among total NK cells from two patients. We further investigated TAP-deficient NK cells in these patients and compared them to NK cells from two other TAP-deficient patients with no clinical symptoms and to individuals with chronic inflammatory diseases other than TAP deficiency (chronic lung diseases or vasculitis). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from venous blood were stained with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies and the phenotype of NK cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. In addition, 51Chromium release assays were performed to assess the cytotoxic activity of NK cells. In the symptomatic patients, CD56bright NK cells represented 28% and 45%, respectively, of all NK cells (higher than in healthy donors). The patients also displayed a higher percentage of CD56dimCD16− NK cells than controls. Interestingly, this unusual NK cell subtype distribution was not found in the two asymptomatic TAP-deficient cases, but was instead present in several of the other patients. Over-expression of the inhibitory receptor CD94/NKG2A by TAP-deficient NK cells was confirmed and extended to the inhibitory receptor ILT2 (CD85j). These inhibitory receptors were not involved in regulating the cytotoxicity of TAP-deficient NK cells. We conclude that expansion of the CD56bright NK cell subtype in peripheral blood is not a hallmark of TAP deficiency, but can be found in other diseases as well. This might reflect a reaction of the immune system to pathologic conditions. It could be interesting to investigate the relative distribution of NK cell subsets in various respiratory and autoimmune diseases

    Birbeck granule-like "organized smooth endoplasmic reticulum" resulting from the expression of a cytoplasmic YFP-tagged langerin

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    Langerin is required for the biogenesis of Birbeck granules (BGs), the characteristic organelles of Langerhans cells. We previously used a Langerin-YFP fusion protein having a C-terminal luminal YFP tag to dynamically decipher the molecular and cellular processes which accompany the traffic of Langerin. In order to elucidate the interactions of Langerin with its trafficking effectors and their structural impact on the biogenesis of BGs, we generated a YFP-Langerin chimera with an N-terminal, cytosolic YFP tag. This latter fusion protein induced the formation of YFP-positive large puncta. Live cell imaging coupled to a fluorescence recovery after photobleaching approach showed that this coalescence of proteins in newly formed compartments was static. In contrast, the YFP-positive structures present in the pericentriolar region of cells expressing Langerin-YFP chimera, displayed fluorescent recovery characteristics compatible with active membrane exchanges. Using correlative light-electron microscopy we showed that the coalescent structures represented highly organized stacks of membranes with a pentalaminar architecture typical of BGs. Continuities between these organelles and the rough endoplasmic reticulum allowed us to identify the stacks of membranes as a form of "Organized Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum" (OSER), with distinct molecular and physiological properties. The involvement of homotypic interactions between cytoplasmic YFP molecules was demonstrated using an A206K variant of YFP, which restored most of the Langerin traffic and BG characteristics observed in Langerhans cells. Mutation of the carbohydrate recognition domain also blocked the formation of OSER. Hence, a "double-lock" mechanism governs the behavior of YFP-Langerin, where asymmetric homodimerization of the YFP tag and homotypic interactions between the lectin domains of Langerin molecules participate in its retention and the subsequent formation of BG-like OSER. These observations confirm that BG-like structures appear wherever Langerin accumulates and confirm that membrane trafficking effectors dictate their physiology and, illustrate the importance of molecular interactions in the architecture of intracellular membranes

    A case of mistaken identity: HSPs are no DAMPs but DAMPERs

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    Until recently, the immune system was seen solely as a defense system with its primary task being the elimination of unwanted microbial invaders. Currently, however, the functional significance of the immune system has obtained a much wider perspective, to include among others the maintenance and restoration of homeostasis following tissue damage. In this latter aspect, there is a growing interest in the identification of molecules involved, such as the so-called danger or damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), also called alarmins. Since heat shock proteins are archetypical molecules produced under stressful conditions, such as tissue damage or inflammation, they are frequently mentioned as prime examples of DAMPs (Bianchi, J Leukoc Biol 81:1–5, 2007; Kono and Rock, Nat Rev Immunol 8:279–289, 2008; Martin-Murphy et al., Toxicol Lett 192:387–394, 2010). See for instance also a recent review (Chen and Nunez, Science 298:1395–1401, 2010). Contrary to this description, we recently presented some of the arguments against a role of heat shock protein as DAMPs (Broere et al., Nat Rev Immunol 11:565-c1, 2011). With this perspective and reflection article, we hope to elaborate on this debate and provide additional thoughts to further ignite this discussion on this critical and evolving issue

    Non-media-centric media studies: A Cross-generational conversation

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    On the face of it, the notion of non-media-centric media studies appears to be a contradiction in terms. Surely those who are working in media studies will put media at the centre of their investigations and explanations of social life? In the following conversation, three advocates of a non-media-centric approach discuss their ways into the field of media studies at different points in its development, and together they explore their overlapping empirical research interests as well as their theoretical, methodological and pedagogical concerns. Topics that feature in this exchange include the linked mobilities of information, people and commodities, the articulation of material and virtual geographies, and the meaningfulness of everyday, embodied practices. Out of the dialogue emerges a renewed call for media studies that acknowledge the particularities of media, but which are about more than simply studying media and which seek to recover the field’s early spirit of interdisciplinary adventure

    Intracellular partitioning of cell organelles and extraneous nanoparticles during mitosis

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    Long-Term Sulfur Tolerance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Alternative Titanate-Based Fuel Electrodes

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    Currently, solid oxide fuel cell systems rely on upstream desulfurization units to prevent sulfur poisoning of the state-of-the-art anodes based on Ni-cermets. Next-generation anode materials should be sulfur tolerant, without compromising the performance, to reduce system complexity and cost. In this study, all-ceramic La0.4Sr0.4Fe0.03Ni0.03Ti0.94O3 (LSFNT) anodes, infiltrated with Ni:Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 (CGO) or FeNi:CGO electrocatalysts, were integrated into large-area electrolyte supported cells. The cells were tested together with a SoA cell with Ni/CGO cermet anode in a short stack configuration using reformed grid natural gas and an upstream, bypassable desulfurization unit. The cell performances before exposure to sulfur were similar for all cell types at 850 °C. Exposure to sulfur revealed different degradation mechanisms. The SoA cell shows a fast, initial degradation followed by limited further degradation. In contrast, the FeNi:CGO infiltrated LSFNT anode appears sulfur tolerant initially, followed by accelerated degradation of >50% kh−1 over long-term sulfur exposures. The Ni:CGO infiltrated LSFNT anode is remarkably sulfur tolerant
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