71 research outputs found

    Non-basal dislocations should be accounted for in simulating ice mass flow

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    Prediction of ice mass flow and associated dynamics is pivotal at a time of climate change. Ice flow is dominantly accommodated by the motion of crystal defects – the dislocations. In the specific case of ice, their observation is not always accessible by means of the classical tools such as X-ray diffraction or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Part of the dislocation population, the geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) can nevertheless be constrained using crystal orientation measurements via electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) associated with appropriate analyses based on the Nye (1950) approach. The present study uses the Weighted Burgers Vectors, a reduced formulation of the Nye theory that enables the characterization of GNDs. Applied to ice, this method documents, for the first time, the presence of dislocations with non-basal [c][c] or 〈c+a〉〈c+a〉 Burgers vectors. These [c][c] or 〈c+a〉〈c+a〉 dislocations represent up to 35%35% of the GNDs observed in laboratory-deformed ice samples. Our findings offer a more complex and comprehensive picture of the key plasticity processes responsible for polycrystalline ice creep and provide better constraints on the constitutive mechanical laws implemented in ice sheet flow models used to predict the response of Earth ice masses to climate change

    Microarchitecture and Nanomechanical Properties of Trabecular Bone After Strontium Administration in Osteoporotic Goats

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    Strontium (Sr) ralenate is a new agent used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. As a bone-seeking element, 98% of Sr is deposited in the bone and teeth after oral ingestion. However, the effect of Sr treatment on bone microarchitecture and bone nanomechanical properties remains unclear. In this study, 18 osteoporotic goats were divided into four groups according to the treatment regimen: control, calcium alone (Ca), calcium and Sr at 24 mg/kg (Ca + 24Sr), and calcium and Sr at 40 mg/kg (Ca + 40Sr). The effects of Sr administration on bone microarchitecture and nanomechanical properties of trabecular bones were analyzed with micro-CT and nanoindentation test, respectively. Serum Sr levels increased six- and tenfold in the Ca + 24Sr and Ca + 40Sr groups, respectively. Similarly, Sr in the bone increased four- and sixfold in these two groups. Sr administration significantly increased trabecular bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, and double-labeled new bone area. Sr administration, however, did not significantly change the nanomechanical properties of trabecular bone (elastic modulus and hardness). The data suggested that Sr administration increased trabecular bone volume and improved the microarchitecture while maintaining the intrinsic tissue properties in the osteoporotic goat model

    Role of compaction in melt extraction and accumulation at a slow spreading center: Microstructures of olivine gabbros from the Atlantis Bank (IODP Hole U1473A, SWIR)

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    The exposure of gabbroic sequences at Oceanic Core Complexes (OCC) along ultraslow- to slow-spreading ridges permits the study of the processes forming the lower oceanic crust. On top of the Atlantis Bank OCC along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, IODP Expedition 360 drilled Hole U1473A, mainly composed of primitive olivine gabbros interspersed with more evolved Ti-Fe oxide-bearing gabbros and minor felsic veins. These rocks record a complex history of protracted magmatism during continuous uplift and deformation of the gabbroic sequence. Extensive crystal-plastic deformation is dominantly recorded in the shallower sections of the drillhole, whereas the deeper sections better preserve primary magmatic features. We focus on microstructures, including intra-crystalline deformation of rock-forming minerals, and plagioclase crystallographic preferred orientations of olivine gabbros lacking evidence for exhumation-related crystal plastic deformation, to gain insights on the relationship between compaction, melt migration and melt accumulation during the early magmatic history of this section of lower oceanic crust. Olivine gabbros are characterized by ubiquitous grain-size variations, from coarse- to fine-grained intervals. Minerals in coarse-grained intervals show intra-crystalline deformation, while fine-grained crystals lack internal strain. Bent coarse-grained plagioclase associated with weak magmatic foliation and lack of lineation suggest that the coarse-grained intervals were deformed under weak compaction. On the other hand, crystallographic preferred orientations of undeformed fine-grained plagioclase show weak lineations, likely indicative of non-coaxial strain. We thereby infer that the coarse-grained intervals underwent ongoing weak compaction from the stage of olivine + plagioclase ± clinopyroxene crystal mush to the melt-poor stage, and that this process likely aided melt extraction and accumulation in discrete melt-rich zones where crystals orientated in the direction of magmatic flow. Crystallization of melts in the melt-rich zones ultimately formed the fine-grained intervals at different depths in Hole U1473A. This indicates that processes of compaction can lead to local chemical and grain-size heterogeneities in a lower crustal section, while had a minor role in the melt movement at larger scales (e.g., the whole crystal mush) within the oceanic crust

    Forsterite to wadsleyite phase transformation under shear stress and consequences for the Earth's mantle transition zone

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    We have studied the phase transformation of forsterite to wadsleyite under shear stress at the Earth's transition zone pressure and temperature conditions. Two-step experiments were performed using a multi-anvil press. First, we hot pressed iron-free forsterite at 6 or 11 GPa and 1100 degrees C. Then we deformed a slab of this starting material using a direct simple shear assembly at 16 GPa and 1400 degrees C for 1, 15, 35, 40, or 60 min. Both the starting material and the deformed samples were characterized using optical and scanning electron microscopy including measurements of crystal preferred orientations (CPO) by electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The phase transformation occurs very rapidly, in less than 1 min, and metastable forsterite relics are not observed after deformation. The grain size of wadsleyite is slightly smaller than the forsterite starting material. The water contents obtained from FTIR analyses in forsterite and wadsleyite are 65-124 wt ppm H2O and 114-736 wt ppm H2O, respectively, which are well below water solubility at similar conditions in the presence of free water. Wadsleyite aggregates display weak CPO patterns with [1 0 0] axes concentrated at low angle to the shear direction, [0 1 0] axes perpendicular to the shear plane and nearly random [0 0 1] axes. Only a few dislocations were observed in wadsleyite with TEM. This observation is consistent with the assumption that most dislocations formed during the initial high-stress stages of these stress-relaxation experiments, were consumed in the phase transformation, probably enhancing the transformation rate. CPO patterns vary as a function of the water content: with increasing water content the density of [1 0 0] axes parallel to the shear direction decreases, and the density of [0 0 1] axes increases. Viscoplastic self-consistent modeling of CPO evolution using previously reported glide systems for wadsleyite, i.e., [1 0 0]{0 k 1} and 1/2 (1 1 1){1 0 1}, cannot reproduce the measured CPO, unless the [0 0 1](0 1 0) system, for which dislocations have not been observed by TEM, is also activated. In addition, wadsleyite grain growth suggests the participation of diffusion-assisted processes in deformation. Calculated anisotropies for P and S-waves using measured CPO are always below 1%. This very low anisotropy is due to both the low finite strain achieved in the experiments, which leads to weak wadsleyite CPO, and to the diluting effect of added majorite. The present experiments emphasize the importance of stress, grain size evolution and water content in the forsterite to wadsleyite phase transformation and subsequent deformation in the transition zone

    Metastase osseuse solitaire d'un adenocarcinome renal

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    Senegalese families between here and there

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    While family reunification has become a major concern in Europe, with the view that migrants overuse their right to reunite, this chapter shows that Senegalese migrants are largely oriented towards their origin country. Migrants in Europe are predominantly engaged in transnational families, their spouse(s) and/or child(ren) being left behind in Senegal. They thus live transnational lives, involving comings and goings and various sorts of transfers and contacts. This pattern echoes the multi-residential family systems observed that have long been observed within Senegal. Benefiting from the transnational and longitudinal nature of the MAFE data, this chapter challenges the widely shared assumption that family reunification in Europe is the normal path followed by most migrants. The statistical results show that “living apart together” across borders is a long-lasting arrangement for many Senegalese migrants: 10 years after migration, 82% of the married migrants who left their spouses behind are still separated from them; and 88% of those who left a child behind in Senegal are still separated from it. It is quite common for such periods of separation to be ended by reunification at origin (i.e. in Senegal), when the migrant returns. As regards reunification with left-behind children, this is more common than reunification in Europe. On average, migrants who maintain a transnational family life are more vulnerable than other migrants: they are more frequently undocumented, less educated and of lower socio-economic status. In the end, the high prevalence of transnational families appears to be a mixed product of personal (individual or family) choices and policy constraints

    Fluid-assisted strain localization in the shallow subcontinental lithospheric mantle

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    International audienceWe report microstructural evidence for fluid-assisted ductile strain localization in a ≤ 50 m-wide mylonitic–ultramylonitic shear zone in the Ronda Peridotite massif, Southern Spain. Strain localization occurred at relatively low pressure ( mm). In the mylonites, olivine shows a crystal preferred orientation (CPO) coherent with dominant (001)[100] glide, probably due to the presence of interstitial fluids during deformation. In the ultramylonites, olivine CPO is weak to very weak, consistently with a decreasing contribution of dislocation creep to deformation. In contrast, fine-grained orthopyroxene in both mylonites and ultramylonites displays a clear CPO characterized by a [001] maximum normal to the foliation, which is not consistent with dislocation glide in any known slip system for orthopyroxene. We interpret this CPO as formed by oriented crystallization during dissolution–precipitation. In the present study, dissolution–precipitation creep predominates only in small-scale ultramylonite bands due to limited fluid availability and localized dynamic permeability. However, this process may be important in intermediate temperature domains of subduction zones, where it may lead to a feedback between strain localization and fluid transport

    Experimental Evidence for a Weak Calcic‐Amphibole‐Rich Deep Crust in Orogens

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    International audienceThe rarity of earthquakes despite strong deformation in the deep crust of mountain belts produced by continental collisions, such as the Himalayas, implies that the deep continental crust is rather weak, easily dissipating imposed stresses by ductile deformation. The major components of the orogenic lower crust are plagioclase, amphibole, pyroxene, and garnet. Experimental data on the ductile deformation of coarse-grained amphibole-rich rocks was until now missing. We present new deformation experiments, from which we derive a flow law for an amphibolitic aggregate (80% amphibole +20% garnet). These data show high volumes of amphibole should result in high ductility and, hence, low strength in the deep crust, which should be considered when modeling the mechanical behavior of the lower crust during continental collisional. An amphibole-rich deep crust also accounts for the high crustal seismic anisotropy in southern Tibet