42 research outputs found

    Efficiency test of a General Electric Co. variable speed Form M induction motor

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    Citation: Cheney, James Hamilton. Uranalysis as a means of diagnosis in veterinary diseases. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1907.Morse Department of Special CollectionsIntroduction: At the present day the high cost of copper makes it imperative that the line construction for the transmission of power should be such as to require a minimum amount of copper. This condition is obtained by raising the voltage at which the power is transmitted. Since alternating current is the most adaptable for this work, it is being used more and more. For this reason alternating current motors have become one of the largest problems in the electrical industry. There are at the present time two general classes of alternating current motors, the synchronous motor and the induction motor. The synchronous motor does very well in sub-stations and power houses where it may be readily started. It gives a constant speed and by its use the power factor of a line may be improved, but the disadvantages due to requirements of an exciter and a means of starting, prohibit its installation in small units or in isolated places

    Acercamiento a la participación del continente negro en los juegos olímpicos modernos de verano. Estudio de caso: Zimbabwe

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    El Continente Negro (África), para muchos no ha sido más que una fuente de riquezas y explotación de sus recursos naturales y humanos, con lo que aun hoy en la actualidad sostienen la economía de algunos países desarrollados que fueron los dueños de territorios africanos; pero que mantienen cierto dominio económico, político y social que les permite seguir extrayendo los ilimitados recursos del continente negro, para alimentar las insaciables necesidades de sus súper desarrolladas metrópolis. Los objetivos de esta investigación son: Identificar los resultados deportivos logrados por los países africanos en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano. Establecer un ranking de posiciones del grupo de países africanos acorde a los resultados deportivos logrados en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano. Valorar la participación de Zimbabwe, como miembro del grupo de países africanos, en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano. Los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para la realización de este estudio han sido etnográfico y métodos descriptivos, teóricos basados en la lógica abstracta y métodos empíricos para la triangulación de los datos obtenidos a partir de la revisión de la literatura y el uso de entrevistas. Los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para llevar a cabo este estudio, han sido de tipo etnográfico y descriptivo, basándose en métodos teóricos de lógica abstracta, así como en métodos empíricos para la triangulación de los datos obtenidos mediante la revisión bibliográfica, así como el empleo de entrevistas. La investigación se basa en los resultados obtenidos en los Juegos Olímpicos Modernos de Verano por el grupo de países africanos; en total 54 países independientes. El periodo estudiado recorre la participación de estos países en todos los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano realizados desde 1896 hasta 2012. Los principales resultados de esta investigación son: Los países africanos máximos ganadores de medallas de en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano son por su orden: Kenia, Sudáfrica, Etiopia, Egipto y Nigeria. Ubicándose dentro de la avanzada de los primeros 60 países máximos ganadores de medallas olímpicas en todos los tiempos. Zimbabwe ocupa el lugar 9 dentro de los países africanos ganadores de medallas en Juegos Olímpicos de Verano e históricamente se ubica en el lugar 75 dentro de los países que al menos han logrado una medallaen este tipo de competencias.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Black Continent (Africa), for many has been no more than a source of wealth and exploitation of natural and human resources, so that even today hold today's economy some developed countries were the owners of territories; but maintain certain economic, political and social domain that allows them to continue to draw the unlimited resources of the black continent, to feed the insatiable needs of their super metropolis developed. As stated objectives of this research: Identify the sports results achieved by African countries in modern Summer Olympics Game. Establish a ranking position of the African group countries according to sports results achieved in modern Summer Olympics Game. To assess the participation of Zimbabwe, as a member of the group of African countries, in modern Summer Olympics Game. The theoretical and methodological foundations to carry out this study have been ethnographic and descriptive, theoretical methods based on abstract logic and empirical methods for the triangulation of data obtained from the literature review and the use of interviews. The research is based on the results of the Modern Olympic Summer Games by the group of African countries, a total of fifty four (54) independent countries. The study period covers the participation of these countries in every Summer Olympics from 1896 up to 2012. The main results of this research are: African countries maximum medalists in modern Summer Olympic Games are in order: Kenya, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt and Nigeria. Being located within the first 60 advanced countries highs Olympic medal winners in all times. Zimbabwe ranks 9 within African countries won medals in Summer Olympics Game and historically is located at 75 places in countries that have achieved at least a medal in this type of competition.Artículo revisado por pare

    Alternative Transportation Energy

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    Transportation energy issues are moving to the forefront of the public consciousness in the U.S. and particularly California, and gaining increasing attention from legislators and regulators. The three principal concerns motivating interest in transportation energy are urban air quality, oil dependence, and the threat of global warming. Transportation fuels are a principal contributor to each of these. The transportation sector, mostly motor vehicles, contributes roughly half the urban air pollutants, almost one-third of the carbon dioxide, and consumes over 60% of all petroleum

    Southern California industries, Pasadena, 1928, panel 3 of 4

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    Panel 3 of 4 of Southern California industries, untitled, Pasadena, 1928. Sanwa Bank (originally the 1st Trust & Savings Bank), interior, 587 East Colorado Boulevard (at Madison Avenue), Pasadena. Each painting is focused on a major southern California industry: oil, citrus, motion pictures, and shipping. This ornate building with its Italian Renaissance-style architecture was Pasadena's first bank. Oil on canvas, 4 panels, by Alson Skinner Clark. -- Dunitz, Street gallery, rev. 2nd ed.,p. 325, #1

    Anti-müllerian hormone levels are associated with live birth rates in ART, but the predictive ability of anti-müllerian hormone is modest

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    Objectives: The aim was to evaluate the association between serum Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) level and cumulative live birth rates (LBR) in patients undergoing their first in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment cycle, and to compare serum AMH levels with Antral Follicle Count (AFC) and Ovarian Sensitivity Index (OSI) as predictors of live birth. Study design: A prospective cohort study of 454 patients under the age of 40 and with a regular menstrual cycle of 21-35 days, undergoing their first IVF treatment cycles between September 2010 and June 2015. Participants were divided into three groups based on their AMH level, (AMH ≤10, AMH 10-<30 and AMH ≥30 pmol/l). Any difference in AMH-distribution between patients with or without live birth was analyzed using a Mann-Whitney-test, and live birth rates were compared between groups by a chi-squared test for linear trend. The ability of AMH, OSI and AFC as predictors of live birth was assessed by a receiver operating characteristics-analysis and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. Results: Patients with live birth had a higher AMH, median (range) 26 [0-137] pmol/l, compared with patients without live birth, AMH 22 [0-154] pmol/l, p = 0.035. Mean live birth rate (SD) was 0.36 (0.48) in the total cohort, 0.26 (0.44) in AMH-group <10, 0.34 (0.48) in AMH-group 10-<30, and 0.41(0.49) in AMH-group ≥30. Thus live birth rates increased with 8% per AMH-group (95% CI: 0.02 −0.14, p = 0.015). The AUC for AFC was 0.56, for AMH 0.57 and for OSI 0.63, respectively. Conclusion: AMH concentration in serum is associated with live birth rates after IVF. Our results suggest that both AMH, AFC and OSI have an equal but modest predictive ability in relation to live birth rate

    Acercamiento a la participación del continente negro en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano. Estudio de caso: Zimbabwe = Approaching to the participation of the black continent in the modern Olympic Games. Case study: Zimbabwe

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    El Continente Negro (África), para muchos no ha sido más que una fuente de riquezas y explotación de sus recursos naturales y humanos, con lo que aun hoy en la actualidad sostienen la economía de algunos países desarrollados que fueron los dueños de territorios africanos; pero que mantienen cierto dominio económico, político y social que les permite seguir extrayendo los ilimitados recursos del continente negro, para alimentar las insaciables necesidades de sus súper desarrolladas metrópolis. Los objetivos de esta investigación son: Identificar los resultados deportivos logrados por los países africanos en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano. Establecer un ranking de posiciones del grupo de países africanos acorde a los resultados deportivos logrados en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano. Valorar la participación de Zimbabwe, como miembro del grupo de países africanos, en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano. Los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para la realización de este estudio han sido etnográfico y métodos descriptivos, teóricos basados en la lógica abstracta y métodos empíricos para la triangulación de los datos obtenidos a partir de la revisión de la literatura y el uso de entrevistas. Los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para llevar a cabo este estudio, han sido de tipo etnográfico y descriptivo, basándose en métodos teóricos de lógica abstracta, así como en métodos empíricos para la triangulación de los datos obtenidos mediante la revisión bibliográfica, así como el empleo de entrevistas. La investigación se basa en los resultados obtenidos en los Juegos Olímpicos Modernos de Verano por el grupo de países africanos; en total 54 países independientes. El periodo estudiado recorre la participación de estos países en todos los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano realizados desde 1896 hasta 2012. Los principales resultados de esta investigación son: Los países africanos máximos ganadores de medallas de en los Juegos Olímpicos modernos de verano son por su orden: Kenia, Sudáfrica, Etiopia, Egipto y Nigeria. Ubicándose dentro de la avanzada de los primeros 60 países máximos ganadores de medallas olímpicas en todos los tiempos. Zimbabwe ocupa el lugar 9 dentro de los países africanos ganadores de medallas en Juegos Olímpicos de Verano e históricamente se ubica en el lugar 75 dentro de los países que al menos han logrado una medalla en este tipo de competencias. Abstract:The Black Continent (Africa), for many has been no more than a source of wealth and exploitation of natural and human resources, so that even today hold today's economy some developed countries were the owners of territories; but maintain certain economic, political and social domain that allows them to continue to draw the unlimited resources of the black continent, to feed the insatiable needs of their super metropolis developed. As stated objectives of this research: Identify the sports results achieved by African countries in modern Summer Olympics Game. Establish a ranking position of the African group countries according to sports results achieved in modern Summer Olympics Game. To assess the participation of Zimbabwe, as a member of the group of African countries, in modern Summer Olympics Game. The theoretical and methodological foundations to carry out this study have been ethnographic and descriptive, theoretical methods based on abstract logic and empirical methods for the triangulation of data obtained from the literature review and the use of interviews. The research is based on the results of the Modern Olympic Summer Games by the group of African countries, a total of fifty four (54) independent countries. The study period covers the participation of these countries in every Summer Olympics from 1896 up to 2012. The main results of this research are: African countries maximum medalists in modern Summer Olympic Games are in order: Kenya, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt and Nigeria. Being located within the first 60 advanced countries highs Olympic medal winners in all times. Zimbabwe ranks 9 within African countries won medals in Summer Olympics Game and historically is located at 75 places in countries that have achieved at least a medal in this type of competition

    Prelievo multiorgano in blocco: note personali di tecnica

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    La carenza di donazioni di organo a scopo trapianto, a fronte di una lunga lista d'attesa di potenziali riceventi, ha stimolato l'ideazione di nuove tecniche chirurgiche per consentire il prelievo multiorgano da cadavere anche in situazioni in cui la prioritaria richiesta del fegato equivaleva, fino a non molto tempo fa, alla rinuncia del pancreas