400 research outputs found

    Juvenile Incarceration, Human Capital, and Future Crime: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges

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    Over 130,000 juveniles are detained in the United States each year with 70,000 in detention on any given day, yet little is known about whether such a penalty deters future crime or interrupts social and human capital formation in a way that increases the likelihood of later criminal behavior. This article uses the incarceration tendency of randomly assigned judges as an instrumental variable to estimate causal effects of juvenile incarceration on high school completion and adult recidivism. Estimates based on over 35,000 juvenile offenders over a 10-year period from a large urban county in the United States suggest that juvenile incarceration results in substantially lower high school completion rates and higher adult incarceration rates, including for violent crimes. In an attempt to understand the large effects, we found that incarceration for this population could be very disruptive, greatly reducing the likelihood of ever returning to school and, for those who do return, significantly increasing the likelihood of being classified as having an emotional or behavioral disorder

    A novel class of microRNA-recognition elements that function only within open reading frames.

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are well known to target 3' untranslated regions (3' UTRs) in mRNAs, thereby silencing gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Multiple reports have also indicated the ability of miRNAs to target protein-coding sequences (CDS); however, miRNAs have been generally believed to function through similar mechanisms regardless of the locations of their sites of action. Here, we report a class of miRNA-recognition elements (MREs) that function exclusively in CDS regions. Through functional and mechanistic characterization of these 'unusual' MREs, we demonstrate that CDS-targeted miRNAs require extensive base-pairing at the 3' side rather than the 5' seed; cause gene silencing in an Argonaute-dependent but GW182-independent manner; and repress translation by inducing transient ribosome stalling instead of mRNA destabilization. These findings reveal distinct mechanisms and functional consequences of miRNAs that target CDS versus the 3' UTR and suggest that CDS-targeted miRNAs may use a translational quality-control-related mechanism to regulate translation in mammalian cells

    Personal non-commercial use only

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    ABSTRACT. Objective. To implement a rheumatology department education retreat to systematically identify and address the key factors necessary to improve medical education in our division in preparation for developing a rheumatology academy. Methods. The Hospital for Special Surgery organized a retreat for the Rheumatology Department aimed at (1) providing formal didactics and (2) assessing participants' self-reported skills and interest in education with the goal of directing this information toward formalizing improvement. In a mixed-methods study design, faculty and fellows in the Division of Rheumatology were surveyed online pre-and post-retreat regarding various aspects of the current education program, their teaching abilities, interest and time spent in teaching, divisional resources allocated, and how education is valued. Results. Enthusiasm for teaching was high before and rose further after the retreat. Confidence in abilities was higher than expected before but fell afterward. Many noted that the lack of specific feedback on teaching skills and useful metrics to assess performance prevented the achievement of educational excellence. Most responding felt lack of time, knowledge of how to teach well, and resources prevented them from making greater commitments to educational endeavors and participating fully and effectively in the department's teaching activities. Conclusion. While most rheumatology faculty members want to improve as teachers, they know neither where their educational strengths and weaknesses lie nor where or how to begin to change their teaching abilities. The key elements for an academy would thus be an educational environment that elevates the quality of teaching throughout the division and promotes teaching careers and education research, and raises the importance and quality of teaching to equivalence with clinical care and research. (J Rheumatol First Release April 15 2012

    Underutilization of Social Insurance among the Poor: Evidence from the Philippines

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    Many developing countries promote social health insurance as a means to eliminate unmet health needs. However, this strategy may be ineffective if there are barriers to fully utilizing insurance.We analyzed the utilization of social health insurance in 30 hospital districts in the central regions of the Philippines between 2003 and 2007. Data for the study came from the Quality Improvement Demonstration Study (QIDS) and included detailed patient information from exit interviews of children under 5 years of age conducted in seven waves among public hospital districts located in the four central regions of the Philippines. These data were used to estimate and identify predictors of underutilization of insurance benefits--defined as the likelihood of not filing claims despite having legitimate insurance coverage--using logistic regression.Multivariate analyses using QIDS data from 2004 to 2007 reveal that underutilization averaged about 15% throughout the study period. Underutilization, however, declined over time. Among insured hospitalized children, increasing length of stay in the hospital and mother's education, were associated with less underutilization. Being in a QIDS intervention site was also associated with less underutilization and partially accounts for the downward trend in underutilization over time.The surprisingly high level of insurance underutilization by insured patients in the QIDS sites undermines the potentially positive impact of social health insurance on the health of the marginalized. In the Philippines, where the largest burden of health care spending falls on households, underutilization suggests ineffective distribution of public funds, failing to reach a significant proportion of households which are by and large poor. Interventions that improve benefit awareness may combat the problem of underutilization and should be the focus of further research in this area