53 research outputs found

    Aplicação do Método de Análise Hierárquica para a seleção de soluções alternativas de tratamento de esgoto doméstico

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    Escolher a melhor forma de tratamento de esgoto doméstico requer análises que permitem a tomada de decisão sobre as soluções ideais de implantação, conforme as particularidades de cada regionalidade, principalmente quando se trata de áreas rurais e isoladas dependentes de soluções descentralizadas. Assim, por meio deste estudo, o método de análise hierárquica — Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) — foi utilizado com base em um levantamento de dados sobre sistemas de tratamento simplificados existentes em municípios de clima temperado sem estação de seca, para avaliar os sistemas prioritários em diferentes cenários considerando-se indicadores ambientais, sociais e técnico-econômicos. Entre os resultados para os cenários realizados, o reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente compacto, o tanque séptico e filtro anaeróbio, bem como o tanque séptico e sistema alagado construído de fluxo subsuperficial vertical foram as soluções que se mostraram as mais indicadas seguindo os indicadores utilizados e as informações existentes. Destaca-se que os resultados se referem à área de estudo em questão, sendo necessárias novas aplicações do método em diferentes regiões climáticas. Com a aplicação da metodologia, a ferramenta AHP mostrou ser um método viável para auxiliar na tomada de decisão quanto à seleção de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto em áreas rurais, o qual, atrelado ao planejamento municipal em saneamento básico, auxilia na otimização dos recursos existentes. A sensibilidade do método revelou a importância de sua aplicação com dados coletados in loco,além da incorporação de opiniões públicas e de especialistas na contribuição do grau de importância dos critérios e indicadores utilizados.Choosing the best form of domestic sewage treatment requires analyses that allow decision-making on the ideal solutions for implementation, according to the particularities of each regionality, especially when it comes to rural and isolated areas dependent on decentralized solutions. Thus, through this study, the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) was used from a data collection on simplified treatment systems existing in temperate municipalities without a dry season, to evaluate priority systems in different scenarios considering environmental, social, and technical-economic indicators. Among the results for the scenarios performed, the compact upflow anaerobic reactor, the septic tank and anaerobic filter, and the septic tank and built-in flooded system of vertical subsurface flow were the solutions that proved to be the most indicated following the indicators used and the existing information. It is noteworthy that the results refer to the study area in question, and new applications of the method are needed in different climatic regions. From the application of the methodology, the AHP tool indicated that it is a viable method to assist in decision-making regarding the selection of sewage treatment systems in rural areas, which, being tied to municipal planning in basic sanitation, assists in the optimization of existing resources. The sensitivity of the method showed the importance of its application with data collected on site,in addition to the incorporation of public and experts opinions in the contribution of the degree of importance of the criteria and indicators used

    Concentrations of metals in liver of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) from an estuary in Southeast of Brazil

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    Concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb, Cr, Co and Ni were measured in the liver of 21 Guiana dolphins from the Estuarine-Lagoon Complex of Iguape-Cananéia, in order to indicate the impact of their habitat and to verify if these concentrations differ between the sexes and age classes. The concentrations followed the order: Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>Pb>Cr>Co>Ni, and with the exception of lead, all concentrations were in the same order of magnitude observed for the species. The accumulations between the sexes were similar, while copper were higher in infants, suggesting that the organ can act as a reservoir for Co in a period of rapidly postnatal growth. Lead mean concentration (3.17 μg g-1) were the highest described for the species, which from a toxicological point of view may be a matter of concern. This accumulation suggests a trophic transfer, indicating the contamination of the food chain, which possibly reflects the local environmental contamination caused by ancient lead mining

    Analysis of the association between sanitation and health in Brazilian states - comparative study in from 2001 to 2006

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    In a context of poor investment in sanitation, Teixeira e Guilhermino (2006) studied the association between the sanitation conditions and the epidemiological indicators in the Brazilian states, based on secondary data from the database from IDB (2003) of the Ministry of Health. Since 2003, investments in basic sanitation in Brazil had an expressive increase. Thus, the present paper had as a purpose to test the hypothesis that the improvement in the coverage by basic sanitation services from 2001 to 2006 was an investment capable to improve the studied health indicators in the Brazilian states. It has been concluded that there was an improvement in the health indicators, which is still not expressive, being of the most importance the use of epidemiological and social development indicators in the priority of investments in basic sanitation in Brazil.Em um contexto de baixo investimento em saneamento, Teixeira e Guilhermino (2006) estudaram a associação entre as condições de saneamento e os indicadores epidemiológicos nos estados brasileiros, utilizando dados secundários do banco de dados IDB (2003) do Ministério da Saúde. A partir de 2003, os investimentos em saneamento básico no Brasil aumentaram. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo testar a hipótese de que a ampliação da cobertura por serviços de saneamento básico no período entre 2001 e 2006 foi um investimento capaz de melhorar os indicadores de saúde nos estados brasileiros. Concluiu-se que houve melhoria nos indicadores de saúde, porém não-expressiva, sendo fundamental a utilização de indicadores epidemiológicos e de desenvolvimento social na decisão sobre a priorização de investimentos em saneamento no Brasil

    Landscape Revitalization Proposal of Sand Holes of Iguassu River Basin at Curitiba´s Metropolitan Region

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    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a situação atual e definir diretrizes de projeto para a revitalização de um conjunto de cavas de areia situadas na bacia do rio Iguaçu da região metropolitana de Curitiba (RMC). A localização em área de manancial da RMC implicou na análise de fatores restritivos ambientais. Outro viés abordado foi o diagnóstico da RMC a partir de aspectos socioeconômicos, em especial no que diz respeito ao processo de ocupação irregular. No que concerne ao diagnóstico específico da área de estudo, a caracterização da água armazenada nas cavas é crucial para a definição de diretrizes de revitalização. A proposta se baseou na avaliação limnológica de nove coletas realizadas no período de abril de 2008 a novembro de 2009. A análise considerou os parâmetros estabelecidos pela Resolução n. 357/2005 do Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente. O cruzamento dessas informações resultou em uma proposta organizada em seis setores principais: extração mineral controlada, amortecimento, recreação pública, pesquisa e educação ambiental, recuperação da mata ciliar, wetlands construídas.The purpose of this research was to analyze the current situation and define design guidelines for the landscape revitalization of sand holes located at Iguassu River Basin in Curitiba’s Metropolitan Region (RMC). The location at a water source area involved the analysis of restrictive environmental factors. Another issue was the RMC diagnosis from socioeconomic aspects, particularly about the process of illegal occupation. The revitalization proposal of the studied area is directly related to the characterization of water stored in the sand holes, which was based on limnological assessment of nine samples collected from April 2008 to November 2009. The analysis used parameters defined by the 357/2005 Resolution of Environmental National Council. The result was a proposal organized into six main sectors: controlled mining; damping; public recreation; environmental research and education; riparian vegetation recovery; constructed wetlands

    Doenças respiratórias e fatores associados: estudo de base populacional em São Paulo, 2008-2009

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of acute bronchitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis among children and adolescents and identify associated factors. METHODS: This is a population-based, cross-sectional study. A household survey was conducted with 1,185 children and adolescents from the city of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil), from 2008 to 2009. The participants were selected by means of probability sampling, stratified by sex and age, and by two-stage cluster sampling. For the adjusted analysis, multiple Poisson regression was used. RESULTS: Of the respondents, 7.3% reported acute bronchitis, 22.6% rhinitis and15.3% sinusitis. After the adjusted analysis, the following characteristics were associated with self;reported acute bronchitis: age 0 to 4 years (PR=17.86; 95%CI: 3.65;90.91), 5 to 9 years (PR=37.04; 95%CI: 8.13;166.67), 10 to 14 years (PR=20,83; 95%CI: 4.93;90.91), allergy (PR=3.12; 95%CI: 1.70;5.73), black and mixed-ethnicity (black and white) skin color (PR=2.29; 95%CI: 1.21;4.35), and living in a household with 1 to 3 rooms (PR=1.85; 95%CI: 1.17;2.94). As to self-reported rhinitis, the following characteristics were associated: age 10 to 14 years (PR=2.77; 95%CI: 1.60;4.78), 15 to 19 years (PR=2.58; 95%CI: 1.52;4.39), allergy (PR=4.32; 95%CI: 2.79;6.70), asthma (PR=2.30; 95%CI: 1.30;4.10) and living in flats (PR=1.70; 95%CI: 1.06;2.73). Concerning self-reported sinusitis, the following characteristics were associated: age 5 to 9 years (PR=2.44; 95%CI: 1.09;5.43), 10 to 14 years (PR=2.99; 95%CI: 1.36;6.58), 15 to 19 years (PR=3.62; 95%CI: 1.68;7.81), allergy (PR=2.23 (95%CI: 1.41;3.52) and obesity (PR=4.42; 95%CI: 1.56;12.50). CONCLUSIONS: Respiratory diseases were more prevalent in population groups with defined characteristics, such as age group, self-reported diseases, type of household and obesity.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de bronquitis aguda, rinitis y sinusitis en niños y adolescentes e identificar factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, de base poblacional. Se realizó pesquisa domiciliar con 1.185 niños y adolescentes de Sao Paulo (Sureste de Brasil), de 2008 a 2009. Los participantes fueron seleccionados a partir de muestreo probabilístico, estratificado por sexo y edad y por conglomerados en dos fases. Para análisis ajustado fue realizada regresión múltiple de Poisson. RESULTADOS: De los entrevistados, 7,3% narraron bronquitis aguda, 22,6% rinitis y 15,3% sinusitis. Posterior al análisis ajustado, se asociaron la bronquitis aguda auto-referida: edad de cero a cuatro años (RP=17,86; IC95%:3,65;90,91), cinco a nueve años (RP=37,04; IC95%:8,13;166,67), diez a 14 años (RP=20,83; IC95%: 4,93;90,91), relatar presencia de alergia (RP=3,12; IC95%: 1,70;5,73), color de la piel negra/parda (RP=2,29; IC95%: 1,21;4,35) y vivir en domicilio con uno a tres cuartos (RP=1,85; IC95%:1,17;2,94); a la rinitis auto-referida: edad de diez a 14 años (RP=2,77; IC95%:1,60;4,78), 15 a 19 años (RP=2,58; IC95%:1,52;4,39), relatar presencia de alergia (RP=4,32; IC95%: 2,79;6,70), relatar presencia de asma (RP= 2,30; IC95%:1,30;4,10) y vivir en apartamento (RP=1,70; IC95%:1,06;2,73); a la sinusitis auto-referida: edad de cinco a nueve años (RP=2,44; IC95%: 1,09;5,43), diez a 14 años (RP=2,99; IC95%: 1,36;6,58), 15 a 19 años (RP=3,62; IC95%: 1,68;7,81), relatar presencia de alergia (RP=2,23; IC95%: 1,41;3,52) y presentar obesidad (RP=4,42; IC95%: 1,56;12,50). CONCLUSIONES: Las enfermedades respiratorias prevalecieron mayormente en grupos poblacionales con características definidas, como grupo de edad, enfermedades auto-referidas, tipo de vivienda y obesidad.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de bronquite aguda, rinite e sinusite em crianças e adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional. Foi realizado inquérito domiciliar com 1.185 crianças e adolescentes de São Paulo, SP, de 2008 a 2009. Os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade e por conglomerados em dois estágios. Para análise ajustada foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 7,3% referiram bronquite aguda, 22,6% rinite e 15,3% sinusite. Após análise ajustada, associaram-se à bronquite aguda auto-referida: idade de zero a quatro anos (RP = 17,86; IC95%: 3,65;90,91), cinco a nove anos (RP = 37,04; IC95%: 8,13;166,67), dez a 14 anos (RP = 20,83; IC95%: 4,93;90,91), referir ter alergia (RP = 3,12; IC95%: 1,70;5,73), cor da pele preta/parda (RP = 2,29; IC95%: 1,21;4,35) e morar em domicílio com um a três cômodos (RP = 1,85; IC95%: 1,17;2,94); à rinite auto-referida: idade dez a 14 anos (RP = 2,77; IC95%: 1,60;4,78), 15 a 19 anos (RP = 2,58; IC95%: 1,52;4,39), referir ter alergia (RP = 4,32; IC95%: 2,79;6,70), referir ter asma (RP = 2,30; IC95%: 1,30;4,10) e morar em apartamento (RP = 1,70; IC95%: 1,06;2,73); à sinusite auto-referida: idade cinco a nove anos (RP = 2,44; IC95%: 1,09;5,43), dez a 14 anos (RP = 2,99; IC95%: 1,36;6,58), 15 a 19 anos (RP = 3,62; IC95%: 1,68;7,81), referir ter alergia (RP = 2,23; IC95%: 1,41;3,52) e apresentar obesidade (RP = 4,42; IC95%: 1,56;12,50). CONCLUSÕES: As doenças respiratórias foram mais prevalentes em grupos populacionais com características definidas, como grupo etário, doenças auto-referidas, tipo de moradia e obesidade

    Prevalence of asthma and risk factors associated: population based study in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, 2008-2009

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of asthma and risk factors associated in children and adolescents. METHODS: Population-based cross-sectional study with 1,185 female and male children and adolescents carried out in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, from 2008 to 2009. Data were collected through home interviews. Respondents were selected from two-stage (census tract, household) cluster random sampling stratified by gender and age. Multiple Poisson regression was used in the adjusted analysis between the outcome and socioeconomic, demographic, lifestyle and health condition variables. RESULTS: Of all respondents, 9.1% (95%CI 7.0;11.7) reported asthma. After adjustment, the following variables were found independently associated with asthma: age (0 to 4 years vs. 15 to 19) (PR 3.18, 95%CI 1.20;8.42); age (5 to 9 years vs. 15 to 19) (PR 6.37, 95%CI 2.64;15.39); age (10 to 14 years vs. 15 to 19) (PR 4.51, 95%CI 1.95;10.40); allergy (yes vs. no) (PR 2.22, 95%CI 1.24;4.00); rhinitis (yes vs. no) (PR 2.13, 95%CI 1.22;3.73); health conditions in the 15 days preceding the interview (yes vs. no) (PR 1.96, 95%CI 1.23;3.11); number of rooms in the household (1 to 3 vs. 4 and more) (PR 1.67, 95%CI 1.05;2.66); and skin color (black and mixed vs. white) (PR 2.00, 95%CI 1.14;3.49). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the importance of factors associated with asthma including rhinitis and allergy; age between 5 to 9 years old; black and mixed skin color; and household with few rooms. Frequent health problems are seen as a common consequence of asthma.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de asma em crianças e adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 1.185 crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos de São Paulo, SP, de 2008 a 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios). Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada entre o desfecho e variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, estilo de vida e condições de saúde. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 9,1% (IC95% 7,0;11,7) referiram asma. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: idade (zero a quatro anos/15 a 19) RP = 3,18 (IC95% 1,20;8,42), idade (cinco a nove anos/15 a 19) RP = 6,37 (IC95% 2,64;15,39), idade (10 a 14 anos/15 a 19) RP = 4,51 (IC95% 1,95;10,40), alergia (sim/não) RP = 2,22 (IC95% 1,24;4,00), rinite (sim/não) RP = 2,13 (IC95% 1,22;3,73), problemas de saúde nos 15 dias prévios à entrevista (sim/não) RP = 1,96 (IC95% 1,23;3,11), número de cômodos no domicílio (1 a 3/4 e mais) RP = 1,67 (IC95% 1,05;2,66), e cor da pele (preta e parda/branca) RP = 2,00 (IC95% 1,14;3,49). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados do presente estudo apontam a importância da asma associada à presença de rinite e alergia, idade entre cinco e nove anos, cor da pele preta e parda e moradia com menor número de cômodos. Os frequentes problemas de saúde podem ser considerados consequência dessa doença.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de asma en niños y adolescentes e identificar factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 1.185 niños y adolescentes de ambos sexos de Sao Paulo, Sudeste de Brasil, de 2008 a 2009. Las informaciones fueron colectadas por medio de entrevistas domiciliares y los participantes fueron seleccionados a partir de muestreo probabilístico, estratificado por sexo y edad, y por conglomerados en dos fases (sectores censitarios y domicilios). Se realizó regresión múltiple de Poisson en el análisis ajustado entre el resultado y las variables sociodemográficas, económicas, estilo de vida y condiciones de salud. RESULTADOS: De los entrevistados, 9,1% (IC95% 7,0;11,7) refirieron asma. Posterior al análisis ajustado, se identificaron los siguientes factores independientemente asociados al agravio: edad (cero a cuatro años/15 a 19) RP = 3,18 (IC95% 1,20;8,42), edad (cinco a nueve años/15 a 19) RP = 6,37 (IC95% 2,64;15,39), edad (10 a 14 años/15 a 19) RP = 4,51 (IC95% 1,95;10,40), alergia (si/no) RP = 2,22 (IC95% 1,24;4,00), rinitis (si/no) RP = 2,13 (IC95% 1,22;3,73), problemas de salud en los 15 días previos a la entrevista (si/no) RP = 1,96 (IC95% 1,23;3,11), número de cuartos en el domicilio (1 a 3/4 y más) RP = 1,67 (IC95% 1,05;2,66), y color de la piel (negra y parda/blanca) RP = 2,00 (IC95% 1,14;3,49). CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados del presente estudio señalan la importancia del asma asociada a la presencia de rinitis y alergia, edad entre cinco y nueve años, color de la piel negra y parda, y a la vivienda con menor número de cuartos. Los frecuentes problemas de salud pueden ser considerados consecuencia de esta enfermedad.82583

    Daily variation of lipid regulators and personal care products in a river impacted by domestic effluents in southern brazil

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    In urban areas, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play a major role in the water quality of rivers. The removal efficiency of emerging contaminants by WWTPs is strongly correlated with the type of treatment and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the process, which can vary according to the volumetric influent flow of wastewater and occasional peak flows. This paper aims, for the first time, to assess the daily variation of lipid regulators and personal care products in an urban river impacted by domestic effluents. Samples were collected upstream and downstream of a WWTP. The concentrations downstream of the effluent discharge were higher than upstream, but they varied significantly during the day. Concentration peaks upstream of the WWTP were detected at 07:00, 15:00 and 21:00, while downstream of the effluent discharge, concentration peaks occurred between 13:00 and 19:00 and between 21:00 and 23:00. The highest downstream concentrations of triclosan and methylparaben (420 ng L−1^{-1} and 460 ng L−1^{-1}) were 6.8 and 5.4 times higher than the lowest concentrations detected, respectively. These results show that in WWTP-impacted rivers, the time of the sampling has a great influence on the final results and conclusions of a monitoring study

    Changes in the Fatty Acids Profile of the Zooplankton Community Reveals the Quality of Four Reservoirs in the Hydroelectric Power Plants Located in the Iguaçu River, Paraná, Brazil

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    Fatty acids are molecules with important physiological functions, proved to be good bioindicators of the presence of natural and chemical stressors and so used as early warning signals. Indeed, biochemical analyzes, such as fatty acids, are an important tool in water body management and water quality analysis, allowing detecting molecular changes in aquatic communities, related to the trophic status of the systems, before they are perceived in the environment. In this work was investigated the fatty acid composition on zooplankton community collected in four reservoirs of hydroelectric plants on the Iguaçu River, Brazil, and assessed the species distribution to assess and compare the water quality in these reservoirs. Results showed the trophic state index presented a wide variation among samples, ranging from oligotrophic (Salto Caxias) to hypereutrophic (Foz do Areia). The most abundant fatty acid was docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n3) an essential fatty acid with health benefits, playing a pivotal role in biological functions. This study highlights the sensitiveness of the zooplankton community to environmental conditions and underlines the role of fatty acids as good bioindicators, being good endpoints to use in ecological studies. This supports the zooplankton contribution as a biological quality element in the assessment of reservoir quality elements

    Prevalência de asma e fatores associados: estudo de base populacional em São Paulo, SP, 2008-2009

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of asthma and risk factors associated in children and adolescents. METHODS: Population-based cross-sectional study with 1,185 female and male children and adolescents carried out in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, from 2008 to 2009. Data were collected through home interviews. Respondents were selected from two-stage (census tract, household) cluster random sampling stratified by gender and age. Multiple Poisson regression was used in the adjusted analysis between the outcome and socioeconomic, demographic, lifestyle and health condition variables. RESULTS: Of all respondents, 9.1% (95%CI 7.0;11.7) reported asthma. After adjustment, the following variables were found independently associated with asthma: age (0 to 4 years vs. 15 to 19) (PR 3.18, 95%CI 1.20;8.42); age (5 to 9 years vs. 15 to 19) (PR 6.37, 95%CI 2.64;15.39); age (10 to 14 years vs. 15 to 19) (PR 4.51, 95%CI 1.95;10.40); allergy (yes vs. no) (PR 2.22, 95%CI 1.24;4.00); rhinitis (yes vs. no) (PR 2.13, 95%CI 1.22;3.73); health conditions in the 15 days preceding the interview (yes vs. no) (PR 1.96, 95%CI 1.23;3.11); number of rooms in the household (1 to 3 vs. 4 and more) (PR 1.67, 95%CI 1.05;2.66); and skin color (black and mixed vs. white) (PR 2.00, 95%CI 1.14;3.49). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the importance of factors associated with asthma including rhinitis and allergy; age between 5 to 9 years old; black and mixed skin color; and household with few rooms. Frequent health problems are seen as a common consequence of asthma.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de asma en niños y adolescentes e identificar factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 1.185 niños y adolescentes de ambos sexos de Sao Paulo, Sudeste de Brasil, de 2008 a 2009. Las informaciones fueron colectadas por medio de entrevistas domiciliares y los participantes fueron seleccionados a partir de muestreo probabilístico, estratificado por sexo y edad, y por conglomerados en dos fases (sectores censitarios y domicilios). Se realizó regresión múltiple de Poisson en el análisis ajustado entre el resultado y las variables sociodemográficas, económicas, estilo de vida y condiciones de salud. RESULTADOS: De los entrevistados, 9,1% (IC95% 7,0;11,7) refirieron asma. Posterior al análisis ajustado, se identificaron los siguientes factores independientemente asociados al agravio: edad (cero a cuatro años/15 a 19) RP = 3,18 (IC95% 1,20;8,42), edad (cinco a nueve años/15 a 19) RP = 6,37 (IC95% 2,64;15,39), edad (10 a 14 años/15 a 19) RP = 4,51 (IC95% 1,95;10,40), alergia (si/no) RP = 2,22 (IC95% 1,24;4,00), rinitis (si/no) RP = 2,13 (IC95% 1,22;3,73), problemas de salud en los 15 días previos a la entrevista (si/no) RP = 1,96 (IC95% 1,23;3,11), número de cuartos en el domicilio (1 a 3/4 y más) RP = 1,67 (IC95% 1,05;2,66), y color de la piel (negra y parda/blanca) RP = 2,00 (IC95% 1,14;3,49). CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados del presente estudio señalan la importancia del asma asociada a la presencia de rinitis y alergia, edad entre cinco y nueve años, color de la piel negra y parda, y a la vivienda con menor número de cuartos. Los frecuentes problemas de salud pueden ser considerados consecuencia de esta enfermedad.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de asma em crianças e adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 1.185 crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos de São Paulo, SP, de 2008 a 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios). Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada entre o desfecho e variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, estilo de vida e condições de saúde. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 9,1% (IC95% 7,0;11,7) referiram asma. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: idade (zero a quatro anos/15 a 19) RP = 3,18 (IC95% 1,20;8,42), idade (cinco a nove anos/15 a 19) RP = 6,37 (IC95% 2,64;15,39), idade (10 a 14 anos/15 a 19) RP = 4,51 (IC95% 1,95;10,40), alergia (sim/não) RP = 2,22 (IC95% 1,24;4,00), rinite (sim/não) RP = 2,13 (IC95% 1,22;3,73), problemas de saúde nos 15 dias prévios à entrevista (sim/não) RP = 1,96 (IC95% 1,23;3,11), número de cômodos no domicílio (1 a 3/4 e mais) RP = 1,67 (IC95% 1,05;2,66), e cor da pele (preta e parda/branca) RP = 2,00 (IC95% 1,14;3,49). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados do presente estudo apontam a importância da asma associada à presença de rinite e alergia, idade entre cinco e nove anos, cor da pele preta e parda e moradia com menor número de cômodos. Os frequentes problemas de saúde podem ser considerados consequência dessa doença
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