75 research outputs found

    Roadmap Umwelttechnologien 2020 - State-of-the-Art-Report (Kurzfassung)

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    Globale Umweltprobleme wie der Klimawandel, die Verknappung des Süßwasserdargebots, der Verlust an Biodiversität oder der rasant steigende Verbrauch nicht erneuerbarer Rohstoffe werden den Handlungsdruck im Umweltbereich in den nächsten Jahrzehnten deutlich erhöhen. Obwohl viele der heutigen Umweltprobleme direkt oder indirekt durch Technik verursacht sind, beinhalten moderne Umwelttechnologien gleichzeitig das Potential zu ihrer Bewältigung. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht das BMBF-Projekt „Roadmap Umwelttechnologien 2020“ welche Beiträge Forschung und Technik für künftige Umweltinnovationen leisten können. Ziel des Projekts ist es, strategische Handlungsoptionen für die Forschungsförderung und die Unterstützung des Wissenstransfers in die Praxis aufzuzeigen. Als erstes Ergebnis des Projekts wurden in einem umfassenden State-of-the-Art-Report, Umweltprobleme und zugehörige technische Lösungsansätze entlang von sieben Umwelthandlungsfeldern dargestellt. Diese sind: Klimaschutz, Luftreinhaltung, Wasserschutz, Bodenschutz, Schonung endlicher Ressourcen, Abfallwirtschaft, Erhalt von Natur und Biodiversität. Der Report gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über reife Technologien und ihr Marktumfeld, neue Technologien und ihre Potentiale sowie mögliche Hemmnisse, die der Weiterentwicklung und Marktdurchdringung im Weg stehen. In der hier vorgelegten Kurzfassung des State-of-the-Art-Reports sind wesentliche Ergebnisse aus den sieben Handlungsfeldern zusammengefasst. Jedem Handlungsfeld ist ein so genannter „Kompass“ zugeordnet, der das Beziehungsgeflecht von Problemen, Lösungsansätzen und Technologien grafisch darstellt

    Manganese oxide catalysts for secondary zinc air batteries: from

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    An efficient, durable and low cost air cathode with low polarization between the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is essential for a high performance and durable secondary zinc-air battery. Different valence states and morphologies of MnxOy catalysts were synthetized via thermal treatment of EMD (generating Mn2O3 and Mn3O4) and acid digestion of synthetized Mn2O3 (producing a-MnO2) in order to develop an efficient Bifunctional Air Electrode (BAE). Change in the ratio H+ to Mn2O3 during the acid digestion affects the sample microporosity, the crystallographic plane distribution, as well as the physical and chemical adsorbed water which was related to defects, i.e. cation vacancies (Mn4+) and Mn3+. These characteristics were discussed and linked to the electrocatalytic activity. The best ORR performing catalyst was that with the higher surface water content (associated to material BET surface area) and a (310) surface as the 2nd more contributing plane (after 211). On the other hand, the catalyst with the higher structural water and with (110) and (200) crystallographic planes being the most intensity contributors (after 211) was the most OER active material. In this work, it was able to find a relationship between catalyst structure and air-efficiency through a volcano-like relationship between air-efficiency and surface water content. Air-efficiency (also take as round-efficiency discharge/charge in battery context) can be taken as a good descriptor of potentially good materials for Zn-Air secondary batteries technology. In this term, we were able to prepare a Bifunctional Air Electrode based on the selected a-MnO2 sample which demonstrated a roundefficiency of 53%, a DV around 1 V and a neglected loss of the charge potential (about 2.1 V) over the entire lifecycle test (more 200 cycles over 30 hours) with a capacity retention superior to 95%.European Commission H2020: Proyecto ZAS “Zinc Air Secondary innovative nanotech based batteries for efficient energy storage” (Grant Agreement 646186

    Keyword: current developments in youth research

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    Author Institution: Abteilung Physikalische Chemie, Universit\""{a}t Ulm, Einsteinallee; Laboratoire de Spectronomie, Mol\'{e}culaire et InstrumentationWe have applied both microwave and radio frequency modulation to CO2CO_{2} laser lines using only one CdTe modulator. As a result, a grid of closely spaced (Δν×1MHz\Delta\nu\times 1 MHz) and tunable infrared frequencies is generated. This technique was used to perform infrared-infrared double resonance experiments on the molecules 28SiH4^{28}SiH_{4} and 28SiF4^{28}SiF_{4} and to observe the Stark splitting due to extremely small dipole moments. As a preliminary result we obtained values for several dipole moment parameters which agree with measurements performed with other techniques


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    Recently published approaches to SLAM algorithms process laser sensor measurements and output a map as a point cloud of the environment. Often the actual precision of the map remains unclear, since SLAMalgorithms apply local improvements to the resulting map. Unfortunately, it is not trivial to compare the performance of SLAMalgorithms objectively, especially without an accurate ground truth. This paper presents a novel benchmarking technique that allows to compare a precise map generated with an accurate ground truth trajectory to a map with a manipulated trajectory which was distorted by different forms of noise. The accurate ground truth is acquired by mounting a laser scanner on an industrial robotic arm. The robotic arm is moved on a predefined path while the position and orientation of the end-effector tool are monitored. During this process the 2D profile measurements of the laser scanner are recorded in six degrees of freedom and afterwards used to generate a precise point cloud of the test environment. For benchmarking, an offline continuous-time SLAM algorithm is subsequently applied to remove the inserted distortions. Finally, it is shown that the manipulated point cloud is reversible to its previous state and is slightly improved compared to the original version, since small errors that came into account by imprecise assumptions, sensor noise and calibration errors are removed as well