870 research outputs found

    The structures beneath submarine methane seeps : seismic evidence from Opouawe Bank, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand

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    The role of methane in the global bio-geo-system is one of the most important issues of present-day research. Cold seeps, where methane leaves the seafloor and enters the water column, provide valuable evidence of subsurface methane paths. Within the New Vents project we investigate cold seeps and seep structures at the Hikurangi Margin, east of New Zealand. In the area of Opouawe Bank, offshore the southern tip of the North Island, numerous extremely active seeps have been discovered. High-resolution seismic sections show a variety of seep structures. We see seismic chimneys either characterised by high-amplitude reflections or by acoustic turbidity and faults presumably acting as fluid pathways. The bathymetric expression of the seeps also varies: There are seeps exhibiting a flat seafloor as well as a seep located in a depression and small mounds. The images of the 3.5 kHz Parasound system reveal the ear-surface structure of the vent sites. While highamplitude spots within the uppermost 50 m below the seafloor (bsf) are observed at the majority of the seep structures, indicating gas hydrate and/or authigenic carbonate formations with an accumulation of free gas underneath, a few seep structures are characterised by the complete absence of reflections, indicating a high gas content without the formation of a gas trap by hydrates or carbonates. The factors controlling seep formation have been analysed with respect to seep location, seep structure, water depth, seafloor morphology, faults and gas hydrate distribution. The results indicate that the revailing structural control for seep formation at Opouawe Bank is the presence of numerous minor faults piercing the base of the gas hydrate stability zone

    Switching from molecular to bulklike dynamics in electronic relaxation of a small gold cluster

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    We have investigated the ultrafast electronic relaxation of Au−7 using time- resolved photoelectron spectroscopy combined with first-principles simulations of the excited-state dynamics. Unlike previous findings, which have demonstrated molecularlike excited-state relaxation in Au−7 at low excitation energy (1.56 eV), we show here that excitation with 3.12 eV leads to bulklike electronic relaxation without a considerable change of geometry. The experimental findings are fully supported by theoretical simulations, which reveal a bulklike electron-hole relaxation mechanism in a far band-gap cluster. Our findings demonstrate that small gold clusters in the sub-nm size range can exhibit either molecularlike or bulklike properties, depending on the excitation energy

    High-Field Optical Cesium Magnetometer for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    We present a novel high-field optical quantum magnetometer based on saturated absorption spectroscopy on the extreme angular-momentum states of the cesium D2 line. With key features including continuous readout, high sampling rate, and sensitivity and accuracy in the ppm-range, it represents a competitive alternative to conventional techniques for measuring magnetic fields of several teslas. The prototype has four small separate field probes, and all support electronics and optics are fitted into a single 19-inch rack to make it compact, mobile, and robust. The field probes are fiber coupled and made from non-metallic components, allowing them to be easily and safely positioned inside a 7 T MRI scanner. We demonstrate the capabilities of this magnetometer by measuring two different MRI sequences, and we show how it can be used to reveal imperfections in the gradient coil system, to highlight the potential applications in medical MRI. We propose the term EXAAQ (EXtreme Angular-momentum Absorption-spectroscopy Quantum) magnetometry, for this novel method.Comment: Corrected a minor mistake in affiliation

    Acoustic and visual characterisation of methane-rich seabed seeps at Omakere Ridge on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand

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    Six active methane seeps and one cold-water reef that may represent a relict seep were mapped at Omakere Ridge on New Zealand's Hikurangi Margin during cruises SO191 and TAN0616. Hydroacoustic flares, interpreted to be bubbles of methane rising through the water column were identified in the area. The seep sites and the cold-water reef were characterised by regions of high backscatter intensity on sidescan sonar records, or moderate backscatter intensity where the seep was located directly below the path of the sidescan towfish. The majority of sites appear as elevated features (2–4 m) in multibeam swath data. Gas blanking and acoustic turbidity were observed in sub-bottom profiles through the sites. A seismic section across two of the sites (Bear's Paw and LM-9) shows a BSR suggesting the presence of gas hydrate as well as spots of high amplitudes underneath and above the BSR indicating free gas. All sites were ground truthed with underwater video observations, which showed the acoustic features to represent authigenic carbonate rock structures. Live chemosynthetic biotic assemblages, including siboglinid tube worms, vesicomyid clams, bathymodiolin mussels, and bacterial mats, were observed at the seeps. Cold-water corals were the most conspicuous biota of the cold-water reef but widespread vesicomyid clam shells indicated past seep activity at all sites. The correlation between strong backscatter features in sidescan sonar images and seep-related seabed features is a powerful tool for seep exploration, but differentiating the acoustic features as either modern or relict seeps requires judicial analysis and is most effective when supported by visual observations

    Seismic investigation of a bottom simulating reflector and quantification of gas hydrate in the Black Sea

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    A bottom simulating reflector (BSR), which marks the base of the gas hydrate stability zone, has been detected for the first time in seismic data of the Black Sea. The survey area is in the northwestern Black Sea at 44°–45°N and 31.5°–32.5°E. In this paper, seismic wide-angle ocean bottom hydrophone (OBH) and ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data are investigated with the goal to quantify the gas hydrate and free gas saturation in the sediment. An image of the subsurface is computed from wide-angle data by using Kirchhoff depth migration. The image shows the BSR at 205–270 m depth below the seafloor and six to eight discrete layer boundaries between the seafloor and the BSR. The top of the hydrate layer and the bottom of the gas layer cannot be identified by seismic reflection signals. An analysis of traveltimes and reflection amplitudes leads to 1-D P-wave velocity–depth and density–depth models. An average S-wave velocity of 160 m s−1 between the seafloor and the BSR is determined from the traveltime of the P to S converted wave. The normal incidence PP reflection coefficient at the BSR is −0.11, where the P-wave velocity decreases from 1840 to 1475 m s−1. Velocities and density are used to compute the porosity and the system bulk modulus as a function of depth. The Gassmann equation for porous media is used to derive explicit formulae for the gas hydrate and free gas saturation, which depend on porosity and on the bulk moduli of the dry and saturated sediment. A gas hydrate saturation–depth profile is obtained, which shows that there is 38 ± 10 per cent hydrate in the pore space at the BSR depth, where the porosity is 57 per cent (OBS 24). This value is derived for the case that the gas hydrate does not cement the sediment grains, a model that is supported by the low S-wave velocities. There is 0.9 or 0.1 per cent free gas in the sediment below the BSR, depending on the model for the gas distribution in the sediment. The free gas layer may be more than 100 m thick as a result of a zone of enhanced reflectivity, which can be identified in the subsurface image

    STM investigations of PTCDA and PTCDI on graphite and MoS2 : a systematic study of epitaxy and STM image contrast

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    Monolayers of the organic molecules perylene-3,4,9,10-tetra-carboxylic-dianhydride (PTCDA) and diimide (PTCDI) on graphite and MoS₂ have been imaged with scanning tunneling microscopy. The epitaxial growth of the two molecules is determined by the intermolecular interaction but nearly independent of the substrate. On both substrates the STM image contrast in the submolecularly resolved images is dominated by the aromatic perylene system whereas the polar oxygen and nitrogen groups are invisible. The correlation of the observed inner structure of the molecules to their molecular structure allows us to compare our results with theoretical considerations
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