20 research outputs found

    L'expression des gÚnes cibles dans le modelage osseux vertébral de la truite arc-en-ciel d'élevage : effets de différents apports en phosphore

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    Les rejets phosphorĂ©s issus des productions aquacoles sont connus pour ĂȘtre, en partie, responsables de l’eutrophisation des eaux douces. En raison du manque de prĂ©cision des outils actuellement disponibles pour l’estimation des besoins en phosphore (P) chez la truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss), il est encore distribuĂ© en excĂšs dans la majoritĂ© des Ă©levages. Par ailleurs, si l’on sait que le P joue un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans la formation du tissu osseux, des questions subsistent quant Ă  son rĂŽle sur l’apparition d’anomalies vertĂ©brales. Pour suivre les rĂ©ponses Ă  court et Ă  long terme d’une dĂ©ficience en P sur l’organisme, des truites arc-en-ciel triploĂŻdes ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  deux rĂ©gimes alimentaires (riche ou carencĂ© en P). Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent, dans un premier temps, que dĂšs la semaine 2, les poissons nourris avec une diĂšte dĂ©ficiente montrent des statuts en P, dans les Ă©cailles et les carcasses, infĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux des poissons nourris avec une diĂšte suffisante en P. À l’inverse, la minĂ©ralisation des vertĂšbres semble ĂȘtre prĂ©servĂ©e jusqu’à la semaine 4. Pourtant, Ă  la semaine 5, les radiographies rĂ©vĂšlent qu’environ 50% des individus dĂ©ficients prĂ©sentent des malformations vertĂ©brales. Pour comprendre l’impact de cette dĂ©ficience au niveau molĂ©culaire, un sĂ©quençage haut-dĂ©bit (RNA-seq Illumina) nous a permis de construire le premier transcriptome spĂ©cifique des vertĂšbres de truite arc-en-ciel. L’analyse fonctionnelle de ce transcriptome rĂ©vĂšle une impressionnante conservation des gĂšnes clefs impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©gulation du tissu osseux chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s. Ainsi, Ă  l’aide de cette rĂ©fĂ©rence, il a Ă©tĂ© possible de quantifier l’expression des gĂšnes dans les vertĂšbres d’individus dĂ©ficients dĂ©formĂ©s ou normaux, aprĂšs 27 semaines d’expĂ©rience. Ces rĂ©sultats, combinĂ©s Ă  des observations histologiques et le suivi des indicateurs du statut en P, indiquent qu’une dĂ©ficience a pour consĂ©quence une diminution du degrĂ© de minĂ©ralisation de la vertĂšbre (sans affecter la matrice ou sa rĂ©sorbtion ostĂ©oclastique), possiblement dĂ» Ă  l’activitĂ© de protĂ©ines Gla impliquĂ©es dans le dĂ©pĂŽt et la croissance des cristaux d’hydroxyapatite. Les connaissances recueillies seront primordiales pour la sĂ©lection de lignĂ©es de moindre impact pour l’environnement, ainsi que pour la formulation de diĂštes adaptĂ©es aux besoins nutritionnels rĂ©els des truites arc-en-ciel d’élevage.Dietary phosphorus (P) outputs from fish production can contribute to freshwater eutrophication. Due to the inaccuracy of the common tools used for estimating P requirement for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), P is still provided in excess in fish diets. Furthermore, we know that P plays a crucial role in regulating normal bone turnover; yet, questions have arisen regarding its role in the prevalence of vertebral deformities. To monitor both the short and long term response of the organism to a P-deficiency, rainbow trout were fed either a P-sufficient or a P-deficient diet over a 27 weeks period. Our results show that P-deficient fish displayed lower mineral status in scales and carcasses than P-sufficient fish as early as the second week of the experiment. Although during the first four weeks of feeding P-deficient diet, the mineralization status of the fish vertebrae was not significantly impaired, , at week 5, x-rays revealed that around 50% of P-deficient fish displayed abnormal vertebrae phenotypes. To understand the molecular mechanisms behind the appearance of vertebral malformations, we built the first transcriptome specific to bone tissue of rainbow trout. Sequencing was based on Illumina HiSeq-2000 technology. Functional analysis of this transcriptome revealed a remarkable conservation of key genes involved in bone regulation in vertebrates. Based on this reference, we could compare the gene expression in the vertebrae between deformed and normal fish at week 27. These results, combined with histological observations and common indicators of P status, suggest that P-deficiency in trout led to a reduced degree of mineralization of the vertebrae (without affecting matrix of resorption activity). The reduced degree of mineralization is possibly linked to higher expression of genes coding for Gla proteins, involved in the regulation of hydroxyapatite crystal fixation and growth. From an aquaculture perspective, these results might serve as a solid baseline for better management of P in production, opening to the possibility to strain selection as well as providing new tools for dietary-P level optimization for rainbow trout production

    Pearl shape classification using deep convolutional neural networks from Tahitian pearl rotation in Pinctada margaritifera

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    Abstract Tahitian pearls, artificially cultivated from the black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera, are renowned for their unique color and large size, making the pearl industry vital for the French Polynesian economy. Understanding the mechanisms of pearl formation is essential for enabling quality and sustainable production. In this paper, we explore the process of pearl formation by studying pearl rotation. Here we show, using a deep convolutional neural network, a direct link between the rotation of the pearl during its formation in the oyster and its final shape. We propose a new method for non-invasive pearl monitoring and a model for predicting the final shape of the pearl from rotation data with 81.9% accuracy. These novel resources provide a fresh perspective to study and enhance our comprehension of the overall mechanism of pearl formation, with potential long-term applications for improving pearl production and quality control in the industry

    Domestication and Temperature Modulate Gene Expression Signatures and Growth in the Australasian Snapper Chrysophrys auratus

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    Identifying genes and pathways involved in domestication is critical to understand how species change in response to human-induced selection pressures, such as increased temperatures. Given the profound influence of temperature on fish metabolism and organismal performance, a comparison of how temperature affects wild and domestic strains of snapper is an important question to address. We experimentally manipulated temperature conditions for F1-hatchery and wild Australasian snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) for 18 days to mimic seasonal extremes and measured differences in growth, white muscle RNA transcription and hematological parameters. Over 2.2 Gb paired-end reads were assembled de novo for a total set of 33,017 transcripts (N50 = 2,804). We found pronounced growth and gene expression differences between wild and domesticated individuals related to global developmental and immune pathways. Temperature-modulated growth responses were linked to major pathways affecting metabolism, cell regulation and signaling. This study is the first step toward gaining an understanding of the changes occurring in the early stages of domestication, and the mechanisms underlying thermal adaptation and associated growth in poikilothermic vertebrates. Our study further provides the first transcriptome resources for studying biological questions in this non-model fish species

    Tracing key genes associated with the Pinctada margaritifera albino phenotype from juvenile to cultured pearl harvest stages using multiple whole transcriptome sequencing

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    International audienceBackground: Albino mutations are commonly observed in the animal kingdom, including in bivalves. In the blacklipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera, albino specimens are characterized by total or partial absence of colouration resulting in typical white shell phenotype expression. The relationship of shell colour with resulting cultured pearl colour is of great economic interest in P. margaritifera, on which a pearl industry is based. Hence, the albino phenotype provides a useful way to examine the molecular mechanisms underlying pigmentation. Results: Whole transcriptome RNA-sequencing analysis comparing albino and black wild-type phenotypes at three stages over the culture cycle of P. margaritifera revealed a total of 1606, 798 and 187 differentially expressed genes in whole juvenile, adult mantle and pearl sac tissue, respectively. These genes were found to be involved in five main molecular pathways, tightly linked to known pigmentation pathways: melanogenesis, calcium signalling pathway, Notch signalling pathway, pigment transport and biomineralization. Additionally, significant phenotypeassociated SNPs were selected (N = 159), including two located in the Pif biomineralization gene, which codes for nacre formation. Interestingly, significantly different transcript splicing was detected between juvenile (N = 1366) and adult mantle tissue (N = 313) in, e.g., the tyrosinase Tyr-1 gene, which showed more complex regulation in mantle, and the Notch1 encoding gene, which was upregulated in albino juveniles. Conclusion: This multiple RNA-seq approach provided new knowledge about genes associated with the P. margaritifera albino phenotype, highlighting: 1) new molecular pathways, such as the Notch signalling pathway in pigmentation, 2) associated SNP markers with biomineraliszation gene of interest like Pif for marker-assisted selection and prevention of inbreeding, and 3) alternative gene splicing for melanin biosynthesis implicating tyrosinase

    Data from: Predicting the genetic impact of stocking in Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) by combining RAD sequencing and modeling of explanatory variables

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    In fisheries management, intensive stocking programs are commonly used to enhance population abundance and maintain stock productivity. However, such practices are increasingly raising concerns since multiple studies documented adverse genetic and evolutionary impacts of stocking on wild populations. Improvement of stocking management relies on a better understanding of the dynamic of introgressive hybridization between wild and domestic population and on assessment of the genetic state of wild populations after stocking cessation. In Québec, Canada, over five million captive reared Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) are stocked every year to support recreational fishing activities. Here we investigated how variation in stocking history and environmental variables, including water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen, may influence the impact of stocking practices on the genetic integrity of wild Brook Charr populations. We collected DNA samples (n = 862, average of 30 individuals per lake) from 29 lakes that underwent different stocking intensity through time and also collected environmental parameters for each sampled lake. An average of 4580 high quality filtered SNPs was obtained for each population using Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS) which were then used to quantify the mean domestic membership of each sampled population. An exhaustive process of model selection was conducted to obtain a best-fitted model that explained 56% of the variance observed in mean domestic genetic membership. The number of years since the mean year of stocking was the best explanatory variable to predict variation in mean domestic genetic membership whereas environmental characteristics had little influence on observed patterns of admixture. Our model predictions also revealed that each sampled wild population could potentially return to a wild genetic state (absence of domestic genetic background) after stocking cessation. Overall, our study provides new insights on factors determining level of introgressive hybridization and suggests that stocking impacts could be reversible with time

    Pearl Farming Micro-Nanoplastics Affect Oyster Physiology and Pearl Quality

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    International audiencePearl farming is crucial for the economy of French Polynesia. However, rearing structures contribute significantly to plastic waste, and the widespread contamination of pearl farming lagoons by microplastics has raised concerns about risks to the pearl industry. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of micro-nanoplastics (MNPs, 0.4–200 ÎŒm) on the pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) over a 5-month pearl production cycle by closely mimicking ecological scenarios. MNPs were produced from weathered plastic pearl farming gear and tested at environmentally relevant concentrations (0.025 and 1 ÎŒg L–1) to decipher biological and functional responses through integrative approaches. The significant findings highlighted the impacts of MNPs on oyster physiology and pearl quality, even at remarkably low concentrations. Exposure to MNPs induced changes in energy metabolism, predominantly driven by reduced assimilation efficiency of microalgae, leading to an alteration in gene expression patterns. A distinct gene expression module exhibited a strong correlation with physiological parameters affected by MNP conditions, identifying key genes as potential environmental indicators of nutritional-MNP stress in cultured oysters. The alteration in pearl biomineralization, evidenced by thinner aragonite crystals and the presence of abnormal biomineral concretions, known as keshi pearls, raises concerns about the potential long-term impact on the Polynesian pearl industry

    La perliculture de Polynésie française menacée par les microplastiques

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    National audienceLa pollution plastique du milieu marin est un enjeu mondial sur le plan environnemental, sanitaire et socio-Ă©conomique. En PolynĂ©sie française, une source spĂ©cifique de dĂ©chets plastiques est associĂ©e Ă  la perliculture dont les structures d’élevage s’accumulent dans les lagons depuis plus de 40 ans. Ce gisement de plastique est susceptible de se dĂ©grader sous la forme de micro- et nanoplastiques (MNP, < 5 mm) dont la contamination ubiquitaire Ă  l’échelle mondiale suscite une grande prĂ©occupation Ă  cause des risques qu’elle reprĂ©sente pour les organismes et les Ă©cosystĂšmes marins. La contamination en MP a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e dans les lagons perlicoles ainsi que leurs impacts sur l’huĂźtre perliĂšre (Pinctada margaritifera) en conditions de laboratoire. Cependant, comme la plupart des Ă©tudes d’impact Ă  ce jour, ces phases d’exposition aux MP Ă©taient limitĂ©es aux particules standards (microbilles). Afin de mieux apprĂ©hender les risques associĂ©s aux MNP, des huĂźtres perliĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©es pendant 5 mois Ă  des MNP produits Ă  partir de structures perlicoles collectĂ©es in situ, Ă  des doses prochent d’un scenario environnemental, tout en simulant le cycle de production d’une perle. Un impact sur le mĂ©tabolisme Ă©nergĂ©tique de P. margaritifera a pu ĂȘtre observĂ© ainsi qu’une modulation de l’expression des gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse immunitaire et les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©toxification. La qualitĂ© de la perle a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© altĂ©rĂ©e au niveau de la microstructure des dĂ©pĂŽts nacriers. Dans l'ensemble, ces rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent une menace associĂ©e aux MNP qui pĂšse sur l’huĂźtre perliĂšre, la durabilitĂ© de son industrie et plus largement, sur l’écosystĂšme lagonaire

    La perliculture de Polynésie française menacée par les microplastiques

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    National audienceLa pollution plastique du milieu marin est un enjeu mondial sur le plan environnemental, sanitaire et socio-Ă©conomique. En PolynĂ©sie française, une source spĂ©cifique de dĂ©chets plastiques est associĂ©e Ă  la perliculture dont les structures d’élevage s’accumulent dans les lagons depuis plus de 40 ans. Ce gisement de plastique est susceptible de se dĂ©grader sous la forme de micro- et nanoplastiques (MNP, < 5 mm) dont la contamination ubiquitaire Ă  l’échelle mondiale suscite une grande prĂ©occupation Ă  cause des risques qu’elle reprĂ©sente pour les organismes et les Ă©cosystĂšmes marins. La contamination en MP a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e dans les lagons perlicoles ainsi que leurs impacts sur l’huĂźtre perliĂšre (Pinctada margaritifera) en conditions de laboratoire. Cependant, comme la plupart des Ă©tudes d’impact Ă  ce jour, ces phases d’exposition aux MP Ă©taient limitĂ©es aux particules standards (microbilles). Afin de mieux apprĂ©hender les risques associĂ©s aux MNP, des huĂźtres perliĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©es pendant 5 mois Ă  des MNP produits Ă  partir de structures perlicoles collectĂ©es in situ, Ă  des doses prochent d’un scenario environnemental, tout en simulant le cycle de production d’une perle. Un impact sur le mĂ©tabolisme Ă©nergĂ©tique de P. margaritifera a pu ĂȘtre observĂ© ainsi qu’une modulation de l’expression des gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse immunitaire et les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©toxification. La qualitĂ© de la perle a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© altĂ©rĂ©e au niveau de la microstructure des dĂ©pĂŽts nacriers. Dans l'ensemble, ces rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent une menace associĂ©e aux MNP qui pĂšse sur l’huĂźtre perliĂšre, la durabilitĂ© de son industrie et plus largement, sur l’écosystĂšme lagonaire