1,355 research outputs found

    Trade complementarity and intra-industry trade between MERCOSUR and its main European Partners during 1991-2012: What does the evidence suggest?

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    This paper studies the Trade Complementarity (TC) and the Intra-industry Trade (ITT) between MERCOSUR and its main European partners during 1992-2012 using sectoral Krugman and the Grubel-Lloyd Indexes. The decline in TC between Argentina and Brazil together with a convergence to similar levels with their key partners (Germany and Spain) indicates that the South American economies have tended to resemble in some aspects during the last 20 years rather than complementing themselves. Additionally, the increase in ITT between Argentina and Brazil in major manufacturing sectors seems to be consistent with the hypothesis of productive diversification, although the reduction in IIT with their European partners suggests that such diversification does not occur under a technologytransfer process.http://www.asepelt.org/ficheros/File/Anales/2015/anales-2015.pdfFil: Jacobo, Alejandro D. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Tinti, Bernardo J. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Economía, Econometrí

    Visualisation of proteome-wide ordered protein abundances in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Background: Trypanosoma brucei is a protozoan parasite and etiological agent of human and animal African trypanosomiasis. It has a complex life cycle, but the most studied cellular types are the in vitro cultivated bloodstream- and procyclic-forms. These correspond to the replicating, mammalian host bloodstream-dwelling, slender trypomastigotes and tsetse vector midgut-dwelling procyclic lifecycle stages, respectively. Several proteomics studies have reported the differential abundance of proteins between these in vitro cultivated cell types. However, there are no datasets providing protein abundance, from most to least abundant, within and between both cell types. Methods: We used MaxQuant software to reprocess a recent large-scale proteomics experiment from our laboratory and extracted intensity-based quantifications of the bloodstream and procyclic form proteomes. Results: We created a web interface to visually explore protein abundances within and between the in vitro cultivated T. brucei bloodstream and procyclic form proteomes. Conclusions: The protein abundance visualization tool, searchable by protein name(s) and attribute(s), is likely to be useful to the trypanosome research community. It will allow users to contextualise their proteins of interest in terms of their abundances in the T. brucei bloodstream and procyclic form proteomes

    Visualisation of experimentally determined and predicted protein N-glycosylation and predicted glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor addition in Trypanosoma brucei.

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    Background: Trypanosoma brucei is a protozoan parasite and the etiological agent of human and animal African trypanosomiasis. The organism cycles between its mammalian host and tsetse vector. The host-dwelling bloodstream form of the parasite is covered with a monolayer of variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) that enables it to escape both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Within this coat reside lower-abundance surface glycoproteins that function as receptors and/or nutrient transporters. The glycosylation of the Trypanosoma brucei surface proteome is essential to evade the immune response and is mediated by three oligosaccharyltransferase genes; two of which, TbSTT3A and TbSTT3B, are expressed in the bloodstream form of the parasite. Methods: We processed a recent dataset of our laboratory to visualise putative glycosylation sites of the Trypanosoma brucei proteome. We provided a visualisation for the predictions of glycosylation carried by TbSTT3A and TbSTT3B, and we augmented the visualisation with predictions for Glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchoring sites, domains and topology of the Trypanosoma brucei proteome. Conclusions: We created a web service to explore the glycosylation sites of the Trypanosoma brucei oligosaccharyltransferases substrates, using data described in a recent publication of our laboratory. We also made a machine learning algorithm available as a web service, described in our recent publication, to distinguish between TbSTT3A and TbSTT3B substrates

    Evolution of the Sweetness Receptor in Primates. II. Gustatory Responses of Non-human Primates to Nine Compounds Known to be Sweet in Man

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    The gustatory responses of nine compounds, namely glycine, D-phenylalanine, D-tryptophan, cyanosuosan, magapame, sucrononate, campame, cyclamate and superaspartame, all known as sweet in man, were studied in 41 species or subspecies of non-human primates, selected among Prosimii (Lemuridae and Lorisidae), Platyrrhini (Callitrichidae and Cebidae) and Catarrhini (Cercopithecidae, Hylobatidae and Pongidae). The first six compounds are generally sweet to all primates, which implies that they interact with the primate sweetness receptors essentially through constant recognition sites. Campame is sweet only to Cebidae and Catarrhini, cyclamate only to Catarrhini, superaspartame principally to Callitrichidae and Catarrhini, which implies that all these compounds interact with the receptors partly through variable recognition sites. From the present work, from other previous results (where notably it was observed that alitame is sweet to all primates, ampame only to Prosimii and Catarrhini, and aspartame only to Catarrhini), and from the multipoint attachment (MPA) theory of sweetness reception (as elaborated by Nofre and Tinti from a detailed study of structure-activity relationships of various sweeteners in man), it is inferred that the primate sweetness receptors are very likely made up of eight recognition sites, of which the first, second, third, fourth, seventh and eighth are constant, and the fifth and sixth variable. From these results and from the MPA theory, it is also inferred that the recognition sites of the primate sweetness receptors could be: Asp-1 or Glu-1, Lys-2, Asp-3 or Glu-3, Thr-4, X-5, X-6, Thr-7, Ser-8, where the variable recognition sites X-5 and X-6 would be: Ala-5 and Ala-6 for Callitrichidae, Ser-5 and Ala-6 for Cebidae, Ala-5 and Thr-6 for Prosimii, and Thr-5 and Thr-6 for Catarrhini. By using Tupaiidae (tree shrews) as a reference outgroup and by means of other structural and functional molecular considerations, it appears that Callitrichidae have retained the most primitive receptor among the four types of primate receptors. The possible taxonomic and phylogenetic implications of these findings are discussed. Chem. Senses 21: 747-762, 199

    Proteomic identification of the UDP-GlcNAc:PI α1-6 GlcNAc-transferase subunits of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthetic pathway of <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i>

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    The first step of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor biosynthesis in all eukaryotes is the addition of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) to phosphatidylinositol (PI) which is catalysed by a UDP-GlcNAc: PI α1-6 GlcNAc-transferase, also known as GPI GnT. This enzyme has been shown to be a complex of seven subunits in mammalian cells and a similar complex of six homologous subunits has been postulated in yeast. Homologs of these mammalian and yeast subunits were identified in the Trypanosoma brucei predicted protein database. The putative catalytic subunit of the T. brucei complex, TbGPI3, was epitope tagged with three consecutive c-Myc sequences at its C-terminus. Immunoprecipitation of TbGPI3-3Myc followed by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and anti-Myc Western blot showed that it is present in a ~240 kDa complex. Label-free quantitative proteomics were performed to compare anti-Myc pull-downs from lysates of TbGPI-3Myc expressing and wild type cell lines. TbGPI3-3Myc was the most highly enriched protein in the TbGPI3-3Myc lysate pull-down and the expected partner proteins TbGPI15, TbGPI19, TbGPI2, TbGPI1 and TbERI1 were also identified with significant enrichment. Our proteomics data also suggest that an Arv1-like protein (TbArv1) is a subunit of the T. brucei complex. Yeast and mammalian Arv1 have been previously implicated in GPI biosynthesis, but here we present the first experimental evidence for physical association of Arv1 with GPI biosynthetic machinery. A putative E2-ligase has also been tentatively identified as part of the T. brucei UDP-GlcNAc: PI α1-6 GlcNAc-transferase complex

    The application of a stockpile stochastic model into long-term open pit mine production scheduling to improve the feed grade for the processing plant

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    This paper presents a chance-constrained integer programming approach based on the linear method to solve the long-term open pit mine production scheduling problem. Specifically, a single stockpile has been addressed for storing excess low-grade material based on the availability of processing capacity and for possible future processing. The proposed scheduling model maximizes the project NPV while respecting a series of physical and economic constraints. Differently from common practice, where deterministic models are used to calculate the average grade for material in the stockpiles, in this work a stochastic approach was performed, starting from the time of planning before the stockpile realization. By performing a probability analysis on two case studies (on iron and gold deposits), it was proven that the stockpile attributes can be treated as normally distributed random variables. Afterwards, the stochastic programming model was formulated in an open pit gold mine in order to determine the optimum amount of ore dispatched from different bench levels in the open pit and at the same time a low-grade stockpile to the mill. The chance-constrained programming was finally applied to obtain the equivalent deterministic solution of the primary model. The obtained results have shown a better feed grade for the processing plant with a higher NPV and probability of grade blending constraint satisfaction, with respect to using the traditional stockpile deterministic model.

    Source of the 1693 Catania earthquake and tsunami (southern Italy): New evidence from tsunami modeling of a locked subduction fault plane,

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    The 1693 Catania earthquake, which caused 60000 deaths in eastern Sicily and generated a 5–10 m high tsunami, is investigated. GPS data indicate ESE‐WNW convergence in the Calabrian arc at 4–5 mm/yr. New high‐resolution seismic data image active compression at the toe of the accretionary wedge. The lack of instrumentally recorded thrust earthquakes suggests the presence of a locked subduction fault plane. Thermal modeling is applied to calculate the limits of the seismogenic zone. Tsunami modeling is performed to test the hypothesis that the 1693 earthquake occurred on the subduction fault plane (160 × 120 km in size) with 2 m of mean co‐seismic slip. This source successfully reproduces historical observations with regard to polarity and predicts 1–3 m high amplitudes. It is likely that only the SW segment of the subduction fault plane ruptured in 1693 and 1169, implying a recurrence interval of roughly 500 years for similar events

    Recovery of renal function in liver transplant alone versus combined liver kidney transplantation: analysis from the NHSBT UK registry

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    Introduction and Aims: Recovery of renal function after liver transplantation is strongly influenced by pretransplant degree and duration of renal insufficiency, despite imprecise methods for measuring renal dysfunction. Indications for combined liver-kidney transplantation (CLKT) have been defined, but these are still under debate and hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a particularly challenging condition given the hardly predictable spontaneous improvement with liver transplant alone (LTA). Methods: We analysed data of 6035 patients (Jan 2001-Dec 2012) from NHSBT UK Transplant Registry. Renal function at 1 years after transplantation was compared between CLKT and LTA with stratification on the basis of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at transplant (KDIGO Guidelines) and treatment with renal replacement therapy (RRT). Renal function post-transplantation was classified as eGFR &gt;60, between 59-30 and &lt;30 ml/min/1.73m2, the latter identified as non recovery of renal function. Univariate and multivariable analysis were performed. Results: 5912 patients (98.0%) underwent liver transplant alone (LTA) and 123 (2.0%) patients received a CLKT. 305 (5.2%) of the LTA group were on RRT at time of transplantation, compared to 72 (58.5%) of the CKLT group. No patient with a MELD score &lt;20 received RRT before transplant. No patients with eGFR ≥60 mL/min/1.73m2 received CLKT. 27% of patients receiving CLKT were diagnosed with pre-transplant glomerular/tubular kidney disease, 39% with polycystic disease and 34% were not specified. LTA patients on RRT were more frequently presenting ascites ( p&lt;0.001), variceal bleeding ( p=0.002), higher MELD score ( p&lt;0.001), higher INR ( p&lt;0.001) and bilirubin at transplant ( p&lt;0.001), suggesting the occurrence of HRS (data not available). Patients on RRT experience a significant difference of renal function recovery at 1 year post-transplant when receiving LTA versus CLKT, with the latter group experiencing a higher percentage of non-recovery ( p=0.001; table 1). This difference was not detected for other eGFR stratifications.The univariate analysis identified recipient age &gt;50 years, female gender, RRT in patients with MELD &gt;20, polycystic disease and diabetes as predictive factors for non-recovery of renal function in patients undergoing LTA. In a multivariable model including all clinically relevant variables simultaneously, the independent predictors of renal function non-recovery were female gender (HR 2.76; 95% CI 1.52-4.99, p=0.001), RRT in patients with MELD &gt;20 (HR 3.62; 95% CI 1.44-9.08, p=0.006) and diabetes (HR 2.55; 95% CI 1.38-4.73, p=0.003). Conclusions: Recovery of renal function post-LTA is acceptable for patients with different stratifications of eGFR pre-transplant. RRT, female gender and diabetes may suggest to perform CLKT