32 research outputs found

    Tsunami Resettlement Program and Survivor Satisfaction Fifteen Years After the 2004 Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Fifteen years after the Aceh tsunami, the housing for the tsunami survivors has undergone material changes and shifts in ownership. This study analyzed the survivors’ satisfaction with the housing aid and examined the decision-making mechanisms that occurred during the rehabilitation-reconstruction period for housing construction in the relocation and non-relocation areas. This study used qualitative-descriptive methods. Interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect the data and respondents were selected by purposive sampling. The findings indicated that the decision-making in the relocation and non-relocation areas for housing reconstruction was partially top-down. There were four aspects of this decision-making: (1) choice of location; (2) quality and materials of the house; (3) house construction; and (4) supervision of house construction. However, the survivors in both the relocation and non-relocation areas were only involved in the house construction and supervision of house construction elements. The survivors’ satisfaction criteria differed between those in the relocation vs. non-relocation areas. The satisfaction of survivors in the relocation areas was based on the distance and quality of the houses and access to public facilities. For the non-relocation area survivors, house quality was the only significant factor. Keywords: life satisfaction, survivors’ satisfaction, housing, relocation, decision-makin


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    Abstrak Kawasan Pasar Lambaro merupakan satu-satunya kawasan kumuh yang terdapat di Kecamatan Ingin Jaya dengan luas kumuh mencapai 32,14 Ha. Dalam luasan tersebut, sebelah utara Kawasan Pasar Lambaro terdapat salah satu kawasan perumahan yang telah banyak mengalami penurunan kualitas infrastruktur dengan luas perumahan kumuh mencapai 3,9 Ha. Kawasan perumahan tersebut mempunyai ketidakteraturan bangunan, tingkat kepadatan bangunan yang tinggi, kualitas bangunan yang rendah, serta sarana dan prasarana yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kekumuhan pada kawasan perumahan Pasar Lambaro, mengidentifikasi skala prioritas penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro, dan menemukan solusi penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis skoring (pembobotan) dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kekumuhan pada kawasan perumahan Pasar Lambaro adalah termasuk dalam klasifikasi kumuh ringan dengan total nilai skor sebesar 25. Skala prioritas penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro masuk dalam skala prioritas penanganan ke 3. Solusi penanganan kawasan perumahan kumuh di Pasar Lambaro dilakukan melalui pemugaran untuk lahan legal dan pemukiman kembali untuk lahan ilegal yang difokuskan pada aspek bangunan gedung, penyediaan air minum, pengelolaan air limbah, pengelolaan persampahan, dan proteksi kebakaran. Kata kunci: kekumuhan, perumahan, permukiman, penanganan, infrastruktur   Abstract The Lambaro Market area is the only slum area located in the District of Ingin Jaya with a slum area of 32.14 hectares. Within this area, to the north of the Lambaro Market Area, there is a housing area that has experienced a lot of deterioration in the quality of its infrastructure, with a slum housing area of up to 3.9 hectares. The residential area has building irregularities, high building density, low quality of buildings, and infrastructures that do not meet technical requirements. This study aims to evaluate the level of slum in the Pasar Lambaro housing area, identify the priority scale of handling slum housing areas in the Lambaro Market, and find solutions for handling slum housing areas in the Lambaro Market. This research uses quantitative methods through observation and interviews. The data analysis technique used a scoring analysis (weighting) and descriptive analysis. The results show that the level of slum in the Pasar Lambaro housing area is classified as a mild slum with a total score of 25. The priority scale for handling slum housing areas in Lambaro Market is included in the 3rd priority scale of handling. Through restoration for legal land and resettlement for illegal land which focuses on aspects of building, drinking water supply, waste water management, solid waste management, and fire protection. Keywords: slums, housing, settlements, handling, infrastructur

    Traditional Acehnese House: Constructing Architecture by Responding to the Power of Nature in Relation to the Local Wisdom Values

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    The existence of traditional houses in Banda Aceh has been extinguished in modern times. With globalization's impact, the traditional house connotates as ‘old house style,’ and thus, the house style is not up to date. A large number of house owners demolish them and reconstruct them with new modern houses. Despite that, it is approved that the traditional houses of Aceh were survived the earthquake that frequently hit the region. As Banda Aceh is one of the regions resided on Sumatran's segment, the region has a large number of earthquakes.  This paper, which is part of the previous study on the thermal comfort of traditional and modern houses in Aceh, explores a historical architectural example that reveals local experiences that involve local wisdom and expertise. This paper focuses on a traditional house located in a modern housing neighborhood in Banda Aceh city. In doing this, the paper identifies how Acehnese ancestors, through their local knowledge, have constructed a traditional Acehnese house. The article also shows how its architectural form's construction techniques respond to the region's geographical condition. In constructing this study, interview and observation toward the building as primary data collections are conducted. Also, several written sources, as secondary data, related to an Acehnese traditional house, are reviewed. This paper shows that constructing a conventional house is a responsive architecture toward hot climate and earthquake. Therefore, this architectural building type with the local wisdom value's involvement is worthy of being applied and adapted in modern life


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    Permukiman di wilayah pesisir Barat Aceh tumbuh mengelompok, linier mengikuti garis pantai, sungai, dan jalan. Mayoritas permukiman berada di kawasan pasang surut air laut atau di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dengan lingkungan berawa dan basah. Permukiman tersebut telah berkembang lama dan membentuk sistem hunian yang adaptif dengan kondisi lingkungannya. Seperti pada permukiman di lokasi penelitian, masyarakat yang bermukim di wilayah Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Krueng Tripa, Nagan Raya ini secara tradisional telah membangun huniannya dengan konstruksi panggung menggunakan material lokal sebagai bentuk adaptasi dengan lingkungannya. Kearifan lokal rumah vernakular di Tripa Bawah ini tercermin melalui kemampuan konstruksinya dalam menghadapi kondisi lingkungan rawa, dan banjir. Pembangunan hunian dengan konstruksi di atas tanah oleh masyarakat, mengakibatkan banjir semakin sering terjadi. Masyarakat setempat telah mengabaikan pengaruh lingkungan terhadap kekuatan hunian dan hunian yang sehat. Rumah-rumah nampak basah pada pondasi dan dinding, serta ruang dalam yang lembab. Beberapa bangunan rumah terlihat posisinya sudah miring dan labil. Sangat perlu adanya pengendalian pembangunan sebelum lingkungan permukiman tersebut lebih rusak, kehilangan identitas, yang mengakibatkan bencana yang lebih parah. Kajian ini bertujuan menggali kearifan lokal dari konstruksi rumah vernakular yang disebut rumoh santeut, agar dapat dijadikan konsep oleh masyarakat local untuk membangun hunian yang adaptif dengan lingkungannya. Kegiatan diawali dengan mengkaji tipologi konstruksi rumah vernakular untuk memahami konsep adaptasi konstruksi terhadap lingkungan rawa dan banjir. Selanjutnya menganalisa konsep yang relevan untuk pembangunan dengan teknologi setempat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan penelusuran pustaka. Adapun penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Analisis dilakukan dengan teori tipomorfologi arsitektur dengan melihat kriteria konstruksi bangunan, fungsi konstruksi, dan material konstruksi. Hasil kajian menyimpulkan bahwa konsep konstruksi rumoh santeut yang dikaji masih relevan untuk membangun permukiman di pesisir Barat Aceh. Konsep konstruksi rumah vernakular ini bisa dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat dengan teknik membangun lokal yaitu teknik cor beton, karena tidak ada kendala terhadap sistem struktur/konstruksi, dan bahan bangunan dalam mengaplikasikannya. Hal ini merupakan kearifan lokal untuk mengatasi permasalahan di kawasan DAS Rawa Tripa. Kata Kunci:Konstruksi Rumoh Santeut, Teknologi Lokal, Lahan Basa


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    Aceh, an Indonesian province on the northern tip of Sumatra Island, has unique urban and rural environments and a rich cultural tradition. Aceh is the region into which Islam is believed to have entered Indonesia in the twelfth century and from which it is believed to have spread not only throughout Indonesia but also to Southeast Asia. Concerning this, Aceh’s ties with Islam have a long and rich history. The study aims to examine the development of mosque in Aceh from precolonial to post colonial times. The methodology of this study is a qualitatif descriptive. The collected data is analized through library research and field observations. In doing this, the study shows that crossed cultural issues, social mix as well as political aspects have some impacts on the representation of Mosques in Aceh

    An Assessment of the Spatial Comfort at the Open Piazza of Baiturrahman Mosque, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

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     The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is well-known as the identity of Banda Aceh town, Indonesia. The extensive renovation was carried out in 2015 to the Mosque, presenting an open piazza coated with glossy white marble replacing the previous greeneries and grass. This change creates a much different thermal sensation of the prior environment. This condition also invites the contrast to respond and define spatial comfort, including thermal and visual comfort. Therefore, this study conducts an assessment of thermal and visual comfort at the open piazza, which was done through field measurements. The outdoor thermal comfort was calculated using the equations proposed by Sangkertadi that are appropriate for the tropics. The visual comfort was examined using the De Boer glare scale. The result shows the discomfort appearance for both thermal and visual comfort. The study gives recommendations, such as planting greeneries, providing more shades for achieving lower outdoor air temperature. Replacing the glossy marble with the diffusing and rough surface will reduce the glare for getting the more acceptable visual comfort against the marbles


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    Infrastructure development, both buildings and roads, often result in changes in the surface condition of the landscape and lead to calamity. As happened in the residential area of ​​the watershed Kuala Tripa, Aceh, lately kept flooded. The house is constructed on the ground ignores environmental character and threaten the sustainability of neighborhoods Kuala Tripa in the long term. Kuala Tripa form of physical environment is swamp, major rivers, and estuaries. Settlement of Kuala Tripa has a vernacular house that shows harmony and conformity with the environment. The occupancy adaptations can be identified by the shape and material of construction. Studies using qualitative descriptive methods to find local wisdom in the form and vernacular house building materials to be adapted and applied to the current construction. The results of the study on people's understanding of the architecture and building construction, the use of local building materials and the introduction of the local environment indicates that the potential of the vernacular architecture of Kuala Tripa can be used for residential development of the present and the future. Values ​​in local wisdom and technology skills through shape and material the Kuala Tripa vernacular house building can be used as the basis for the development of the built environment today so adaptive to the environment and respond to disasters