2,486 research outputs found

    Dual Vocational Education and Training Systems’ Governance Model and Policy Transfer: The Role of the European Union in Its Diffusion

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    Some southern member states have undertaken the reform of their vocational education and training (VET) systems so as to promote dual apprenticeship, such as that which is promoted in Germany. During this process, the European Union (EU) has exercised an extensive influence. This paper advances the analysis of the role exercised by the EU in this stage of cross-national attraction by analysing the model of VET governance promoted by European institutions. The methodology consists of a reflexive thematic analysis of the EU VET texts. A total of 35 texts from the EU institutions was analysed by using NVivo. This produced three themes under the overarching theme of fostering a more pluralistic governance system: promoting cooperation among stakeholders in the design, management and financing of the system, enhancing social dialogue and strengthening responsiveness to change in the world of work. This analysis concludes that the EU, as an agent of the policy transfer process, encourages the implementation of a cooperative governance model of VET systems, such as that present in the dual VET systems of certain member states with collective skill formation governance regimens such as Germany, Austria and Denmark.Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain RTI2018-101660-B-I00 Ministry of Universities of the Government of Spain FPU 19/0273

    Quality assessment by region in spot images fused by means dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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    This work is motivated in providing and evaluating a fusion algorithm of remotely sensed images, i.e. the fusion of a high spatial resolution panchromatic image with a multi-spectral image (also known as pansharpening) using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), an effective approach for conducting an analytic and oversampled wavelet transform to reduce aliasing, and in turn reduce shift dependence of the wavelet transform. The proposed scheme includes the definition of a model to establish how information will be extracted from the PAN band and how that information will be injected into the MS bands with low spatial resolution. The approach was applied to Spot 5 images where there are bands falling outside PAN’s spectrum. We propose an optional step in the quality evaluation protocol, which is to study the quality of the merger by regions, where each region represents a specific feature of the image. The results show that DT-CWT based approach offers good spatial quality while retaining the spectral information of original images, case SPOT 5. The additional step facilitates the identification of the most affected regions by the fusion process

    Landcover degradation analysis of Mediterranean forest by means of hyperplanes obtained from mixture linear algorithms (MLA)

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    The percentage alteration of the Mediterranean forest landscape is one of the primary indicators for its degradation. In this sense, the land cover abundances change analysis by using mixture linear algorithms (MLA), is presented like a good alternative to study this degradation. This research analyzes the use of two information sources like Remote Sensing (Landsat-ETM+) and Field Radiometry (GER 1500) to obtain mixture hyperplanes. These are calculated by models based on least square estimations, assuming that each pure land cover (endmember) belonging to any geographic area, behaves as a random variable which distribution function is known. The mixture hyperplanes provide spectral signatures with a suitable correlation level with regard to the supplied from remote satellite sensors once corrected, for the same geographical zone. These established hyperplanes can be used in future researches about Mediterranean forest landscape changes, because they can represent the different levels of its degradation. In this sense, it is proposed that they will feed a land cover spectral library with free accessibility

    An efficient methodology to simulate mixed spectral signatures of land covers through Field Radiometry data

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    An efficient methodology to simulate mixed spectral signatures of land covers, from endmember data, using linear statistical modelling based on the least squares estimation approach, is proposed. The optimal set of endmember has been obtained by measurements in situ with a field spectroradiometer GER 1500. Also, it is proposed the use of new sub-pixel methods based on statistics and certain “units of sampling” to apply to the landscapes. The resultant point estimations for these new units will be the “observations” and all of them will carry out an special role to simulate the final spectral signature. This methodology is used to simulate spectral signatures of a Mediterranean forest landscape near to Madrid (Spain). Furthermore the spectral signature model obtained through Field Radiometry data will be correlated with the image data of the same zone provided by the Landsat 7 Enhaced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor once corrected. The results obtained in correlation studies seem to conclude its efficiency. At the same time, the results open new research guidelines

    Characterization of digital dispersive spectrometers by low coherence interferometry

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    We propose a procedure to determine the spectral response of digital dispersive spectrometers without previous knowledge of any parameter of the system. The method consists of applying the Fourier transform spectroscopy technique to each pixel of the detection plane, a CCD camera, to obtain its individual spectral response. From this simple procedure, the system-point spread function and the effect of the finite pixel width are taken into account giving rise to a response matrix that fully characterizes the spectrometer. Using the response matrix information we find the resolving power of a given spectrometer, predict in advance its response to any virtual input spectrum and improve numerically the spectrometer's resolution. We consider that the presented approach could be useful in most spectroscopic branches such as in computational spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, hyperspectral imaging, spectral interferometry and analytical chemistry, among others.Fil: Martínez Matos, Ó.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Rickenstorff, C.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Zamora, S.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Izquierdo, J. G.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Vaveliuk, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas; Argentin

    La incidencia distributiva del gasto público en educación y sanidad en España

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    El estudio consiste en un análisis de incidencia normativa del gasto público en sanidad y educación en España, para los años 2005 y 2008, respectivamente. El marco metodológico de la incidencia normativa tiene el objetivo de determinar cómo alteran los programas de gasto la renta de los hogares en el corto plazo y en un contexto de equilibrio parcial. En nuestro estudio hemos aplicado tal marco metodológico, introduciendo algunas novedades que permiten alcanzar una información más precisa (con respecto a análisis anteriores) del tipo de servicio al que accede cada individuo. Por lo que respecta al gasto sanitario, los resultados de nuestro análisis apuntan en la línea de sus predecesores referidos a las dos últimas décadas: el gasto sanitario es progresivo y redistributivo, lo que apoya el argumento de equidad tradicionalmente atribuido a la política sanitaria como uno de los ejes del estado del bienestar. El gasto sanitario beneficia en gran medida a los grupos sociales más desfavorecidos y de forma considerable a las clases medias. Los colectivos de rentas más altas desvían de forma notable su consumo hacia la provisión privada. Por lo que respecta al análisis aplicado al gasto educativo, éste tiene un efecto agregado progresivo y redistributivo, aunque ambos son ligeramente menores a los que hemos detectado en el caso de los gastos sanitarios. Nuestros resultados, en este ámbito, son cercanos a los de análisis efectuados con metodologías muy similares, aplicados a datos de la década de 1990. En buena medida esta menor progresividad y capacidad distributiva del gasto público en educación están causadas por el efecto de la financiación pública de los centros educativos privados, por la financiación del nivel educativo superior y por el gasto directo en becas, todos ellos con efectos regresivos en términos absolutos

    A combined measure for quantifying and qualifying the topology preservation of growing self-organizing maps

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    The Self-OrganizingMap (SOM) is a neural network model that performs an ordered projection of a high dimensional input space in a low-dimensional topological structure. The process in which such mapping is formed is defined by the SOM algorithm, which is a competitive, unsupervised and nonparametric method, since it does not make any assumption about the input data distribution. The feature maps provided by this algorithm have been successfully applied for vector quantization, clustering and high dimensional data visualization processes. However, the initialization of the network topology and the selection of the SOM training parameters are two difficult tasks caused by the unknown distribution of the input signals. A misconfiguration of these parameters can generate a feature map of low-quality, so it is necessary to have some measure of the degree of adaptation of the SOM network to the input data model. The topologypreservation is the most common concept used to implement this measure. Several qualitative and quantitative methods have been proposed for measuring the degree of SOM topologypreservation, particularly using Kohonen's model. In this work, two methods for measuring the topologypreservation of the Growing Cell Structures (GCSs) model are proposed: the topographic function and the topology preserving ma

    Abánades's fulling mill. Archaeology of the Modern Age in the high Tajuña

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    Con motivo de la construcción de un complejo turístico en la localidad de Abánades (Guadalajara), hemos tenido ocasión de identificar y describir los restos de un ingenio hidráulico en la ribera del río Tajuña. Tras el análisis de la estructura mediante el método de “Arqueología de la Arquitectura” fechamos los restos del edificio originario entre mediados de los siglos XVIII y XIX además de adscribirlos como parte de un posible batán que citan las escasas fuentes históricas conservadas sobre la localidad.As a reason to construct a tourist complex in the town of Abánades (Guadalajara), we have been able to identify and describe the archaeological remains of an hydraulic device in the bank of the Tajuña river. Following the analysis of the structure through the method of “Archaeology of Architecture” we date the remains of the building native between the mid centuries of XVIII and XIX as well as assigning them as part of a possible fulling mill which quote the reduced historical sources conserved from the town