49 research outputs found

    Maternal care styles in primates: considering a New World species

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    When aiming understand the human behavior, comparisons with nonhuman primates are especially relevant to identify homoplasies (similar characteristics that evolve independently in different species). In this paper, we present a two-year longitudinal study on the maternal behavior of capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) under naturalistic conditions. Our results revel distinct maternal care styles within a continuum ranging from permissiveness (laissez-faire) to protectiveness. The observed development of mothers and infants bond suggests that the dependence period of capuchin monkeys infants involves, in addition to physical maturation processes, the establishment and development of psychological processes associated with the attachment system. It is possible that the variability of maternal styles – resulting from the combination of mothers’ and infants’ characteristics, as well as socioecological contexts, along with the extension of the attachment bond – are responsible for paving the way for different developmental trajectories. This may be one of the mechanisms underlying interindividual differences arise in adult populations, as seen in humans.Quando buscamos entender o comportamento humano, comparações com primatas não humanos são especialmente relevantes para identificar homoplasias (características semelhantes que evoluem independentemente em diferentes espécies). Neste artigo, apresentamos um estudo longitudinal de dois anos sobre o comportamento materno de macacos-prego (Sapajus spp.) em condições naturalísticas. Nossos resultados permitiram identificar estilos de cuidado distintos dentro de um contínuo de permissividade a proteção. O desenvolvimento observado do vínculo entre mães e filhotes sugere que o período de dependência de filhotes de macaco-prego envolve, além de processos de maturação física, o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento de processos psicológicos associados ao sistema de apego. É possível que a variabilidade de estilos maternos resultante da combinação de características de mães, filhotes e contextos socioecológicos, aliada ao prolongamento do vínculo de apego, pavimente caminhos para diferentes trajetórias de desenvolvimento. Como em humanos, esse pode ser um dos mecanismos pelos quais surgem e se consolidam as diferenças interindividuais nas populações adultas.Lorsque nous cherchons à comprendre le comportement humain, les comparaisons avec les primates non humains sont particulièrement pertinentes pour identifier les homoplasies (caractéristiques similaires qui évoluent indépendamment dans différentes espèces). Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats d’une étude longitudinale de deux ans sur le comportement maternel du Sapajou capucin (Sapajus spp.) dans des conditions naturelles. Nos résultats nous ont permis d’identifier différents styles de soins maternels dans un continuum de permissivité à la protection. Nous avons observé que le modèle de lien d’attachement entre la mère et la progéniture suggère que la période de dépendance des bébés singes implique, en plus des processus de maturation physique, l’établissement et le développement de processus psychologiques associés au système d’attachement. Il est possible que la variabilité des styles maternels résultant de la combinaison des caractéristiques de la mère, de la progéniture et du contexte socioécologique, ainsi que l’extension du lien d’attachement, ouvrent la voie à différentes trajectoires de développement. Comme les humains, il peut être un des mécanismes par lequel les différences interindividuelles apparaissent et se consolident au sein des populations adultes.Cuando buscamos entender el comportamiento humano, comparaciones con primates no humanos son especialmente relevantes para identificar homoplasias (características similares que evolucionan independientemente en diferentes especies). En este artículo, presentamos los resultados de un estudio longitudinal de dos años sobre el comportamiento materno de monos capuchinos (Sapajus spp.) en condiciones naturales. Los resultados permitieron identificar estilos de cuidado materno distintos dentro de un continuo de permisividad a la protección. Se observó que el patrón de desarrollo del vínculo de apego entre madre y cría sugiere que el período de dependencia de la cría de monos capuchinos involucra, además de procesos de maduración física, el establecimiento y desarrollo de procesos psicológicos asociados al sistema de apego. Es posible que la variabilidad de estilos maternos resultante de la combinación de características de madres, crías y contextos socioecológicos, aliada a la prolongación del vínculo de apego, establezca caminos para diferentes trayectorias de desarrollo. Tal como en humanos, este puede ser uno de los mecanismos por los que surgen y se consolidan las diferencias interindividuales en las poblaciones adultas

    Evolutionary Ecology and Human Behavior

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    Food competition in a semi-free-ranging Cebus apella group

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    The competitive regime faced by individuals is fundamental to modelling the evolution of social organisation. In this paper, we assess the relative importance of contest and scramble food competition on the social dynamics of a provisioned semifree-ranging Cebus apella group (n= 18). Individuals competed directly for provisioned and clumped foods. Effects of indirect competition were apparent with individuals foraging in different areas and with increased group dispersion during periods of low food abundance. We suggest that both forms of competition can act simultaneously and to some extent synergistically in their influence on social dynamics; the combination of social and ecological opportunities for competition and how those opportunities are exploited both influence the nature of the relationships within social groups of primates as well as underlying the evolved social structure

    Modelando la Propensión al Riesgo a Partir de Diferentes Medidas

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    La investigación de propensión al riesgo presenta distintas formas de medición del constructo. Primero, se objetivó evaluar evidencias de validez de los instrumentos/métodos sobre la base de criterios externos, contrastando los grupos por el sexo en las tres diferentes medidas de propensión al riesgo: escala de propensión al riesgo, y dos tareas de toma de decisiones. Luego, se objetivó construir un modelo de toma de riesgos a partir del análisis de la relación entre los instrumentos/métodos. Los 211 participantes (121 mujeres; M = 21.60 años, DE = 2.19; y 91 hombres; M = 21.46 años, DE = 2.0) respondieron la investigación en una sola sesión experimental con una duración promedio de 30 min. Los instrumentos presentados validez por el grupos de contraste. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre los diferentes instrumentos. Los datos se modelan en una estructura de tres factores indicando la multidimensionalidad de lo constructo propensión al riesgo.Risk-taking researches have presented different forms of construction measurements. First, we aimed at evaluating the evidence of validity of the instruments/methods based on external criteria by contrasting the groups on their gender under the three different risk-taking measures: a domain-specific scale and two decision-making tasks in risky situations (Driving a Car game and card games). After that, we aimed at constructing a risk-taking model from the analysis of the relationship between the instruments/ methods. The 211 participants (121 women; M = 21.60 years old; SD = 2.19; and 91 men; M = 21.46 years old; SD = 2.0) answered the research in a single experimental session with an average duration of 30 min. Individually, the instruments presented criterion validity for contrasting groups. There was no correlation between the scores obtained for the different instruments in the risk-taking model. In conclusion, the data was designed in a three-factor structure indicating the multidimensionality of the risk-taking construct.Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar evidências de validade dos instrumentos/métodos com base em critérios externos, contrastando os grupos pelo sexo nas três diferentes medidas de propensão ao risco: Escala de Propensão ao Risco Específico (EPREDE), jogo de dirigir um carro e jogo de cartas. Objetivou-se também construir um modelo de propensão ao risco a partir da análise das relações entre os três instrumentos/métodos. Os 211 participantes (121 mulheres; M = 21.60 anos; DP = 2.19; e 91 homens; M = 21.46 anos; DP = 2.0) responderam à pesquisa em uma única sessão experimental com média de duração de 30 minutos. Individualmente, os instrumentos apresentaram validade de critério para grupos contrastantes. Não houve correlações significativas entre os diferentes instrumentos no modelo de propensão ao risco. Concluímos que os dados foram modelados em uma estrutura de três fatores indicando a multidimensionalidade do construto propensão ao risco

    Female emancipation in a male dominant, sexually dimorphic primate under natural conditions

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    In most group-living animals, a dominance hierarchy reduces the costs of competition for limited resources. Dominance ranks may reflect prior attributes, such as body size, related to fighting ability or reflect the history of self-reinforcing effects of winning and losing a conflict (the winner-loser effect), or both. As to prior attributes, in sexually dimorphic species, where males are larger than females, males are assumed to be dominant over females. As to the winner-loser effect, the computational model DomWorld has shown that despite the female’s lower initial fighting ability, females achieve some degree of dominance of females over males. In the model, this degree of female dominance increases with the proportion of males in a group. This increase was supposed to emerge from the higher fraction of fights of males among themselves. These correlations were confirmed in despotic macaques, vervet monkeys, and in humans. Here, we first investigate this hypothesis in DomWorld and next in long-term data of 9,300 observation hours on six wild groups of robust capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus; S. nigritus, and S. xanthosternos) in three Brazilian sites. We test whether both the proportion of males and degree of female dominance over males are indeed associated with a higher relative frequency of aggression among males and a higher relative frequency of aggression of females to males. We confirm these correlations in DomWorld. Next, we confirm in empirical data of capuchin monkeys that with the proportion of males in the group there is indeed an increase in female dominance over males, and in the relative frequency of both male-male aggression and aggression of females to males and that the female dominance index is significantly positively associated with male male aggression. Our results reveal that adult sex ratio influences the power relation between the sexes beyond predictions from socioecological models.</p

    News and Perspectives: Words matter in primatology

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    Postings on social media on Twitter (now X), BioAnthropology News (Facebook), and other venues, as well as recent publications in prominent journals, show that primatologists, ecologists, and other researchers are questioning the terms “Old World” and “New World” due to their colonial implications and history. The terms are offensive if they result in erasing Indigenous voices and history, ignoring the fact that Indigenous peoples were in the Americas long before European colonization. Language use is not without context, but alternative terminology is not always obvious and available. In this perspective, we share opinions expressed by an international group of primatologists who considered questions about the use of these terms, whether primatologists should adjust language use, and how to move forward. The diversity of opinions provides insight into how conventional terms used in primatological research and conservation may impact our effectiveness in these domains

    News and Perspectives: Words matter in primatology

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    Postings on social media on Twitter (now X), BioAnthropology News (Facebook), and other venues, as well as recent publications in prominent journals, show that primatologists, ecologists, and other researchers are questioning the terms “Old World” and “New World” due to their colonial implications and history. The terms are offensive if they result in erasing Indigenous voices and history, ignoring the fact that Indigenous peoples were in the Americas long before European colonization. Language use is not without context, but alternative terminology is not always obvious and available. In this perspective, we share opinions expressed by an international group of primatologists who considered questions about the use of these terms, whether primatologists should adjust language use, and how to move forward. The diversity of opinions provides insight into how conventional terms used in primatological research and conservation may impact our effectiveness in these domains

    Reducing the Clinical and Public Health Burden of Familial Hypercholesterolemia A Global Call to Action

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    Q1Q1Artículo completoE1-E13IMPORTANCE Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an underdiagnosed and undertreated genetic disorder that leads to premature morbidity and mortality due to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Familial hypercholesterolemia affects 1 in 200 to 250 people around the world of every race and ethnicity. The lack of general awareness of FH among the public and medical community has resulted in only 10% of the FH population being diagnosed and adequately treated. The World Health Organization recognized FH as a public health priority in 1998 during a consultation meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Organization report highlighted 11 recommendations to address FH worldwide, from diagnosis and treatment to family screening and education. Research since the 1998 report has increased understanding and awareness of FH, particularly in specialty areas, such as cardiology and lipidology. However, in the past 20 years, there has been little progress in implementing the 11 recommendations to prevent premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in an entire generation of families with FH. OBSERVATIONS In 2018, the Familial Hypercholesterolemia Foundation and the World Heart Federation convened the international FH community to update the 11 recommendations. Two meetings were held: one at the 2018 FH Foundation Global Summit and the other during the 2018 World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health. Each meeting served as a platform for the FH community to examine the original recommendations, assess the gaps, and provide commentary on the revised recommendations. The Global Call to Action on Familial Hypercholesterolemia thus represents individuals with FH, advocacy leaders, scientific experts, policy makers, and the original authors of the 1998 World Health Organization report. Attendees from 40 countries brought perspectives on FH from low-, middle-, and high-income regions. Tables listing country-specific government support for FH care, existing country-specific and international FH scientific statements and guidelines, country-specific and international FH registries, and known FH advocacy organizations around the world were created. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE By adopting the 9 updated public policy recommendations created for this document, covering awareness; advocacy; screening, testing, and diagnosis; treatment; family-based care; registries; research; and cost and value, individual countries have the opportunity to prevent atherosclerotic heart disease in their citizens carrying a gene associated with FH and, likely, all those with severe hypercholesterolemia as well