108 research outputs found

    Is radicalization a family issue? A systematic review of family-related risk and protective factors, consequences, and interventions against radicalization

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    Background: Family-related risk and protective factors are crucial for different antisocial behaviors, but their role in radicalization requires synthesis. Radicalization is likely to have a negative impact on families, and well-designed and implemented family-focused intervention programs have the potential to decrease radicalization. Objectives: Research questions were: (1) What are the family-related risk and protective factors for radicalization? (2) What is the impact of radicalization on families? (3) Are family-based interventions against radicalization effective? Search Methods: Searches included 25 databases and hand searches of gray literature from April to July 2021. Leading researchers in the field were asked to provide published and unpublished studies on the topic. Reference lists of the included studies and previously published systematic reviews on risk and protective factors for radicalization were scanned. Selection Criteria: Published and unpublished quantitative studies on family-related risk and protective factors for radicalization, the impact of radicalization on families, and family-focused interventions were eligible with no restrictions regarding the study year, location, or any demographic characteristic. Studies were included if they measured the relation between a family-related factor and radicalization or if they included a family-focused intervention against radicalization. For family-related risk and protective factors, radicalized individuals needed to be compared to general population. Studies were included if they defined radicalization as support or commission of violence to defend a cause, including support for radical groups. Data Collection and Analysis: The systematic search identified 86,591 studies. After screening, 33 studies focused on family-related risk and protective factors were included, with 89 primary effect sizes and 48 variables grouped in 14 factors. For the factors that included two or more studies, meta-analyses with random effects were conducted. When possible, moderator analyses were performed together with sensitivity and publication bias analyses. No studies on the impact of radicalization on families or family-focused interventions were included. Results: The current systematic review based on studies with 148,081 adults and adolescents from diverse geographic locations showed that parental ethnic socialization (z = 0.27), having extremist family members (z = 0.26), and family conflict (z = 0.11) were related to more radicalization, whereas high family socioeconomic status (z = -0.03), bigger family size (z = -0.05), and high family commitment (z = -0.06) were related to less radicalization. Separate analyses described family-factors for behavioral versus cognitive radicalization, and different radical ideologies including Islamist, right-wing and left-wing. It was not possible to distinguish risk and protective factors from correlates and the level of overall bias was mostly high. No results regarding the impact of radicalization on families or family-focused interventions were included. Authors' Conclusions: Although causal relations between family-related risk and protective factors could not be established, it is reasonable to suggest that policies and practice should aim at decreasing family-related risks and increasing protective factors for radicalization. Tailored interventions including these factors should be urgently designed, implemented and evaluated. Studies focused on the impact of radicalization on families and family-focused interventions are urgently needed together with longitudinal studies on family-related risk and protective factors

    El índice de internacionalidad: aplicación a la Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología

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    The present work is a proposal of application of the criteria of the Internationality Index to the scientific publications. The criteria were established by a broad sample of 16,056 of scientists from 109 countries (publication language, the online access, international standards of publication, inclusion in the JCR, inclusion in databases, the editorial board from different countries, free online access, the Impact Factor, the authors from different countries, affiliation to an “international” association, the word “international” in the journal’s name). These are divided into subcriteria and the way of calculating the scores in each one of them is presented. The sum of all the points applied to a group of journals would enable their classification from the most international to the least international creating at the same time the Internationality Index. The present work is the first proposal on how to apply the Internationality Index to a single publication. The results of the paper show that, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología is indeed a very international journal. Moreover, it is the most international journal of all the publications which have ever been analyzed.El presente trabajo es una propuesta de aplicación de criterio de un Índice de Internacionalidad de publicaciones científicas. Los criterios fueron establecidos por una muestra de 16.056 científicos de 109 países (lenguaje de publicación, acceso libre al texto, estándares internacionales de publicación, inclusión en el JCR, inclusión en bases de datos, comité editorial de diversos países, editada por una asociación internacional, la palabra internacional en el título) y fueron divididos en subcriterios para calcular la puntuación en cada uno de ellos. El sumatorio de todos los puntos aplicados a un grupo de revistas permite crear un ranking de internacionalidad con un Índice de Internacionalidad para cada revista. Este trabajo es la primera propuesta de cómo aplicar el Índice de Internacionalidad a una sola publicación. Los resultados demuestran que la Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología es realmente una revista internacional. Es más, es la revista más internacional de todas las que han sido analizadas.The study has been financed by Dirección General de Universidades (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) (Reference: EA2006-0016)

    Bullying and Cyberbullying in Adolescents from Disadvantaged Areas: Validation of Questionnaires; Prevalence Rates; and Relationship to Self-Esteem, Empathy and Social Skills

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    Although bullying and cyberbullying have been widely studied in diverse geographical areas, the number of studies in isolated regions, located in rainforests such as the Peruvian Amazonia, is low. Most research has been conducted in wealthy, Western countries, although disadvantaged areas are usually the most affected by various problems. Thus, the aims of this study were to validate bullying and cyberbullying measurement instruments among adolescents in the Peruvian Amazonia, to determine the prevalence rates of bullying and cyberbullying among this population, and to examine how bullying and cyberbullying relate to self-esteem, empathy, and social skills. The sample included 607 students from the region of Loreto (Peruvian Amazonia) who completed self-report questionnaires. Both questionnaires used in the sample were found to have good psychometric properties. Results showed that bullying and cyberbullying are prevalent among teenagers in the Amazonia. Low self-esteem and high affective empathy predicted bullying victimization. Being a bully was related to high assertiveness. Being a bully-victim was related to low self-esteem and low assertiveness. Cybervictims showed higher cognitive empathy. Cyberbullies showed higher affective empathy in comparison to uninvolved adolescents. Having low self-esteem and higher affective empathy were related to being a cyberbully/victim. This study provides a validated questionnaire that can be used for research and practice in the Amazonia. Based on the current results, tailored anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying interventions with components focused on self-esteem, empathy, and social skills should be implemented in Peruvian secondary schools

    El proceso atencional y comunicativo y el desarrollo de competencias interpretativas en la formación del pianista de cámara

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    Pianists performing chamber music require skills of conscious listening and non-verbal, body or visual communication to perfect coordination, synchrony and dynamic balance. This study hypothesize that pianists have perceptive-attentional and psychological skills that allow them to communicate with other musicians. These skills are hypothesized to be better in more experienced pianists. This survey was conducted with 278 graduate and under-graduate pianists from all parts of Spain, who reported that the attention and communication skills are important in chamber music performance. Women reported higher levels of multitask competencies pertaining to conscious listening, body language and visual efficiency. At the same time, participants who are more highly trained and experienced report higher levels of attention, communication and interpretation skills when compared to the participants with shorter training and experience. Future research and practice should focus on assessment and inclusion of these skills in the curriculum of future chamber music pianists.</jats:p

    Cyber-behavior and emotional dependency in young couples

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    The use of the ICT and the cyber media is leading to new forms of socialization and communication among youth. Virtual environment has become a new context for relating to other people which also includes the establishment and development of couple relationships. At the same time, couple relationships\ud in youth can be very satisfactory, although many studies also described the existence of different problems such as inadequate behaviors towards the partners or emotional dependency. Thus, the current work describes the use of different cyber media among youth and its relationship to the levels of emotional dependency. First, a questionnaire on the use of cyber media in oneself and perceived in a partner was answered by the participants. At the same time, the IRIDS-100 questionnaire for the assessment of the emotional dependency was responded.\ud Both instruments were answered by 100 students between 19 and 32 years old, enrolled in the University of Córdoba. Results showed frequent use of WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube in oneself and also perceived in the partner. Moreover, positive correlations were found between its use in oneself and perceived in the partner and emotional dependency. Taking into account that the cyber media have changed the way of relating among young people, with their peers and their couples, the results of the current study contribute to this topic suggesting\ud at the same time new lines of studies related to the emotional dependency expressed through the cyber media

    An intervention program to enhance social and emotional competencies in pre-service early childhood education teachers

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    Early childhood is a crucial period for the development of social and emotional competencies. Researchers point out that teachers need to have a high level of social and emotional competencies to enhance these competencies in their students but the number of programs to promote these competencies in pre-service teachers is small. The objective of this study was to design, conduct and evaluate an intervention to promote social and emotional competencies in pre-service early childhood education teachers. The study used a non-randomized pre-test, post-test intervention-control design. The intervention included competencies such as emotional awareness and understanding, emotional management, social competence and responsible decision making. Results showed that the level of social and emotional competencies increased after the program, although statistically significant differences between the intervention and control group were found only in some dimensions. It is recommended to include similar programs in pre-service and in-service teacher education in general

    The internationality index: Application to Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología

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    El presente trabajo es una propuesta de aplicación de criterio de un Índice de Internacionalidad de publicaciones científicas. Los criterios fueron establecidos por una muestra de 16.056 científicos de 109 países (lenguaje de publicación, acceso libre al texto, estándares internacionales de publicación, inclusión en el JCR, inclusión en bases de datos, comité editorial de diversos países, editada por una asociación internacional, la palabra internacional en el título) y fueron divididos en subcriterios para calcular la puntuación en cada uno de ellos. El sumatorio de todos los puntos aplicados a un grupo de revistas permite crear un ranking de internacionalidad con un Índice de Internacionalidad para cada revista. Este trabajo es la primera propuesta de cómo aplicar el Índice de Internacionalidad a una sola publicación. Los resultados demuestran que la Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología es realmente una revista internacional. Es más, es la revista más internacional de todas las que han sido analizadas

    Adolescent Compliance with anti-COVID Measures. Is It Related to Substance Use?

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    Prevalence rates of compliance with anti-COVID measures have been widely studied, but little is known about this issue in early adolescence. Moreover, the relation between substance use and compliance with anti-COVID regulations is still unexplored. Thus, this study aimed to determine the level of compliance with anti-COVID measures by adolescents and the link between substance use and compliance with anti-COVID regulations. This was a cross-sectional study including 909 participants (Mage = 12.57; SD = 0.81). The most complied measure was mask-wearing, followed by avoiding hug/kiss friends and, finally, social distancing. All substance use negatively correlated with compliance with measures. However, strong alcohol and tobacco were the only substances significantly related to less compliance of anti-COVID measures after controlling for covariates. These results provide evidence about the relation between substance use and compliance with anti-COVID measures. Strategies addressed to decrease substance use could be effective to reduce behaviours associated with coronavirus transmission

    Social and Emotional Competencies of Polish Pupils: Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version of the Social and Emotional Competencies Questionnaire (SEC–Q)

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    Objectives of the research: Social and emotional competencies are crucial predictors of effective human psychosocial functioning. Although research on social and emotional competencies has been carried out for many years almost worldwide, in the current era of rapid social changes, further research is necessary. Thus, it is still essential to validate international questionnaires to measure social and emotional competencies in different geographic areas, including Poland. This would make it possible to study the dynamics of the development of these competencies and to conduct comparative studies between different countries. Therefore, the aim of the study was to validate the Social and Emotional Competencies Questionnaire (SEC–Q) in Poland. Research methods: This study was conducted with the Social and Emotional Competencies Questionnaire (SEC-Q). A short description of the context of the issue: The Social and Emotional Competencies Questionnaire (SEC-Q) was completed by 1,052 students aged 9 to 16. The psychometric properties of the SEC-Q were tested through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Research findings: The results showed that the SEC-Q has good psychometric properties and, as in its original version, it includes four components: self-awareness, self-management and motivation, social-awareness and relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Conclusions and recommendations: Validation of the SEC-Q will allow for more research on social and emotional competencies in Poland, including an evaluation of programs for increasing social and emotional competencies and international comparative studies

    Causas y soluciones a la crisis financiera según la comunidad científica internacional

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    The current economic crisis started in the USA between 2007 and 2008, and its causes are still being discussed. Although there are many theoretical proposals that analyze the causes and possible solutions to this situation, the number of empirical research is still very scarce. The objective consisted of collecting and analyzing the opinion of the world scientific community on the causes and possible solutions to the crisis. 1770 scientists answered a questionnaire specifically designed for this purpose. Results show that the causes of the economic crisis depended on the management inside and outside the financial institutions. The highest percentage of participants was in agreement with a solution that promotes private initiative but also with governmental help and controlLa actual crisis económica iniciada en los EEUU entre 2007 y 2008, y sus causas todavía se están discutiendo. Aunque hay muchas propuestas teóricas que analizan las causas y posibles soluciones a esta situación, el número de investigaciones empíricas aún es escaso. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en recoger y analizar la opinión de la comunidad científica mundial sobre las causas y posibles soluciones a la crisis. 1770 científicos respondieron un cuestionario específicamente diseñado para este propósito. Los resultados muestran que las causas de la crisis económica dependieron de la gestión interna y externa de las instituciones financieras. El porcentaje más alto de participantes está de acuerdo con una solución que promueva la iniciativa privada, pero con control y ayuda de los gobierno