84 research outputs found

    Jazda z techniką. Program nauczania zajęć technicznych dla II etapu edukacyjnego

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    Program nauczania zajęć technicznych przeznaczony dla II etapu edukacyjnego z uwzględnieniem wymagań reformy programowe

    Aging of the society: the European perspective

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    Population aging is a key risk for the future of Europe. Th e Old Continent has to face ever-stronger new demographic trends and fi nd eff ective strategies to address them. In this study, we evaluate the progress of population aging in Europe in the period of 2008–2021. Th e broad time span of our considerations concerns the years 1960–2100. We present our new typological approach to the areas of unbalanced age structure. Its classifi cation includes four groups of countries with various distribution of aging measures, i.e., the percentage of people aged 65 and over and the dynamics of its growth. We observe that the largest group is composed of countries exceeding arithmetic means for both above-mentioned aging measures, which are located mainly in Eastern and Southern Europe. According to stages of aging by median age, most of these countries reached the stage of very old population in the 1990

    Smart technology solutions in agricultural activities

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    Celem opracowania było określenie znaczenia nowoczesnych technologii stosowanych w wybranych formach działalności rolniczej polskiej wsi. Ukazano przykłady gospodarstw prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w oparciu o warzywnictwo i sadownictwo. Podstawą analizy były informacje uzyskane w 2019 r. podczas bezpośrednich wywiadów terenowych, uzupełnione danymi statystycznymi na temat krajowych upraw i zbiorów. Stosowanie inteligentnych rozwiązań technologicznych w działalności rolniczej ma duże znaczenie, ponieważ podnosi jakość produkcji rolnej. Właściwie dobrane, zrównoważone technologie rolne są jednym z komponentów koncepcji inteligentnej wsi. Jednak takie usprawnienie rolnictwa bez aktywnego włączenia czynnika ludzkiego i stabilnego systemu gospodarczego nie jest efektywne.The aim of the study was to determine the importance of innovative technologies used in selected forms of agricultural activity in the Polish countryside. For that purpose, examples of farms conducting economic activity based on vegetable and fruit farming were presented. The analysis was based on the information obtained in 2019 during direct field interviews, supported with statistical data on national crops and harvests. Application of smart technologies in agricultural activities is very important as it improves the quality of agricultural production. Properly selected, sustainable agricultural technologies are one of the components of the smart village concept. However, improving agriculture without active participation of human factor and stable economic system is not effective

    Cytochemical and ultrastructural aspects of aquatic carnivorous plant turions

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    Turions, which are modified shoot apices, are vegetative, dormant overwintering organs produced by perennial aquatic plants. In this study, the turion cytochemistry and ultrastructure of Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Utricularia vulgaris and U. stygia were compared with particular emphasis placed on storage substances. These three aquatic, rootless carnivorous plant species were studied at the end of their winter dormancy. At this stage, the turions of all species had starch as their main storage material. In contrast with A. vesiculosa, Utricularia turions were rich in protein storage vacuoles, and proteins were also accumulated as crystalline inclusions in the nuclei. All examined species accumulated lipid droplets in cells of epidermal glands

    The impact of migration on polish nurses : pilot study

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    Abstract Introduction. Migration of professional nurses is a global phenomenon. Polish nurses usually migrate to the relatively richer countries, especially in Europe, thanks to the opening of the borders of the European Union (2004) and legal regulations in the field of education of nurses (Directive 2005/36/EC). Aim. The analysis of symptoms and determinants of acculturative stress and acculturative strategies among Polish migrant nurses working in the UK. Material and methods. The study used a proprietary questionnaire and standardized tool the East Asian Acculturation Measure - Scale of Acculturative Strategy. The research was carried out through Internet among 62 people. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Dunn test, coefficient Spearman. Results. The main reason for the migration of respondents to the UK was the desire to improve financial situation and professional development. Responders found job as a nurse, including a charge nurse and managers in hospitals and nursing homes. Acculturative stress manifested most often in social functioning, then in the emotional, cognitive and physical aspects. It was characterized by a sense of lack of interest from British people, sadness, feelings of loneliness, lower self-confidence and shyness. It was determined significantly by the age of the respondents, the length of stay in the UK, knowledge of English and maintaining social contacts with the British. The most commonly used acculturation strategy was integration, conditioned by the length of stay in the UK and symptoms of acculturative stress. Conclusions. Working in a foreign country is associated with acculturative stress, implementation of acculturation adaptive and non-adaptive strategies.</jats:p

    Czynniki ryzyka wystąpienia chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego wśród katolików zamieszkujących tereny południowej Polski

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    Introduction : Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the most frequent cause of mortality of Polish residents. In Poland, there are few publications regarding research on the influence of people’s religiosity on their health. Aim of the research : To determine some factors of cardiovascular risk and the risk of cardiovascular events among Catholics. Material and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 134 randomly selected Catholics and based on the results of: questionnaire survey, anthropometric measurements, physical examination, the SCORE scale, laboratory tests (CRP, homocysteine. glucose, total cholesterol, HDL, and triglycerides) and assessing the risk of cardiovascular events based on the SCORE scale. Statistical analysis was based on the χ 2 test. Founded significance level was 0.05. Results: More than half of the respondents were diagnosed delevated homocysteine level and gluteal-femoral obesity. A little more than half of those surveyed had elevated total cholesterol levels and increased blood pressure, a little more than one-quarter of the respondents had raised triglyceride levels, and one-tenth had heightened glucose and C-reactive protein levels. The higher the age of the respondents, the more often the results of their biochemical exceed standards. Over half of those examined were diagnosed with overweight or obesity. Among examined gynoid obesity prevailed over android obesity. The risk assessment of CVD Catholics revealed that among the modifiable factors, biochemical levels of homocysteine proved to be the most important new risk factor, but among the classic factors it was blood pressure value. More than half of the respondents had moderate risk of cardiovascular events in the study group. Conclusions : Nurses should promote pro-health attitudes, and should encourage the elimination of risk factors and biochemical testing and measurement among Catholics, who are a religious group at higher risk of cardiovascular disease

    The quality of life of older people living in homes and in nursing homes

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    Cel pracy. Głównym celem badań było wykazanie czy istnieje różnica między jakością życia osób starszych mieszkających w domach rodzinnych a jakością życia ludzi przebywających w placówkach opiekuńczo-leczniczych. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto grupę 160 osób po 60 roku życia. Podstawowym narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety, w którym posłużono się skalą oceny podstawowych czynności życia, skalą oceny złożonych czynności codziennych, skalą zadowolenia z życia oraz geriatryczną skalą oceny depresji. Wyniki. Badania wykazały, iż w jednostkach zorganizowanych dla osób starszych przebywają głównie ludzie samotni, wyżej wykształceni, z problemami w zaspokojeniu swoich podstawowych czynności samoobsługowych. Wszyscy ludzie starsi czasem czują się znudzeni, mają kłopoty z pamięcią, trudno im realizować nowe pomysły.Aim. The main objective was to demonstrate whether there is a difference between the quality of life of older people living in family homes and the quality of life of people living in nursing homes. Material and methods. Studies were conducted in a group of 160 people after 60 years of age. The primary research tool was a questionnaire, which uses a scale assessing basic activities of life, the scale of assessment of complex activities of daily living, satisfaction with life scale and the geriatric depression scale assessment. Results. Research has shown that organized in units for the elderly residing mostly lonely people, higher educated, the problems in meeting their basic self-service operations. All elderly people sometimes feel bored, have trouble with memory, hard for them to pursue new ideas

    Efficacy of bendamustine combined with rituximab in the treatment of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Przewlekła białaczka limfocytowa (CLL) jest najczęstszą postacią białaczki diagnozowanej u osób dorosłych w krajach Europy Zachodniej i Ameryki Północnej. Mimo postępu, jaki się dokonał w terapii CLL, choroba wciąż pozostaje nieuleczalna. Większość chorych jest w wieku ponad 65 lat i ma co najmniej 2 schorzenia współistniejące, co sprawia, że u znacznej części z nich nie można zastosować intensywnej chemioterapii. Zatem w wyborze metody leczenia w tej grupie pacjentów powinno się uwzględniać zarówno korzyści terapeutyczne, jak i toksyczność leczenia. W badaniach klinicznych II fazy wykazano skuteczność schematu bendamustyna i rytuksymab (BR) w nawrotowej/opornej postaci CLL przy dobrej tolerancji terapii. W pracy opisano przypadek chorego z nawrotową postacią CLL, z powikłaniami infekcyjnymi w trakcie wcześniejszego leczenia analogami purynowymi, u którego uzyskano całkowitą remisję w wyniku zastosowania schematu BR. Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 359-363Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common type of leukemia diagnosed in adults in Western Europe and Northern America. Despite the progress in CLL therapy it still remains incurable. CLL is primarily a disease of the elderly, most patients are aged over 65 years and have at least 2 co-morbidities. A large proportion of patients are therefore not suitable for intensive chemotherapy. In treating older patients with CLL, not only treatment benefits but also toxicities need to be taken into account. Phase II study results showed that bendamustine plus rituximab (BR) was safe and effective in the treatment of refractory/relapsed CLL. We present a patient with relapsed disease, with infectious complications after previous purine analogues, and who achieved a complete remision after therapy with BR protocol. Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 359-36

    Migrations of elderly people in the world and in Poland

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    Migrations of seniors in the 21st century accurately reflect the socio-demographic changes in developed countries. Their intensity increases in various parts of the world. In Europe, pensioners from the north move to the region of the Mediterranean Sea. Seniors from the United States and Canada are attracted to the countries of Central and South America. The goal of this study is to identify the trends in foreign migrations of seniors in selected countries of the world, with special regard to the migration of Polish pensioners. The study shows that contemporary seniors can afford to purchase property abroad and the driving forces for the migration movement include: warm climate, beautiful landscape, and a healthier and slower pace of living at the final destination. However, when it comes to Polish pensioners, the main reason for their migrations is their attempt to improve their economic conditions