82 research outputs found

    Generation of Synthetic Rainfall Data in Sekayam sub-watershed Based on TRMM Satellite Rainfall Data Correction Equation

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    The hydrological analysis is the first stage of the review in waterworks planning. Hydrological analysis necessitates the availability of sufficient data. Data availability tends to have several problems, including a lack of availability, incomplete/empty data, a smaller number of stations, observers, and observation systems, data entry that is still manual, and slow data collection. One possible solution is to use rain satellites. However, TRMM data must be evaluated for field suitability. TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission) rainfall data can help overcome this. TRMM is a NASA mission that uses weather monitoring satellite technology to monitor tropical rainfall. This is also the case for the Sekayam Subwatershed, part of the Kapuas River Basin.In the Sekayam sub-watershed, there are 14 (fourteen) rainfall observation stations managed by the Balai Wilayah Sungai Kalimantan (BWSK) I, but currently only 5 observation stations are still active, namely the SGU-01 Sanggau, SGU-03 Balai Karangan, SGU-06 Entikong, SGU-19 Semuntai and SC-01 Kembayan observation stations with data recorded up to 2019, while the other 9 (nine) observation stations do not have long continuous data, because there are years where rainfall data is not recorded. This is because the recording of rainfall on average stopped until 2005, or even some have stopped operating since the 1990s or early 2000s. This study aims to generate representative synthetic TRMM daily rainfall amount data for the Sekayam sub-watershed based on the correction equations obtained in a series of TRMM rainfall data validation analyses, so that it can be used as alternative daily rainfall data in water resources planning and management in the Sekayam sub-watershed. From the analysis, it can be seen that synthetic rainfall data in the Sekayam sub-watershed will be valid if it is generated with the linear model correction equation Y = 0.6708 X + 139.123 or can be interpreted as TRMM' = 0.6708 TRMM + 139.123


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    ABSTRACTLiquid waste is one of the sources of pollutants for the environment which can have a negative impact in the form of disruption to health, biotic life and disruption to beauty so it must be processed before being disposed of in the environment. Every waste water produced from each activity needs to be managed properly based on its characteristics in order to reduce the quality of the pollutants contained in it. WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) of the Banda Aceh Baristand Industry laboratory is a centralized wastewater treatment system from several laboratories owned by the Banda Aceh Baristand Industry. The IPAL Technology Process used is a combination of anaerobic fluidized bed bio-filter and imhoff tank followed by a process of gravity filtration, absorbance, microfiltration and ultraviolet. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the design results and analyze the performance of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) of the Banda Aceh Industrial Baristand Laboratory. This study begins by conducting a preliminary study to determine the amount of addition of 10% Poly Alumina Chlorin (PAC) and technical NaOH coagulants to reach pH 9 to 12 and continue the application research to WWTP, at the application stage testing of water samples from IPAL then compare it with the quality standard PermenLH No. 5 of 2014 (Appendix XLIV) to determine the effectiveness of processing the WWTP. The results of laboratory tests that have been carried out on samples of WWTP outlet wastewater have found that the test values of phenol, free chlorine and nitrite have not met the required quality standards. Keywords: Laboratory WWTP, Environment, Graphite Filtration, Coagulation, Activated Carbon

    Analisis Relasi Fenomena Kriminalitas Dengan Kebijakan Publik

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    This study revealed the phenomenon of crime in North Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. The aim, in addition to getting a complete picture, is to analyze the relationship between empirical phenomena and local government policies. This type of research is "descriptive-analytic" using a qualitative approach. The techniques used are mostly based on in-depth interviews, documentation, observation and focus group discussion. The results of the study show that the crime rate in North Lampung Regency in the past 5 (five) years was quite alarming, although in the 2017-2018 range there was a significant downward trend.This decrease was caused by (1) District Government policies in the field of public security, which were implemented in the form of intensive government apparatus (police) in effort to eradicate crime, and (2) policies in the field of non-Public Security in the form of developing a creative economy and youth coaching. This study concludes that out of the 2 (two) types of policy, the handling of the public security sector is only effective in tackling crime for short-term needs. While for long-term needs, the District Government needs to develop a policy of economic development based on local potential


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    Rekam medis merupakan catatan medis dari seorang pasien yang memuat segala informasi menyangkut kesehatan pasien, rekam medis dijadikan dasar untuk menentukan tindakan lebih lanjut oleh dokter terhadap penanganan masalah kesehatan pasien pada instansi pelayanan kesehatan. Pada praktik pribadi dokter, data rekam medis masih disimpan pada media kertas. Pemeliharaan rekam medis menjadi lebih sulit seiring jumlah data rekam medis yang terus meningkat. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan aplikasi rekam medis bagi praktik pribadi dokter dengan menggunakan Android dan layanan web. Analisa kebutuhan dilakukan dengan menerapkan contextual design dan UML setelah mewawancarai dokter dan perawat pada praktik pribadi dokter. Aplikasi mobile rekam medis dikembangkan secara hybrid dan memanfaatkan teknologi web seperti HTML, CSS dan JavaScript. Aplikasi rekam medis mengakses layanan web yang telah dikembangkan untuk mengelola pasien dan rekam medis pasien secara daring dan mobile. Aplikasi sudah dapat digunakan oleh dokter dan perawat pada praktik pribadi dokter untuk mengelola rekam medis pasien

    MODAL JARO DALAM ARENA POLITIK LOKAL: Studi Kasus di Desa Cileuksa Kecamatan Sukajaya Kabupaten Bogor

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    This research concern swith the role of Jaro capital at local political arena in Cileuksa village of Sukajaya District, West Jawa. The aim of this research is to understand the relationship between Jaro capital at local political arena, capital elaboration as foundation for vertical mobility and capital reproduction within local political arena. Using case study as its research method, this research finds that as cultural actor, Jaro or Jawara, has significant meaning in local political arena, namely cultural influence and formal authority. With regards to cultural influence, this study finds that Jaro’s presenceis essential for Cileuksa’s villagers. Furthermore, as the head of the village, Jaro holds formal structure authority to go vernits people. This research concludes that both cultural influence and formal authority were supported by maintained and reproduced capital in local political arena. Penelitian ini berfokus pada konsep modal Jaro di arena politik lokal di Desa Cileuksa, Kecamatan Sukajaya, Jawa Barat. Tujuan dari riset untuk mengetahui hubungan antara modal Jaro di arena politik lokal, elaborasi antara modal sebagai fondasi untuk mobiltas vertikal dan reproduksi modal di dalam arena politik lokal. Dengan menggunakan studi kasus sebagai metode kajian, riset ini bertujuan untuk menemukan aktor kultural, Jaro atau Jawara, yang memiliki makna yang signifikan dalam arena politik lokal, yang disebut dengan pengaruh kebudayaan dan otoritas formal. Dengan melihat adanya pengaruh kebudayaan, kajian ini menemukan bahwa peran Jaro sangat penting bagi masyarakat Desa Cileuksa. Selanjutnya, sebagai seo rang pemimpin di desa, Jaro mengendalikan struktur otoritas formal bagi masyarakat desa. Riset ini menemukan bahwa ada dua pengaruh budaya dan otoritas formal yang didukung oleh adanya pengendalian dan reproduksi modal di arena politik lokal

    PEMAKNAAN LIRIK LAGU “SELAMANYA INDONESIA”(Studi Semiologi Pemaknaan Lirik Lagu “Selamanya Indonesia” yang dipopulerkan oleh 21st Night)

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    This research is aimed to identify purport lyrics “Selamanya Indonesia” where the lyrics about “Forever Indonesia” who criticize of nationalism , people patriotism and the phenomenon that occurred in indonesia as a growing foreign culture in this country . And this is because of the multitude of the young generation don 't want to study and maintain the original culture of indonesia . A method of analysis of data in this study using the method of research is kualitatif-interpretatif semiologi ferdinand de saussure , defines a sign aspect (signifier and the signified ) to know that eventually signification to know the truth that occur in life a day. day and in the community . And also use meaning connotative manner and meaning denotave


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    Abstrak. Adanya pandemi covid 19 menimbulkan Perubahan kondisi. Pembelajaran daring, ini berpontensi menimbulkan stres dikarenakan kurangnya motivasi berprestasi mahasiswa fip unnes dalam pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini bertujuan  mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi dan stres akademik mahasiswa fip unnes dalam pembelajaran online. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode peneltian kuantitatif. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 320 dari 3994 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan dispropotionate stratified random sampling. Alat pengumpulan data adalah skala motivasi berprestasi dan skala stres akademik. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dengan bantuan SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan motivasi berprestasi dengan stres akademik mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran online dengan memberikan sumbangsih sebesar 0,84 yang berarti berhubungan  negative yang signifikan, sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi prediktor lain. Dosen dan konselor dapat memberikan tretmen maupun layanan yang tepat dan baik agar dapat mereduksi stres akademik mahasiswa dan dapat meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi mahasiswa


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    Tulisan ini menganalisis perkembangan partai-partai politik keagamaan di tingkat dunia. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui apakah partai-partai berbasis keagamaan, khususnya Islam dan Kristen, mampu bertahan dalam menghadapi proses modernisasi dan sekulerisasi yang telah melanda dunia. Untuk itu, tulisan ini menelaah sejumlah partai politik, baik di negara-negara mayoritas Muslim maupun Kristen, khususnya dalam hal kemampuan mereka dalam menarik dukungan massa pada setiap even pemilu. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa perolehan suara partai-partai itu, baik yang ada di negara-negara Barat maupun Muslim, terus mengalami kemerosotan. Jika kondisi semacam ini tidak segera diatasi, dikhawatirkan bahwa kehadiran partai-partai keagamaan dalam panggung politik masa depan akan hilang

    Islam and the Provisions of War

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    This article compares the provisions of war in Islam with the provisions contained in International Humanitarian Law (The four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols). The aim is not to judge Islamic according to or vice versa, but rather, to discover similarities and differences between the two regulations in governing the conduct of war. The study uses a comparative approach, exploring the Islamic values of ethics and rules of conduct of war and then comparing them with similar provisions of international humanitarian law. This article also analyzes the possibility of synthesizing the two legal system. Having reviewed the topic thoroughly, this study concludes that, in principle, there is no difference between Islamic law and international humanitarian law in regulating procedures and ethics of warfare. Both of the legal system are equallyconcern to regulate the behaviour of warriors by limiting the use of force and minimizing the impact of the battles to civilian
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