353 research outputs found

    Hypernova Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution

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    We study nucleosynthesis in 'hypernovae', i.e., supernovae with very large explosion energies ( \gsim 10^{52} ergs) for both spherical and aspherical explosions. The hypernova yields compared to those of ordinary core-collapse supernovae show the following characteristics: 1) Complete Si-burning takes place in more extended region, so that the mass ratio between the complete and incomplete Si burning regions is generally larger in hypernovae than normal supernovae. As a result, higher energy explosions tend to produce larger [(Zn, Co)/Fe], small [(Mn, Cr)/Fe], and larger [Fe/O], which could explain the trend observed in very metal-poor stars. 2) Si-burning takes place in lower density regions, so that the effects of α\alpha-rich freezeout is enhanced. Thus 44^{44}Ca, 48^{48}Ti, and 64^{64}Zn are produced more abundantly than in normal supernovae. The large [(Ti, Zn)/Fe] ratios observed in very metal poor stars strongly suggest a significant contribution of hypernovae. 3) Oxygen burning also takes place in more extended regions for the larger explosion energy. Then a larger amount of Si, S, Ar, and Ca ("Si") are synthesized, which makes the "Si"/O ratio larger. The abundance pattern of the starburst galaxy M82 may be attributed to hypernova explosions. Asphericity in the explosions strengthens the nucleosynthesis properties of hypernovae except for "Si"/O. We thus suggest that hypernovae make important contribution to the early Galactic (and cosmic) chemical evolution.Comment: To be published in "The Influence of Binaries on Stellar Population Studies", ed. D. Vanbeveren (Kluwer), 200

    Hypernovae and Other Black-Hole-Forming Supernovae

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    During the last few years, a number of exceptional core-collapse supernovae (SNe) have been discovered. Their kinetic energy of the explosions are larger by more than an order of magnitude than the typical values for this type of SNe, so that these SNe have been called `Hypernovae'. We first describe how the basic properties of hypernovae can be derived from observations and modeling. These hypernovae seem to come from rather massive stars, thus forming black holes. On the other hand, there are some examples of massive SNe with only a small kinetic energy. We suggest that stars with non-rotating black holes are likely to collapse "quietly" ejecting a small amount of heavy elements (Faint supernovae). In contrast, stars with rotating black holes are likely to give rise to very energetic supernovae (Hypernovae). We present distinct nucleosynthesis features of these two types of "black-hole-forming" supernovae. Hypernova nucleosynthesis is characterized by larger abundance ratios (Zn,Co,V,Ti)/Fe and smaller (Mn,Cr)/Fe. Nucleosynthesis in Faint supernovae is characterized by a large amount of fall-back. We show that the abundance pattern of the most Fe deficient star, HE0107-5240, and other extremely metal-poor carbon-rich stars are in good accord with those of black-hole-forming supernovae, but not pair-instability supernovae. This suggests that black-hole-forming supernovae made important contributions to the early Galactic (and cosmic) chemical evolution.Comment: 49 pages, to be published in "Stellar Collapse" (Astrophysics and Space Science; Kluwer) ed. C. L. Fryer (2003

    Highly malignant soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity with a delayed diagnosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To evaluate the characteristics of highly malignant soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity with a delayed diagnosis.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>The clinical and radiological characteristics of 18 cases of highly malignant soft tissue sarcomas of the extremity with a delayed diagnosis were determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ten men and eight women of mean age 44.8 years (range, 15-79 years) were included in this study. Seven cases of synovial sarcoma, three cases each of alveolar soft part sarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma, two cases each of highly malignant leiomyosarcoma and myxofibrosarcoma, and one case of clear cell sarcoma were enrolled. Times from tumor detection to diagnosis ranged from 1 to 3 years in most cases; three of the seven synovial sarcoma cases took more than 10 years to diagnose. Of the seven cases of synovial sarcoma, five cases of small, superficial located masses were simply excised without a pre-surgical biopsy. Three cases of alveolar soft part sarcoma showed characteristic T1- and T2-weighted high signal intensities with signal voids in MR images. In addition, one synovial sarcoma patient and one alveolar soft part sarcoma patient showed evidence of calcification on plain radiographs. However, no general characteristic clinical findings were found to be common to the 18 cases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Contrary to general expectations, some soft tissue tumors that grow slowly are painless, and those that occur in superficial limbs may be highly malignant. Thus, even when a slow growing, painless superficial mass is encountered in a limb, physicians should keep the possibility of highly malignant soft tissue sarcoma in mind.</p

    Cytokine Levels Correlate with Immune Cell Infiltration after Anti-VEGF Therapy in Preclinical Mouse Models of Breast Cancer

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    The effect of blocking VEGF activity in solid tumors extends beyond inhibition of angiogenesis. However, no studies have compared the effectiveness of mechanistically different anti-VEGF inhibitors with respect to changes in tumor growth and alterations in the tumor microenvironment. In this study we use three distinct breast cancer models, a MDA-MB-231 xenograft model, a 4T1 syngenic model, and a transgenic model using MMTV-PyMT mice, to explore the effects of various anti-VEGF therapies on tumor vasculature, immune cell infiltration, and cytokine levels. Tumor vasculature and immune cell infiltration were evaluated using immunohistochemistry. Cytokine levels were evaluated using ELISA and electrochemiluminescence. We found that blocking the activation of VEGF receptor resulted in changes in intra-tumoral cytokine levels, specifically IL-1β, IL-6 and CXCL1. Modulation of the level these cytokines is important for controlling immune cell infiltration and ultimately tumor growth. Furthermore, we demonstrate that selective inhibition of VEGF binding to VEGFR2 with r84 is more effective at controlling tumor growth and inhibiting the infiltration of suppressive immune cells (MDSC, Treg, macrophages) while increasing the mature dendritic cell fraction than other anti-VEGF strategies. In addition, we found that changes in serum IL-1β and IL-6 levels correlated with response to therapy, identifying two possible biomarkers for assessing the effectiveness of anti-VEGF therapy in breast cancer patients

    Characteristics of suicide attempters with family history of suicide attempt: a retrospective chart review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Family history of suicide attempt is one of the risks of suicide. We aimed at exploring the characteristics of Japanese suicide attempters with and without a family history of suicide attempt.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Suicide attempters admitted to an urban emergency department from 2003 to 2008 were interviewed by two attending psychiatrists on items concerning family history of suicide attempt and other sociodemographic and clinical information. Subjects were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of a family history of suicide attempt, and differences between the two groups were subsequently analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of the 469 suicide attempters, 70 (14.9%) had a family history of suicide attempt. A significantly higher rate of suicide motive connected with family relations (odds ratio 2.21, confidence interval 1.18–4.17, <it>p </it>< .05) as well as a significantly higher rate of deliberate self-harm (odds ratio 2.51, confidence interval 1.38–4.57, <it>p </it>< .05) were observed in patients with a family history of suicide compared to those without such history. No significant differences were observed in other items investigated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study has revealed the characteristics of suicide attempters with a family history of suicide attempt. Further understanding of the situation of such individuals is expected to lead to better treatment provision and outcomes, and family function might be a suitable focus in their treatment.</p

    Metabolic syndrome and carotid intima-media thickness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS), carotid intima media thickness (IMT), and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the possible relationships among them. METHODS: Fifty stable COPD patients and 40 healthy controls were included in the study. The participants were further divided into four groups according to their smoking status. Pulmonary function tests were performed in COPD patients. Anthropometric measurements and blood chemistry analysis, serum CRP levels and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) measurements were performed in all the study population. RESULTS: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 43% in COPD patients and 30% in the control group (p = 0.173). FEV(1)% and FEV(1)/FVC were higher in COPD patients with MetS (p = 0.001 and p = 0.014, respectively) compared to those without MetS. Prevalence of MetS was significantly different among the COPD patients with different stages (p = 0.017) with the highest value in stage 2 (59%). Carotid IMT was significantly higher in COPD patients than in control group (1.07 ± 0.25 mm and 0.86 ± 0.18 mm, respectively; p < 0.001). Serum CRP levels were not different in COPD patients and controls, however they were higher in individuals with MetS compared to those without MetS regardless of COPD presence (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Early markers of atherogenesis, in terms of carotid IMT, were found to be higher in COPD patients than in healthy controls. MetS prevalence was observed to decrease as the severity of airflow obstruction increased. Therefore, screening COPD patients for these cardiovascular risk factors would be a novel approach even in absence of symptoms

    Nodavirus colonizes and replicates in the testis of gilthead seabream and European sea bass modulating its immune and reproductive functions

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    Viruses are threatening pathogens for fish aquaculture. Some of them are transmitted through gonad fluids or gametes as occurs with nervous necrosis virus (NNV). In order to be transmitted through the gonad, the virus should colonize and replicate inside some cell types of this tissue and avoid the subsequent immune response locally. However, whether NNV colonizes the gonad, the cell types that are infected, and how the immune response in the gonad is regulated has never been studied. We have demonstrated for the first time the presence and localization of NNV into the testis after an experimental infection in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and in the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), a very susceptible and an asymptomatic host fish species, respectively. Thus, we localized in the testis viral RNA in both species using in situ PCR and viral proteins in gilthead seabream by immunohistochemistry, suggesting that males might also transmit the virus. In addition, we were able to isolate infective particles from the testis of both species demonstrating that NNV colonizes and replicates into the testis of both species. Blood contamination of the tissues sampled was discarded by completely fish bleeding, furthermore the in situ PCR and immunocytochemistry techniques never showed staining in blood vessels or cells. Moreover, we also determined how the immune and reproductive functions are affected comparing the effects in the testis with those found in the brain, the main target tissue of the virus. Interestingly, NNV triggered the immune response in the European sea bass but not in the gilthead seabream testis. Regarding reproductive functions, NNV infection alters 17β-estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone production and the potential sensitivity of brain and testis to these hormones, whereas there is no disruption of testicular functions according to several reproductive parameters. Moreover, we have also studied the NNV infection of the testis in vitro to assess local responses. Our in vitro results show that the changes observed on the expression of immune and reproductive genes in the testis of both species are different to those observed upon in vivo infections in most of the casesMINECO and FEDER (AGL2010-20801-C02-01; AGL2010-20801-C02-02; AGL2013-43588-P); Fundación Séneca (04538/GERM/06)Versión del editor4,411

    Msx1 and Msx2 are required for endothelial-mesenchymal transformation of the atrioventricular cushions and patterning of the atrioventricular myocardium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2</it>, which belong to the highly conserved <it>Nk </it>family of homeobox genes, display overlapping expression patterns and redundant functions in multiple tissues and organs during vertebrate development. <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>have well-documented roles in mediating epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during organogenesis. Given that both <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>are crucial downstream effectors of Bmp signaling, we investigated whether <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>are required for the Bmp-induced endothelial-mesenchymal transformation (EMT) during atrioventricular (AV) valve formation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>While both <it>Msx1-/- </it>and <it>Msx2-/- </it>single homozygous mutant mice exhibited normal valve formation, we observed hypoplastic AV cushions and malformed AV valves in <it>Msx1-/-; Msx2-/- </it>mutants, indicating redundant functions of <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>during AV valve morphogenesis. In <it>Msx1/2 </it>null mutant AV cushions, we found decreased Bmp2/4 and <it>Notch1 </it>signaling as well as reduced expression of <it>Has2</it>, <it>NFATc1 </it>and <it>Notch1</it>, demonstrating impaired endocardial activation and EMT. Moreover, perturbed expression of chamber-specific genes <it>Anf</it>, <it>Tbx2</it>, <it>Hand1 </it>and <it>Hand2 </it>reveals mispatterning of the <it>Msx1/2 </it>double mutant myocardium and suggests functions of <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>in regulating myocardial signals required for remodelling AV valves and maintaining an undifferentiated state of the AV myocardium.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings demonstrate redundant roles of <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>in regulating signals required for development of the AV myocardium and formation of the AV valves.</p

    The Tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 Regulate CD9P1-Induced Effects on Cell Migration

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    CD9P-1 is a cell surface protein with immunoglobulin domains and an unknown function that specifically associates with tetraspanins CD9 and CD81. Overexpression of CD9P-1 in HEK-293 cells induces dramatic changes in cell spreading and migration on various matrices. Experiments using time-lapse videomicroscopy revealed that CD9P-1 expression has led to higher cell motility on collagen I but lower motility on fibronectin through a β1-integrins dependent mechanism. On collagen I, the increase in cell motility induced by CD9P-1 expression was found to involve integrin α2β1 and CD9P-1 was observed to associate with this collagen receptor. The generation of CD9P-1 mutants demonstrated that the transmembrane and the cytoplasmic domains are necessary for inducing effects on cell motility. On the other hand, expression of tetraspanins CD9 or CD81 was shown to reverse the effects of CD9P-1 on cell motility on collagen I or fibronectin with a concomitant association with CD9P-1. Thus, the ratio of expression levels between CD9P-1 and its tetraspanin partners can regulate cell motility