15 research outputs found

    The seed laser system of the FERMI free-electron laser: design, performance and near future upgrades

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    Abstract An important trend in extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) development in recent years has been the use of seeding by an external laser, aimed to improve the coherence and stability of the generated pulses. The high-gain harmonic generation seeding technique was first implemented at FERMI and provided FEL radiation with high coherence as well as intensity and wavelength stability comparable to table-top ultrafast lasers. At FERMI, the seed laser has another very important function: it is the source of external laser pulses used in pump–probe experiments allowing one to achieve a record-low timing jitter. This paper describes the design, performance and operational modes of the FERMI seed laser in both single- and double-cascade schemes. In addition, the planned upgrade of the system to meet the challenges of the upgrade to echo-enabled harmonic generation mode is presented

    The COMIX polarimeter: a compact device for XUV polarization analysis

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    We report on the characterization of a novel extreme-ultraviolet polarimeter based on conical mirrors to simultaneously detect all the components of the electric field vector for extreme-ultraviolet radiation in the 45–90 eV energy range. The device has been characterized using a variable polarization source at the Elettra synchrotron, showing good performance in the ability to determine the radiation polarization. Furthermore, as a possible application of the device, Faraday spectroscopy and time-resolved experiments have been performed at the Fe M2,3-edge on an FeGd ferrimagnetic thin film using the FERMI free-electron laser source. The instrument is shown to be able to detect the small angular variation induced by an optical external stimulus on the polarization state of the light after interaction with magnetic thin film, making the device an appealing tool for magnetization dynamics research

    24 mJ Cr+4:forsterite four-stage master-oscillator power-amplifier laser system for high resolution mid-infrared spectroscopy

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    We present the design of a Cr:forsterite based single-frequency master-oscillator power-amplifier laser system delivering much higher output energy compared to previous literature reports. The system has four amplifying stages with two-pass configuration each, thus enabling the generation of 24 mJ output energy in the spectral region around 1262 nm. It is demonstrated that the presented Cr:forsterite amplifier preserves high spectral and pulse quality, allowing a straightforward energy scaling. This laser system is a promising tool for tunable nonlinear down-conversion to the mid-infrared spectral range and will be a key building block in a system for high-resolution muonic hydrogen spectroscopy in the 6.8 \u3bcm rang

    Ultrafast opto-magnetic effects in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range

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    Coherent light-matter interactions mediated by opto-magnetic phenomena like the inverse Faraday effect (IFE) are expected to provide a non-thermal pathway for ultrafast manipulation of magnetism on timescales as short as the excitation pulse itself. As the IFE scales with the spin-orbit coupling strength of the involved electronic states, photo-exciting the strongly spin-orbit coupled core-level electrons in magnetic materials appears as an appealing method to transiently generate large opto-magnetic moments. Here, we investigate this scenario in a ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloy by using intense and circularly polarized pulses of extreme ultraviolet radiation. Our results reveal ultrafast and strong helicity-dependent magnetic effects which are in line with the characteristic fingerprints of an IFE, corroborated by ab initio opto-magnetic IFE theory and atomistic spin dynamics simulations

    Ultrafast Dynamics of Plasmon-Mediated Charge Transfer in Ag@CeO2 Studied by Free Electron Laser Time-Resolved X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    Expanding the activity of wide bandgap semiconductors from the UV into the visible range has become a central goal for their application in green solar photocatalysis. The hybrid plasmonic/semiconductor system, based on silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) embedded in a film of CeO2, is an example of a functional material developed with this aim. In this work, we take advantage of the chemical sensitivity of free electron laser (FEL) time-resolved soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (TRXAS) to investigate the electron transfer process from the Ag NPs to the CeO2 film generated by the NPs plasmonic resonance photoexcitation. Ultrafast changes (<200 fs) of the Ce N4,5 absorption edge allowed us to conclude that the excited Ag NPs transfer electrons to the Ce atoms of the CeO2 film through a highly efficient electron-based mechanism. These results demonstrate the potential of FEL-based TRXAS measurements for the characterization of energy transfer in novel hybrid plasmonic/semiconductor materials