344 research outputs found

    Technetium nitrido-peroxo complexes: An unexplored class of coordination compounds

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    The purpose of this work was to further expand the chemistry of mixed technetium nitrido-peroxo complexes, a still poorly explored class of compounds containing the Tc(VII) moiety, [99gTc][Tc(N)(O2)2]. A number of novel complexes of the formula [99gTc][Tc(N)(O2)2(L)] with bidentate ligands (L) (where L = deprotonated alanine, glycine, proline) were prepared by reacting a solution of nitrido-technetic(VI) acid with L in the presence of a source of H2O2. Alternatively, the complex [99gTc][Tc(N)(O2)2X]- (X = Cl, Br) was used as a precursor for substitution reactions where the halogenide ion was replaced by the bidentate ligand. The new complexes were characterized by elemental analysis and mass spectroscopy. The preparation of the analogous [99mTc][Tc(N)(O2)2] moiety, radiolabeled with the metastable isomer Tc-99m, was also studied at a no-carrier-added level, using S-methyl-N-methyl-dithiocarbazate as the donor of the nitrido nitrogen atoms


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    In this research there were analyzed forty-four (44) local bean populations from ssp.nanus (dwarf), sown on open field in randomized complete block design during 2008 at Institute of Agriculture, Skopje. Tested varieties were compared with two Slovenian varieties used as check variety. The objective was to identify some morphological parameters on leaf, pod and seed of these bean populations. The whole examined material was collected from eastern part of Macedonia from Malesregion, precisely from Pehchevo. Characterization and the determination of genetic variability were described according to the list of descriptors for beans of the International Commission on Genetic Resources– IBPGR (International Board for Plant Genetic Resources). Generally, all tested varieties showed differences in terms of the examined traits. Approximately half of the analyzed populations had a green leaf with a triangular shape and rare fibrous. The average values for length/ width of leaf range from 7.02-11.17cm and 4.59-8.16cm. The length and width traits of the leaf showed relatively low variability from 12.72% to 13%. In the analyzed collection the most of the landraces had a green color of pod, curved legumes, with round-oval and pear-shaped cross-section.&nbsp

    Роля на 18F-FDG ПЕТ/КТ в диагностичния алгоритъм при злокачествените епителни тумори на глава и шия

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    Туморите на глава и шия са хетерогенна група с разнообразна локализация. Епителните тумори на глава и шия, от които 90% са с плоскоклетъчна хистология, имат сходно развитие, което определя еднотипния диагностичен подход при тях. Целта на настоящия обзор е да направи преглед на литературните данни, касаещи ролята на 18F-FDG ПЕТ/КТ в диагностичния алгоритъм при злокачествени тумори на глава и шия. Проучванията сочат, че целотелесният хибриден образен метод има важна роля при нодално и далечно стадиране, рестадиране, преценка за терапевтичен подход, оценка ефекта от лечение, ранна визуализация на рецидиви, скринингова детекция на синхронни/метахронни тумори и далечни метастази, дори без клинична изява. При пациенти с доказани метастатични шийни лимфни възли с плоскоклетъчна хистология FDG-ПЕТ/КТ помага за водене на насочена биопсия (панендоскопия) и откриване на първично туморно огнище. По-голям брой от пациентите са в напреднал стадий при установяване на заболяването. Точното стадиранe с целотелесно FDG-ПЕТ/КТ изследване, ранна визуализация на далечни метастази и втори първичен тумор при пациенти с епителни злокачествени тумори на глава и шия позволява своевременна промяна на терапевтичния подход, избор на индивидуален терапевтичен план и своевременно лечение според нуждите на пациента

    C/EBP-induced transdifferentiation reveals granulocyte-macrophage precursor-like plasticity of B cells

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    The lymphoid-myeloid transdifferentiation potentials of members of the C/EBP family (C/EBP{alpha}, {beta}, {delta}, and {epsilon}) were compared in v-Abl-immortalized primary B cells. Conversion of B cells to macrophages was readily induced by the ectopic expression of any C/EBP, and enhanced by endogenous C/EBP{alpha} and {beta} activation. High transgene expression of C/EBP{beta} or C/EBP{epsilon}, but not of C/EBP{alpha} or C/EBP{delta}, also induced the formation of granulocytes. Granulocytes and macrophages emerged in a mutually exclusive manner. C/EBP{beta}-expressing B cells produced granulocyte-macrophage progenitor (GMP)-like progenitors when subjected to selective pressure to eliminate lymphoid cells. The GMP-like progenitors remained self-renewing and cytokine-independent, and continuously produced macrophages and granulocytes. In addition to their suitability to study myelomonocytic lineage bifurcation, lineage-switched GMP-like progenitors could reflect the features of the lympho-myeloid lineage switch observed in leukemic progression

    Ретроспективні дослідження за кишкового ієрсиніозу котів у Чернігівській області

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    The work aims to conduct retrospective studies of intestinal yersiniosis in cats in the Chernihiv region. In order to establish the spread of intestinal yersiniosis among cats in the Chernihiv region, 225 animals were spontaneously selected for the study, which had a history of the various clinical picture, but the vast majority registered diarrhea. The animals were different in age, sex, breed, and outbred. Flushes from the mucous membranes of the mouth and intestines, as well as feces and urine, were examined. To isolate the pathogen of yersiniosis, the selected material (feces) before the study was subjected to “cold enrichment” followed by sowing on a yersiniosis nutrient medium. Incubation was carried out at 26 °C for two days. Studies on identifying the pathogen were performed following the “Determinant of Bergi bacteria.” Verifying intestinal yersiniosis diagnosis was done by detecting yersiniosis antibodies, which are used in RA standard yersiniosis antigens (O:3; O:6.30; O:9). RA production was performed by the macro method by the classical method. In order to determine the pathogenicity of isolates of Y. enterocolitica, white mice were infected according to standard procedures. The antibody titer of 1:200 and higher was considered significant concerning the diagnosis of the disease. Sowing of washes from the intestines of animals was carried out on a yersinic nutrient medium LLC “Pharmactive.” Additional general clinical blood and urine tests were performed on all animals in the cultures isolated from the causative agent of intestinal yersiniosis. In our study for 2019–2021, 87 animals with intestinal yersiniosis from specific territorial centers of the Chernihiv region were identified. The increase in the incidence rate of intestinal yersiniosis in cats in the Chernihiv region may be due to the landscape-climatic features of the region, which are changing the latter. Cats under one year and two to three years of age are more prone to intestinal yersiniosis than animals over nine, with a reasonably low incidence. Females were 2.6 times more likely to develop the disease than males. Most infections were caused in females of Y. enterocolitica by serovar O:3 and accounted for 32.5 %, and in males by serovar O:9 (20 %), or a combination thereof. Serovar O:6.30 caused the disease in only four cases (5 %), three of which were reported in females. However, more positive reactions were detected with O:3 antigens and accounted for 41.25 % of the total number of subjects. Clinical signs of intestinal yersiniosis are depression, anorexia, vomiting, dehydration, hyperthermia, enteritis, diarrhea, tenesmus, rarely otitis, paraproctitis, abdominal wall pain, bronchospasm, and nephritis, nephrosis, endometritis, infertility, lymphadenitis, lymphadenitis.Мета роботи – провести ретроспективні дослідження за кишкового ієрсиніозу котів у Чернігівській області. З метою встановлення поширення кишкового ієрсиніозу серед котів на території Чернігівської області для дослідження були спонтанно відібрані 225 тварин, які мали в анамнезі різноманітну клінічну картину, але у переважній більшості реєстрували діарею. Тварини були різні за віком, статтю та породою, а також безпорідні. Досліджували змиви зі слизових оболонок ротової порожнини та кишечнику, а також кал і сечу. Для ізоляції збудника ієрсиніозу відібраний матеріал (кал) перед дослідженням піддавали “холодовому збагаченню” з подальшним висіванням на ієрсиніозне поживне середовище. Інкубацію здійснювали за температури 26 °С протягом 2 діб. Дослідження з ідентифікації збудника проводили відповідно до “Визначника бактерій Берджі”. Верифікацію діагнозу на кишковий ієрсиніоз здійснювали шляхом виявлення ієрсиніозних антитіл, для чого використовували в РА стандартні ієрсиніозні антигени (О:3; О:6.30; О:9). Постановку РА проводили макрометодом за класичною методикою. З метою визначення патогенності ізолятів Y. еnterocolitica проводили зараження білих мишей за стандартною процедурою. Значущим щодо діагностики хвороби визнавали титр антитіл 1:200 та вищий. Посів змивів з кишечнику тварин проводили на ієрсиніозне поживне середовище ТОВ “Фармактив”. Всім тваринам, в посівах яких було виділено збудника кишкового ієрсиніозу, проводили додаткові загальноклінічні аналізи крові та сечі. В ході нашого дослідження за період 2019–2021 рр. було виявлено 87 тварин, хворих на кишковий ієрсиніоз, з окремих територіальних осередків Чернігівської області. Показано, що зростання показника інцедентності за кишкового ієрсиніозу котів у Чернігівській області може бути пов’язано з ландшафтно-кліматичними особливостями регіону, який зазнав змін останнім. Коти до року та у віці двох-трьох років більш схильні до виникнення кишкового ієрсиніозу, ніж тварини віком понад 9 років, які мають досить низький рівень захворюваності. Самки в 2,6 раза були більш схильні до виникнення захворювання, ніж самці. Переважна частини інфікувань спричинена у самок Y. еnterocolitica сероваром О:3 та становила 32,5 %, а у самців сероваром О:9 (20 %), або їх комбінацією. Серовар О:6.30 викликав хворобу лише в чотирьох випадках( 5 %), три з яких були зареєстровані у самок. Проте більша кількість позитивних реакцій була виявлена з антигеном О:3, і становила 41,25 % від загальної кількості досліджених. Серед клінічних ознак кишкового ієрсиніозу виявляються пригнічення, анорексія, блювота, дегідратація, гіпертермія, ентерит, діарея, тенезми, рідше отит, парапроктит, болючість черевної стінки, бронхоспазм, нефрит, нефроз, ендометрит,безпліддя, лімфаденіт, дерматит, висипи, артрит

    Nuclear rupture at sites of high curvature compromises retention of DNA repair factors.

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    The nucleus is physically linked to the cytoskeleton, adhesions, and extracellular matrix-all of which sustain forces, but their relationships to DNA damage are obscure. We show that nuclear rupture with cytoplasmic mislocalization of multiple DNA repair factors correlates with high nuclear curvature imposed by an external probe or by cell attachment to either aligned collagen fibers or stiff matrix. Mislocalization is greatly enhanced by lamin A depletion, requires hours for nuclear reentry, and correlates with an increase in pan-nucleoplasmic foci of the DNA damage marker γH2AX. Excess DNA damage is rescued in ruptured nuclei by cooverexpression of multiple DNA repair factors as well as by soft matrix or inhibition of actomyosin tension. Increased contractility has the opposite effect, and stiff tumors with low lamin A indeed exhibit increased nuclear curvature, more frequent nuclear rupture, and excess DNA damage. Additional stresses likely play a role, but the data suggest high curvature promotes nuclear rupture, which compromises retention of DNA repair factors and favors sustained damage

    Anisotropic colloids through non-trivial buckling

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    We present a study on buckling of colloidal particles, including experimental, theoretical and numerical developments. Oil-filled thin shells prepared by emulsion templating show buckling in mixtures of water and ethanol, due to dissolution of the core in the external medium. This leads to conformations with a single depression, either axisymmetric or polygonal depending on the geometrical features of the shells. These conformations could be theoretically and/or numerically reproduced in a model of homogeneous spherical thin shells with bending and stretching elasticity, submitted to an isotropic external pressure.Comment: submitted to EPJ