13 research outputs found

    Chromatic numbers for facet colouring of some generalized associahedra

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    The chromatic number of a proper colouring of the facets of certain classes of generalized associahedra is studied. The exact values are obtained for the permutohedron and the associahedron, while lower and upper bounds are established for the nn-dimensional cyclohedron, astrohedron and simple permutoassociahedron

    Sinteza i farmakološko ispitivanje (±)-2,3-seco-analoga fentanila

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    An efficient, five-step synthetic approach to various acyclic 1,3-diamines has been developed and applied to the preparation of a novel class of open-chained fentanyl analogues. The acyclic derivatives 5.1-5.5 (all new compounds) were synthesized with the aim of estimating the significance of the piperidine ring for the opioid analgesic activity of anilido-piperidines. The starting beta-keto-amide 1.1, prepared by the aminolysis of methyl acetoacetate with methyl phenethylamine, (93% yield), was successively reacted with NaH and BuLi, to form the highly reactive alpha,gamma-dienolate anion 1.1a. Regio and chemoselective gamma-alkylation of the dienolate with various primary and secondary alkyl halides furnished the beta-keto-amides 1.2-1.5 (76-91%). Reductive amination of the keto-amides 1.1-1.5 with aniline and Zn powder in acetic acid, via the enamine intermediates 2.1-2.5. afforded the beta-anilino amides 3.1-3.5 (74-85%). After reductive deoxygenation of the tertiary amide group, using in situ generated diborane, the corresponding 1,3-diamines 4.1-4.5 were obtained (87-97%). The synthesis of (+/-)-2,3-seco-fentanyls 5.1-5.5 was completed by N-acylation of the diamines 4.1-4.5 with propionyl chloride, followed by precipitation of the monooxalate salts (86-95%). The parent compound, 2,3-seco-fentanyl 5.1, was found to be a 40 times less potent narcotic analgesic than fentanyl but still 5-6 times more active than morphine in rats. while i-Pr derivative 5.3 was inactive. Apart from the pharmacological significance. the general procedure described herein may afford various functionalized, 1,3-diamines as potential complexing agents and building blocks for the synthesis of aza-crown ethers.Razvijen je efikasan postupak za dobijanje različitih acikličnih 1,3-diamina u pet faza, i primenjen u sintezi nove klase analoga fentanila otvorenog niza. Derivati 5.1–5.5 (svi su nova jedinjenja) sintetisani su sa ciljem da se proceni uticaj piperidinskog prstena na opioidnoanalgetičku aktivnost anilido-piperidina. Polazni β-keto-amid 1.1, dobijen aminolizom metilacetoacetata metilfenetilaminom (prinos 93 %), bio je sukcesivno tretiran sa NaH i BuLi, pri čemu je postao veoma reaktivni α,γ-dienolatni anjon 1.1a. Regio- i hemoselektivnim γ-alkilovanjem ovog dienolata različitim primarnim i sekundarnim alkil-halogenidima, dobijeni su β-keto-amidi 1.2–1.5 (prinos 76–91 %). Reduktivnim aminovanjem keto-amida 1.1–1.5 pomoću Zn praha i sirćetne kiseline, preko enaminskih intermedijera 2.1–2.5, postali su -anilino-amidi 3.1–3.5 (prinos 74–85 %). Posle reduktivne deoksigenacije tercijene amidne funkcije, koristeći in situ generisani diboran, odgovarajući 1,3-diamini 4.1–4.5 izolovani su u prinosima 87–97 %. Sinteza (±)-2,3-seco-fentanila 5.1–5.5 završena je N-acilovanjem diamina 4.1–4.5 propionil-hloridom, a zatim taloženjem u obliku monooksalatnih soli (prinos 86–95 %). Nađeno je da je osnovno jedinjenje, 2,3-seco fentanil 5.1, 40 puta slabiji narkotički analgetik od fentanila, ali još uvek 5–6 puta aktivniji od morfina u pacova, dok je i-Pr derivat 5.3 bio neaktivan. Osim farmakološkog značaja, opštim postupkom prikazanim u ovom radu, mogu se sintetisati različiti 1,3-diamini, uključujući i one sa funkcionalnim grupama. Ova jedinjenja mogu biti potencijalno značajna kao kompleksirajući agensi i kao intermedijeri u sintezi aza-kraun-etara

    Influence of Higenamine on Exercise Performance of Recreational Female Athletes: A Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    The aim of this study was to determine the ergogenic effects and the safety profile of a one-component higenamine supplement in female recreational athletes. Twelve recreational female basketball players (age 29–41 years, oxygen consumption (VO2max) > 30 ml⋅kg–1⋅min–1, with training > 5 h wk–1) were randomized either to the higenamine group, or to the placebo group for 3 weeks. In order to determine ergogenic effects and safety profile of higenamine administration, we assessed the following variables before and after 3 weeks of supplementation: anthropometric parameters, resting metabolic rate (RMR), exercise testing variables, serum free fatty acids (FFAs), blood pressure, enzyme activity, urea, lipid profile, and complete blood count. There were no differences between groups in anthropometric parameters, including basal metabolic rate (BMR), RMR and body fat [p = 0.706 (Cohen’s d 0.223), p = 0.169 (Cohen’s d 0.857), and p = 0.223 (Cohen’s d 0.750), respectively], FFAs [0.43 ± 0.03 vs. 0.54 ± 0.23, p = 0.206 (Cohen’s d 0.540)], neither significant differences in cardiopulmonary parameters after the intervention period. Furthermore, all measured outcome variables in the safety assessment were not significant, with values remaining stable during the intervention period for participants in both groups. This is the first study to document the effects and the safety profile of higenamine-based dietary supplements at a specified dose in female recreational athletes. Our data indicate that 21-day of supplementation with 75 mg higenamine would not result in improving cardiopulmonary exercise fitness and weight loss in female recreational athletes. Moreover, supplementation with 75 mg higenamine is safe and well-tolerated in younger recreational female athletes

    Marked increase in etravirine and saquinavir plasma concentrations during atovaquone/proguanil prophylaxis

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    The case of a 32-year-old Caucasian female with multi-drug resistant HIV-1 subtype B infection treated with a salvage regimen including maraviroc, raltegravir, etravirine and unboosted saquinavir who started atovaquone/proguanil prophylaxis, is reported. The potential interactions between atovaquone/proguanil and these anti-retroviral drugs are investigated. Pharmacokinetic analyses documented a marked increase in etravirine and saquinavir plasma concentrations (+55% and +274%, respectively), but not in raltegravir and maraviroc plasma concentrations. The evidence that atovaquone/proguanil significantly interacts with etravirine and saquinavir, but not with raltegravir and maraviroc, suggests that the mechanism of interaction is related to cytochrome P450

    Etravirine pharmacokinetics in HIV-infected pregnant women

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    __Background__ The study goal was to describe etravirine pharmacokinetics during pregnancy and postpartum in HIV-infected women. __Methods__ IMPAACT P1026s and PANNA are on-going, non-randomized, open-label, parallel-group, multi-center phase-IV prospective studies in HIV-infected pregnant women. Intensive steady-state 12-h pharmacokinetic profiles were performed from 2nd trimester through postpartum. Etravirine was measured at two labs using validated ultra performance liquid chromatography (detection limits: 0.020 and 0.026 mcg/mL). __Results__ Fifteen women took etravirine 200 mg twice-daily. Etravirine AUC0-12 was higher in the 3rd trimester compared to paired postpartum data by 34% (median 8.3 vs. 5.3 mcg*h/mL, p = 0.068). Etravirine apparent oral clearance was significantly lower in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy compared to paired postpartum data by 52% (median 24 vs. 38 L/h, p = 0.025). The median ratio of cord blood to maternal plasma concentration at delivery was 0.52 (range: 0.19-4.25) and no perinatal transmission occurred. __Conclusion__ Etravirine apparent oral clearance is reduced and exposure increased during the third trimester of pregnancy. Based on prior dose-ranging and safety data, no dose adjustment is necessary for maternal health but the effects of etravirine in utero are unknown. Maternal health and infant outcomes should be closely monitored until further infant safety data are available. __Clinical Trial registration:__ The IMPAACT protocol P1026s and PANNA study are registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under NCT00042289 and NCT00825929

    Pharmacokinetics of total and unbound darunavir in HIV-1-infected pregnant women

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    Objectives: To describe the pharmacokinetics of darunavir in pregnant HIV-infected women in the third trimester and post-partum. Patients and methods: This was a non-randomized, open-label, multicentre, Phase IV study in HIV-infected pregnant women recruited from HIV treatment centres in Europe. HIV-infected pregnant women treated with darunavir (800/100 mg once daily or 600/100 mg twice daily) as part of their combination ART were included. Pharmacokinetic curves were recorded in the third trimester and post-partum. A cord blood sample and maternal sample were collected. The study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under number NCT00825929. Results: Twenty-four women were included in the analysis [darunavir/ritonavir: 600/100 mg twice daily (n=6); 800/100 mg once daily (n=17); and 600/100 mg once daily (n=1)]. Geometric mean ratios of third trimester versus post-partum (90% CI) were 0.78 (0.60-1.00) for total darunavir AUC0-tau after 600/100 mg twice-daily dosing and 0.67 (0.56-0.82) for total darunavir AUC0-tau after 800/100 mg once-daily dosing. The unbound fraction of darunavir was not different during pregnancy (12%) compared with post-partum (10%). The median (range) ratio of darunavir cord blood/maternal blood was 0.13 (0.08-0.35). Viral load close to delivery was <300 copies/mL in all but two patients. All children were tested HIV-negative and no congenital abnormalities were reported. Conclusions: Darunavir AUC and Cmax were substantially decreased in pregnancy for both darunavir/ritonavir regimens. This decrease in exposure did not result in mother-to-child transmission. For antiretroviral-naive patients, who are adherent, take darunavir with food and are not using concomitant medication reducing darunavir concentrations, 800/100 mg of darunavir/ritonavir once daily is adequate in pregnancy. For all other patients 600/100 mg of darunavir/ritonavir twice daily is recommended during pregnancy.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    The pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy of tenofovir and emtricitabine in HIV-1-infected pregnant women

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    Contains fulltext : 117827.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE:: To describe the pharmacokinetics of tenofovir and emtricitabine in the third trimester of pregnant HIV-infected women and at postpartum. DESIGN:: A nonrandomized, open-label, multicentre phase IV study in HIV-infected pregnant women recruited from HIV treatment centres in Europe. METHODS:: HIV-infected pregnant women treated with the nucleotide/nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF 300 mg; equivalent to 245 mg tenofovir disoproxil) and/or emtricitabine (FTC 200 mg) were included in the study. Twenty-four-hour pharmacokinetic curves were recorded in the third trimester (preferably week 33) and postpartum (preferably week 4-6). Collection of a cord blood sample and maternal sample at delivery was optional. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using WinNonlin software version 5.3. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 16.0. RESULTS:: Thirty-four women were included in the analysis. Geometric mean ratios of third trimester vs. postpartum [90% confidence interval (CI)] were 0.77 (0.71-0.83) for TDF area under the curve (AUC0-24 h); 0.81 (0.68-0.96) for TDF Cmax and 0.79 (0.70-0.90) for TDF C24 h and 0.75 (0.68-0.82) for FTC AUC0-24 h; and 0.87 (0.77-0.99) for FTC Cmax and 0.77 (0.52-1.12) for FTC C24 h. The viral load close to delivery was less than 200 copies/ml in all but one patient, the average gestational age at delivery was 38 weeks. All children were tested HIV-negative and no congenital abnormalities were reported. CONCLUSION:: Although pharmacokinetic exposure of the NRTIs TDF and FTC during pregnancy is approximately 25% lower, this was not associated with virological failure in this study and did not result in mother-to-child transmission