142 research outputs found

    O terminu ‘Jōmon’ in prispevku ruskih znanstvenikov k študijam kulture Jōmon

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    The article is devoted to the introduction of the term ‘Jōmon’ into Russian archaeological literature, its understanding, and the contribution of Russian scholars to Jōmon studies starting from the late 20th century. The recognition of the term and its use had some peculiarities which were caused not only by the language barrier and political events in the far eastern region, but mostly by the specifics of the archaeological investigations in the Russian Far East and the priority of research focused first on the Ainu origin, and then on the Palaeolithic rather on the nature of the Neolithic. The rise of the interest in Jōmon grew in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the discoveries of initial pottery with Final Pleistocene dates in Japan and Russia (Lower and Middle Amur Region). During the 1980s and 1990s this trend was realized in a series of publications, international conferences, and the first joint Russian-Japanese archaeological projects. The current stage is illustrated by the institualization of several research centres of Jōmon studies in Russia (Novosibirsk, Vladivostok), by a high level of international cooperation, and by a wide range of research topics, including chronological, technological, ritual and other aspects of the Jōmon period.Članek je posvečen vpeljavi in razumevanju termina ‘Jōmon’ v ruski arheološki literaturi ter prispevku ruskih znanstvenikov k študijam te kulture od konca 20. stoletja. Prepoznavanje tega strokovnega izraza in njegove uporabe je imelo nekaj posebnosti, ki so jih povzročile tako jezikovne pregrade kot politični dogodki na območju Daljnega vzhoda, predvsem pa posebnosti arheoloških raziskav na ruskem Daljnem vzhodu in prioritete raziskav, ki so se usmerile predvsem v izvor ljudstva Ainu ter v paleolitske študije in manj v naravo neolitika. Interes za Jōmon se je povečal šele ob koncu 60. in v zgodnjih 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja z odkritjem najstarejše lončenine iz obdobja finalnega pleistocena na Japonskem in v Rusiji (spodnja in srednja regija Amur). V 80. in 90. letih prejšnjega stoletja se je ta interes pokazal v seriji publikacij, mednarodnih srečanj in v prvih združenih rusko-japonskih arheoloških projektih. Sedanjo stopnjo razvoja pa ponazarja ve≠ raziskovalnih središč posvečenih študijam kulture Jōmon v Rusiji (Novosibirsk, Vladivostok), pa tudi višji nivo mednarodnih sodelovanj in širši razpon raziskovalnih tem, ki vključujejo kronologijo, tehnologijo, rituale in druge vidike obdobja kulture Jōmon

    Tendências atuais no estado e regulação legal do componente religioso na educação

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    The article presents the results of modern model comparative legal analysis concerning state and legal regulation of the religious component in education within the context of state and municipal educational organization profile activity. The conceptual features of such regulation optimal model are determined, claiming the status of universal ones; their uniform consolidation in the special educational legislation of modern secular states is justified.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis jurídico comparativo del modelo moderno sobre la regulación estatal y legal del componente religioso en la educación dentro del contexto de la actividad de perfil de la organización educativa estatal y municipal. Se determinan las características conceptuales de dicho modelo de regulación óptima, reclamando el estado de los universales; su consolidación uniforme en la legislación educativa especial de los estados seculares modernos está justificada.O artigo apresenta os resultados do modelo moderno de análise comparativa da legislação estadual e jurídica sobre o componente religioso na educação no contexto da atividade de perfil das organizações educacionais estaduais e municipais. As características conceituais desse modelo ótimo de regulação são determinadas, reivindicando o status das universais; sua consolidação uniforme na legislação educacional especial dos estados seculares modernos é justificada


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    Purpose of the study: The urgency of the problem under study is due to the need to ensure the substantial unity of the two stages of vocational education: undergraduate and graduate. In connection with the increase in the proportion and importance of independent learning activities of students, the problem of self-regulation and self-control of students in the organization of this process and the provision of conditions for the formation of educational autonomy of bachelors and undergraduates from the side of university teachers becomes more acute. The aim of the article is to determine the principles and effective technologies of organizing activities for the formation of the educational autonomy of students in a two-level education. Methodology: The leading principles of the study were the principles of human-like education and student-centered education. Results: The authors formulated the principles, presented copyright technology to ensure the educational autonomy of students. The results of the use of the technological complex in the framework of the educational activities of physical culture students are indicated. The created scientific and methodological complex allowed to improve the level of self-organization and self-government of students in educational activities. Applications of this study: Materials may be applied to solve a wide range of vocational education tasks. The results of the study may be applied by teachers of higher education in order to develop the professional creativity of students and the formation of their professional identity. Novelty/Originality of this study: The problem of the formation of the educational autonomy of students is exacerbated in the conditions of modern higher education due to the increasing proportion of independent work of students and the possibilities of an open educational environment. The originality of the research lies in the development of technology for the use of anthropic educational technologies, focused more on students' activities, rather than regulating the activities of university teachers

    Air temperature changes due to altitude above sea level in the Northern Ural Mountains

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    The research is devoted to an urgent modern problem: the identification of temperature factors that limit the distribution and survival of plants in the mountainous conditions of the Northern Urals. The article’s aim is to determine the air temperature in four altitudinal zones of the southern part of the Northern Urals (Sverdlovsk region 59º30´N, 59º15´E) and to identify regression relationships of the obtained temperature data with control temperature data from the nearest meteorological station. Registration of air temperatures was carried out from May to September 2019 around the clock, every two hours in the mountain forest zone (at an altitude of 460 and 640 m above sea level) under the canopy of Siberian stone pine forests, in the zone of subalpine woodlands with elements of mountain forest tundra (820 m above sea level) and on a plateau in the mountain tundra zone (1030 m above sea level). It has been established that the change in air temperature at different altitude levels and at the nearest meteorological station (far from 60 km, at an altitude of 202 m above sea level) occurs relatively synchronously. Difference between average daily temperatures at altitudes of 460, 640, 820 and 1030 m above sea level and the control data of the meteorological station is 2.2, 3.0, 4.7 and 5.1ºC respectively. For all altitude levels, a reliable close straight-line relationship between average daily air temperatures and meteorological station data has been established. The altitudes of 460, 640, 820 and 1030 m above sea level correspond to the coefficients of determination ( R 2) equal to 0.96, 0.95, 0.92 and 0.88. The relationship of the minimum temperatures of the corresponding altitude levels with the control data is also quite high ( R 2 is not lower than 0.7). With the help of the identified relationships and the obtained regression equations, it is possible to retrospectively restore the dynamics of the thermal regime according to the meteorological station data for mountain habitats of different altitudes in the southern part of the Northern Urals over a long period. Including extreme critical temperatures, which act as factors limiting the resettlement and survival of plants and determine the ecosystem biodiversity

    Transformation of the concept of "power" as a basic cultural value in the media discourse of modern times in metagraphic representation

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    The relevance is due to the fact that new geopolitical realities cause the transformation of basic concepts, which include the concept of "power", which has an internal conflict of content, where there is power as self-possession and power as the management of others. At the same time, the concept of "power" itself is built in various linguistic and philosophical coordinate systems. The research is based on an ethnic-psycholinguistic scientific paradigm, within which the concept of "power" is analyzed from the point of view of structure and semantics as a separate element of linguistic consciousness, actively represented in the speech activity of representatives of various linguistic cultures (Kazakh, Russian, Anglo-American, Chinese). The appeal to this concept is predetermined by the acuteness of the experience of the problem of power itself as a constantly evolving socio-political institution. The aim of the study is to model the concept of "power" in the modern linguistic consciousness of modern times with the establishment of its structural and content specificity. The complexity of the claimed topic is predetermined by the initial ambiguity of power as a social phenomenon, which includes a binary of oppositions: "I" individual and "We" collective, the ability to control oneself and the ability to control others, legitimate power and illegitimate power, ethical power due to respect and authority and the power of oppression and pressure due to fear. The metagraph of the complex socio-political basic value "power" perfectly illustrates the representation of this complex concept, demonstrating qualitative transformations in the structure of the meaning of this concept at different levels of lexico-semantic, neurasthenic and symbolic-semiological hierarchy

    Организация СРС в рамках модульно-рейтинговой системы

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    Показан подход к организации самостоятельной работы студентов (СРС) в рамках модульно-рейтинговой системы. Представлена модель организации СРС, анализируется содержание ее элементов. Отмечаются организационно-методические трудности, которые могут возникнуть при ее внедрении

    Electron-ion plasma modification of Al-based alloys

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    The paper reports on the study where we analyzed the surface structure and strength properties of coated Al alloys modified by electron-ion plasma treatment. The Al alloys were deposited with a thin (≈0.5 μm) TiCu film coating (TiCu-Al system) and with a hard TiCuN coating (TiCuN–AlSi system) on a TRIO vacuum setup in the plasma of low-pressure arc discharges. The temperature fields and phase transformations in the film–substrate system were estimated by numerical simulation in a wide range of electron energy densities (5–30 J/cm2) and pulse durations (50–200 μs). The calculations allowed us to determine the threshold energy density and pulse duration at which the surface structure of the irradiated Al-based systems is transformed in a single-phase state (solid or liquid) and in a two-phase state (solid plus liquid). The elemental composition, defect structure, phase state, and lattice state in the modified surface layers were examined by optical, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy, and by X-ray diffraction analysis. The mechanical characteristics of the modified layers were studied by measuring the hardness and Young’s modulus. The tribological properties of the modified layers were analyzed by measuring the wear resistance and friction coefficient. It is shown that melting and subsequent high-rate crystallization of the TiCu–Al system makes possible a multiphase Al-based surface structure with the following characteristics: crystallite size ranging within micrometer, microhardness of more than 3 times that in the specimen bulk, and wear resistance ≈1.8 times higher compared to the initial material. Electron beam irradiation of the TiCuN–AlSi system allows fusion of the coating into the substrate, thus increasing the wear resistance of the material ≈2.2 times at a surface hardness of ∼14 GPa

    Information Support for Health Saving of Adults

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    This article deals with the formation of cognitive interest in leading a healthy lifestyle through information portals of the Internet environment. In addition, the results of research related to the inclusion of adults in the health environment are presented. The purpose of the article is to define the content of the information portal, which would meet the needs and requirements of adult users. The work used methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and information environment on health improvement, methods of mathematical statistics. Publications in periodicals, methodological materials, monographs and information portals related to healthy lifestyle were used as sources of information. The article presents the results of a survey of adults, which made it possible to define the criteria and content of the information portal on healthy lifestyle. Based on the needs of users, the requirements that should be considered when designing such information portals were identified. The results will be useful for specialists developing information content portals aimed at supporting healthy lifestyle, as well as adults who are subjects of self-development, to lead a healthy life with the support of the information environment. Identified relevant content will be the basis for expanding the idea of what the information space related to healthy lifestyle should look like, as well as help self-development actors to design an individual set of health-forming practices

    Cortisol and DHEAS Related to Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Schizophrenia

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    Background: Both dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) and cortisol are secreted by the adrenal glands and may modulate metabolic syndrome (MetS), which often affects the health of patients with schizophrenia. The relationship between the serum levels of these hormones and MetS has not been established. Purpose: In this pilot study, we investigated the serum levels in schizophrenia patients with and without MetS and compared them with those in healthy volunteers. Patients and Methods: After obtaining informed consent, 110 patients with acute paranoid schizophrenia were recruited directly after admission to the Mental Health Research Institute. The control group consisted of 51 persons reported on questioning to be mentally and somatically healthy. Blood samples to prepare serum were drawn after an 8-h overnight fast during one of the first days of admission. Serum cortisol and DHEAS concentrations were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: A total of 42 patients had MetS and 68 patients were without MetS. The cortisol blood level was significantly (p = 0.012) higher in schizophrenia patients without MetS in comparison to healthy controls, while patients with schizophrenia and a MetS have significantly (p = 0.014) lower DHEAS levels than healthy volunteers. These differences could, however, exclusively be attributed to female participants. Analysis of covariance adjusted for gender and age demon-strated a significant relationship between age and DHEAS levels (F = 9.512, р =0.003). Conclusion: Lower DHEAS serum levels in relationship to MetS become evident in women, but not in men, and have age differences as a confounding factor