38 research outputs found


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    Objective: The article examines the role of information resources in the formation of the modern geopolitical world picture. Results: It has been shown that the globalization processes are subordinated to one geopolitical goal, so they often provoke the chaotization of the world space. The dominance of destructive elements in interstate relations leads to the division of countries into objects and subjects of world politics, which is largely a consequence of ideologically directed information flows. The article highlights the actual problem of our time, which consists in regulating geopolitical processes in the interests of all societies as equal subjects. The authors prove the need for constant reference to the best traditions accumulated by leading Russian philosophers. Conclusion: The authors believe that adequate management of information flows creates conditions for optimizing the interaction of various geopolitical elements. The article shows the real prospects for a sustainable global-regional world order, which are possible with a dialectical approach to information resources and their role in the formation of a new world community

    New approach to heart rate variability analysis based on cardiophysiological biomarkers

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    Background: The heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is a well-known method demonstrating its value over the years in different medical fields. However, it still has its known limitations. Material and methods: The new approach to HRV analysis is based on a complementary HRV standard analysis with new cardiophysiological biomarkers. The biomarkers are assessed on cardiorhythmograms obtained by a 5-minute ECG recording using a specialized hardware (Polyspectrum-HRV-device, Neurosoft). Results: A possible applicative value of the biomarkers is shown on examples of how a prognosis for recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AFib) could be made. When in a rest-state cardiorhythmogram are observed LF drops and are followed by a pathological counterregulation, prognostically, recurrence of atrial fibrillation is expected. When in a cardiorhythmogram LF drops are observed and are followed by a physiological counterregulation, prognostically, sinus rhythm is expected. Physiological background of the biomarkers: increased central modulation of the heart in rest state of a patient, a sympathetic overflow of the heart in calm state and insufficiency of compensatory parasymphatetic counteractivation. Limitations of the paper: this is a methodological paper without description of patients. This paper will be followed by a clinical paper in which we are going to describe the validation of these cardiophysiological biomarkers on patients with AFib. Conclusions: Complementary to the standard HRV analysis, cardiophysiological biomarkers should be assessed: LF drops and HF counterregulation could be used for prognosis construction in cardiology

    Fundamental aspects of cardiovascular regulation in predisposition to atrial fibrillation

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    Background: Atrial fibrillation is the most common sustained arrhythmia in cardiology. The structural factors leading to atrial fibrillation are well known, but there should be also regarded the functional factors. In 2014, the Task Force published guidelines for atrial fibrillation describing the importance of the vegetative nervous system in creating predisposition to atrial fibrillation although it describes that the mechanism is not completely clear. Furthermore, it is important to understand this mechanism, regarding the increasing number of patients affected by atrial fibrillation without any structural heart diseases. The aim of this work is to understand the physiological background of the predisposition to the appearance and recurrence of atrial fibrillation regarding the role of neural regulatory systems of the heart, especially when no structural heart diseases are present. Therefore, the following is a fundamental analysis of the neural regulation of heart rhythm, including the vegetative nervous system at its medullar and central levels and also the cerebral cortex input in heart regulation. Conclusions: The predisposition to atrial fibrillation regarding the neural regulatory systems of the heart can be pinpointed to three key factors: 1. Central over-activity; 2. Sympathetic efferent overflow towards the heart in rest state; 3. Parasympathetic exhaustion and break-down of the parasymphatetic protective function

    Plume spreading test case

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    We present a test case of river plume spreading to evaluate numerical methods used in coastal ocean modeling. It includes an estuary-shelf system whose dynamics combine nonlinear flow regimes with sharp frontal boundaries and linear regimes with cross-shore geostrophic balance. This system is highly sensitive to physical or numerical dissipation and mixing. The main characteristics of the plume dynamics are predicted analytically, but are difficult to reproduce numerically because of numerical mixing present in the models. Our test case reveals the level of numerical mixing as well as the ability of models to reproduce nonlinear processes and frontal zone dynamics. We present numerical solutions for Thetis and FESOM-C models on an unstructured triangular mesh, as well as ones for GETM and FESOM-C models on a quadrilateral mesh

    Hydrodynamics of formation of a microdispersed spray by the cup rotary atomizer

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    This article is devoted to the study of the movement of a single drop inside an air-liquid jet formed by a cup atomizer. The relevance of the research topic is proved. The problem, which has been identified, is about using modern fan sprayers for chemical protection of agricultural crops, in particular, orchards and vineyards. As for mechanical spraying, the process of movement of the droplet inside the torch, the trajectory of droplet flight, as well as the dependence of these indicators on the parameters of the rotary atomizers are currently very little studied. Therefore, this article considers the laws describing the movement of one droplet on the surface of the rotating working element and one droplet flight in atmospheric air after escape from the surface of the rotary atomizer’s cup. Research results are presented as the equations describing the dependence of the torch boundaries on the parameters of the rotary cup atomizer

    Molecular and genetic organization of bands and interbands in the dot chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster

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    The fourth chromosome smallest in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster differs from other chromosomes in many ways. It has high repeat density in conditions of a large number of active genes. Gray bands represent a significant part of this polytene chromosome. Specific proteins including HP1a, POF, and dSETDB1 establish the epigenetic state of this unique chromatin domain. In order to compare maps of localization of genes, bands, and chromatin types of the fourth chromosome, we performed FISH analysis of 38 probes chosen according to the model of four chromatin types. It allowed clarifying the dot chromosome cytological map consisting of 16 loose gray bands, 11 dense black bands, and 26 interbands. We described the relation between chromatin states and bands. Open aquamarine chromatin mostly corresponds to interbands and it contains 5UTRs of housekeeping genes. Their coding parts are embedded in gray bands substantially composed of lazurite chromatin of intermediate compaction. Polygenic black bands contain most of dense ruby chromatin, and also some malachite and lazurite. Having an accurate map of the fourth chromosome bands and its correspondence to physical map, we found that DNase I hypersensitivity sites, ORC2 protein, and P-elements are mainly located in open aquamarine chromatin, while element 1360, characteristic of the fourth chromosome, occupies band chromatin types. POF and HP1a proteins providing special organization of this chromosome are mostly located in aquamarine and lazurite chromatin. In general, band organization of the fourth chromosome shares the features of the whole Drosophila genome

    Investigation of Tick-borne encephalitis in Ixodes ricinus and dermacentor reticulatus

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    During the last few decades the incidence of the Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) disease has been increasing and becoming a growing health problem in almost all endemic European and Asian countries. TBE virus (TBEV) can be transmitted to people by a bite of Ixodes spp ticks, Ixodes persulcatus, Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus. Lithuania is one of the countries with the highest number of reported TBE cases, an average of 450 cases of TBE are reported every year. The aim of this study was to investigate the current prevalence of TBEV in different species of ticks and genetically characterize the strains of virus distributed in Lithuania. In March-September 2017, 1884 ticks (267 pools) were collected from eight Lithuanian counties, 18 regions. Gathered ticks were identified as I. ricinus (n=1351) and D. reticulatus (n=533). For the detection of TBEV a quantitative real-time Revers transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) was performed. Samples positives by real-time PCR were used for one step RT-PCR and for nested PCR for future sequencing of the partial E protein and NS3 genes. In the collected ticks I.persulcatus ticks weren’t detected. The phylogenetic analysis of NS3 and E genes sequences has shown that detected strains belong to the European subtype and are specific for LithuaniaBiologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Rezecția transuretrală este decisivă în diagnosticul, tratamentul și managementul NMIBC (cancer al vezicii urinare non-muscular invaziv). Esența acestei intervenții constă in înlăturarea endoscopică a tuturor formațiunilor tumorale în limitele țesutului sănătos cu stabilirea diagnosticului histologic și determinarea factorii de pronostic. Scopul lucrării. Compararea rezultatelor tratamentului chirurgical endourologic prin utilizarea diferitor metode (rezecția transuretrală convențională și En-bloc rezecția) și surse de energie (monopolar, bipolar, laser). Material și metode. În studiu au fost incluși 136 de pacienți cu tumori ale vezicii urinare care au fost tratați chirurgical în Clinica de Urologie a USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” începând cu 2017 până în 2022. Pacienții au fost divizați în patru grupe: En-bloc monopolar (En-blocM), En-bloc bipolar (En-blocB), Laser en-bloc (En-blocL) și grupul de rezecție transuretrală convențională (TURBT). Datele postoperatorii a pacienților au fost analizate comparativ. Rezultate. Analiza rezultatelor a demonstrat în majoritatea cazurilor existența tumorilor unice - 72%. Preponderent tumorile au fost localizate pe pereții laterali a vezicii urinare - 66%, iar dimensiunea ≤ 3 cm a fost detectată în 83% din cazuri la pacienți incluși în studiu. Stratul muscular detrusor a fost identificat în 75% din cazuri în grupul TURBT, în 97% - En-blocM, 97% - En-blocB și în 100% cazuri în grupul En-blocL. Majoritatea recidivelor în perioada de 12 luni sau manifestat în grupul TURBT – 37% vs 17% pentru En-blocM și câte 15% pentru grupe de En-blocB și En-blocL. La evaluarea complicațiilor putem menționa absența reflexul nervului obturator la utilizarea energiei laser. Concluzii. En-bloc rezecția transuretrală a NMIBC în comparație cu rezecție transuretrală convențională contribuie la stabilirea corectă a diagnosticului și reduce rata recidivelor tumorale postoperatorii.Background. Transurethral resection is decisive in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of NMIBC (non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer). The principle of this intervention consists in the endoscopic removal of all tumor formations within the limits of healthy tissue with the establishment of the histological diagnosis and the determination of the prognostic outcome. Objective of the study. Comparison of the results of endourological surgical treatment using different methods (conventional transurethral resection and En-bloc resection) and energy sources (monopolar, bipolar, laser). Material and methods. The study included 136 patients with bladder tumors who were surgically treated in the Urology Clinic of USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” from 2017 to 2022. The patients were divided into four groups: En-bloc monopolar (En- blocM), En-bloc bipolar (En-blocB), Laser en-bloc (En-blocL), and the conventional transurethral resection (TURBT) groups. The postoperative data of the patients were comparatively analyzed. Results. The analysis of the results demonstrated in most of cases the existence of single tumors - 72%. The tumors were mainly located on the lateral walls of the bladder - in 66% of cases. In 83% of patients included in the study, the tumor size of less than 3 cm or equal with 3 cm was detected. The detrusor muscle layer was identified in 75% of cases in the TURBT group, in 97% - En-blocM, 97% - En-blocB, and 100% of cases in the En-blocL group. The majority of recurrences which were observed after 12 months follow – up, occurred in the TURBT group – 37% vs 17% for EnblocM and 15% each for groups of En-blocB and En-blocL. Evaluating the complications, it can be mentioned that in cases when laser energy was applied, the obturator nerve reflex was not observed. Conclusion. En-bloc transurethral resection of NMIBC, compared with conventional transurethral resection, contributes to a more precise diagnosis establishment and reduces the rate of postoperative tumor recurrence

    Identification of Hypothalamic Long Noncoding RNAs Associated with Hypertension and the Behavior/Neurological Phenotype of Hypertensive ISIAH Rats

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    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play an important role in the control of many physiological and pathophysiological processes, including the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Nonetheless, the understanding of the regulatory function of many lncRNAs is still incomplete. This work is a continuation of our earlier study on the sequencing of hypothalamic transcriptomes of hypertensive ISIAH rats and control normotensive WAG rats. It aims to identify lncRNAs that may be involved in the formation of the hypertensive state and the associated behavioral features of ISIAH rats. Interstrain differences in the expression of seven lncRNAs were validated by quantitative PCR. Differential hypothalamic expression of lncRNAs LOC100910237 and RGD1562890 between hypertensive and normotensive rats was shown for the first time. Expression of four lncRNAs (Snhg4, LOC100910237, RGD1562890, and Tnxa-ps1) correlated with transcription levels of many hypothalamic genes differentially expressed between ISIAH and WAG rats (DEGs), including genes associated with the behavior/neurological phenotype and hypertension. After functional annotation of these DEGs, it was concluded that lncRNAs Snhg4, LOC100910237, RGD1562890, and Tnxa-ps1 may be involved in the hypothalamic processes related to immune-system functioning and in the response to various exogenous and endogenous factors, including hormonal stimuli. Based on the functional enrichment analysis of the networks, an association of lncRNAs LOC100910237 and Tnxa-ps1 with retinol metabolism and an association of lncRNAs RGD1562890 and Tnxa-ps1 with type 1 diabetes mellitus are proposed for the first time. Based on a discussion, it is hypothesized that previously functionally uncharacterized lncRNA LOC100910237 is implicated in the regulation of hypothalamic processes associated with dopaminergic synaptic signaling, which may contribute to the formation of the behavioral/neurological phenotype and hypertensive state of ISIAH rats

    Choice of Weapon Sample Based on Fuzzy Logic in Defense Management Measures

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    The possibility of improving the capability-based planning process is being investigated in order to minimize the need for weapons and military equipment and to maximize the acquisition of capabilities during their life cycle. Using the theory of fuzzy sets, the assessment of alternative samples of weapons and military equipment is carried out. A fuzzy inference model for determining the usefulness of weapons and military equipment in acquiring opportunities has been developed, based on fuzzy logic. The modeling of alternative models of weapons and military equipment was carried out in terms of costs at the stages of the life cycle “Use” and “Support” using the modern software environment MATLAB. The simulation results provided an opportunity at the planning stage to improve the efficiency of defense resource management using the value of the usefulness of weapons and military equipment. The introduction of the developed model into defense management makes it possible to automatically determine weapons and military equipment without the participation of experts, taking into account the cost of their life cycle and to bring the planning process closer to Euro-Atlantic approaches