295 research outputs found
Forest stand structure influences biodiversity
Za zdravo delovanje gozda je potrebna biodiverziteta na zadovoljivo visoki ravni, zato mora biti njeno varovanje vkljuÄeno v gospodarjenje z gozdom. Ob naravni dinamiki gozda se vsaka združba na doloÄeni lokaciji nenehno spreminja. Le z ustrezno strukturo lahko gozd nudi življenjski prostor razliÄno obÄutljivim vrstam in tako zagotavlja diverziteto. Za odgovor na vpraÅ”anje, kakÅ”na je ustrezna struktura, so nujne raziskave biodiverzitete v razliÄno strukturiranih in razliÄno starih sestojih. Pregledni Älanek povzema izsledke raziskav na razliÄnih skupinah nevretenÄarjev, ki so tako Å”tevilÄno kot funkcionalno zelo pomembni, zaradi svoje telesne zgradbe pa Å”e posebej obÄutljivi na okoljske razmere. Združbe iz razliÄnih razvojnih faz se veÄinomarazlikujejo med seboj, vrstna diverziteta pa je odvisna od strukture gozda. Med ekologi se je uveljavilo mnenje, da je ustrezna strategija za ohranjanje biodiverzitete zagotovitev heterogenosti okolja na razliÄnih nivojih. Mozaik razliÄnih razvojnih faz velikosti skupine ali gnezda v gozdni pokrajini zagotavlja ustrezne razmere za razliÄno zahtevne vrste in njihove premike na ustrezno obmoÄje ob spremembah in motnjah v gozdu.Healthy functioning of a forest requires biodiversity on a sufficiently high level. Its conservation has to be incorporated into forest management. Along with natural forest development every community at a certain location experiences continual changeability. Only with appropriate structure a forest can offer living space for species of different sensitivity and in that way ensures diversity. In order for an appropriate structure to be defined, investigations of biodiversity in differently structured and differently aged stands are essential. The review paper summarizes results of investigations indifferent groups of invertebrates which are numerically as well as functionally very important, and owing to their body structure especially sensitive to environmental conditions. Communities mostly differ among phases,and species diversity depends on forest structure. A consensus has beenreached among ecologists that an appropriate strategy for preserving diversity is to secure the heterogeneity of an environment at different scalessimultaneously. A mosaic of different development phase patches in the size of a group or nest ensures in a forest landscape suitable conditions for differently demanding species and their migrations to a suitable environment when changes and disturbances occur
Scat analysis of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in Slovenia
Volk (Canis lupus) je oportunistiÄni plenilec, ki pleni predvsem velike sesalce. Njegova prehrana se zelo razlikuje med posameznimi obmoÄji, zato je pomembno pridobiti lokalne podatke iz razliÄnih delov njegovega areala. V Sloveniji je prehrana volka slabo raziskana. V Älanku predstavljamo rezultate preliminarne raziskave, v kateri smo analizirali 30 iztrebkov volkov, nabranih po veÄjem delu razÅ”irjenosti volka v Sloveniji. S pomoÄjo mikroskopskeanalize dlak in preiskave zob ter postkranialnih delov skeleta iz iztrebkov smo doloÄili plenske vrste ter izraÄunali njihovo frekvenco pojavljanja in delež zaužite biomase. Kot glavni plen volka v Sloveniji so se izkazali cervidi (Cervidae), ki smo jih naÅ”li v 87 % iztrebkov in so sestavljali 85 % zaužite biomase. V manjÅ”i meri so se volkovi hranili Å”e z mladiÄi divjega praÅ”iÄa (Sus scrofa7 % iztrebkov, 5 % zaužite biomase) in ostanki domaÄih živali (7 % iztrebkov, 10 % zaužite biomase).Gray wolf (Canis lupus) is an opportunistic predator, hunting mainly large mammals. Its diet varies substantially between different regionsit is necessary, therefore, to obtain reliable data from different parts of the wolf\u27s range. In Slovenia, the wolf\u27s diet has been poorly studied. In the present preliminary analysis, we analyzed 30 wolf scats collected throughout the wolf range in the country. We determined prey species using microscopic analysis of ground hairs and inspection of teeth and postcranial skeletal remains. For each prey group we calculated the frequency of occurrence and estimated the consumed biomass. In Slovenia, the wolf\u27s main prey are cervids (Cervidae), which were found in 87% of samples and represented 85% of consumed biomass. To a lesser extent, wolves were feeding on young wild boar (Sus scrofa7% of scats, 5% of consumed biomass) and on remains of domestic animals (7% of scats, 10% of consumed biomass)
Tuber decipiens, a new black Tuber species from Croatia
Background and Purpose: The species diversity within the genus Tuber is a highly mysterious. The aims of this study are to give detailed taxonomical, morphological and ecological characteristics of the new species Tuber decipiens. Material and Method: Based on fungarium studies, field observations and historical review, morphological studies have been conducted on the species. The recording morphological details were carried out using a microscope. Results and Conclusions: Tuber decipiens is a black colored truffle and a new species belonging to order Pezizales and family Tuberaceae. It was found in autumn (Novmber-December 2010) near the Adriatic Sea (Rovinj, Croatia) and grows in pure pine forest (Pinus halepensis) in the calcareous-gravel soil (pH 7.5ā7.8). Tuber decipiens is different in the morphological and other characteristics from all the other known black. The new species is most similar to the winter truffle Tuber brumale var. moscatum which grows in autumn andwinter in symbiosis with deciduous trees. Unlike the winter truffle, a new species (Tuber decipiens) grows in symbiosis with Pinus halepensis and permanently has a basal depression with one or more cavities, clearly visible in the cross section of fruitbodies. Very important characteristics are the color of gleba, which is never blackish or black and in mature fruitbodies remains gray-brownish, the asci are spherical or very rarely ovoid-ellipsoid, containing 1ā6 spores. The odor of the new species is not pleasant and reminiscent of the soil or mouldwhile the odor of Tuber brumale var. moscatum is delicate and persistent, and reminiscent of the musk.Tuber decipiens, a new species from Croatia is described
The spring development of bee (Apis mellifera L.) in the continental Croatian
Prvo pÄelinje leglo na podruÄju kontinentalne hrvatske poÄinje veÄ u drugoj polovini sijeÄnja. Od tada pa do kraja svibnja ukupan broj pÄela u zajednici naraste 3 ā 5 puta. Jakost zajednice u sijeÄnju i veljaÄi, kao i i ÄistoÄa koÅ”nice pokazuju koliko je uspjeÅ”no bilo prezimljavanje pÄela. Proljetni razvoj je svakako jedna od najtežih faza u životu pÄelinje zajednice u kojoj je potrebno osigurati optimalan razvoj pÄelinjeg druÅ”tva do bagremove paÅ”e. Od kolovoza 2015. godine do svibnja 2016. godine na Obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu PÄelarstvo KovaÄiÄ provedeno je istraživanje proljetnog razvoja pÄela u koje su bile ukljuÄene 34 pÄelinje zajednice, a svaka zajednica se sastojala od jednog nastavka s 10 okvira, matice su bile iste starosti. Mjerio se i bilježio broj pÄela, stanica legla, stanica peludi, utvrÄena je zaraženost pÄela varoozom i prirodni pad varoe, te je mjerena promjena u težini koÅ”nice. Zabilježeno je kako su se druÅ”tva u razdoblju izmeÄu dva zadnja proljetna mjerenja jako brzo razvijala. Indeks prezimljavanja je iznosio 77%. ProsijeÄan broj stanica peludi u jesen je znosila 2.629 dok kod prvog proljetnog mjerenja je 941 Å”to ukazuje na intenzivan razvoj legla. U zaraženim zajednicama broj varoe pri svakom mjerenju raste te se vidi zaostatak u razvoju zajednica.First bee nests in the continental Croatian begins in the second half of January. From then until the end of May the total number of bees in the community grows 3-5 times. Strength communities in January and February, as well as the cleanliness of the hive show how successful were wintering bees. Spring development is certainly one of the most difficult phase in the life of a bee community in which it is necessary to ensure optimal development of a bee colony to acacia grazing. From August 2015 to May 2016 on the family farm beekeeping Kovacic survey was conducted in the spring development of bees that were included 34 honeybee colonies and each community consisted of one bit with 10 frames, queen bees were of the same age. Was measured and recorded the number of bees, brood cells, cell pollen, was found infected bees varoosis and natural fall of varroa and measuring the changes in weight of the hive. It was noted that the society in the period between the last two spring measurements very quickly evolved. Index of hibernation was 77%. The average number of pollen cells in the fall of 2629 while she wore the first spring measurement is 941 which points to the intensive development of the litter. The number of varroa infected communities in each measurement is growing and is seen lagging development community
Thought experiments and the method of appealing to intuitions
AnalitiÄka filozofija služi se razliÄitim metodama u postavljanju svojih teorija ili hipoteza, od kojih je najpriznatija metoda filozofske analize. Takva filozofska analiza u svojem opÄem smislu obuhvaÄa neke Äesto primjenjivane tehnike unutar analitiÄke tradicije od kojih je najpoznatija metoda pojmovne analize. Tom se metodom stavlja naglasak na filozofski relevantne pojmove koji su u centru razliÄitih filozofskih rasprav
Thought experiments and the method of appealing to intuitions
AnalitiÄka filozofija služi se razliÄitim metodama u postavljanju svojih teorija ili hipoteza, od kojih je najpriznatija metoda filozofske analize. Takva filozofska analiza u svojem opÄem smislu obuhvaÄa neke Äesto primjenjivane tehnike unutar analitiÄke tradicije od kojih je najpoznatija metoda pojmovne analize. Tom se metodom stavlja naglasak na filozofski relevantne pojmove koji su u centru razliÄitih filozofskih rasprav
Kukuruz je jedna od tri vodeÄe poljoprivredne kulture u svijetu. U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu
prikazani su rezultati demonstracijskog pokusa hibrida kukuruza koji je bio zasijan na
Visokom gospodarskom uÄiliÅ”tu u KriÅ£evcima u 2014. godini. Prezentiran je 41 hibrid iz
FAO grupa 200 - 600. Predkultura kukuruzu je bio stoÄni graÅ”ak, a sjetva je obavljena 24.
travnja 2014. Provedeno je tretiranje protiv korova herbicidom Lumax u fazi 4 ā 5 listova.
Prihrana kultivacijom je provedena u fazi 6 ā 7 listova 05. lipnja 2014. dodano je 130 kg /
ha KAN ā a, te 16. lipnja dodano 100 kg / ha KAN ā a. Tijekom pokusa kukuruz se
iznimno dobro razvijao, nije bilo znaÄajnijih bolesti i Å”tetoÄina. ProÅ”ao je kroz sve
fenoloÅ”ke faze u oÄekivanom razdoblju za FAO grupe. MoÅ£emo zakljuÄiti da je 2014.
godina bila odliÄna za uzgoj kukuruza
Thermal analysis of N-carbamoyl benzotriazole derivatives
Thermal properties of N-carbamoyl benzotriazole derivatives and N,N',N''-tribenzyloxyisocyanuric acid were investigated using thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The results revealed a difference between structural analogs of N-carbamoyl benzotriazole derivatives. They seem to be in agreement with the previously proposed formation of N,N',N''-tribenzyloxyisocyanuric acid from 1-(N-benzyloxycarbamoyl) benzotriazole, via an intermediary N-benzyloxyisocyanate acid, during heating. Substantially different thermal properties were observed for structural analogues, 1-(N-methoxycarbamoyl) benzotriazole and 1-(N-ethoxycarbamoyl) benzotriazole. In contrast to N-benzyloxyisocyanate, no corresponding reactions were observed for their decomposition products, i.e., methoxyisocyanate and ethoxyisocyanate
Global shipbuilding activities in the modern maritime market environment
The international trade, in the long run being influenced primarily by global economy, is hardly imaginable without maritime transport of goods. The investors in the shipping market, i.e. shipowners, foresee the key return of their capital investments through collection of the freight payments. Consequently, the position and ultimately survival of the owners is intensely influenced with the freight rate cycles, which in turn depend on demand and supply of ships. As historically proved, the higher the freight rates, the more orders for new ships are secured by shipyards. Most of the factors that impact shipownersā decisions, especially those related to placing the orders, thus extend their influence towards shipyardsā operations and earnings. Competition among shipyards to ever attract more shipowners and secure more new orders or higher value orders, results in expanding their facilities, shortening delivery dates, making their shipsā design more appealing, lowering prices, etc. Observing fluctuations of the market and understanding impact factors on the freight ratesā segment and on shipbuilding segment therefore, is a crucial occupation accompanying executive decision making process for both, shipbuilders and shipowners. Recent state of the global shipbuilding industry is presented in this paper, based on the most recently available data on shipping market and on the global shipbuilding activities. Near-future outlook is given through analysis of the current market developments and industry potentials as well as with respect to the rivalry among competitors. Besides, clarification of market present stateās impact factors is herein given and significant conclusions for their current development and future perspectives are addressed, considering available information
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