21 research outputs found

    Wheat Agrofortification with Selenium

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj agrofortifikacija na koncentraciju Se u zrnu različitih sorata pšenice, te učinak folijarne aplikacije i aplikacije Se po površini tla i ispitati utjecaj provedenih tretmana na unos Se u prehrambeni lanac. Vegetacijski pokus proveden je s tri sorte pšenice (Divana, Srpanjka i Simonida) u vegetaciji 2011./12. na proizvodnim površinama PZ “Banovci” u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Za gnojidbu je korišten natrijev selenat (Na2SeO4), uz dodatak adheziva (0,1 % Herbovit v/v) za folijarne aplikacije, a primijenjen je po tretmanima kako slijedi: kontrola bez aplikacije Se, folijarna aplikacija Na2SeO4 s 5 g Se ha-1, folijarna aplikacija Na2SeO4 s 10 g Se ha-1, aplikacija Na2SeO4 otopinom po površini tla s 10 g Se ha-1. Utjecaj tretmana na komponente prinosa i agronomska svojstva pšenice nije zabilježen, međutim kod svih tretmana utvrđeno je značajno povećanje koncentracije Se u zrnu. Koncentracije su povećane s prosječnih 52 μg kg-1 u kontroli na 200 μg kg-1 pri folijarno aplikaciji 5 g Se ha-1, 410 μg kg-1 pri folijarnoj aplikaciji 10 g Se ha-1 te na 379 μg kg-1 pri aplikaciji 10 g Se ha-1 po površni tla. Odnošenje Se prinosom zrna pšenice kretalo se od 0,44 g ha-1 bez aplikacije Se do 3,15 g ha-1 aplikacijom 10 g Se ha-1. Odnošenje apliciranog Se zrnom bilo je u rasponu 20,6-27,1%. Sorta pšenice nije značajno utjecala na povećanje koncentracije i odnošenje Se prinosom zrna. Na temelju analiza 15 tipova tkiva pokusnih životinja utvrđeno je povećanje koncentracije Se u svim tkivima, u prosjeku od 0,433 mg kg-1 u kontroli do 0,563 mg kg-1 kod jedinki tretiranih selenom, a u 10 tipova utvrđene vrijednosti su i statistički značajne.The aim of this study was to determinate the impact of the agronomic fortification of wheat with Se on Se concentration enhancement in grain of different wheat cultivars, simultaneously observing foliar and soil application, and to examine the influence of performed treatments on increment of Se intake into the food chain, afterwards. Field experiment was conducted with three wheat varieties (Divana, Srpanjka, Simonida), in year 2011/2012, on the production field area near Banovci in Vukovar-Srijem County. Sodium selenate (Na2SeO4) was used as fertilizer, with addition of adhesive (0,1 % Herbovit v/v) for foliar applications and it was applied by treatments as follows: control - without Se application, foliar application of Na2SeO4 in the amount of 5 g Se ha-1, foliar application of Na2SeO4 in the amount of 10 g Se ha-1, soil application of Na2SeO4 solution in the amount of 10 g Se ha-1. The influence of treatments on yield components and agronomic properties was not found, but Se concentration enhancement in grain was found in all treatments. Concentrations increased from 52 μg kg-1 in control to 200 μg kg-1 at foliar application of 5 g Se ha-1, 410 μg kg-1 at foliar application of 10 g Se ha-1 and to 379 μg kg-1 at soil application of 10 g Se ha-1. The range of removal of applied Se by grain was 20,6-27,1%. Unlike treatments, wheat cultivars did not have a significant influence on increment of Se concentrations in grain and Se removal by grain yield. Based on the analysis of 15 tissue types of test animal, the increment of Se was determined in all tissues, which average values ranged from 0,433 mg kg-1 in control to 0,563 mg kg-1 in Se-supplemented animals, and for 10 tissues those values were statistically significant

    Biodegradable packaging for storage of fruit and other horticultural products: materials, properties and its effect on fruit quality

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    Uloga ambalažnog materijala je da se sačuvaju prehrambena i senzorička svojstva proizvoda, prema navedenim nutritivnim vrijednostima informira potrošača, olakša skladištenje i manipulativni uvjeti. Danas se za razvoj i komercijalnu proizvodnju biorazgradive ambalaže, osim papira, koriste i materijali iz drugih obnovljivih izvora biljnog porijekla. Daljnji razvoj tržišta biorazgradivih polimernih materijala ovisi o osiguranju stalnog, pouzdanog i jeftinog izvora sirovina. Biorazgradiva ambalaža, osim minimalne kontaminacije okoliša mora održati kakvoću i svježinu voća i povrća. U borbi za svoj dio tržišta biopolimeri imaju jake adute poput proizvodnje iz održivih izvora i biorazgradivosti. U borbi za svoj dio tržišta biopolimeri uživaju veliku potporu politike i zakonodavstva, naročito u Europi.The role of packaging material is to preserve the nutritional and sensory properties of product, inform consumers about the nutritional values, facilitate storage and handling. Today, the development and commercial production of biodegradable packaging materials, other than paper, is focused on materials from other renewable sources of plant origin. Further development of biodegradable polymer market is dependent on securing a permanent, reliable and cheap sources of raw materials. In the battle for their share of the market, biopolymers enjoy strong support from policy and legislation, particularly in Europe. Attractive and efficient packaging contribute to the development of new products, provides an interesting presentation to consumers, lowers production costs, improves the food product and defines the specific ‘’brand’’

    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium in a young female: a case report

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    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) is a rare condition in young adults, usually affecting young healthy males with underlying pulmonary disease, which can be extremely rarely complicated with pneumopericardium (SPP)

    Laparoscopic transhiatal resection of a large mid-esophageal diverticulum: a case report

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    This is a description of transhiatal laparoscopic approach for mid-esophageal diverticulum. Traditionally mid-esophageal diverticula are approached by thoracotomy or thoracoscopy, with the laparoscopic technique being reserved for epiphrenic diverticula. A 78-year-old Caucasian female with a secondary dilatative ischemic cardiomyopathy presented with dysphagia, tenderness in the epigastrium and a considerable weight loss. A large mid-esophageal diverticulum was found on barium swallow and confirmed by CT scan. Underlying achalasia was recorded on manometry. The patient underwent diverticulectomy via transhiatal approach, followed by Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication. Throughout the procedure auxiliary, esophagoscopic image was provided by interventional gastroenterologist due to a very narrow operating field and lack of orientation points. Based on our experience with this case, we propose transhiatal approach as a feasible alternative to thoracoscopy, in particular with patients who suffer from cardiac or pulmonary co-morbidities which make traditional techniques of high risk

    Omega-3 fatty acids in metabolism

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    Omega-3 je posebna skupina nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Omega-3 masne kiseline su esencijalne za čovjeka zbog nemogućnosti ugradnje dvostruke veze na 3. i 6. ugljikovom atomu omega kraja. Omega-3 masne kiseline su linolenska (ALA), dokosaheksaenoična (DHA), eikosapentanoična (EPA). Te masne kiseline sve su veći predmet interesa zbog dokazano povoljnih učinaka na zdravlje čovjeka. Naime, studije potvrđuju da se prehranom koja je bogata omega-3 masnim kiselinama smanjuje rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, različitih upala i neuroloških problema.Posebno je bitno unositi omega-3 masne kiseline u adekvatnom omjeru s omega-6 masnim kiselinama kako bi one blagotvorno djelovale na zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada bio je opisati metabolizam omega-3 masnih kiselina u ljudskom organizmu, njihove izvore iz prehrane te njihov povoljan utjecaj na zdravlje.Omega-3 fatty acids are special group among unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for humans because humans cannot create a double bound at 3rd and 6th carbon atom on omega end. Omega-3 fatty acids are linolenic (ALA), eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). People are more and more interested in those fatty acids because of their beneficial effect on human's health. Studies confirm that diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids lowers a risk of cardiovascular diseases, different inflammations and neurological problems. It is important to consume omega-3 fatty acids in adequate ratio with omega-6 fatty acids to achieve optimal health benefit. The aim of this thesis is to describe metabolism of omega-3 fatty acids in human, their sources in the food and favorable effect on the health

    Omega-3 fatty acids in metabolism

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    Omega-3 je posebna skupina nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Omega-3 masne kiseline su esencijalne za čovjeka zbog nemogućnosti ugradnje dvostruke veze na 3. i 6. ugljikovom atomu omega kraja. Omega-3 masne kiseline su linolenska (ALA), dokosaheksaenoična (DHA), eikosapentanoična (EPA). Te masne kiseline sve su veći predmet interesa zbog dokazano povoljnih učinaka na zdravlje čovjeka. Naime, studije potvrđuju da se prehranom koja je bogata omega-3 masnim kiselinama smanjuje rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, različitih upala i neuroloških problema.Posebno je bitno unositi omega-3 masne kiseline u adekvatnom omjeru s omega-6 masnim kiselinama kako bi one blagotvorno djelovale na zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada bio je opisati metabolizam omega-3 masnih kiselina u ljudskom organizmu, njihove izvore iz prehrane te njihov povoljan utjecaj na zdravlje.Omega-3 fatty acids are special group among unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for humans because humans cannot create a double bound at 3rd and 6th carbon atom on omega end. Omega-3 fatty acids are linolenic (ALA), eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). People are more and more interested in those fatty acids because of their beneficial effect on human's health. Studies confirm that diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids lowers a risk of cardiovascular diseases, different inflammations and neurological problems. It is important to consume omega-3 fatty acids in adequate ratio with omega-6 fatty acids to achieve optimal health benefit. The aim of this thesis is to describe metabolism of omega-3 fatty acids in human, their sources in the food and favorable effect on the health

    Hypertension in pregnancy

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    Hipertenzija u trudnoći klasificira se u četiri tipa: kronična hipertenzija, gestacijska hipertenzija, preeklampsija/eklampsija i preeklampsija superponirana na kroničnu hipertenziju. Komplicira 5-10 % svih trudnoća i među glavnim je čimbenicima morbiditeta i mortaliteta majke i djeteta. Neki od rizičnih čimbenika za ovaj spektar bolesti su: nuliparnost, dob>40 ili 40 or <18, multifetal pregnancy, obesity and diabetes. The treatment involves lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise) and the use of drugs. Most frequently used drugs which are also safe and recommended in pregnancy are labetalol, methyldopa and nifedipine. Together with them, hydralazine is also used in the acute management of hypertension emergency. Medicines which are absolutely contraindicated are ACEi/ARB (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers) because they can cause fetal malformations in different organ system. Untreated hypertension in pregnancy can lead to fetal growth restriction, abruption, neonatal death that is postpartal hemorrhage, stroke and renal insufficiency in mother. It has been proven that all hypertensive disorders in pregnancy carry the risk of cardiovascular disease (hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure) in future so there is need for education of these patients, but also ensuring good health care upon the completion of pregnancy in the form of screening by their family medicine doctor and cardiologists