509 research outputs found

    Loss of Visually Driven Synaptic Responses in Layer 4 Regular-Spiking Neurons of Rat Visual Cortex in Absence of Competing Inputs

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    Monocular deprivation (MD) during development shifts the ocular preference of primary visual cortex (V1) neurons by depressing closed-eye responses and potentiating open-eye responses. As these 2 p ..

    L’ordine pubblico ‘neutro’ ed il bilanciamento degli interessi nell’autonomia privata. Colloquio con il legislatore sull’eteroesclusione dai contratti di gioco e scommessa. Profili comparativi

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    Il saggio intende approfondire la possibile introduzione, nell’ordinamento italiano, di nuove forme di tutela del giocatore patologico che siano idonee ad intercettare, per tempo, forme di gioco che possano arrecare danni, anche economici, al giocatore ed alla sua famiglia. Ci riferiamo alla possibile introduzione di forme di etero esclusione dai contratti di gioco e scommessa, su istanza di ‘soggetti terzi’ che non siano direttamente colpiti dalla malattia. Il tema coinvolge il principio dell’ordine pubblico, del bilanciamento degli interessi e le connesse limitazioni all’autonomia privata

    Fantasie onomaturgiche e iconiche : Sciascia, Laterza, le "parrocchie", i "pretini", i "notabili"

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    Tra i rapporti che Leonardo Sciascia instaurò con numerosi editori italiani, spicca quello con la Laterza, anche per essere legato alla pubblicazione del suo primo scritto in prosa, Le parrocchie di Regalpetra. Di tale rapporto, documentato dalla recente pubblicazione del carteggio tra Vito Laterza e Sciascia, il saggio ritaglia i contenuti relativi alla realizzazione editoriale dialettica dell'opera - in particolare di alcuni aspetti paratestuali della mise en page - attraverso l'esame della corrispondenza tra autore ed editore circa il titolo e l'illustrazione di copertina. Queste scelte furono fondamentali per connotare l'opera all'interno della collana I libri del tempo, innovativa nel panorama editoriale italiano degli anni 1950, che aveva bisogno di manifestare al lettore la coerenza delle opere ricevute e il suo carattere culturale.Entre les relacions que Leonardo Sciascia va establir amb nombroses editorials italianes, destaca la de Laterza, en part per estar vinculada a la publicació del seu primer escrit en prosa, Le parrocchie di Regalpetra. D'aquesta relació, documentada per la recent publicació de la correspondència entre Vito Laterza i Sciascia, l'assaig desgrana els continguts relacionats amb la redacció dialèctica de l'obra -particularment de certs aspectes paratextuals de la mise en page- a través de l'examen de la correspondència entre autor i editor sobre el títol i la il·lustració de portada. Aquestes eleccions van ser fonamentals per connotar l'obra dins de la sèrie I libri del tempo, innovadora en el panorama editorial italià de la dècada de 1950, que necessitava manifestar al lector la coherència de les obres rebudes i el seu caràcter cultural.Among the relationships Leonardo Sciascia established with numerous Italian publishers, the one with the Laterza stands out, partly for being linked to the publication of his first prose writing, Le parrocchie di Regalpetra. Of that relationship, documented by the recent publication of the correspondence between Vito Laterza and Sciascia, the essay carves out the contents related to the dialectical editorial making of the work - particularly of certain paratextual aspects of the mise en page - through the examination of the correspondence between author and publisher regarding the title and cover illustration. These choices were fundamental to connote the work within the series I libri del tempo, innovative in the Italian publishing scene of the 1950s, that needed to manifest to the reader the coherence of the works received and its cultural character.Entre las relaciones que Leonardo Sciascia estableció con numerosos editores italianos, destaca la de Laterza, en parte por estar vinculada a la publicación de su primera escritura en prosa, Le parrocchie di Regalpetra. De esa relación, documentada por la reciente publicación de la correspondencia entre Vito Laterza y Sciascia, el ensayo detalla los contenidos relacionados con la realización editorial dialéctica de la obra -particularmente de ciertos aspectos paratextuales de la puesta en página- a través del examen de la correspondencia entre autor y editor sobre el título y la ilustración de la portada. Estas elecciones fueron fundamentales para connotar el trabajo dentro de la serie I libri del tempo, innovadora en la escena editorial italiana de la década de 1950, que necesitaba manifestar al lector la coherencia de las obras recibidas y su carácter cultural

    Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight

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    From 1985 to 2016, the prevalence of underweight decreased, and that of obesity and severe obesity increased, in most regions, with significant variation in the magnitude of these changes across regions. We investigated how much change in mean body mass index (BMI) explains changes in the prevalence of underweight, obesity, and severe obesity in different regions using data from 2896 population-based studies with 187 million participants. Changes in the prevalence of underweight and total obesity, and to a lesser extent severe obesity, are largely driven by shifts in the distribution of BMI, with smaller contributions from changes in the shape of the distribution. In East and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the underweight tail of the BMI distribution was left behind as the distribution shifted. There is a need for policies that address all forms of malnutrition by making healthy foods accessible and affordable, while restricting unhealthy foods through fiscal and regulatory restrictions


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    Abstract. Urban Heat Islands (UHI) phenomenon is a pressing problem for highly industrialized areas with serious risks for public health. Weather stations guarantee long-term accurate observations of weather parameters, such Air Temperature (AT), but lack appropriate spatial coverage. Numerous studies have argued that satellite Land Surface Temperature (LST) is a relevant parameter for estimating AT maps, exploring both linear regression and Machine Learning algorithms. This study proposes a Neural Network (NN) regression model for estimating the maximum AT from Landsat-8 data. The approach has been tested in a variegated morphological region (Puglia, Italy) using a large stack of data acquired from 2018 to 2020. The algorithm uses the median values of LST and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) computed using different buffer radius around the location of each reference weather station (250 m, 1000 m, and 2000 m) to train the NN model with a K-fold cross-validation strategy. The reference dataset was split into three sets using a stratified sampling approach considering the different station categories: rural, High- and Low-density Urban areas respectively. The algorithm was tested with different learning rates (LR) (0.001 and 0.005). The results show that our NN model accuracy improves with the increase of the buffer radius, minimizing the difference in terms of R^2 between training and evaluation data, with an overall accuracy consistently higher than 0.84. Future research could investigate more input variables in the NN model such as morphology or climate variables and test the algorithm on larger areas

    Tradurre un mito letterario: tradurre Orazio

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    Quinto Orazio Flacco è fra i più tradotti auctores latini nelle culture letterarie d’Europa, soprattutto nei secoli XVI, XVII, XVIII. La ricostruzione repertoriale e critica delle traduzioni che hanno avuto per oggetto il suo corpus si offre, quindi, come documento particolarmente significativo della fortuna traduttoria di un mito letterario, in quanto attesta il rapporto di imitatio/aemulatio che numerosi autori hanno stabilito con il modello nel momento in cui hanno deciso di assimilarlo, attraverso le traduzioni, alle lingue e alle culture nazionali cui essi appartengono.Quinto Orazio Flacco is among the most translated Latin auctores in Europian literary cultures, especially in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The repertory and critical reconstruction of the translations that have been the subject of its corpus is therefore offered as a particularly significant document of the fortune of the translation of a literary myth, as it attests to the relationship of imitatio/aemulatio that many Authors established with the model at the time when they decided to assimilate it, through translations, to the National languages and cultures to which they belong
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