538 research outputs found

    Complementarity and Young's interference fringes from two atoms

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    The interference pattern of the resonance fluorescence from a J=1/2 to J=1/2 transition of two identical atoms confined in a three-dimensional harmonic potential is calculated. Thermal motion of the atoms is included. Agreement is obtained with experiments [Eichmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2359 (1993)]. Contrary to some theoretical predictions, but in agreement with the present calculations, a fringe visibility greater than 50% can be observed with polarization-selective detection. The dependence of the fringe visibility on polarization has a simple interpretation, based on whether or not it is possible in principle to determine which atom emitted the photon.Comment: 12 pages, including 7 EPS figures, RevTex. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Comparative studies of dipole polarizabilities in Sr+^+, Ba+^+ and Ra+^+ and their applications to optical clocks

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    Static dipole polarizabilities are calculated in the ground and metastable states of Sr+^+, Ba+^+ and Ra+^+ using the relativistic coupled-cluster method. Trends of the electron correlation effects are investigated in these atomic ions. We also estimate the Stark and black-body radiation shifts from these results for these systems for the transitions proposed for the optical frequency standards and compare them with available experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Structural and dynamical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical binary system

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    The ground state configurations and the \lq{}\lq{}normal\rq{}\rq{} mode spectra of a quasiquasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) binary system of charged particles interacting through a screened Coulomb potential are presented. The minimum energy configurations were obtained analytically and independently through molecular dynamic simulations. A rich variety of ordered structures were found as a function of the screening parameter, the particle density, and the ratio between the charges of the distinct types of particles. Continuous and discontinuous structural transitions, as well as an unexpected symmetry breaking in the charge distribution are observed when the density of the system is changed. For near equal charges we found a disordered phase where a mixing of the two types of particles occurs. The phonon dispersion curves were calculated within the harmonic approximation for the one- and two-chain structures.Comment: 11 pages, 11 fig

    Terahertz frequency standard based on three-photon coherent population trapping

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    A scheme for a THz frequency standard based on three-photon coherent population trapping in stored ions is proposed. Assuming the propagation directions of the three lasers obey the phase matching condition, we show that stability of few 1014^{-14} at one second can be reached with a precision limited by power broadening to 101110^{-11} in the less favorable case. The referenced THz signal can be propagated over long distances, the useful information being carried by the relative frequency of the three optical photons.Comment: article soumis a PRL le 21 mars 2007, accepte le 10 mai, version 2 (24/05/2007

    Observation of the 1S0 - 3P0 clock transition in 27Al+

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    We report for the first time, laser spectroscopy of the 1S0 - 3P0 clock transition in 27Al+. A single aluminum ion and a single beryllium ion are simultaneously confined in a linear Paul trap, coupled by their mutual Coulomb repulsion. This coupling allows the beryllium ion to sympathetically cool the aluminum ion, and also enables transfer of the aluminum's electronic state to the beryllium's hyperfine state, which can be measured with high fidelity. These techniques are applied to a measurement of the clock transition frequency, \nu = 1 121 015 393 207 851(8) Hz. They are also used to measure the lifetime of the metastable clock state, \tau = 20.6 +/- 1.4 s, the ground state 1S0 g-factor, g_S = -0.00079248(14), and the excited state 3P0 g-factor, g_P = -0.00197686(21), in units of the Bohr magneton.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; updated author lis

    Inhibition of Decoherence due to Decay in a Continuum

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    We propose a scheme for slowing down decay into a continuum. We make use of a sequence of ultrashort 2π2\pi-pulses applied on an auxiliary transition of the system so that there is a destructive interference between the two transition amplitudes - one before the application of the pulse and the other after the application of the pulse. We give explicit results for a structured continuum. Our scheme can also inhibit unwanted transitions.Comment: 11 pages and 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Doppler cooling of a Coulomb crystal

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    We study theoretically Doppler laser-cooling of a cluster of 2-level atoms confined in a linear ion trap. Using several consecutive steps of averaging we derive, from the full quantum mechanical master equation, an equation for the total mechanical energy of the one dimensional crystal, defined on a coarse-grained energy scale whose grid size is smaller than the linewidth of the electronic transition. This equation describes the cooling dynamics for an arbitrary number of ions and in the quantum regime. We discuss the validity of the ergodic assumption (i.e. that the phase space distribution is only a function of energy). From our equation we derive the semiclassical limit (i.e. when the mechanical motion can be treated classically) and the Lamb-Dicke limit (i.e. when the size of the mechanical wave function is much smaller than the laser wavelength). We find a Fokker-Planck equation for the total mechanical energy of the system, whose solution is in agreement with previous analytical calculations which were based on different assumptions and valid only in their specific regimes. Finally, in the classical limit we derive an analytic expression for the average coupling, by light scattering, between motional states at different energies.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Investigations of Ra+^+ properties to test possibilities of new optical frequency standards

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    The present work tests the suitability of the narrow transitions $7s \ ^2S_{1/2} \to 6d ^2D_{3/2}and and 7s ^2S_{1/2} \to 6d ^2D_{5/2}inRa in Ra^+foropticalfrequencystandardstudies.Ourcalculationsofthelifetimesofthemetastable for optical frequency standard studies. Our calculations of the lifetimes of the metastable 6dstatesusingtherelativisticcoupledclustertheorysuggestthattheyaresufficientlylongforRa states using the relativistic coupled-cluster theory suggest that they are sufficiently long for Ra^+$ to be considered as a potential candidate for an atomic clock. This is further corroborated by our studies of the hyperfine interactions, dipole and quadrupole polarizabilities and quadrupole moments of the appropriate states of this system.Comment: Latex files, 5 pages, 1 figur

    Topological Features in Ion Trap Holonomic Computation

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    Topological features in quantum computing provide controllability and noise error avoidance in the performance of logical gates. While such resilience is favored in the manipulation of quantum systems, it is very hard to identify topological features in nature. This paper proposes a scheme where holonomic quantum gates have intrinsic topological features. An ion trap is employed where the vibrational modes of the ions are coherently manipulated with lasers in an adiabatic cyclic way producing geometrical holonomic gates. A crucial ingredient of the manipulation procedures is squeezing of the vibrational modes, which effectively suppresses exponentially any undesired fluctuations of the laser amplitudes, thus making the gates resilient to control errors.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, REVTE

    A large sample study of spin relaxation and magnetometric sensitivity of paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells

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    We have manufactured more than 250 nominally identical paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells (30 mm diameter bulbs) for multi-channel atomic magnetometer applications. We describe our dedicated cell characterization apparatus. For each cell we have determined the intrinsic longitudinal, \sGamma{01}, and transverse, \sGamma{02}, relaxation rates. Our best cell shows \sGamma{01}/2\pi\approx 0.5 Hz, and \sGamma{02}/2\pi\approx 2 Hz. We find a strong correlation of both relaxation rates which we explain in terms of reservoir and spin exchange relaxation. For each cell we have determined the optimal combination of rf and laser powers which yield the highest sensitivity to magnetic field changes. Out of all produced cells, 90% are found to have magnetometric sensitivities in the range of 9 to 30 fTHz. Noise analysis shows that the magnetometers operated with such cells have a sensitivity close to the fundamental photon shot noise limit