82 research outputs found

    RĂ©silience Communautaire Des Riverains Autochtones Batwa Dans Le Contexte Du Conflit Au Parc National De Kahuzi Biega, Est De La Rd. Congo

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    Introduction : Les dĂ©localisations des peuples autochtones de leurs terres ancestrales en faveur de la crĂ©ation des rĂ©serves naturelles ou aires protĂ©gĂ©es datent de quelques siècles et se sont effectuĂ©es dans plusieurs pays. Elles ont suscitĂ© des conflits entre les peuples autochtones et les gestionnaires des aires protĂ©gĂ©es et produit un Ă©tat de choc chez les autochtones riverains Batwa dans le cas de la RDC. L’étude vise Ă  identifier les initiatives de rĂ©siliences communautaires dĂ©veloppĂ©es par les riverains autochtones Batwa dans le contexte de conflits, dans la partie haute altitude du Parc National de Kahuzi Biega Ă  l’Est de la RDC. MĂ©thodologie : Les donnĂ©es utilisĂ©es dans cette Ă©tude ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©e au moyen des discussions de groupes menĂ©es, accompagnĂ©es des interviews approfondies avec certaines personnes ressources et les leaders autochtones Batwa. RĂ©sultat : Les rĂ©sultats montrent que vingt-trois (23) initiatives rĂ©silientes communautaires ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es dont cinq (5) initiatives endogènes et dix-huit (18) exogènes. Les initiatives endogènes de rĂ©silience ont eu plus d’impact significatif dans le mode de vie des riverains autochtones Batwa que les initiatives exogènes de rĂ©silience. Conclusion: Les initiatives de rĂ©siliences communautaires auxquelles s’adonnent lesriverains autochtones Batwa dans le milieu d’accueil, sont juste Ă  classer dans leur capacitĂ© d’adaptation et non de transformation dans l’hinterland du Parc National de Kahuzi Biega car cela nĂ©cessite les mĂ©canismes de gouvernance, les politiques / rĂ©glementations, l'infrastructure, les rĂ©seaux communautaires et les mĂ©canismes formels de protection sociale qui font partie du système plus vaste dans lequel les communautĂ©s doivent s’intĂ©grer.   Introduction: The relocation of indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands in favor of the creation of reserves or protected areas dates back a few centuries and hastaken place in several countries. This has led to conflict between indigenous peoples and protected area managers. These evictions have produced a state of shock among the indigenous Batwa riverside dwellers. The study aims to identify community resilience initiatives developed by indigenous Batwa riverine dwellers in the context of conflict in the high altitude part of Kahuzi Biega National Park in eastern DRC. Methodology: The data used in this study was collected through focus groups discussion, accompanied by in-depth interviews with resource persons and Batwa indigenous leaders. Result: The results show that twenty three (23) community resilience initiatives were identified, including five (5) endogenous community resilience initiatives and eighteen (18) exogenous community resilience initiatives. The endogenous resilience initiatives had a more significant impact on the lifestyle of Batwa indigenous residents than the exogenous resilience initiatives. Conclusion: The community resilience initiatives that Batwa Indigenous neighbors are engaged in the host environment are aptly categorized as adaptive rather than transformative in the Kahuzi Biega National Park hinterland as this requires governance mechanisms, policies/regulations, infrastructure, community networks and formal social protection mechanisms that are part of the wider system into which communities need to integrate

    Etude Des Plantes Médicinales Utilisées Par Les Femmes Autochtones Pygmées (Batwa) Enceintes Dans L’hinterland Du Parc National De Kahuzi-Biega (Rift albertin, RD. Congo)

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    Introduction : La femme devient vulnérable à certaines pathologies pendant la grossesse en milieux ruraux et le recours à la pharmacopée traditionnelle en utilisant les plantes médicinales est la solution souvent adoptée. Cet article se focalise sur l’utilisation des plantes médicinales chez les femmes autochtones Batwa enceintes vivant aux alentours du Parc National de Kahuzi Biega (PNKB). Les connaissances et les pratiques de ces femmes nous ont permis d’inventorier et de déterminer les différents usages de ces plantes. Méthodologie : Les données utilisées dans cette étude ont été collectée au moyen d’une enquête ethnobotanique menée à l’aide d’un questionnaire en suivant la méthode de l’interview semi-structuré. Les données collectées qui portent sur les caractéristiques ethnobotaniques, ont été traitées et analysées avec des logiciels ethnobotaniques et statistiques appropriés afin desélectionner quelques plantes pour de futurs tests de laboratoire.avec des logiciels ethnobotaniques et statistiques appropriés afin de sélectionner quelques plantes pour de futurs tests de laboratoire. Résultat : La plupart des tradipraticiens interviewés étaient des femmes (83,88 %) et une grande proportion d’entre eux (35%) était âgée de plus de 65 ans. Les plantes utilisées ont été classées en fonction des différents stades de l’évolution de la grossesse. Ainsi, les Dichrocephala integrifolia, Kalanchoe pinnata, Pennicetum purpureum Plantago palmata,Commelina difusa , Physalis angulata , Aloe barbadensis, Rumex bequaertii, Cannabis sativa, Carapa grandiflora Myrianthus arborea et Acmella caulirhiza ont un taux de fidélité de 100 %. Les organes les plus utilisés sont des tiges feuillées (37,14 %) et les pressages (66,6 %) sont les plus citées en tant que techniques de préparation. Conclusion : Ces résultats illustrent la richesse de ces peuples et ces ressources végétales méritent un intérêt scientifique en vue d’une bonne valorisation. Introduction: Women become vulnerable to certain pathologies during pregnancy in rural areas and the use of traditional pharmacopoeia using medicinal plants is the solution often adopted. This article focuses on the use of medicinal plants among pregnant indigenous Batwa women living around the Kahuzi Biega National Park (KBNP). The knowledge and practices of these women have enabled us to inventory and determine the different uses of these plants. Methodology: The data used in this study was collected by means of an ethnobotanical survey conducted using a questionnaire following the semistructured interview method. The data collected, which included ethnobotanical characteristics, were processed and analyzed with appropriate ethnobotanical and statistical software in order to select a few plants for future laboratory testing. Result: Most of the traditional practitioners interviewed were women (83.88%) and a large proportion of them (35%) were over 65 years of age. The plants used were classified according to the different stages of pregnancy development. Thus, Dichrocephala integrifolia, Kalanchoe pinnata, Pennicetum purpureum, Plantago palmata, Commelina difusa , Physalis angulata , Aloe barbadensis, Rumex bequaertii, Cannabis sativa, Carapa grandiflora Myrianthus arborea and Acmella caulirhiza have a 100% fidelity. The most commonly used organs are leafy stems (3714 %) and pressing (66, 6 %) is the most cited preparation technique. Conclusion: These results illustrate the richness of these peoples and these plant resources deserve scientific interest in order to be properly valorized

    Capacité de la Microphytostation Plantée de Chrysopogon Nigritanus Benth et Hyparrhenia Diplandra (Hack.) Stapf dans l’Elimination des Métaux Traces des Eaux Usées Domestiques dans la Commune de la N’sele à Kinshasa/RD Congo

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    RésuméLe développement d’urbanisation conjugué à la croissance démographique engendre l’augmentation des besoins en eau qui se traduit par l’utilisation excessive des ressources en eau et par la production et le rejet d’un important volume d’eau dans l’environnement. Les résultats de cette étude prouvent que  la phytoépuration par C. nigritanus et H. diplandra se présente comme une alternative très éfficace pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques à N’sele. Les abattements les plus élevés sont ceux du cuivre avec 86% et 43% respectivement pour les EUE avec C. nigritanus et EUE avec H. diplandra.Mots clés : Microphytostation, métaux traces, eaux usées, Chrysopogon nigritanus Benth., Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hack.) Stapf, N’sele et Kinshasa AbstractThe development of urbanization combined with population growth generates an increase in water needs which results in the excessive use of water ressources and the production and discharge of a large volume of water into the environment. The results of this study prove that phytopurification by C. nigritanus And H. diplandra is a very effective alternative for the treatment of wastewater in N’sele. The highest reductions are those of copper with 86% and 43% respectively for the EUE with C. nigritanus and H. diplandra.Keywords : Treatment, wastewater, microphytostation, Chrysopogon nigritanus Benth., Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hack.) Stapf, N’sele and Kinshasa

    Traitement des Eaux Usées Domestiques eEn Microphytostation Plantée de Chrysopogon Nigritanus Benth. et Hyparrhenia Diplandra (Hack.) Stapf dans la Commune de la N’sele à Kinshasa/RD Congo

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    RésuméLe développement d’urbanisation conjugué à la croissance démographique engendre l’augmentation des besoins en eau qui se traduit par l’utilisation excessive des ressources en eau et par la production et le rejet d’un important volume d’eau dans l’environnement. Les résultats de cette étude prouvent que  la phytoépuration par C. nigritanus et H. diplandra se présente comme une alternative très éfficace pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques à N’sele. Les abattements les plus élevés sont ceux de MES avec 87% et 76% respectivement pour les EUE avec C. nigritanus et H. diplandra.Mots clés : Traitement, eaux usées, microphytostation, Chrysopogon nigritanus Benth., Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hack.) Stapf, N’sele et Kinshasa AbstractThe development of urbanization combined with population growth generates an increase in water needs which results in the excessive use of water ressources and the production and discharge of a large volume of water into the environment. The results of this study prove that phytopurification by C. nigritanus And H. diplandra is a very effective alternative for the treatment of wastewater in N’sele. The highest reductions are those of MES with 87% and 76% respectively for the EUE with C. nigritanus and H. diplandra.Keywords : Treatment, wastewater, microphytostation, Chrysopogon nigritanus Benth., Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hack.) Stapf, N’sele and Kinshasa

    A Castro - organização, inventariação e análise de um painel de azulejos do Conservatório Nacional : apoio ao desenvolvimento de protótipo de aplicação interativa para suporte ao restauro de azulejaria

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    O presente relatório de estágio descreve o trabalho desenvolvido durante o estágio curricular no Museu Nacional do Azulejo (MNAz). O projeto compreende o plano proposto pela entidade de acolhimento – MNAz – e pela participação e apoio num projeto de mestrado de um discente do ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). O plano de estágio com o Museu Nacional do Azulejo consistiu na organização, identificação, inventariação e análise de um painel de azulejos intitulado A Castro, pertencente a um conjunto azulejar do século XX, originalmente instalado no corredor dos Passos Perdidos do Conservatório Nacional, em Lisboa. Em parceria com um aluno de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (MEI) do ISCTE-IUL, será fornecido o apoio ao desenvolvimento de um protótipo de aplicação interativa para auxílio ao restauro de azulejaria. O relatório de estágio está dividido em quatro capítulos distintos, cada um destes organizado em subcapítulos. O primeiro capítulo corresponde a uma breve introdução à instituição de acolhimento Museu Nacional do Azulejo, abordando o seu percurso e enquadramento histórico, desde a fundação do Convento da Madre de Deus até à integração do atual museu. No capítulo seguinte são apresentadas todas as atividades práticas desenvolvidas em contexto de estágio na instituição de acolhimento, reportando as metodologias utilizadas, a análise do objeto de estudo e identificando as suas particularidades. No terceiro capítulo proceder-se-á à análise e investigação de A Castro, foco do nosso estudo, onde serão fundamentados aspetos como a identificação da sua temática e características técnicas e estilísticas, estado de conservação, autoria, encomenda e contextualização histórica. Reporta-se, no quarto e último capítulo, o apoio atribuído ao projeto de produção de um protótipo de aplicação interativa digital para o auxílio na inventariação e no restauro de azulejos. Seguem, por fim, as considerações finais.This internship report describes the work developed during curricular internship at the Museu Nacional do Azulejo (MNAz). The project comprises the plan proposed by the host entity – MNAz – and the participation and support in a master's degree project of a ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) student. The internship plan concerted by agreement with the Museu Nacional do Azulejo aims the organization, identification, inventory and analysis of a tile panel entitled A Castro belonging to a set of panels from the 20th century originally installed in the hall of Passos Perdidos at the Conservatório Nacional in Lisbon. In partnership with a master student in Computer Engineering (MEI) of ISCTE-IUL, support will be provided for the development of an interactive prototype application for the assistance in tiles restoration. The internship report will be divided in four distinct chapters, each one of these organized through sub-chapters. The first chapter corresponds to a brief introduction of the host institution, the Museu Nacional do Azulejo, alluding to its path and historical context since the foundation of Convento da Madre de Deus to the integration of the current museum, mission and activities developed by the institution. In the following chapter are described all the practical activities during the internship, like the applied methodologies, examination and identification of particularities found in the object of study. The analysis and investigation of A Castro can be found in the third chapter, where subjects such as thematic identification and technical and formal characteristics, state of preservation, authorship, order and historical contextualization are substantiated. In the fourth and final chapter it is described the support given to the interactive prototype application project developed for the assistance in tile’s restoration. Lastly, the final considerations

    Copepod diversity along the Congo River Basin: a first approach

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    peer reviewedThe free-living copepods of the Congo River Basin in Africa, the second largest in the world just after the Amazonas River Basin, are still insufficiently known because of problematic accessibility and complex logistics related to sampling. We analyzed samples from 82 sites obtained during expeditions in 2010 and 2013. The Congo River main channel and its main mouth tributaries (1700km; between Kisangani and Kinshasa), and the Kasai River and its main mouth tributaries (600km) were visited. A Schindler-Patallas trap was used in the open waters, with five samplings at each site. Twenty-five taxa were found, with dominance of immature forms (nauplii and copepodites). We recognized three undescribed species of Cyclopoida. The most speciose genera were: Microcyclops (five species), Mesocyclops, , and (three species each). The most frequent species were: Microcyclops varicans (27,6% of the samples) and Cryptocyclops sp. (10,6%). Few presumably cosmopolitan species were found, like pocyclops prasinus, , and Microcyclops varicans. Few diaptomid calanoids were found. Rarefaction and extrapolation curves revealed that the diversity found is about half that estimated considering just the open water species here studied. Spatially, the highest species richness was found in the main channel of the Congo River (23) compared to Kasai (20) and other tributaries (14, 9 from the Congo tributaries, 6 from the Kasai). The abundance of adult individuals was low, with an average of 2,36 individuals per sample when considering all water bodies. A distance-based redundancy analysis based on abundance and Bray Curtis dissimilarity index revealed two large groups of copepod species in the sites of the Congo main channel, plus two minor groups with mixed sites among Congo and Kasai main channels, and tributaries of both rivers, the latter being represented by small groups correlated with nitrogen forms, total phosphorus, and oxygen concentrations. Concerning the two large Congo´s channel groups of species, one was associated with water transparency, chlorophyll, and phytoplankton dominated by Dinophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cryptophyceae, and diatoms. The other was correlated with conductivity, chlorophyll-a and Cyanophyceae. Kasai main channel sampling sites were dispersed among the four groups resulting from our analysis. Our results indicate that the copepod species in the area are separated into two large groups associated with black and white waters, with low and high primary productivity, respectively. The results showed a high copepod diversity along the Congo Basin as expected for large tropical rivers, and a low abundance for the adult copepods, as in other lotic environments. More species are expected to be discovered in this basin with the continuation of this investigation

    Kajian potensi ekstrak bilberi sebagai penunjuk pH untuk memantau kesegaran makanan secara kromametri

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    Penunjuk pH sebagai suatu pendekatan untuk memantau kualiti atau kesegaran makanan semasa telah mendapat perhatian industri pembungkusan makanan. Penggunaan sumber semula jadi pigmen tumbuhan terutamanya daripada buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran menjadi pilihan para pengguna untuk menggantikan pewarna sintetik dalam memastikan keselamatan makanan yang diambil setiap hari. Dalam kajian ini, ekstrak daripada bilberi telah digunakan sebagai pewarna sensitif pH. Perubahan warna sampel dikaji secara terperinci melalui kaedah kromametri dan juga kaedah spektrofotometri ultra-lembayung nampak. Warna merah terang terhasil dalam pH berasid, merah pudar pada neutral dan magenta ke kuning dalam pH beralkali. Keputusan kajian kromametri menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak bilberi berupaya mempamerkan perubahan warna yang jelas terhadap perubahan pH, iaitu terdapat perubahan nilai warna a* yang menyumbang kepada perubahan yang bererti dalam perbezaan warna keseluruhan (ΔE*). Nilai ΔE* juga ditentukan wujud hubungan linear dan kuantitatif terhadap julat pH tertentu. Oleh yang demikian, ekstrak bilberi didapati berpotensi sebagai bahan sensor untuk pH dalam membangunkan satu sensor pH bagi memantau kesegaran makanan terutamanya hasilan laut berbungkus memandangkan tahap kerosakan produk tersebut berkait rapat dengan perubahan pH ke arah alkali

    Neotropical and Afrotropical freshwater copepods: recent advances

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    peer reviewedI present new perspectives and advances on the knowledge of free-living copepods in large tropical river basins. Currently, the greatest copepod diversity is known from the Palearctic region, with a surface about twice or thrice that of the Neotropical and Afrotropical areas, respectively. Interestingly, biological diversity estimators suggest a much higher and largely unexplored diversity in the two latter regions, potentially reaching or exceeding that of the Palearctic. I show trends for both regions, focused on Brazil and Congo Basins. Brazil comprises almost 40 % of the Neotropical region surface, including four rivers among the 20 largest in the world. Based on the literature review, there are 190 free-living copepod species in the country. Among the 12 hydrographic regions in Brazil, the richest are the Amazon and the Paraná basins, with the largest surface. Taxonomical studies on Brazilian copepods were predominant until 1979, yet, between 1980 and 1989 ecologically-oriented works were developed and became a main trend after 1990, representing over 80% of copepod studies after 2000. Molecular diversity and functional ecology are still poorly studied. Ecological studies with molecular-based diversity parameters, functional attributes or comprehensive spatialtemporal data of copepod species behavior and environmental variables have been used to detect effects of environmental changes both at population and community levels. Cyclopoid copepods composition and abundance changes according to the trophic level, but calanoids appear to be influenced by conductivity. The presence of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton of lower nutritional value can cause a bottom-up effect on the copepods, resulting in low functional diversity and increase of functional uniformity. Large filtering copepods can be replaced by small cyclopoids at increasing eutrophicated conditions. The Afrotropical region comprises four of the largest rivers worldwide. The most studied environments have been the great lakes of the rift valley (e.g. Tanganyika, Victoria, Kivu), the Nile River, and several places in South Africa. The Congo River, the second largest in the world, is almost entirely unknown in terms of copepod composition and ecology. Herein, I show initial data revealing the lack of knowledge of the l extant Congo copepod diversity, with a high potential for new species. Two expeditions made in 2013 and 2015 along the Congo and the Kasai River revealed 15 copepod species, but rarefaction and extrapolation diversity curves suggest the presence of at least double of this number. There are four large groups of copepods species in the Congo Basin, being the two largest separated by differences in primary productivity (white waters rivers) or microbial food web (black waters rivers). Copepods within the main channel of the Congo River seem to be less dissimilar than tributaries, thus reinforcing the effect of upstream basins, a trend observed in other large tropical river basins. Each large river has different copepod species especially for diaptomid calanoids and also for some Cyclopoida species, but just the last have shared species between Afrotropical and Neotropical regions. The river continuum and the flood pulse concepts were applied in these large tropical rivers, but both were disrupted by reservoirs. The large rivers of these tropical regions appear seem proportionally equal in copepod diversity according to this surface, and linked to their historical biogeography
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