122 research outputs found

    Poultry manure gasification and its energy yield

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    The disposal of poultry manure is one of the main problems of the poultry sector. The results of some tests developed in a gasification pilot plant are presented in this paper. The aim was to preliminarily analyze the energy generation from poultry manure treated by gasification. The level of energy yields and the quantification of the produced syngas are also reported. The good results suggests an possible application at full scale

    Stellar archaeology with Gaia: the Galactic white dwarf population

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    Gaia will identify several 1e5 white dwarfs, most of which will be in the solar neighborhood at distances of a few hundred parsecs. Ground-based optical follow-up spectroscopy of this sample of stellar remnants is essential to unlock the enormous scientific potential it holds for our understanding of stellar evolution, and the Galactic formation history of both stars and planets.Comment: Summary of a talk at the 'Multi-Object Spectroscopy in the Next Decade' conference in La Palma, March 2015, to be published in ASP Conference Series (editors Ian Skillen & Scott Trager

    An Innovative System for Monitoring Radon and Indoor Air Quality

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    Nowadays, a global trend towards increasing the performance of a building is the reduction in energy consumption. In this respect, for existing residential buildings the most common techniques are the application of a thermal insulation layer to the exterior wall of the building and / or window replacements. Unfortunately, their application without proper education of those involved may have a negative effect on the indoor air quality. The use of a continuous monitoring device can give the owner the ability to understand the impact of his behaviour on indoor air quality and, as such, to adjust his routine in order to maintain the indoor air quality at the desired level. This paper introduces a prototype, called ICA system, for continuous, real-time indoor air quality monitoring. The ICA system presents sensors for monitoring the concentration of radon, CO2, CO, VOCs, as well as meteorological parameters, such as temperature, pressure, and relative humidity. Experiments were performed both in laboratory and in situ conditions for testing and validating the proposed system.This work was supported by the project ID P_37_229, Contract No. 22/01.09.2016, with the title “Smart Systems for Public Safety through Control and Mitigation of Residential Radon linked with Energy Efficiency Optimization of Buildings in Romanian Major Urban Agglomerations SMART-RAD-EN” of the POC Programme

    The Green Bank North Celestial Cap Survey. IX. Timing Follow-up for 128 Pulsars

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    The Green Bank North Celestial Cap survey is one of the largest and most sensitive searches for pulsars and transient radio objects. Observations for the survey have finished; priorities have shifted toward long-term monitoring of its discoveries. In this study, we have developed a pipeline to handle large data sets of archival observations and connect them to recent, high-cadence observations taken using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment telescope. This pipeline handles data for 128 pulsars and has produced measurements of spin, positional, and orbital parameters that connect data over observation gaps as large as 2000 days. We have also measured glitches in the timing residuals for five of the pulsars included and proper motion for 19 sources (13 new). We include updates to orbital parameters for 19 pulsars, including nine previously unpublished binaries. For two of these binaries, we provide updated measurements of post-Keplerian binary parameters, which result in much more precise estimates of the total masses of both systems. For PSR J0509+3801, the much improved measurement of the Einstein delay yields much improved mass measurements for the pulsar and its companion, 1.399(6) M⊙ and 1.412(6) M⊙, respectively. For this system, we have also obtained a measurement of the orbital decay due to the emission of gravitational waves

    Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will be a transformative experiment for gravitational wave astronomy, and, as such, it will offer unique opportunities to address many key astrophysical questions in a completely novel way. The synergy with ground-based and space-born instruments in the electromagnetic domain, by enabling multi-messenger observations, will add further to the discovery potential of LISA. The next decade is crucial to prepare the astrophysical community for LISA’s first observations. This review outlines the extensive landscape of astrophysical theory, numerical simulations, and astronomical observations that are instrumental for modeling and interpreting the upcoming LISA datastream. To this aim, the current knowledge in three main source classes for LISA is reviewed; ultra-compact stellar-mass binaries, massive black hole binaries, and extreme or interme-diate mass ratio inspirals. The relevant astrophysical processes and the established modeling techniques are summarized. Likewise, open issues and gaps in our understanding of these sources are highlighted, along with an indication of how LISA could help making progress in the different areas. New research avenues that LISA itself, or its joint exploitation with upcoming studies in the electromagnetic domain, will enable, are also illustrated. Improvements in modeling and analysis approaches, such as the combination of numerical simulations and modern data science techniques, are discussed. This review is intended to be a starting point for using LISA as a new discovery tool for understanding our Universe

    Excited-State Dynamics in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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    Maintenance strategies and local impact of MSW incinerators

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    4siThe present paper gives a contribution to the understanding of the effects of variations in maintenance scheduling on the environmental impact of municipal solid waste incinerators. The proposed approach allows a vision of their impact beyond the conventional balances. The characteristics of a selected case study were put forward and discussed. A plant proposed for a region in the North East of Italy was chosen for the scheduling effects analysis because of the long period of non-operation of each waste treatment line: 3 months per year as requested from the local environmental protection agency. The following effects were discussed on a yearly basis: maintenance stop fractionation, maintenance stop lasting, maintenance stop seasonal scheduling; the last aspect was discussed also at device level. The extreme scenario of seasonal stop gave the opportunity of assessing the highest reduction of yearly average impact from the stack, varying the season of maintenance: a reduction up to 23% could be obtained for the pollutants concentration contribution at ground level in the area of highest impact, comparing the worst case with the best case by a diffusive model. In the case of more common periods of stops for maintenance the reduction would be lower. The role of district heating must be taken into account too.noneRagazzi M.; Torretta V.; Ionescu G.; Istrate I.A.Ragazzi, M.; Torretta, Vincenzo; Ionescu, G.; Istrate, I. A
