46 research outputs found


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    Pedagogic skills are not obtained instantly by prospective teachers if they only study learning theories. The facts in the microteaching class, although they have understood constructivism theory, they find it difficulty to initiate constructive learning instruction. Through Lesson Study practice, collaboration between teachers and prospective teachers in lesson planning is expected to raise a focus on important points in each stage of learning (pedagogic skills). The comments of prospective teachers are recorded, analysis of field notes, and also see phase with reflection are documented. Student prospective teachers self-assessment data on planning, observation, and reflection skills as supporting as quantitative data. The result is that prospective teachers reach the very good category in compiling a lesson plan, while the aspects of skills to observe and reflect on learning are in the medium and low categories. The implications of pedagogic learning through lesson study are discussed in this article. Kata Kunci :kolegialitas, lesson study,  mahasiswa calon guru, rencana pembelajaran

    Studi Nilai Etnobotani dan Sosio-Ekologi Generasi Milenial Sumba

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    Ethnic and natural environments coexist together. However, along with the development of modernization to various corners of the region also makes challenges for indigenous peoples to remain in the future. The purpose of this study is to describe ethnobotany values ​​in the Sumba millennial generation and to examine the socio-ecological aspects as a new perspective in ethnobotany studies. Sumba millennials are students of the Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University who are regional children who still live with a cultural environment, especially the Sumba area, East Nusa Tenggara. Through questionnaires, open questions and in-depth interviews with key respondents, it can be assessed the extent to which cultural values ​​exist in the Sumba millennial generation who have received education and modern life. Socio-ecological studies are important to be carried out as a perspective in making various policy directions. Particularly in the direction of education, selection, and determination of customary values ​​and how efforts to conserve them become co-existent ethnicities and environments. The results obtained by most of the millennial generation still hold customary values ​​in their daily behavior. This aspect is reflected in the use of traditional medicine, skills in weaving, natural coloring, eating betel-nut, and positive perceptions of the preservation of its culture in the future.  Keywords:Ethnobotany, Indonesia, Milenial, Sumba, Socio-Ecology ABSTRAK Etnis dan lingkungan alam hidup berdampingan. Namun, dengan seiring berkembangnya modernisasi hingga ke berbagai pelosok daerah juga menjadikan tantangan untuk masyarakat adat tetap bertahan di masa depan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai etnobotani pada generasi milenial Sumba serta mengkaji aspek sosio-ekologi sebagai perspektif baru dalam kajian etnobotani. Milenial Sumba yaitu mahasiswa Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi yang merupakan anak daerah yang masih hidup dengan lingkungan kebudayaan khususnya daerah Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Melalui kuesioner, pertanyaan terbuka serta wawancara mendalam pada responden kunci dapat dikaji sejauh mana nilai-nilai kebudayaan yang ada pada generasi milenial Sumba yang telah mengenyam pendidikan dan kehidupan modern di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Kajian sosio-ekologi menjadi penting untuk dilakukan sebagai perspektif dalam pengambilan arah berbagai kebijakan. Khususnya dalam arah pendidikan, pemilihan, dan penentuan nilai-nilai adat dan bagaimana upaya pelestariannya menjadi etnis dan lingkungan yang saling berdampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh sebagian besar generasi milenial masih memegang nilai adat dalam perilakunya sehari-hari. Aspek tersebut tercermin dalam penggunaan obat tradisional, keterampilan menenun, mewarnai secara alami, makan sirih-pinang, serta persepsi positif terhadap kelestarian budayanya di masa depan. Kata kunci: etnobotani, Indonesia, milenial, Sumba, Sosio-Ekolog

    Puberty Education from The Side of Science and Religion: Urgency of The Post-Milenial Era

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    To develop an integrated puberty education design in terms of science and religion, this development research was carried out using the 4D method (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The results of the design and development stages were implemented at MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, East Java. These parameters include aspects of student self-awareness, student self-identity. The aspects of students' self-awareness and self-identity obtained a gain score with medium and low levels. This is a challenge for teachers and parents in facing the digital era and the post-millennial generation with such a large flow of information. The urgency of developing puberty education is discussed further in this article


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    This study aims to provide learning to puberty students from the results of validated learning designs. Through embryogenesis material that takes precedence with knowledge and is strengthened by a religious approach that further strengthens the character of puberty students to manifest themselves. This study uses a phenomenological approach through learning observations and student and teacher interviews to describe how the learning process occurs. Student data responses in learning and teacher responses obtained through interviews and observer field notes were then analyzed with the research team to be presented. Through the science and religion approach students become more open and aware of their life origins, respect themselves and their families. The teacher also stated that his hesitation in delivering this material was resolved by this method. Through the approach of religion and scientific facts for the age of puberty students, learning becomes more contextual and strengthen the character of adolescent students


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini menjabarkan hasil pengetahuan pedagogik mahasiswa dalam aspek TPACK serta peranan “Grup Kritis” selama pelaksanaan praktik lapang mahasiswa calon guru. Dalam program PLP (Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan) di masa pandemi ini juga menemui beberapa kesulitan, yakni ketidaksiapan calon guru menghadapi pembelajaran transisi antara daring dan tatap muka terbatas. Penelitian studi kasus pada mahasiswa calon guru dilakukan dengan pemberian angket, wawancara dan observasi serta analisis dokumen rencana pembelajaran. Dengan penerapan ”Grup Kritis” mahasiswa calon guru berbasis Lesson Study (LS) membentuk komunitas belajar yang cukup sinergis. Aspek TK, PK, dan CK mahasiswa tercapai dalam taraf cukup,  dan aspek TCK, TPK, PCK dan TPACK dalam taraf  baik. Dengan penerapan grup kritis memberikan manfaat untuk mahasiswa, guru pamong serta dosen pendamping dalam mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam perencanaan pembelajarannya.Kata kunci: Kolaborasi, Lesson Study, Mahasiswa Calon Guru, TPAC


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    Architecture plays an important role in creating space for human activity. One form is an open space designed as a garden. Recently, the idea of caring for the environment has been implemented in schools with the Adiwiyata program by realizing school members who are responsible for environmental protection and management through school management to support sustainable development. The garden design process is environmentally friendly supporting facilities. The design case study was carried out at SMP 26 Malang. The problem is, the gardens around the main school in every corner or in front of the class have no thematic grouping of plant species, graffiti on the fence walls that need updating, no canopy for circulation, and many other elements that can be processed. The research method was carried out qualitatively with architectural design methods and adapted to education science. The purpose of this study is to provide a garden designconcept that is able to accommodate educational and recreational out-of-class activities for students of SMPN 26 Malang and can be generalized as a general design concept of an educational park for schools. Recommendations from the design are in the form of out-of-class learning concepts. The concept base that will be developed is from a smart and studentfriendly park which means that the park takes into account aspects of the intellectual, physical and psychological wellbeing of students, besides that it does not cause mental and physical harm. A participatory element in its implementation is needed. Keywords: Garden concept, outdoor learning process, smart-student friendly park &nbsp

    Student's Misconception of Digestive System Materials in MTs Eight Grade of Malang City and the Role of Teacher's Pedadogic Competency in MTs

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    Misconception research has important value in the development of students' thinking processes especially in science field. As the identification of important concepts that must be mastered by the students can be done, the teacher will easily able to emphasis the important or main concepts. This study aims to identify the students' misconception in digestive system materials in eight grade of MTs and teacher pedagogic competence role. The survey was conducted in 8A (16 students) and 8B (17 students) MTs Muhammadiyah 1 and 8E (19 students) Surya Buana Malang. The stages of research survey were: preparation of research goals (formulation), sample determination, preparation and instruments validation, data collection, and data analysis. The instruments used were: misconception test, student response questionnaire, learning observation guide, and teacher pedagogic competency form. The findings of the learning outcomes were discussed with the observer team, which then were assessed by using the assessment rubric and classified into the categories of student misconceptions. The results showed that the three teachers, neither certified nor uncertified were proved to be limited in overcoming misconceptions in the learning process; meanwhile, the results of students' misconception test were mostly reach only level 3 (medium). Thus, the study of misconceptions of the digestive system material or other physiological material matter needs to get the attention of the teachers and educational practitioners


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    This study aims to describe teacher beliefs and see the perspective of prospective teachers in implementing microteaching practices through Lesson Study activities, especially implementing student-centered learning. This survey research involved 33 students in the fourth and third years as research subject. Data collection on the self-confidence of prospective teachers through filling out questionnaires and the results of observations made in the Basic Teaching Skills class and Field Work Practice Activities. Qualitative analysis methods and quantitative data grouping are used to determine the response of pre-service teachers in self-confidence in implementing student-centered learning. The result is that the self-confidence of prospective teachers is still at level 2 (instructive) to level 4 (responsive) both in the aspect of confidence in the student-centered learning process and the aspect of trust in building knowledge by students. The highest level of self-confidence of prospective teachers, at 5 level (reformation) has not been achieved. Through an analysis of prospective teachers' self-confidence in these aspects, it can be used as a benchmark whether the learning process is student-centered or still teacher-centere


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    Hasil penyusunan perangkat, uji validasi, dan uji terbatas telah menghasilkan perangkat kurikulum klinik penulisan ilmiah yang valid atau sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Hasil uji lapangan atau disseminasi terbatas menghasilkan peningkatan gain skor pada aspek keterampilan menulis ilmiah dan keterampilan berfikir kritis atau penalaran, serta komunikasi. Perbandingan perlakuan guided inquiry dan independent inquiry pada kedua populasi menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda. Hasil analisis keterampilan penalaran mahasiswa sebagian besar dalam taraf pemikir pemula dan sebagian kecil dalam taraf pemikir mandiri. Hasil ini menurut analisis SWOT merupakan pemacu untuk lebih meningkatkan strategi pengembangan mahasiswa salah satunya melalui pembinaan komunitas penalaran dengan meningkatkan sinergisme kegiatan penalaran mahasiswa oleh dosen sebidang ilmu atau interdisipliner dalam tingkat program studi, fakultas bahkan universitas


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    The aim of this research was to produce learning videos on the material of the life organization systems of living things as learning material for class VII junior high school students. This research was development research with Research and Development, where the product developed will be assessed and validated by media and materials experts and tested on 24 class VII middle school students. Data from the results of questionnaire analysis by calculating the percentage of achievement in each component, namely 87.5% (media expert), 90% (linguist expert), and 74% (material expert) and the teacher assessment results were 79% with the category suitable for use. Meanwhile, data from the results of the analysis of student response questionnaires calculated the average percentage of 86.83% in the very feasible category. From these data it can be concluded that video-based learning media is appropriate and students agree to use it as a learning media to support the teaching and learning process in material on the organization of living things for junior high school