366 research outputs found

    Household food consumption and nutritional status of children aged 6 to 59 Months in Zinder, Niger Republic

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    Malnutrition exists in both urban and rural areas in Niger. An analysis of food and nutrition situation was carried out in the urban  municipality of Zinder in order to contribute to a better understanding of the situation. This work was done from February to March 2018, at the household level, sampled by probabilistic method. The study involved 168 children from 6 to 59 months selected from 150 households in 15neighborhoods in the urban municipalities of Zinder. An analysis of the Food Consumption Score and Household Food Diversity Score showed acceptable food consumption and high food diversity respectively in58.7% and 67.3% of households. Furthermore, the results showed that the socio-economic characteristics that determined Score of food consumption were the main activities of heads of households and their wives. Food diversity was generally acceptable, although 2.7 % of households still had low dietary diversity in the study area. Also, food diversity remained low overall for nearly 8.9% of children with a rate of 6.0% for  households headed by a woman. Nevertheless, the latter female-headed households had an estimated 13.7% of children with average individual food diversity. The prevalence of acute global malnutrition is 13.1% with the severe form at3%. It should be noted that girls were much more affected by this severe form (3.4%) compared to 2.5% for boys. However, stunting was more prevalent in males than in females with 57.5% and 46.6%,respectively. Moderate form accounting for 28.4% in females compared to 17.5% in males. This  nutritional status reflects the relatively acceptable food situation in which these children lived. Furthermore, the appreciation of different foods and modes of consumption have shown on the one hand that the diet remains monotonous. On the other hand, this analysis revealed that cereal-based dishes accompanied by vegetable/leafy sauces predominated in these households in the study area. This situation exposes the members of these households and especially young children to the risk of malnutrition. Key words: Characterization, food consumption, food diversity, nutritional status, children, household, socioeconomics, Zinde

    A Comparative Investigation on Petroleum Demulsification Techniques (Centrifuge and Green Chemicals Versus Conventional Chemicals)

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    The breaking (demulsification) of 50-50% w/o petroleum emulsions of two oils (A and B) by Green (chemical and centrifuge) methods were studied in comparison to conventional (chemical) method. The green methods consisted of silicon based chemical demulsifiers and high-speed centrifuge operated at 12,000 RPM, while the conventional method consisted of Amine group based demulsifiers. In chemical method, the concentrations were varied (0.5%, 1.5% and 3%), while in centrifuge method, the processing time was varied (10 and 30 minutes). The efficiency of these methods was determined by measuring the amount of water separated from the emulsion after being treated. The maximum separation efficiencies for Silicon demulsifiers were 93 and 88% for oils A and B respectively, and that of Amine group demulsifiers were 72 and 86% for oils A and B respectively, While centrifuge demulsification gave maximum separations of 39 and 24% for oils A and B respectively. Based on these results, Silicon based demulsifiers are very effective and reliable method to treat emulsions for different types of oils with different composition, and have the potential to be used as an alternative method in the demulsification or breaking of water-in-crude oil emulsions

    Myrmécofaune arboricole associée aux couples Phragmanthera capitata (Sprengel) S. Balle/ hÎte au verger de la chefferie de Ndogbong (Douala, Cameroun)

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    Parmi les Loranthaceae, l’espĂšce Phragmanthera capitata s’est mieux adaptĂ©e aux conditions du milieu modifiĂ© par l’homme et aux arbres cultivĂ©s ou spontanĂ©s devenant un vĂ©ritable flĂ©au agronomique. La mĂ©thode de lutte ciblĂ©e plus prometteuse ne peut ĂȘtre satisfaisante que si les mĂ©canismes qui rĂ©gulent l’adaptation des Loranthaceae Ă  leurs hĂŽtes cultivĂ©s ou spontanĂ©s sont identifiĂ©s et maĂźtrisĂ©s. Dans cette optique, une Ă©tude de la myrmĂ©cofaune arboricole a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur trois couples P. capitata/hĂŽte au verger de la chefferie de Ndogbong. Auparavant, un inventaire exhaustif de tous les arbres parasitĂ©s ou non et de la myrmĂ©cofaune du verger de la chefferie de Ndogbong (Douala) a Ă©tĂ© entrepris et toutes les touffes de P. capitata comptabilisĂ©s sur les arbreshĂŽtes qui en possĂ©daient. Tous les arbres du verger sont exotiques exceptĂ© Spondias mangifera. Le taux de parasitisme est de 42,85%. Quatre espĂšces de fourmis (Crematogaster sp. 1, Crematogaster sp.2, Pheidole megacephala et Camponotus sp.) ont une activitĂ© fourragĂšre notamment florifĂšre sur les individus de P. capitata. Leur densitĂ© varie avec la floraison et semble liĂ©e Ă  la chute des boutons floraux et des fleurs. Ces fourmis pourraient constituer des forces d’organisation et d’évolution exploitables dans la lutte biologique contre les Loranthaceae. Mots clĂ©s: Loranthaceae, myrmĂ©cofaune arboricole, plantes hĂŽtes

    Malaria Transmission-Blocking Vaccines: Present Status and Future Perspectives

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    Transmission-blocking vaccines (TBVs) utilize Plasmodium sexual stage proteins to induce antibodies that prevent parasites from infecting blood-fed mosquitoes. This type of vaccine, which can be considered a “vaccine of solidarity,” reduces Plasmodium infections within communities without conferring direct protective immunity to the vaccine recipients. The leading TBV candidates have advanced to field clinical trials, where vaccine-induced antibody function has been demonstrated in mosquito-feeding assays. However, the duration of functional antibody responses has been short-lived; hence current development has focused on improved adjuvant and vaccine delivery systems to generate long-lasting immune responses. For the future implementation of TBVs, community perceptions and understandings should be considered, and education should be provided on the concept and its value. Implementation will need to be undertaken in harmony with current malaria control policies

    Improving Soil Productivity and Increasing Lowland Rice Yields through the Integration of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers in the Savannah and Forest Agro-ecological Zones of La Cote d’Ívoire

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    Sole mineral fertilizers use by poorly resourced farmers for rice production in the lowlands is usually low and unsustainable. Field experiments were therefore conducted within two contrasting environments (Forest and Savannah), using two common organic amendments (Poultry manure and Cattle manure) to establish an effective and integrated soil nutrient management system for improved lowland soil productivity and increased rice yields. The study was also partly intended to encourage and promote the effective and sustainable use of locally available organic amendments for nutrient management in lowland rice production. Results showed that organic amendments {cattle manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM)} contributed significantly to grain yield increases and total productivity with PM having a significantly greater and positive effect on grain yield than CM. In addition, the application of organic amendments in combination with mineral fertilizer significantly contributed to increased grain yield over the application of sole mineral fertilizer. Within the savannah agro- cological zone, there was a 130% (CM) and 203% (PM) grain yield increase over the control due to the application of organic amendments . When organic amendments were applied in combination with mineral fertilizer (MF), grain yield increased by 21% and 43% over sole MF for CM and PM respectively. However, sole CM contributed 12% increase in grain yield over the control while PM gave a 35% increase within the forest agro- cological zone. The combined application of MF and CM resulted in an 11% increase in grain yield while MF and PM combinations produced a 30% yield increase within the ecology. The non-addition of N, P, K as mineral fertilizer resulted in a yield reduction of about 84% at both sites. Resource poor farmers within the West African sub-region should therefore be encouraged to use organic amendments, which are not only available locally but also affordable. Proper storage and handling of these organic materials is very important to minimize nutrient losses.&nbsp

    Effet de la Substitution Partielle du Tourteau de Glycine max (L.) Merr (Soja) par le Tourteau de la Pulpe de Dacryodes edulis (Safou) H.J. Lam. (1932) dans l’Alimentation des Poules Pondeuses au Congo-Brazzaville

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    La substitution des rĂ©sidus de graines de soja ou tourteau par des intrants locaux est  souvent proposĂ©e comme une alternative dans l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© avicole. Pour tester cette hypothĂšse, les rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ© chez des poules pondeuses ĂągĂ©es de 24 semaines. L’étude avait pour but de substituer partiellement les rĂ©sidus de soja par les rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis  Ă  7 % dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses. Au cours de cette Ă©tude, un Ă©chantillon de 60 poules pondeuses avait Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parti en deux  lots ; les rĂ©sidus de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ© Ă  7 % dans le premier lot  et le second groupe a servi de tĂ©moin. Les deux groupes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s sur des paramĂštres zootechniques et Ă©conomiques. Le  traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  (p< 0,05), l’efficacitĂ© alimentaire (4,03 contre 3,11) quoi qu’on ait observĂ© une baisse de la consommation volontaire d’aliment et d’eau respectivement de 16,7 % et 17,4%.  De mĂȘme, l’incorporation des rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis Ă  7% a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement la ponte, en l’occurrence le nombre moyen d’Ɠufs pondus par poule  (43,12 contre 46,62), le poids moyen de l’Ɠuf (54,41 g contre 56,48 g), le taux de ponte au pic de ponte, (71,42% contre 74,30%)  et la production des Ɠufs commercialisables  (744 Ɠufs contre 876 Ɠufs). Sur le plan Ă©conomique, le traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  le coĂ»t de revient  du kg d’aliment  (299, 82 FCFA contre 275,95 FCFA), le  prix de production de l’Ɠuf  (95,17 FCFA contre 68,10 FCFA). L'hypothĂšse formulĂ©e au dĂ©but de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©e. L’incorporation des rĂ©sidus des graines ou tourteau de Dacryodes edulis dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses est une alternative en aviculture fermiĂšre. Cette Ă©tude ouvre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes   en arboriculture fruitiĂšre et en aviculture fermiĂšre  au Congo.   Substitution of soybean or meal residue with local inputs is often proposed as an alternative in improving poultry productivity. To test this hypothesis, Dacryodes edulis residues were tested in 24-week-old laying hens. The aim of the study was to partially replace soybean residues with Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% in the diet of laying hens. During this study, a sample of 60 laying hens was divided into two groups; Dacryodes edulis residues were incorporated at 7% in the first batch and the second group served as a control. The two groups were compared on zootechnical and economic parameters. The treatment significantly (p<0.05) improved feed efficiency (4.03 versus 3.11), although a drop in voluntary food and water consumption of 16.7 was observed respectively. % and 17.4%. Likewise, the incorporation of Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% significantly improved laying, in this case the average number of eggs laid per hen (43.12 versus 46.62), the average weight of the egg (54.41 g versus 56.48 g), the laying rate at peak laying (71.42% versus 74.30%) and the production of marketable eggs (744 eggs versus 876 eggs). Concerning the economic level, the treatment significantly improved the cost  per kg of food (299.82 FCFA vs  275.95 FCFA), the production price of the egg (95.17 FCFA vs 68.10 FCFA) . The hypothesis formulated at the beginning of this study was verified. Incorporating residues of Dacryodes edulis seeds or cake into the feed of laying hens is an alternative in free-range poultry farming. This study points interesting perspectives in fruit cultivation  and oultry farming in Congo

    The design coordination role at the pre-construction stage of construction projects

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    The importance of the concept of prevention through design (PtD) to the alleviation of the problem of poor health and safety (H&S) management in the construction industry is widely acknowledged. It has been adopted in the regulatory framework for H&S in the UK construction industry through the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) which place on the project client obligations with emphasis on coordination of H&S at the pre-construction stage of the project by a client-appointed ‘Principal Designer’ (PD). Unfortunately, research into the implementation of CDM 2015 into actual practice at the pre-construction stage has been patchy. The paper reports, with respect to the PD role, on part of research undertaken to respond to this gap. It involved surveys of clients and practitioners via fourteen focus group discussion sessions with over eighty participants to develop knowledge and understanding of the PD role. The research issues included: appointments to the role; structures for discharge of the role; day-to-day functions of the PD; remuneration arrangements; and common challenges regarding the PD

    Differential associated factors for inadequate receipt of components and non-use of antenatal care services among adolescent, young, and older women in Nigeria

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    Nigerian women continue to die in childbirth due to inadequate health services such as antenatal care (ANC). Among other factors, the inadequate receipt or non-use of ANC appears to be associated with the age of women, remoteness, and poor households. This cross-sectional study aimed to compare the factors associated with inadequate receipt of the components and non-use of ANC among pregnant adolescents, and young and older women in Nigeria. Data for this study were from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) and covered a weighted total of 21,911 eligible women. Survey multinomial logistic regression analyses that adjusted for cluster, and survey weights were conducted to examine factors associated with adolescent, young, and older women. Adolescent women reported a higher prevalence of inadequate receipts and non-use of ANC than young and older women. Increased odds of inadequate receipt of the components of ANC were associated with residence in the North–East region and rural areas for all three categories of women. For adolescent women, the increased odds of inadequate receipt of the components of ANC were associated with delivering a baby at home and a big problem with distance to health facilities. Limited education or no schooling was associated with the increased odds of receiving inadequate ANC among older women. Implementing interventions to improve maternal and child health care should focus on the factors associated with the increased odds of receipt of inadequate or non-use of ANC services among Nigerian adolescent women, particularly those living in rural areas in the North–East region

    Assessment of the Economic Impact of Sorghum Variety S 35 in Chad

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    The S 35 sorghum variety is a nonphotoperiod-sensitive, high-yielding, ear ly-matur ing, and drought - tolerant pure line that originated from ICRISAT' s breeding program in India, and was later advanced and promoted in Cameroon and Chad. Its int roduct ion into drought -prone areas of Chad has been very successful wi t h a net present value of research investments estimated at US$ 15 mi l l ion, representing an internal rate of return of 95%. Two crucial factors explain this apparent success: (1) germplasm research spillovers from ICRISAT and Cameroon's breeding programs substantially reduced the t ime lag in S 35 research and development in Chad; and (2) the FAO/UNDP-suppor ted seed project at Gassi not only successfully mul t ipl ied S 35 seed on a large scale, but also dist r ibuted it to farmers by adopt ing the 'mini-doses' approach and involving the Office national de developpement rural and NGOs . Since the recommended management practices for S 35 adopt ion are simple, relatively easy to implement wi t h available fami ly labor and animal t ract ion, and are not capital intensive, the technology has found favor wi t h many farmers. Between 1990 and 1995, the percentage of adopting farmers grew f rom 14% to 80%. In 1990, 7% of the total sorghum area (13 000 ha) was sown to the S 35 variety. By 1995, the area under S 35 had increased to 27% (66 000 ha). A yield advantage of about 5 1 % over farmers' local varieties is associated wi t h the adopt ion of S 35. The three major constraints cited by farmers - susceptibility of the variety to bi r d attack, the high cost of seed, and low soil fertility - should assist in the formulat ion of future research priorities

    Prevention through design: conceptual models for the assessment of a principal designer’s skills, knowledge and experience

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Emerald in Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, available online at: https://doi.org/10.1108/JEDT-07-2020-0278 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Purpose - The prevention through design (PtD) initiative places a duty on designers to originate designs that are inherently safe for construction, maintenance, occupation and demolition. In the UK, legislation has been introduced creating a new statutory role called the Principal Designer (PD) to ensure that PtD occurs during the design process. In order to realize this objective, Principal Designers under the Regulations must have appropriate skills, knowledge and experience (SKE) of occupational safety and health (OSH) risks as they relate to construction products. However, there is a paucity of knowledge, in the extant literature and in practice, regarding what specifically constitutes Principal Designers’ skills, knowledge and experience of PtD as well as how to measure same. Design/Methodology/Approach – The study undertook a systematic review of meanings of skills, knowledge and experience, and carried out content analyses to provide robust conceptualizations of the constructs skill, knowledge and experience. This underpinned the development of nomological networks to operationalize the constructs skills, knowledge and experience in respect of Principal Designers’ ability to ensure PtD. Results – Principal Designers’ skills, knowledge and experience of PtD are presented as multi-dimensional constructs that can be operationalized at different levels of specificity in three theoretical models. Practical implications – The models indicated in this study can assist project clients to clarify the PtD skills, knowledge and experience of prospective Principal Designers in the procurement process. Correspondingly, Principal Designers can look to these frameworks to identify their skills, knowledge and experience gaps and take steps to address them. Originality/Value – This study contributes to the PtD literature by providing theoretical frameworks to clarify the PtD skills, knowledge and experience of Principal Designers. The study provides a basis for future research to empirically test the attributes of these as they relate to Principal Designers’ competence to ensure PtD
