166 research outputs found

    In vitro susceptibility of ten Haemonchus contortus isolates from different geographical origins towards acetone:water extracts of two tannin rich plants

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    The aim of the study was to examine the variation in the in vitro susceptibility of ten Haemonchus contortus isolates from different geographical origins using respective egg hatch assays (EHA) with acetone:water extracts of two tannin containing plants, chimay (Acacia pennatula) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). Fresh eggs were incubated in PBS with different concentrations of each extract (0, 600, 1200, 2400, 3600, 5000 and 8000μg/ml PBS). Additional concentrations were tested for O. viciifolia (75, 100, 200 and 400μg/ml PBS). Effective concentrations 50% (EC50), with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (95% CI), were calculated for every isolate with both extracts. Moreover, a resistance ratio (RR) was calculated to compare the isolates, using the most susceptible isolate for each extract as the respective reference. A second set of incubations were made using polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) (0, 5000μg/ml, 5000μg/ml+PVPP) to determine the influence of polyphenols on the AH effect. The proportion of morulated eggs, eggs with L1 larvae failing eclosion (%LFE), and emerged larvae were estimated at different extract concentrations. Data of each isolate was used to calculate the effective concentration 50% (EC50) for each extract. The EC50 of each isolate was used to determine resistance ratio (RR) for the different isolates. For the 2 extracts, a susceptibility variation in egg hatching was observed for the different H. contortus isolates. The EC50 values for A. pennatula ranged from 2203 to 14106μg (RR from 2.01 to 6.40). The O. viciifolia extract showed higher variability with EC50 values ranging from 104 to 4783μg (RR from 3.66 to 45.74). The main AH effects of the two extracts tested on the ten isolates consisted in blocking the emergence of L1 larvae (higher% LFE). Additional observations on emerged larvae showed that extract exposure caused alterations in the internal structure, separating the cuticle from the pharynx, bulb and intestinal cells. The use of PVPP revealed that (a) condensed tannins were not the sole plant secondary metabolites responsible for the AH effects, and (b) different H. contortus isolates showed variability in the role of tannins either on the ovicidal effect or the %LFE

    Susceptibility of ten Haemonchus contortus isolates from different geographical origins towards acetone:water extracts of polyphenol-rich plants. Part 2: Infective L 3 larvae

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    This study explored the variation in susceptibility to acetone:water plant extracts between infective larvae (L3) of ten Haemonchus contortus isolates from different geographical origin. The L3 of 10 different isolates were exposed either to the acetone:water extract of a temperate plant (Onobrychis viciifolia) or a tropical plant (Acacia pennatula) and were evaluated with the larval exsheathment inhibition assay (LEIA). The L3 of each isolate were incubated with different concentrations of each extract (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200μg/mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS)). After incubation, the exsheathment process of L3 was induced using a solution with sodium hypochlorite (2%) and sodium chloride (16.5%). The proportion of exsheathed L3 was determined for each concentration at 0, 20, 40 and 60min. Effective concentrations 50% (EC50) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated for every isolate with both extracts. Moreover, a resistance ratio (RR) was calculated for each extract to compare isolates, using the most susceptible isolate as the respective reference for each extract. To determine the role of polyphenols on the reported effect, a second set of incubations was made for each isolate and each extract, using the extracts at a concentration of 1200μg/mL PBS with or without polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), a polyphenol blocking agent, and controls without extract. The ten different H. contortus isolates showed variation in susceptibility for each of the 2 extracts tested (P<0.05). The EC50 values for A. pennatula extract ranged from 36 to 501μg/mL (RR: 2.11–13.68). Meanwhile, the EC50 values for O. viciifolia extract ranged from 128 to 1003μg/mL (RR: 1.25–7.82). The use of PVPP revealed that polyphenols were responsible for the anthelmintic activity recorded for both extracts. However, tested H. contortus isolates suggested that susceptibility to one polyphenol-rich extract did not determine the susceptibility to the other polyphenol rich extract. The latter result indicated that the different H. contortus isolates varied in their susceptibility to the polyphenols present in each extract evaluated

    Child mindfulness: psychophysiological, cognitive and psychisocial effects.

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    Las intervenciones basadas en Mindfulness (IBM) han demostrado eficacia en el abordaje de problemas psicológicos en población infantil; sin embargo, existe poca evidencia de sus efectos a nivel psicofisiológico. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer el efecto psicofisiológico autonómico, cognitivo y psicosocial de una intervención breve basada en mindfulness en población infantil. Se empleó un diseño pre-post intervención, para medidas psicométricas, y de medidas repetidas para evaluar el efecto autonómico de temperatura periférica facial en una muestra de 12 infantes: 7 niñas y 5 niños. Los resultados mostraron un efecto térmico significativo en la temperatura periférica facial y un incremento en el Índice de Velocidad de Procesamiento. Se presenta evidencia del efecto de la IBM sobre la actividad autonómica y procesos cognitivos en infantes

    Optimización de un producto médico enfocado en el moldeo por inyección

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    En este artículo, se presenta la optimización de un producto médico, para dicho producto se utilizó el moldeo por inyección por ser un proceso capaz de proporcionar bajos costos en la manufactura, tiempos bajos de transformación de la materia prima y productos obtenidos con diversas formas complejas. Se consideró como factores principales a la temperatura del molde, temperatura de fusión, tiempo de inyección y tiempo de enfriamiento. En la optimización se utilizó diseño de experimentos, posteriormente se implementó el método de descenso más pronunciado, se logró ajustar por medio del diseño central compuesto y fue estimado el punto óptimo de la función por análisis canónico. Utilizando el software CAE Moldex3D, fue simulada la inyección. La optimización redujo el alabeo total de la pieza hasta en 0.2 mm, resultando como factores más significativos la temperatura de fusión, tiempo de inyección y tiempo de enfriamiento

    Deep Sequencing of the Mexican Avocado Transcriptome, an Ancient Angiosperm with a High Content of Fatty Acids

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    Background: Avocado (Persea americana) is an economically important tropical fruit considered to be a good source of fatty acids. Despite its importance, the molecular and cellular characterization of biochemical and developmental processes in avocado is limited due to the lack of transcriptome and genomic information. Results: The transcriptomes of seeds, roots, stems, leaves, aerial buds and flowers were determined using different sequencing platforms. Additionally, the transcriptomes of three different stages of fruit ripening (pre-climacteric, climacteric and post-climacteric) were also analyzed. The analysis of the RNAseqatlas presented here reveals strong differences in gene expression patterns between different organs, especially between root and flower, but also reveals similarities among the gene expression patterns in other organs, such as stem, leaves and aerial buds (vegetative organs) or seed and fruit (storage organs). Important regulators, functional categories, and differentially expressed genes involved in avocado fruit ripening were identified. Additionally, to demonstrate the utility of the avocado gene expression atlas, we investigated the expression patterns of genes implicated in fatty acid metabolism and fruit ripening. Conclusions: A description of transcriptomic changes occurring during fruit ripening was obtained in Mexican avocado, contributing to a dynamic view of the expression patterns of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and the fruit ripening process

    A Novel Late-Stage Autophagy Inhibitor That Efficiently Targets Lysosomes Inducing Potent Cytotoxic and Sensitizing Effects in Lung Cancer

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    Simple Summary Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, mainly due to treatment resistance. For that reason, it is necessary to develop novel therapeutic strategies to overcome this phenomenon. The aim of our study was to design and characterize a synthetic anionophore, LAI-1, that would be able to efficiently disrupt lysosomal activity, leading to autophagy blockage, one of the most important resistance mechanisms in cancer cells. We confirmed that LAI-1 selectively localized in lysosomes, deacidifying them. This effect produced a blockage of autophagy, characterized by an abrogation of autophagosomes and lysosomes fusion. Moreover, LAI-1 produced cell death in lung cancer cells from different histological subtypes, inducing cytotoxicity more efficiently than other known autophagy inhibitors. Finally, LAI-1 was evaluated in combination therapy, showing sensitization to the first-line chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. Altogether, LAI-1 is a novel late-stage autophagy inhibitor with potential therapeutic applications in tumors with cytoprotective autophagy. Overcoming resistance is one of the most challenging features in current anticancer therapy. Autophagy is a cellular process that confers resistance in some advanced tumors, since it enables cancer cells to adapt to stressful situations, such as anticancer treatments. Hence, the inhibition of this cytoprotective autophagy leads to tumor cells sensitization and death. In this regard, we designed a novel potent anionophore compound that specifically targets lysosomes, called LAI-1 (late-stage autophagy inhibitor-1), and evaluated its role in blocking autophagy and its potential anticancer effects in three lung cancer cell lines from different histological subtypes. Compared to other autophagy inhibitors, such as chloroquine and 3-Methyladenine, the LAI-1 treatment induced more potent anticancer effects in all tested cancer cells. LAI-1 was able to efficiently target and deacidify lysosomes, while acidifying cytoplasmic pH. Consequently, LAI-1 efficiently blocked autophagy, indicated by the increased LC3-II/I ratio and p62/SQSTM1 levels. Moreover, no colocalization was observed between autophagosomes, marked with LC3 or p62/SQSTM1, and lysosomes, stained with LAMP-1, after the LAI-1 treatment, indicating the blockage of autophagolysosome formation. Furthermore, LAI-1 induced cell death by activating apoptosis (enhancing the cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP) or necrosis, depending on the cancer cell line. Finally, LAI-1 sensitized cancer cells to the first-line chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. Altogether, LAI-1 is a new late-stage autophagy inhibitor that causes lysosomal dysfunction and the blockage of autophagolysosome formation, as well as potently induces cancer cell death and sensitization to conventional treatments at lower concentrations than other known autophagy inhibitors, appearing as a potential new therapeutic approach to overcome cancer resistance

    Variabilidad en el contenido de polifenoles, actividad biológica y antihelmíntica de extractos metanol:agua de las hojas de Gymnopodium floribundum Rolfe

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    The effect of the harvest month and age of the leaves of Gymnopodium floribundum on the content of polyphenolic compounds (total phenols (TP), total tannins (TT) and condensed tannins (CT)) of methanol:water extracts was determined. In addition, the biological activity of polyphenols measured as the ability to precipitate protein (PP), inhibit egg hatching (EH), and larval exsheathment (LEI) of Haemonchus contortus was determined. G. floribundum leaves were harvested in 4 mo of the year: December, March, June and September. Twenty-four methanol:water extracts (70:30) were obtained, 12 produced from leaves of varied age (VA) and 12 from 90-d-old leaves (A90). All extracts caused similar PP regardless of age and harvest month. EH inhibition was only significant for December VA extract (EC50 = 374.4 μg/mL; P 1,500 μg/mL in December, June and September. Although all extracts inhibited larval exsheathment (LEI), the lowest EC50 was that of the VA leaf extract of June (EC50 = 80.4 μg/mL; P 1500 μg/ml en diciembre, junio y septiembre. Aunque todos los extractos inhibieron el desenvaine larval (IDL), la menor CE50 fue la del extracto de hojas EV de junio (CE50 = 80.4 μg/ml; P<0.05). La incubación de extractos con polivinilpolipirrolidona (PVPP) limitó la IDL (P<0.05), pero los polifenoles solo explicaron parte de esa actividad. En conclusión, el contenido de TC de los extractos de hojas de G. floribundum depende de su edad y mes de cosecha. Los polifenoles mostraron actividad de PP y se asociaron parcialmente con la IDL. Sin embargo, los polifenoles no explican la actividad contra huevos de H. contortus


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    Global change and direct sun near the ecuador increase the temperature of cities whereas forests regulate such temperature. We therefore assessed the structure and above ground biomass of two forest remnants nearby a newly built urbanization in Daule, Ecuador (Daule 1-2). We made n=5 transects (25 m × 4 m) covering 0.05 ha/site, then measured all trees ≥2.5 cm dbh (1.3 m above ground level) and compared with other forests studied by Alwyn Gentry. Daule-1 and Daule-2 had 39 and 35 individuals, respectively whereas Gentry found 159 and 216 individuals at Capeira and Esmeraldas. The densities for our n=5 transects (average ± standard error) were smaller for (Daule-1=780±37.42 ind/ha) and (Daule-2=740±40.00 ind/ha) while Capeira and Esmeraldas (n=10 transects for each site) which had (2270±211.37 ind/ha) and (3540±265.50 ind/ha), respectively (ANOVA, P&lt;0.001). The carbon captured was Daule-1=131.6 Mg/ha, Daule-2=111.7 Mg/ha, Daule-1+Daule-2=243.3 Mg/ha likewise Capeira 210.6 Mg / ha and Esmeraldas 181.5 Mg / ha. Such results suggest that forest remnants play an important role for people’s life quality by capturing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen; role they would play better if the forests would have more extensive.El calentamiento global y el sol directo cerca del ecuador aumentan la temperatura en las ciudades, mientras que los bosques son los encargados de regular dicha temperatura. Evaluamos la estructura y biomasa aérea de dos remanentes de bosques cerca de una urbanización en construcción en Daule, Ecuador (Daule 1-2). Se tomaron n=5 transectos (25 m x 4 m) cubriendo 0.05 ha/sitio, medimos todos los árboles ≥2,5 cm dap (1.3 m sobre el nivel del suelo) y comparamos con otros bosques estudiados por Alwyn Gentry. Daule-1 y Daule-2 tenían 39 y 35 individuos, respectivamente, mientras que Gentry encontró 159 y 216 individuos en Capeira y Esmeraldas. La densidad en los n=5 transectos (promedio ± error estándar) fueron menores para (Daule-1=780±37.42 ind/ha) y (Daule-2=740±40.00 ind/ha) en tanto que Capeira y Esmeraldas (n=10 transectos para cada sitio) tuvieron (2270±211.37 ind/ha) y (3540±265.50 ind/ha), respectivamente (ANOVA, P&lt;0.001). El carbono capturado fueDaule-1=131.6 Mg/ha, Daule-2=111.7 Mg/ha, Daule-1+Daule-2=243.3Mg/ha así mismo Capeira 210.6 Mg/ha y Esmeraldas 181.5 Mg/ha. Tales resultados sugieren que los remanentes de bosques juegan un papel importante para la calidad de vida de las personas al capturar dióxido de carbono y producir oxígeno; papel que jugarían mejor si los bosques fueran más extensos. &nbsp