201 research outputs found

    Federation, partnership, and the chronologies of space in 1950s East and Central Africa

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    The Memoirs of General Lord Ismay

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) Bagaimana manajemen waktu pengumpulan tugas selama pembelajaran daring di MAS Sinar Islami Bingai Kec. Wampu Kab. Langkat, 2) Bagaimana keberhasilan implementasi layanan informasi dalam meningkatkan manajemen waktu pengumpulan tugas selama pembelajaran daring di MAS Sinar Islami Bingai Kec. Wampu Kab. Langkat, 3) Apa saja faktor pendukung guru bimbingan dan konseling dalam meningkatkan manajemen waktu pengumpulan tugas selama daring di MAS Sinar Islami Bingai.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan prosedurpengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan memberi kesimpulan.Setelah dilakukan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa: implementasi layanan informasi dalam meningkatkan manajemen waktu pengumpulan tugas selama pembelajaran daring di MAS Sinar Islami Bingai Kec.Wampu Kab.Langkat sudah terlaksana dengan baik, namun dalam hal memanajemen waktu pengumpulan tugas menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua peserta didik menerapkan apa yang sudah disampaikan oleh guru BK.Kata Kunci : Layanan Informasi, Manajemen Waktu, Pengumpulan Tugas, Pembelajaran Darin

    An Investigation of the Mill Development of Aroostook County

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    This study of mill development in Aroostook County attempts to survey a phase of Aroostook’s industrial history up to the time of the County’s definite emergence as a predominantly agricultural area. The treatise likewise has tried to show how the present status has been achieved out of a definitely varied background. The scope of treatment has been, of necessity, somewhat restricted because, by and large, source materials relating to the County’s history are scattered and fragmentary. In only a few localities have there been any attempts made toward a concrete analysis of the town’s activities, economic or otherwise. Where possible the author consulted all records such as town and county histories, town meeting records, the newspapers printed in the various towns from the time of their establishment, statistical surveys made of the State as a whole in which a recognition had been given to this County, State year books, and business directories. A direct approach was made through a systematic series of interviews with individuals in every town who would be best fitted by virtue of age and residence or business and social association to know something at least of this phase of Aroostook\u27s past history. This type of information is more possible and valuable in Aroostook than it would be elsewhere in the State because of the comparative immaturity of the County’s settlements,the beginnings of many being easily within the memory of living citizens. This information has been substantiated from the newspaper citations of the time, and dates were confirmed in many instances by consulting the files of recorded deeds in the County Court House in Houlton. Aroostook is rich in certain resources particularly in the abundance of water power, fine lumber, and smooth tracts of fertile soil. Because of its lack of a transportation system to outside markets, the early industrial history of the towns individually and of the County collectively was uniformly connected with varying phases of the production of lumber. Saw mills, therefore, claim a major consideration in this analysis. Since farming could be used to guarantee an existence, the citizens found in their forested areas the most natural means for an economic livelihood. This material advantage has been by no means exhausted, but its opportunities gradually diminished as those of agriculture noticeably increased after transportation facilities were provided with the outside markets by the completion of the Canadian Pacific and the Bangor and Aroostook Railways. As a purely industrial area, Aroostook is undoubtedly too far removed from business centers to attain anything approaching the success it has enjoyed as an agricultural section. The industries which have continued to flourish in the few larger towns have found their chief markets among local people and in nearby business centers. Although the Aroostook of today seems remote from the primitive saw and grist mill developments of the nineteenth century, evidences of these former mills can still be traced in towns from one end of the County to the other. In a few cases they serve the same purpose as did their predecessors of an earlier period, local depots of service in food and building materials for a constantly growing population

    Resident Assistant hiring models: Which application markers and processes indicate later success in the job?

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    I looked at research in the hiring practices for student staff (commonly known as Resident Assistants or RAs) within Residence Life and Housing departments in higher education and the student staff members’ success on the job. I searched for articles and research around RA hiring models, efficacy of RA hiring methods, other hiring models within Student Affairs in higher education, and hiring practices outside education. I searched various peer reviewed databases and read dissertations published online. I had hoped to find more research and more recent research (much was from 1960-80s) than I did, which led me to look at practices outside higher education as well. I found research that did not include much long-term analysis. Much of the research did not find any correlation between various hiring metrics and RA success on the job. A few linked GPA and/or the interview with success on the job. Craig (2014) noted that there were too few unsuccessful RAs (those who quit or were terminated) to differentiate from the successful RAs which might also be true of other studies I found. No studies were retrospective in nature, looking at unsuccessful or low performing RAs and high performing RAs and compared their applications

    Urban Sprawl and Congestion in The Hague: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach

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    Urban sprawl and congestion have significant detrimental effects on society and on the environment (Hennig, et al., 2016; OECD, 2018), and the phenomenon is regarded as a major challenge for urban Europe (Uhel, 2006). This work uses System Dynamics as a modeling tool to explain the interrelationships of the various mechanisms that are part of the underlying structure which causes urban sprawl and congestion in the Dutch region The Hague. Besides providing an understanding of the processes involved as drivers of urban sprawl and congestion in the The Hague region, this work further aims to explore some basic mobility-oriented policy options that might alleviate the problem. In order to reduce urban sprawl and congestion road network development should be adjusted so that it does not favor peripheral urban areas over central urban areas with regard to their relative attractiveness, home construction and consequent housing availability. Of equal importance is the competitiveness of shared modes of transport relative to private modes of transport when concerning congestion and especially car-dependency.Master's Thesis in System DynamicsGEO-SD351INTL-HFINTL-KMDINTL-SVINTL-MEDINTL-PSYKINTL-JUSMASV-SYSDYINTL-M

    African internationalisms and the erstwhile trajectories of Kenyan community development:Joseph Murumbi’s 1950s

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    This article sheds new light on the relationship between internationalism, decolonisation and ideas about development through a reassessment of an overlooked period in the life of Joseph Murumbi (1911-90), cultural collector and Kenya’s second vice-president. It follows Murumbi’s engagement with three internationalist spaces during the 1950s: in the Afro-Asian worlds of India and Egypt he honed his vision for community development and the practical coordination of internationalism; in London he pushed British activists to take a more internationalist approach to anti-colonialism in a case of ‘reverse tutelage’; disillusioned with the British Left, in Scandinavia and Israel he questioned the translatability of community development and the practical role of external sympathisers as Kenyan independence approached. Murumbi’s trajectory confirms the inseparability of internationalism and nationalism in 1950s Africa, reinserting internationalist thought into narratives of Kenyan freedom struggles and suggesting how alternative visions for post-colonial Kenya were lost. Moreover, we argue, this reassessment of Murumbi’s life advances the burgeoning scholarship on internationalisms in the decolonising world by showing that Murumbi’s internationalist practices and his interest in the supposedly ‘local’ question of community development drove one another. Murumbi thus shows us a particular set of entanglements between the ‘local’ and the ‘global’

    The Impacts of the Resident Assistant Position on Post-Graduate Work

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    The transition from student to alumni with full-time work is a significant part of student development and the college experience (NAEP, 2015). With the majority of students entering the job market after graduation, schools have long recognized the importance of career development and most campuses have centers dedicated to providing services around career readiness and employ-ability skills. Student affairs practitioners across departments should be invested in the career development of all their students, but especially their student employees. Student affairs practitioners have a heightened obligation to develop their student employees given the profession’s foundational mission of developing students. However, there is currently a lack of literature at the intersection of student employment on campus and its impact on career readiness and employability (Cholodnuik, 2003; Peck, 2017). One area with significant opportunity for developing student employee career readiness and employability lies in residence life. Residence life programs tend to employ large numbers of resident assistants (RAs) and spend significant amounts of time training and supervising these student leaders over the course of the academic year. RAs are uniquely positioned to develop career readiness and employability skills in their hybrid educational/work setting within a well-woven safety net of full time professional staff invested in their success. I argue that residence life programs, learning from career services colleagues, should more systematically explore how the RA role impacts graduates’ career readiness and employability and use that information to enhance the long term learning and benefits for RAs

    The fivethirtyeight R package: ‘Tame Data’ Principles for Introductory Statistics and Data Science Courses

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    As statistics and data science instructors, we often seek to use data in our courses that are rich, real, realistic, and relevant. To this end we created the fivethirtyeight R package of data and code behind the stories and interactives at the data journalism website FiveThirtyEight.com. After a discussion on the conflicting pedagogical goals of minimizing prerequisites to research (Cobb 2015) while at the same time presenting students with a realistic view of data as it exists in the wild, we articulate how a desired balance between these two goals informed the design of the package. The details behind this balance are articulated as our proposed Tame data principles for introductory statistics and data science courses. Details of the package\u27s construction and example uses are included as well
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