245 research outputs found


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    Corruption in Indonesia is so severe as social diseases, reinforced by corrupt practices exposed by the media increasing perceptions of corruption are like illness especially at the end of the New Order era even on the current reform order, almost everywhere. Starting from small officials to high officials. The results of the study indicate an important assertion, because the financial loss of the state is one of the essential elements of corruption in addition to unlawful acts. Thus, the criminal act of corruption is not abolished even then the element of state loss is not proven in court because it has been returned by the suspect, seizure of a number of goods. Barriers at investigation level, juridical investigators remain guided by KUHAP and applicable legislation, investigators lack understanding of the meaning of substance in UUPTPK especially in understanding the element "can enrich themselves or others or a corporation. It is suggested that the regulation regarding the minimum restriction of both the penal provisions and the penalties in UUPTPK to be eliminated because with the inclusion of these minimum limits, may open the possibility of imposition of criminal sanctions imprisonment and fine sanctions that do not reflect a sense of justice to punish the perpetrators of corruption. Anti-corruption laws will be more effective if only the maximum limit is imposed

    On sampling theory and basic Sturm–Liouville systems

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    AbstractWe investigate the sampling theory associated with basic Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problems. We derive two sampling theorems for integral transforms whose kernels are basic functions and the integral is of Jackson's type. The kernel in the first theorem is a solution of a basic difference equation and in the second one it is expressed in terms of basic Green's function of the basic Sturm–Liouville systems. Examples involving basic sine and cosine transforms are given

    Mode i stress intensity factors of slanted cracks

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    The solutions of stress intensity factors of slanted cracks in plain strain plate are hard to find in open literature. There are some previous solutions of stress intensity factors available, however they are not studied completed except for the case of plain stress. The slanted cracks are modelled numerically using ANSYS finite element program. There are ten slanted angles and seven relative crack depths are used and the plate containing cracks is assumed to fulfil the plain strain condition. The plate is then forced uni-axially the stress intensity factors are determined according to the displacement extrapolation method. Based on the numerical analysis, it is found that slanted angles have inverse effects on the behaviour of stress intensity factors. Increasing such angles capable to reduce the mode I stress intensity factors. On the other hand, it is also enhanced the capability of mode II stress intensity factors at the crack tip. Due to difficulty of determining stress intensity factors numerically, a regression technique is used to formulate mathematical expressions which are capable to predict the stress intensity factors in reasonable accuracies

    The Applications of Shape-Changing Rigid Body Mechanisms in Arts and Engineering

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    Design of shape-changing or shape-morphing machines is an area of growing importance. Shape-change can potentially be applied soon to vary the cross section of a wing, create wind or liquid flow control by morphing shapes to locally influence downstream fluid behavior, or vary the size of a car seat to meet a wider array of human anthropometric needs. Rigid body shape-change mechanisms offer many advantages including the high capacity to endure substantial loads while achieving large displacements. Their design techniques are also well-established. The goal of this research project is to develop the synthesis theory to address planar rigid-body shape-change where significant differences in arc length define the problem. A MATLAB-based software was developed to facilitate visual assessment of the process and results. Lastly, this paper illustrates several mechanization examples that apply the segmentation process, and the fundamental mechanism synthesis to guide the motion of the chain of rigid bodies to progress to the subsequent positions


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    In the development of Ti-based alloy bio-implant material, Titanium Hydride (TiH2) which is commonly used as a pore former agent has become one of the new approaches of starting material via powder metallurgy processing route with the aim of low-cost production in the fabrication of Beta-typed Titanium Niobium (β-TiNb) alloy. However, the thermal behaviour of TiNb alloy by TiH2 substitution is still not well understood. Thus, in the present work the compacted of Ti and Nb mixture was subjected to thermal analysis via differential thermal analysis (DTA) and dilatometry to evaluate thermal events existed during sintering process. It was found that the overall reaction had undergone four-step processes; the first two steps were subjected to the dehydrogenation process whereas the last two steps corresponded to the formation of TiNb alloy. In addition, the β phase of TiNb exhibited better appearance at 1200°C sintered temperature which was supported by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis

    Implementasi Undang- Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 Terhadap Pembelajaran Keluarga Dalam Gerakan Jo Kawin Bocah (Studi Kasus Di Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga Kabupaten Wonosobo)

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    This study aims to describe how the implementation of Law Number 16 of 2019 on family learning in the jo kawin bocah movement at the Family Learning Center of Wonosobo Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this research are the head of PUSPAGA, psychologist of PUSPAGA, counselor of PUSPAGA. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The validity of the data used triangulation techniques (data collection methods) and triangulation of data sources. The research indicators are; (1) Implementing a program for assisting prospective brides, (2) The decline in the number of early marriages in Wonosobo Regency. The results of this study indicate that the PUSPAGA of Wonosobo Regency has implemented Law No. 16 on family learning in the child marriage movement which is quite good, this can be proven by the mentoring program for underage brides who will be accompanied to find a bright spot, and the decline in the number of early marriages in Wonosobo Regency

    All-optical wavelength conversion based on degenerate four-wave mixing in Raman ring laser.

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    We demonstrate an all-optical wavelength converter using a ring cavity that produces conversion efficiency of more than unity within a certain bandwidth. The highly nonlinear fiber is used as the parametric amplifying medium and it is pumped by four independent pump lasers at 1427, 1443, 1461, and 1493 nm. The parametric pump is formed internally from the ring cavity through the effect of stimulated Raman scattering. The interaction between signal and parametric pump becomes intensified as they propagate along the fiber from input to the output ports. This un-depleted pump power condition enhances the process of degenerate four-wave mixing in the proposed structure. The maximum conversion efficiency is obtained at 9.5 dB and the bandwidth of positive conversion efficiency is about 20.6 nm

    Effects of park energy on spark plug fault recognition in a spark ignition engine

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    The increasing demands for fuel economy and emission reduction have led to the development of lean/diluted combustion strategies for modern Spark Ignition (SI) engines. The new generation of SI engines requires higher spark energy and a longer discharge duration to improve efficiency and reduce the backpressure. However, the increased spark energy gives negative impacts on the ignition system which results in deterioration of the spark plug. Therefore, a numerical model was used to estimate the spark energy of the ignition system based on the breakdown voltage. The trend of spark energy is then recognized by implementing the classification method. Significant features were identified from the Information Gain (IG) scoring of the statistical analysis

    Implementasi Rehabilitasi Pecandu Narkotika Dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor. 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika Sebagai Upaya Non Penal Badan Narkotika Nasional,

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    Pada skripsi ini, penulis mengangkat permasalahan tentang implementasi rehabilitasi bagi pecandu narkotika yang terdapat dalam pasal-pasal di Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang narkotika yakni hak yang didapat oleh pecandu narkotika sebagai upaya non penal Badan Narkotika Nasional dalam penanganan maslah penyalahgunaan narkotika, institusi penerima wajib lapor sebagai lembaga yang menerima laporan guna melaksanakan rehabilitasi terhadap residen atau pecandu narkotika yang nantinya mendapatkan hak pemulihan yang disebut dengan rehabilitasi Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, karya tulis ini mengangkat rumusan masalah :(1)Bagaimana implementasi rehabilitasi pecandu narkotika dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika sebagai upaya non penal Badan Narkotika Nasional?(2)Bagaimana mekanisme Badan Narkotika Nasional dalam penanganan rehabilitasi terhadap pencandu narkotika? Kemudian penulisan karya tulis ini menggunakan metode yuridis sosiologis yakni selain berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan, juga berdasarkan fakta di lapangan terkait rehabilitasi pecandu narkotika. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dengan wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa data data deskriptif kualitatif yaitu analisis terhadap data yang bertitik tolak pada usaha-usaha penemuan informasi yang bersifat ungkapan dari responden. Pendekatan ini dilakukan dengan ketentuan Rehabilitasi sebagai upaya non penal dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika oleh Badan Narkotika Nasional, yakni penekanan dalam pasal 54-59 Dari hasil penelitian dengan metode di atas, penulis memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa Badan Narkotika Nasional melaksanakan atau menerapkan ketentuan Rehabilitasi sebagai upaya non penal dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika, penekanan rehabilitasi sebagai upaya non penal dengan mengimplementasikan rehabilitasi pecandu narkotika serta penaganan rehabilitasi baik medis dan rehabilitasi sosial, memberikan mekanisme dalam rehabilitasi pecandu narkotika yang diharapkan dapat memulihkan pecandu narkotika dari ketergantungan zat-zat berbahaya narkotika serta memulihkan agar pecandu narkotika dapat kembali dalam kehidupan masyarakat secara sehat dan terlepas dari ketergantungan narkotika