56 research outputs found

    Identification of Graduate Research Students’ Resource Needs in a Malaysian Public University

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    The desire to pursue higher education is constantly increasing. The government and the institutions of higher learning are striving to attract more students, especially at the graduate level by making every effort to provide quality education. Some scholars proposed that the strategic success of a service organization depends on its ability to consistently meet or exceed customer service expectations. Students need information and support to cope in balancing the demands of the different environments. One of the major problems facing by the higher education nowadays is attrition and completion rates. To sustain a high completion rates, one of the most challenges role of the supervisor is to ensure effective facilitate and responsible to assist the students in their research. In most existing research literature, study on information and services and supervisory system were done separately. Moreover, most of the studies about supervisory system were done by researchers from other countries. However this study took a further step by assembling these needs together in one single research. Therefore this study was conducted in order to explore the students’ needs in both elements so that it will bring to a significant effect of either to the institutional or the students. The main objective of this research is to identify the students’ resource needs in terms of information and services and supervisory system. Questionnaires were sent to 341 graduate students in a public university determined by purposive sampling. They were Master or PhD students with thesis program. 184 (53.96%) of them were returned and usable. This study found that administrative functions, such as information on service and support in terms of bursaries and loans, and student fees may need to be improved. Meanwhile, the information about student support and welfare services also states the lowest mean among these which are 2.00. The lowest mean was International Office (IO) with a mean of 1.79. Only 44% of the respondents found access to computers very accessible, while 2.2% of the respondents indicated that the use of computer facilities did not apply to them. The same general trend applies to the internet access. Highest rank of students’ perception was the treatment from lecturer/tutor with a mean of 3.53. The lowest falls to parking area facilities and the cafeteria with mean of 2.86. The overall rank order of the services’ dimension shows that the poorest services fall to responsiveness with mean of 3.09 for science based faculty and 3.20 for social science based faculty. Empathy falls at the first rank of services’ dimension with mean of 3.30 for science based faculty and 3.51 for social science based faculty. The majority of respondents found that the supervisory aspects generally very accessible with a mean of 2.43. They also agreed that it was very accessible to contact a supervisor with a mean of 3.49. However, selection of supervisor and information on potential supervisor were perceived as moderately accessible. Respondents perceived that time management is very important to them with the highest mean of 4.31. Supervisory contributions in this research were categorized into five which are Managerial, Research, Academic, Language and Interpersonal Input. Respondents perceived that Managerial Input was at the highest priority. It is followed by Research Input with a mean of 4.26. Academic and Interpersonal Input was rating at the third and fourth rank with mean of 4.22 and 4.21. Language inputs fall at the last rank. The learning that takes place during graduate studies is a maturing, must be enhanced with timely and appropriate support. University should provide information and support to graduate students without sacrificing the coherence and generic input needed in any academic program. Further research should be expanded to investigate the students’ needs in more depth as it may have a significant influence on the enhancement of an effective resource

    Issues and challenges of technical and vocational education and training in Malaysia towards human capital development

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    To become a high-income economy, skilled workforce is vital. Under the concept of Human Capital Development (HCD), it is vital to provide effective training and education especially in technical and vocational education. The injection of education acquisition to the trainees will increase the performance, productivity and capability which translates into a good investment. As a result, it is important to increase the enrolment in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and raise the overall training quality since TVET has become crucial in these recent years for industries and the economy as a whole. This paper will discuss the overview and the course of TVET in Malaysia. The main thrust of this paper is to highlight the challenges that overlay the implementation of TVET in Malaysia. Hence, the development of Knowledge Worker (K-worker) and human capital will be realized

    Exploring service and support needs in postgraduate education towards the higher education quality

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    Students’ support is needed in postgraduate education embracing many service areas towards quality education. In achieving excellent graduates for national transformation reality, it needs to be addressed at all levels including departmental and institutional. It is vital to create suitable environment for students’ studies to ensure the sustainable development and execution of outstanding research outcome. The paper identifies that one of the important factors in students’ development is to create proper support and services. Thus, a qualitative analysis has been conducted to postgraduate student to discover the main concern of the support and services offered in a Malaysian public university. This study involved semi-structured interviews and the sample was self-selecting. The study disclosed the most important needs and deprived services that should be improved

    Exploring Strategies to Enhance TVET Engagement in Maldives to Improve Youth Career Development

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    Several aspects of the Maldives’ recent development pattern highlight imbalances between labor demand and supply. Public sector jobs are predominantly in the civil service with the rapid expansion of cadres in the 1990s and 2000s. However, with the increasing standard of living over time, the labor market has become more challenging for Maldivians in general. Increasing educational attainment among the younger generation and expectations have coincided/collided with the rapid growth in low-skill service jobs associated with tourism and construction, leading to a mismatch in skills supply and demand. Despite the high levels of growth and labor market conditions in public investments, tourism, fisheries and non-tradable tourism related activities, important challenges remain for young Maldivians. TVET is perceived as second-class option to most of the youth. Many reasons that cloaked these issues such as lack of awareness, publicity and career readiness. This research seeks to identify the issue and challenges and strategies that can be implemented to enhance career development among Maldivian youth on TVET. Mixed method has been adapted in this research by employing questionnaires and conducting interviews. 200 respondents participated in the survey and five experts were involved in the interviews. Data were analysed quantitatively for survey and thematic analysis for the qualitative data. According to the findings, a majority of respondents (81.7%) have heard of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), but less than half (45.2%) understand that it can lead to better employment opportunities. Experts have identified seven strategies to improve TVET for youth career development, including promoting it through electronic media, launching a national campaign, strengthening partnerships with industry, branding and holding skills competitions. This information is valuable for policymakers and stakeholders in the Maldives as they work to design and implement effective and coordinated government support for TVET

    Effective supervisory approach in enhancing postgraduate research studies

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    Supervision is defined as intensive, interpersonally focused one-to-one relationship between the supervisor and the student. Supervisor is designated to facilitate the student’s academic development either in terms of courseworks or research project. This paper address supervision as a complicated process that is influenced by many factors, including the social setting, the personalities of the supervisor and the student, the relationship that develops between them, the expertise of the supervisor, and the problems varied among students. Approach of supervisory inputs that have influenced supervision will be discussed, while the importance of relationship skills in supervision will be highlighted. The paper’s thrust will be to disscuss the important inputs in supervision process and to highlight the social nature of the interaction between supervisor and student. It is hoped to assist the institution to identify and address implementation issues related to postgraduate supervision. The major contribution of this review is the guideline for effective supervision in enhancing postgraduate research studies

    The importance of graduate students' needs on supervisory contribution in a Malaysian public University.

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    Postgraduate students are those that are building an academic career path after their Higher National Degree or Bachelor Degree. The training and preparation at this level are of vital importance. This culminates into writing of thesis or dissertation. Supervision is an intensive, interpersonally focused one-to-one relationship between the supervisor and the student. In this process, the supervisor is designated to facilitate the student's academic development. The mam objective of this study is to identify the students' needs in terms of supervisory system. Supervisory system in this study will be discussed on research and supervision. Questionnaires were sent to 341 graduate students in a public university by purposive sampling. They were Master or Ph.D students with thesis program. About 184 (53.96%) of them were returned and usable. The majority of respondents found that the supervisory aspects generally very accessible. The study thrust will be to highlight the importance of supervisory contribution to graduate study. Supervisory contributions in this research were categorized into five which are managerial, research, academic, language and interpersonal input. Respondents perceived that managerial input was at the highest priority. It is followed by research input with a mean of 4.26. Academic and Interpersonal Input was rating at the third and fourth rank with mean of 4.22 and 4.21. Language inputs fall at the last rank. The study revealed that postgraduate students have different approaches in what they perceived as an effective supervision. The study also revealed that there certain needs highlighted by graduate students to be practiced. Therefore, balancing these needs is very crucial to the successful supervision of postgraduate research projects. Developing skills towards an effective supervision needs to be tackled in various ways. Effective supervisor is essential to guide postgraduate students during their progress in graduate study

    The Impact of Supervisory Inputs on Postgraduate Students

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    Pengawasan telah menjadi isu utama dalam studi di sekolah pascasarjana. Pengawasan dapat didefinisikan sebagai hubungan orang per orang secara intensif dan interpersonal. Pengawas dirancang untuk dapat memfasilitasi perkembangan akademik mahasiswa baik terkait dengan tugas maupun penelitian mereka. Paper ini menunjukkan betapa kompleksnya bidang pengawasan terhadap mahasiswa, yang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya latar belakang sosial, kepribadian pengawas dan mahasiswa, hubungan yang berkembang di antara mereka, keahlian pengawas, dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh para mahasiswa. Paper ini mendiskusikan pentingnya input-input kepengawasan dalam proses pengawasan, dan juga meneropong hakikat interaksi sosial antara pengawas dengan mahasiswa. Sasaran yang dituju dalam paper ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pengawasan yang efektif terhadap mahasiswa sekolah pascasarjana guna menghasilkan modal sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Kata kunci : pengawasan, mahasiswa pascasarjana, input kepengawasan, dan pengawasan efekti

    The characteristics of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) through Moodle: a view on students’ knowledge construction process

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    Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is based on the pedagogical process of observation where students will learn progressively through active group interaction. CSCL is an emerging branch of the learning sciences concerned with studying on how people can learn together with the help of computers. Thus, this research was conducted to measure the characteristics of the CSCL learning environment through Moodle that assists the process of students’ knowledge construction during the teaching and learning process. The CSCL learning environment is an educational learning system which develops to help the teachers and students in managing School Based Assessment (SBA) in selected secondary school in Malaysia. Samples involved two groups of students and two Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teachers from two different schools. A total of 61 students, who were taught using CSCL approach through Moodle, underwent the process of teaching and learning using their school computer laboratory. The finding shows that the characteristics of the CSCL learning approach that used in this learning environment for the first group are at a high level with overall mean of 4.17 and the second group at moderate level with overall mean of 3.62. The result proves that the characteristics of the CSCL learning environment help students to build their knowledge during teaching and learning process at the high level with an overall mean score of 3.87. The mean of these two groups may vary according to students’ background, as well as learning environment facilities. Although, CSCL leads to students’ self-development, improving learning quality, sharing knowledge and assisting students’ in the process of building their knowledge, implementation of CSCL must first considering the technology relevant facilities, especially computer laboratory and internet accessibility in school. The implication is that designing a good CSCL must also taking into account the targeted users’ cultural background and socioeconomic factor


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    Previous studies reported that disciplinary problems that occur amongst school students from teacher perspective; while some studies reported that this problem becomes increasingly serious and widespread, but both retract students from learning. Henceforth, this survey was conducted to investigate how far the problem occurred among vocational college students especially catering students. An interview session was conducted with several catering teachers in two vocational colleges in Southern Region of Malaysia, which focuses on three types of problems namely bullying, truancy and stealing. Data were analysed using thematic analysis using deductive approach. Result indicated that these discipline problems occur among catering students is at alarming level. Peers and students’ background contributed to students’ misdemeanours. Thus, these factors can be a starting point for further mitigating the cases and more focuses should be given on students’ learning

    Effectiveness of entrepreneurship programmes in developing entrepreneurship skills towards quality TVET graduates

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    Engagement in self-employment has been emphasised by many TVET institutions as one of the employability criterion in determining the quality of TVET graduates. Series of entrepreneurship programmes has been designed to develop student’s skill in strategizing the steps for future plan after graduation, but the impact has not yet been evaluated. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between student’s perception of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship programmes and entrepreneurial skills in a Malaysian Public University. A quantitative survey study was designed using questionnaires. A total of 300 undergraduates’ students were randomly selected as the respondents. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage and mean aided by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 22. The research findings showed that students' perceptions of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship programmes has a positive moderately correlation to students perceived of self-entrepreneurial skills development. Thus, these findings have a significant impact on the implementation of the entrepreneurship programmes organised by the university, especially to students. The implementation of these programmes should be disclosed starting students studying from the first year up to the end of their programmes, so the process is not stalled half way and the students can see their effectiveness. This is necessary to design and implement programmes of entrepreneurship development well in order to allow the number of entrepreneurs among students increases and establish successful entrepreneurs capable of competing at global level