586 research outputs found
Learning 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Geometry with Geogebra: Which Would Students Do Better?
The purpose of this study is to examine the geometric thinking of young children who worked with GeoGebra to learn two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) geometry. GeoGebra is an open sourced dynamic mathematics software which is applicable for learning mathematics from primary school to secondary school and to higher education. Thirty pupils studying in second grade (Year 2) at a school located in Pontian, a district in one of the Malaysian state participated in the study. They attended GeoGebra sessions to construct and analyze dynamics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry after learning these topics in the conventional setting. Pretest and posttest on two-dimensional and three-dimensional spatial ability based on Van Hiele level of geometric thinking were administered to the pupils. The comparison between pretest and posttest results demonstrate significant enhancement in visualization and informal deduction for both 2-D and 3-D geometry. Moreover from the intervention, the students benefit most in analyzing 3-D and visualizing 2-D geometry. Interestingly, skills and knowledge acquired through activities using GeoGebra in student-centered learning environment could be successfully transferred to paper and pencil test
Analisis Naratif Fasa Kehidupan Miskawayh (932-1030 M): Narrative Analysis on the Life Phases of Miskawayh (932-1030 M)
Miskawayh is an important figure in the development of Islamic ethical philosophy. The synthesis between Greek philosophy and Islamic knowledge which he developed in the Middle Ages is considered a significant innovation in the formation of Islamic ethical philosophy. Miskawayh’s scholarship can be seen in his career commitment and in academic circles during his stay in his hometown Rayy and Baghdad. Though Miskawayh’s biography has been widely presented, his biographical narrative in this study is needed to ascertain his life changes based on different phases of his life. Therefore, this qualitative study will discuss the biography of Miskawayh. A biographical narrative analysis of Miskawayh found four major phases in his life. The first phase (up until the age of about 20) was when he obtained basic Islamic knowledge and studied chemistry. The second phase was between 956 AD and 963 AD in Baghdad. During that period of time, he was involved in the discussion of philosophy and dealing with moral issues. The third phase was in 963 AD in Rayy, Iran, where he dedicated his time studying various themes of writing and teaching. The fourth phase was between 976 AD and 1030 AD, at the age of 44 until his death at the age of 96 in Iṣfahān, Iran. During this phase, he was active in philosophical writings and refining ethics. Due to the breadth of Miskawayh’s knowledge and experience, his writings on ethics have been influential, especially his magnum opus entitled Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq that has received a substantial amount of attention from the Islamic and Western scholars to this day. This work written to the end of Miskawayh’s life proved his scholarly interest in philosophy, self-development, and career.
Miskawayh merupakan seorang tokoh penting dalam perkembangan ilmu falsafah akhlak. Sintesis falsafah Yunani dengan ilmu Islam yang telah dilakukan oleh beliau pada abad pertengahan dianggap sebagai suatu inovasi yang signifikan dalam pembentukan ilmu akhlak Islam. Kesarjanaan Miskawayh boleh dilihat melalui komitmennya terhadap kerjaya dan dunia akademik sepanjang beliau berada di Rayy, Iran kota kelahirannya dan juga ketika berada di Baghdad. Walaupun biografi Miskawayh telah banyak dibentangkan, naratif biografi beliau di dalam kajian ini diperlukan bagi mengenal pasti perubahan hidup Miskawayh berdasarkan kepada fasa kehidupannya yang berbeza. Oleh itu, kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini akan membahaskan tentang biografi Miskawayh. Analisis naratif terhadap biografi tersebut mendapati bahawa Miskawayh telah melalui empat fasa penting dalam kehidupannya. Fasa pertama (sehingga usiannya kira-kira 20 tahun) ialah ketika beliau mendapatkan ilmu asas Islam dan mempelajari tentang ilmu kimia. Fasa kedua ialah antara 956 sehingga 963 Masihi di Baghdad. Ketika ini beliau terlibat dengan perbincangan falsafah dan berhadapan dengan masalah akhlak. Fasa ketiga pula ialah pada tahun 963 Masihi di Rayy, Iran di mana beliau telah mendedikasikan masanya untuk menelaah pelbagai tema penulisan dan mengajar. Fasa yang keempat ialah pada 976 Masihi iaitu ketika usianya mencecah 44 tahun sehingga beliau meninggal dunia pada 1030 Masihi pada usia 96 tahun di Iṣfahān, Iran. Pada fasa ini, beliau aktif dalam penulisan falsafah dan melakukan mujahadah dalam akhlak. Oleh kerana keluasan ilmu dan pengalaman yang telah dilalui oleh Miskawayh dalam empat fasa ini, penulisan beliau tentang akhlak terutamanya di dalam magnum opus yang bertajuk Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq menjadi sebuah karya yang berpengaruh dan mendapat perhatian pengkaji Islam dan Barat sehingga kini. Karya yang telah ditulis di penghujung hayat Miskawayh ini telah membuktikan kesarjanaan beliau dalam ilmu falsafah, hal pembangunan kendiri serta kerjaya.
Adab sebagai faktor pengantara program pembangunan kerohanian islam dan persekitaran tempat kerja islamik
Effective management of Human Resources Department will benefit not only to the organisation, but also individuals and society. Literature studies have shown that spirituality in the workplace can improve work behaviour, work performance and positive attitude. This study used Islamic manner (adab) as a measurement in analysing the impact of the Islamic spiritual development program. The objectives of this study are to measure the relationship between the Islamic spiritual development program and the Islamic workplace; evaluate the relationship between the Islamic Spirituality development program and adab; evaluate the relationship between adab and Islamic workplace; evaluate the mediating effect of Islamic spiritual development program and Islamic workplace; and measure moderating effect on staff categories, religious education background, and financial resources between adab and the Islamic workplace. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was developed and tested for 284 respondents from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur using questionnaires. The data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 and Partial Least Square (PLS). This research findings show that there are positive relationships between Islamic spiritual development program and Islamic workplace (β=0.316, t=3.848), between Islamic spiritual development program and adab (β=0.509, t=6.181), and between adab and the Islamic workplace (β=0.565, t=5.523). For mediating effect, the result showed that adab is the intermediary factor between the Islamic spiritual development program and Islamic workplace (z= 3.599, p < 0.05). The results show that there is no moderating effect on the staff categories (t=0.656), Islamic education (t=1.309) and income (t=1.325) between adab and Islamic workplace
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Derajat Kesehatan dan Tanggap Bencana di Desa Maitara Kecamatan Tidore Utara
Kesehatan sangat penting untuk produktivitas manusia. Komunitas yang sehat adalah kunci untuk mengurangi kemiskinan, meningkatkan ekonomi, dan berkembang dalam jangka panjang. Pulau Maitara sebagai salah satu daerah dengan ekowisata yang dapat meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Oleh karena itu kawasan desa wisata pulau Maitara membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan meningkatkan PAD untuk pemerintah Kota Tidore Kepulauan dan pemerintah Provinsi Maluku. Untuk itu harus di dukung dengan derajat kesehatan yang baik bagi masyarakat yang tinggal disana. Kesehatan bukan factor utama, tidak hanya itu, tetapi juga harus dikombinasikan dengan kesiapsiagaan bencana karena bencana biasanya mengakibatkan korban manusia. dan dampak lainya seperti kehilangan harta. Korban manusia akan berdampak pada status kesehatan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi bencana menjadi tidak stabil. Untuk hidup mandiri dan sejahtera, masyarakat yang sehat harus menyadari, ingin, dan sanggup megetahui, mencegah, dan mengatasi masalah kesehatan sehingga mereka dapat terhindar dari masalah kesehatan
Ismail Bin Abd Rahman, Nim: 11523105691, Pembagian Harta Warisan
Terhadap Seorangkhunsa Menurut Imam Syafii Dan Abu Hanifah, Program Studi
Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum, Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Universitas
Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau 2015/2016M.
Skripsi ini merupakan upaya saya untuk menjelaskan mengenai permasalahan
pembagian harta warisan terhadap seorang khunsa menurut Imam Syafii dan
Imam Abu Hanifah. Allah SWT menciptakan manusia hanya terdapat dua jenis
kelamin saja, yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan, masing-masing memiliki karaktristik
dan ciri-ciri yang berbeda. Tetapi dalam kenyataannya, terdapat sesaorang yang
tidak mempunyai status yang jelas, bukan laki-laki dan bukan perempuan.
Sesaorang itu jika ketidak jelasan jenis kelaminnya ini di sebut sebagai khunsa.
Salah satu dari permasalahan khunsa ini didalam menentukan hak waris ataupun
kewarisannya. Didalam al Quran telah dijelaskan dan dikemmukakan secara detail
mengenai hukum kewarisan untuk laki-laki dan perempuan. Tetapi belum
diketemukan didalam al Quran hukum waris bagi khunsa. Maka didalam skripsi
ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana pendapat Imam Syafii dan Imam Abu Hanifah
dalam menetapkan kewarisan khunsa baik musykil maupun ghairu musykil.
Sifat penelitian adalah deskriptis dan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah
normatif. Bahan hukum dan data diperoleh dari norma-norma hukum Islam
tentang kewarisan khunsa yang diperoleh dari nash al Quran dan hadis, serta
pendapat para fukaha dan para ahli yang diperolehdari berbagai literature tentang
kewarisan dan khunsa. Data dicari melalui studi kepustakaan, sumber data primer
dan sumber data skunder.
Hasil dari penulisan ini adalah, pada dasarnya dalam menentukan status
hukum bagi khunsa, dapat dilihat dari tanda-tanda kedewasaannya dan darimana
iya mengeluarkan air kencing seperti yang disebutkan didalam sebuah hadis yang
diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Abbas. Bila seseorang khunsa telah jelas status hukumnya,
berarti hukumnya laki-laki ataupun perempuan, maka berlakulah hukumnya itu
sama ada laki-laki ataupun perempuan bagiannya segala hal, seperti
perkawinannya, kewarisannya dan hukum syariat lainnya. Para ahli sepakat dalam
menghitungnya sebagai laki-laki dan perempuan, namun mereka berbeda
pendapat dalam memberikan bagian harta pusaka kepada khunsa setelah diketahui
dua macam cara penerimaan berdasarkan perkiraan laki-laki dan perempuan serta
bagian ahli waris lainnya. Imam Syafii berpendapat masing-masing dari ahli waris
dan khunsa diberikan bagian yang terkecil, karena ia adalah orang yang diyakini
bernasab kepada setiap orang dari mereka. Sisanya disimpan sampai jelas
keadaannya. Sedangkan Imam Abu Hanifah berpendapat khunsa berhak
mendapatkan bagian yang terkecil di Antara dua bagian, yaitu apabila ia
ditetapkan sebagai laki-laki dan perempuan, yang mana diantara dua bagian itu
yang lebih sedikit diberikan kepadanya, dan ahli waris tidak terpengaruh dengan
A Study of Literature and Practical Gaps in e-Wallet Acceptance: The Case of Malaysia
The purpose of this article is to identify the existing research gaps in the literature and the practicality of e-wallet acceptance studies in Malaysia. A systematic literature review (SLR) of peer-reviewed journal articles was carried out by the researchers, based on two major databases, namely, Scopus and Web of Science. In total, 60 articles published from January 2017 to April 2021 were reviewed which revealed the research gaps. Several research gaps are identified in the literature and practicality. The article offers suggestions for future research, including how to prioritize understudied subjects and incorporate other points of view. As a result, this study offers new researchers to learn more about the rapidly growing acceptance of e-wallets. Future research can also address these gaps and enhance the level of acceptance for e-wallets globally for a sustainable future. By identifying the factors that influence people's decision to accept e-wallets, researchers can help companies design better services and marketing campaigns. This will require some practical and theoretical implications, primarily demonstrating some nourishment in realizing the cashless society vision
Factors behind third-party logistics providers readiness towards halal logistics
Halal logistics is an approach to avoid contamination of perishables, raw materials, and food products during distribution activities taking into consideration the need for Halalan toyibban products for consumption by Muslim consumers. The Malaysian Standard for Halal Logistics (MS 2400:2010) provides the guidelines on halal logistics based on the Shariah law, for logistics providers to specialize in transportation, warehousing, and retailing. The requirements for halal logistics involve specifications throughout processing, handling, distribution, storage, display, serving, packaging, and labelling of the products. There are concerns on logistics providers meeting the required standards on halal logistics implementation. This study thereby strives to investigate factors that influence halal logistics implementation among food-based logistics providers. Face-to face interviews were carried out with 156 managerial representatives of logistics companies located in Peninsular Malaysia. Descriptive analysis was used for company profiling, while factor analysis and logistics regression analysis were carried out to determine influential factors to halal logistics implementation among the logistics providers. Support from management, enforcement of Halal Assurance System (HAS), environment controls, employee acceptance, and company vision to change are the factors identified influencing halal logistics implementation among logistics providers
Pedological study of Omayed toposequence northwestern mediterranean desert of Egypt
Ce travail présente les résultats d'une étude pédologique de vingt et un profils de la toposéquence d'Omayed (Egypte nord-occidentale). Deux des principaux processus pédologiques exprimés dans les sols de cette séquence sont la migration et l'accumulation du calcaire, surtout sur les matériaux anciens et sub-récents, et la salinisation, principalement sur les matériaux les plus récent
The effectiveness of using a tracker chart to enhance willingness to communicate among ESL learners in a philosophical inquiry classroom discussion
There has been burgeoning interest among researchers in investigating Willingness to Communicate (WTC) as part of the instructional method in a Philosophical Inquiry (PI) Discussion. The present study investigated the effectiveness of using a tracker chart in a PI classroom discussion to promote WTC. The participants were 30 undergraduate students in a public university in Malaysia. A WTC questionnaire was administered before and after the intervention. A tracker chart was used to gauge the number of learner responses that occurred throughout the 8-week intervention. Interview sessions with seven randomly selected participants were then carried out to gauge the learners’ perceptions of using the tracker chart in PI Discussions and its effects on their WTC. The data analysis showed that the tracker chart resulted in increments in the number of responses throughout the 8 weeks, and participants reported that the tracker chart had positive effects on their WTC as they were more conscious of their responses and contributions in the PI Discussions. The t-test result also showed a significant difference in the participants’ levels of WTC which indicates that the use of the tracker chart in PI Discussions helped increase the participants’ WTC. The results indicate that the use of a tracker chart could have positive effects in enhancing learners’ WTC in PI Discussions
Mapping the sensory values in the core zone area of Melaka world heritage site
The influence of sensory experience in generating positive tourist experience has emerged to be a cutting- edge trend in studies pertaining to geography and marketing in tourism, particularly in terms of tourism sense-making. The literature has projected absence of the fundamental comprehension related to the formation of ‘tourist space’ via tourist consumption and valuation towards available cultural heritage attractions based on their sensory experience. Critical shift in the objectivism approach from the light of valuing sensory experience has motivated the exploration of survey mapping method in this study. Hence, this study employed the survey mapping method derived from the landscape planning approach, in which a guide map was designed for international tourists to value each attraction during their visit at the Core Zone Area of Melaka World Heritage Site. The data gathered from 268 respondents were classified into five sensory mappings that reflected the concentration of sensory values of visual, gustatory, auditory, olfactory, and tactile perceptions. Visualisation of sensory mapping had been based on the classification of positive, moderate, and negative sensory values. The outcomes from these sensory mappings signify the notion of ‘tourist space’ or ‘honey pot’ among tourists based on their sensory experiences in the Core Zone area of Melaka World Heritage Site. This exploration of the survey mapping method has contributed to a critical discussion on the methodological approach, whereby most studies concerning sensory experience are dominated by the qualitative approach. Therefore, the study results could strengthen the management and planning by highlighting the significance of sensory quality in conserving and preserving momentous cultural heritage attractions
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