481 research outputs found

    On the Estimate to Solutions of Congruence Equations Associated with a Cubic Form

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    The set of solutions to congruence equations modulo a prime power associated with the polynomial f(x,y) = ax3 + bx2 y + cxy2 + dt + kx + my + n in Z [x,y] is examined and its cardinality estimated by employing the Newton polyhedral technique. The method involves reduction of the partial derivatives of f to single-variable polynomials and finding 8 the determinant factor in the estimation. f x and f yare reduced to one-variable polynomials by the employment of suitable parameters. The Newton polyhedrons associated with the polynomials so obtained are then considered. There exist common zeros of the single-variable polynomials whose p-adic orders correspond to the intersection points in the combination of the indicator diagrams associated with the respective Newton polyhedrons. This leads to sizes of common zeros of the partial derivatives of f. This information is then used to arrive at the above estimate

    On the integral solutions of the diophantine equation x4 + y4 = z3

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    This paper is concerned with the existence, types and the cardinality of the integral solutions for diophantine equation x4y4z3+ = where x , y and z are integers. The aim of this paper was to develop methods to be used in finding all solutions to this equation. Results of the study show the existence of infinitely many solutions to this type of diophantine equation in the ring of integers for both cases, x=y and x y. For the case when x=y, the form of solutions is given by (x,y,z)=(4n3,4n3,8n4), while for the case when x y, the form of solutions is given by (x,y,z)=(un3k-1,vn3k-1,n4k-1). The main result obtained is a formulation of a generalized method to find all the solutions for both types of diophantine equations

    Kurikulum pelajaran vernakular Melayu di Tanah Melayu pada Zaman Kolonel British sehingga perang dunia kedua

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    Pelajaran vernakular diperkenalkan oleh kolonial British untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada anak-anak orang Melayu supaya mereka boleh membaca dan memahami arahan. Sekolah-sekolah vernakular yang diperkenalkan hanya bertujuan menyedarkan orang Melayu tentang kebolehan membaca, menulis dan mengira. Tahap pelajarannya hanya di peringkat rendah sahaja. Kemudahan yang ada di sekolah-sekolah yang dibina di kampung-kampung amat kurang dan hanya sebagai memenuhi tanggungjawab sosial kolonial British. Kurikulum yang dilaksanakan juga amat rendah tahap akademiknya. Mata pelajaran yang diajar di sekolah rendah berkenaan tidak mempunyai hala tuju untuk meningkatkan taraf akademik anak-anak Melayu ke peringkat sekolah menengah kerana pelajaran vernakular berkenaan terhenti di peringkat rendah.Kebanyakan mereka yang tamat belajar hanya layak memegang jawatan paling rendah dalam pentadbiran kerajaan kolonial. Akhirnya, lepasan pendidikan Melayu berkenaan kembali semula kepada pekerjaan asal keluarga mereka sebagai petani dan nelayan di kampung-kampung. Jelas kepada kita bahawa kolonial British melaksanakan pelajaran dalam kalangan anak-anak Melayu sebagai salah satu cara atau jalan untuk mewujudkan kestabilan politik, mengekalkan status quo orang Melayu, melahirkan pekerja-pekerja rendah dan menghapuskan buta huruf semata-mata


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    Due to relatively new establishment of islamic bank in Thailand and paucity of empirical research undertaken in the area, this study intends to capture the perceptions of Thai customers towards the objectives and characteristics of the islamic bank. In addition, this study aims to determine the important bank selection criteria as perceived by the customers and the differences in the perceptions of moslem and non-moslem customers were identified. The study surveys a sample of 462 respondents. The empirical findings show that the Thai customers know that the essential characteristic of the islamic bank is interest prohibition. They tend to support the idea that the islamic bank should strive to achieve its social objectives more than the commercial objectives. In addition, the results showed that there are differences between the Thai moslem and non-moslem customers preferences toward various bank selection riteria. The moslems highly considered the interest-free saving facilities, while the non-moslems tended to concern more about its reputation and image, and knowledgeable and competent personnel

    Case report: quetiapine-induced transient elevation of activated partial thromboplastin time

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    We report a case of 3-year old Pakistani boy who was previously well and brought to the hospital because of an accidental ingestion of quetiapine 8 hours before admission. No gastric lavage or activated charcoal done because of late presentation. He developed headache, excessive drinking and sleepiness few hours post ingestion but his symptoms resolved before arrival. His laboratory work up (Full blood count, blood urea and serum electrolytes, liver function test and coagulation profile) showed only an elevated activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT). The patient was discharged after 24 hours. We checked APTTweekly. Even though, he remained well clinically his APTT continued to be high until after 1.5 months of ingestion when repeated APTT was normalized. Review at literature reported many anti-psychotics including quetiapine can cause an elevation of Prothrombin Time (PT) and APTT and low platelet count in adult patients taking them regularly [6], drug overdose can cause APTT elevation as well [4]. We conclude that this 3 years old child has quetiapine-induced transient elevation of APTT

    Customers’ Perceptions on the Objectives, Characteristics and Selection Criteria of Islamic Bank in Thailand

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    Due to relatively new establishment of islamic bank in Thailand and paucity of empirical research undertaken in the area, this study intends to capture the perceptions of Thai customers towards the objectives and characteristics of the islamic bank. In addition, this study aims to determine the important bank selection criteria as perceived by the customers and the differences in the perceptions of moslem and non-moslem customers were identified. The study surveys a sample of 462 respondents. The empirical findings show that the Thai customers know that the essential characteristic of the islamic bank is interest prohibition. They tend to support the idea that the islamic bank should strive to achieve its social objectives more than the commercial objectives. In addition, the results showed that there are differences between the Thai moslem and non-moslem customers’ preferences toward various bank selection criteria. The moslems highly considered the interest-free saving facilities, while the non-moslems tended to concern more about its reputation and image, and knowledgeable and competent personnel

    Partitioning ordinary differential equations using Runge-Kutta methods

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    Two techniques for detecting stiffness when using Runge-Kutta type of methods are discussed and compared, and a partitioning strategy for first-order system of equations into stiff and nonstiff subsystems is proposed. A few problems are solved using three-stage semi-implicit Runge-Kutta method. Newton iteration is used for the stiff part and simple iteration for the nonstiff. Finally, numerical results based on different criteria to detect stiffness are compared

    Muslim consumers’ attitudes toward the advertisement of non-certified coffee shops

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    In Malaysia, the Halal logo and certification has a significant religious cue that might peripherally generate a favourable attitude towards advertisement among Muslims. Prior findings have stated that Islamic religious symbol influenced Muslim consumers’ favourable attitude towards the advertising. Advertisements that portray value positions consistent with the intended consumers are likely to be more influential than advertisements that portray inconsistent values. This study intends to examine the relationship of consumers’ attitude functions (utilitarian, value-expressive, ego-defensive, knowledge), attitude towards advertising and purchase intention toward non-certified coffee shops amongst Muslim Postgraduate students in Malaysia. This study applied the Functional Theory of Attitudes to support this framework. Data were collected through self-administered surveys and a total of 242 usable responses were accepted for the purpose of this study. The results of this study show that the value expressive and utilitarian propositions significantly influence consumers’ attitudes toward the advertisement of non-certified coffee shops, whereas attitude towards advertising has a significant impact on purchase intention

    Development of multimedia knowledge object for digital pathology/hematology fixed learning module (flm) as resource for a collaborative e-learning system

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    The advent of multimedia and the Internet initiated a revolution and has changed the way we perceive our world. In the field of education, for example, this revolution has given rise to a new form of instructional mode - one that revolves itself around the Internet, termed simply as 'E - learning'. This powerful new tool is neither hindered nor obscured by great distances, capable of catering for just about any academic or corporate educational need. E - learning applications offer a highly variable, diversified and flexible instructional method, allowing the individual user more freedom and flexibility in acquiring information. Presentation of instructional text is made attractive by means of dynamic presentations such as simulations and animations, and provides a good complement to the standard class or lecture. £-learning has already been introduced as an instructional method within the Universiti Sains Malaysia Health Campus in several forms, such as the Pathology instructional website established by the School of Medical Sciences and the online LearningSpace initiated by the School of Health Sciences. Despite numerous acclaims, however, the use of e-learning is not without its flaws. Applying multimedia in the instructional environment poses interdisciplinary demands, particularly those that concern computer technology, psychology and pedagogy. It is necessary to acquire background knowledge of factors such as hardware and software constraints, the end-user's computer experience and method of instructional presentation. This research attempts to present an outline for the design, development and implementation of multimedia knowledge objects which will ultimately be integrated into an e-learning system based on a multimedia fixed learning module relating to routine laboratory procedures

    Modelling of water supply cost for offshore platforms

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    An offshore platform like other industries requires water resources to support daily operation and activities. Supplying water to offshore platform mainly executed in two conventional ways: transported using offshore supply vessel and self- produced onboard platform using seawater desalination process commonly known as a freshwater generator. An alternative method such as water reuse or water recycling also received growing attention as one of a promising integrated solution for improvement of water resources. However, each water supply options have different characteristics and limitations in term of supply capacity, cost associated and level of water quality. Hence, it’s difficult to identify which water supply sources that fulfil the demand and cost-effective. This paper proposes a new mathematical model namely Economic Water Supply Model (EWSM) for the operating cost function that includes the most representative variables in the process. This model enables decision-makers and owners to assess the economic value from the different sources of water supply for the offshore platform. The calculation of these extended cost function also enables a detailed comparison to be made of the various water sources from an economic of view in order to analyze the effects of supply capacity for costeffective of various suppliers. In this sense, a model of the structure costs associated with each of the available water supply technologies can be useful input for future design, planning and operational stage of offshore water supply process