980 research outputs found

    Comercialização e uso de produtos inseticidas para controle da mosca-dos-chifres em Aquidauana, MS.

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    A mosca-dos-chifres é considerada um sério problema econômico à pecuária devido aos prejuízos causados à produção e gastos com controle. Este estudo objetivou conhecer o perfil da comercialização e uso dos produtos inseticidas para controle da mosca-dos-chifres no município de Aquidauana, MS. De nov/1999 a nov/2000, informações foram obtidas em estabelecimentos agropecuários na cidade de Aquidauana e em entrevistas com produtores rurais e gerentes de fazendas. Um total de 29 produtos indicados para o controle da mosca foram encontrados nos estabelecimentos, pertencentes aos grupos dos piretróides (58,6%), organofosforados (3,4%), fenil pirazoles (3,4%), lactonas macrocíclicas (3,4%) e associações entre inseticidas (31,0%). A cipermetrina foi o princípio ativo mais comum, presente em 69,0% dos produtos (incluindo associações). Informações obtidas em 212 propriedades evidenciaram uma ampla utilização de produtos piretróides, empregados rotineiramente em 89,6% das propriedades, a maioria dos quais à base de cipermetrina (69,8%) e deltametrina (48,1%). A utilização de produtos de outras classes inseticidas é mínima. O domínio dos produtos piretróides, em termos de comercialização e uso no município de Aquidauana, explica os crescentes problemas de controle da mosca-dos-chifres e o desenvolvimento de resistência a inseticidas desta classe.bitstream/item/37420/1/BP32.pd

    Efeitos do treinamento aeróbio e resistido combinados na variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em mulheres na menopausa

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    Modelo de Estudo: Ensaio clínico controlado. Objetivo: Verificar a resposta de 16 semanas do treinamento aeróbio e resistido combinado sobre a modulação autonômica em mulheres na menopausa.Métodos: 17 mulheres foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo treino (GT: n=11) e grupo controle (GC:n=6). As variáveis de composição corporal foram estimadas pela absorptiometria radiológica de dupla energia. A modulação autonômica foi avaliada pela variabilidade da frequência cardíaca usando índices lineares. O protocolo de treinamento consistiu em 16 semanas, por 50 minutos de treinamento resistido e 30 minutos de treinamento aeróbio. Resultados: Para o GT houve incremento do índice rMSSD(ms)(pre:17,4±3,7 e pos:24,8±13,1, p<0,045), aumento dos intervalos entre batimentos cardíacos consecutivos (pre:891,2±80,2 e pos:974,1±71,4, p<0,003) e dos valores de frequência cardíaca(bpm) (pre:68,1±6,4 e pos:62,0±4,7, p<0,003), para os índices espectrais em unidades normalizadas, houve redução de LF(pre:52,2±13,1 e pos:44,5±12,4, p<0,025) e incremento de HF (pre:47,8±13,3 e pos:55,5±12,4, p<0,025).Não houve diferenças significantes para o GC. Conclusão: o treinamento aeróbio e resistido combinado promoveu benefícios sobre a modulação autonômica em mulheres na menopausa.Model of the study: Controlled clinical trial. Objective: To verify the effects of 16 weeks of combined aerobic and resistance training on cardiac autonomic modulation in menopausal women. Methods: 17 menopausal women were divided into two groups: the training group (TG: n=11) and control group (CG:n=6). The body composition variables were estimated using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The cardiac autonomic modulation was evaluated by heart rate variability using linear indexes. The training protocol consisted of 16 weeks of 50 minutes of resistance training and 30 minutes of aerobic training. Results: For the TG there was an increase in the rMSSD(ms) index (pre:17,4±3,7 and post:24,8±13,1,p<0,045), an increase in the duration of the intervals between the cardiac beats(ms) (pre:891,2±80,2 and post:974,1±71,4, p<0,003) and in the values of heart rate(bpm) (pre:68,1±6,4 and post:62,0±4,7, p<0,003), additionally for the spectral indexes in normalized units, changes for LF (pre:52,2±13,1 and post:44,5±12,4, p<0,025) and HF (pre:47,8±13,3 and post:55,5±12,4, p<0,025) were noticed, demonstrating increased parasympathetic and reduced sympathetic. There were no significant differences to CG. Conclusion: combined aerobic and resistance training promoted benefits to the autonomic modulation in menopausal women

    Mais-valia nutricional de macroalgas marinhas dos Açores. Determinação do teor de fibra bruta.

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    IV Congresso da Ordem dos Biólogos e II Congresso dos Biólogos dos Açores (Painel Biologia Marinha e Oceanografia). Ponta Delgada, Açores, 13-15 de Outubro de 2011

    Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Chlorophyll a: Solvent Dependent Spectral Evolution

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    The interaction of the monomeric chlorophyll Q-band electronic transition with solvents of differing physical-chemical properties is investigated through two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES). Chlorophyll constitutes the key chromophore molecule in light harvesting complexes. It is well-known that the surrounding protein in the light harvesting complex fine-tunes chlorophyll electronic transitions to optimize energy transfer. Therefore, an understanding of the influence of the environment on the monomeric chlorophyll electronic transitions is important. The Q-band 2DES is inhomogeneous at early times, particularly in hydrogen bonding polar solvents, but also in nonpolar solvents like cyclohexane. Interestingly this inhomogeneity persists for long times, even up to the nanosecond time scale in some solvents. The reshaping of the 2DES occurs over multiple time scales and was assigned mainly to spectral diffusion. At early times the reshaping is Gaussian-like, hinting at a strong solvent reorganization effect. The temporal evolution of the 2DES response was analyzed in terms of a Brownian oscillator model. The spectral densities underpinning the Brownian oscillator fitting were recovered for the different solvents. The absorption spectra and Stokes shift were also properly described by this model. The extent and nature of inhomogeneous broadening was a strong function of solvent, being larger in H-bonding and viscous media and smaller in nonpolar solvents. The fastest spectral reshaping components were assigned to solvent dynamics, modified by interactions with the solute

    PM2.5 chemical composition and health risks by inhalation near a chemical complex

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    Particulate matter (PM2.5) samples were collected in the vicinity of an industrial chemical pole and analysed for organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC), 47 trace elements and around 150 organic constituents. On average, OC and EC accounted for 25.2% and 11.4% of the PM2.5 mass, respectively. Organic compounds comprised polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), alkylated PAHs, anhydrosugars, phenolics, aromatic ketones, glycerol derivatives, aliphatic alcohols, sterols, and carboxyl groups, including aromatic, carboxylic and dicarboxylic acids. Enrichment factors > 100 were obtained for Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Sn, B, Se, Bi, Sb and Mo, showing the contribution of industrial emissions and nearby major roads. Principal component analysis revealed that vehicle, industrial and biomass burning emissions accounted for 66%, 11% and 9%, respectively, of the total PM2.5-bound PAHs. Some of the detected organic constituents are likely associated with plasticiser ingredients and thermal stabilisers used in the manufacture of PVC and other plastics in the industrial complex. Photooxidation products of both anthropogenic (e.g., toluene) and biogenic (e.g., isoprene and pinenes) precursors were also observed. It was estimated that biomass burning accounted for 13.8% of the PM2.5 concentrations and that secondary OC represented 37.6% of the total OC. The lifetime cancer risk from inhalation exposure to PM2.5-bound PAHs was found to be negligible, but it exceeded the threshold of 10?6 for metal(loi)s, mainly due to Cr and As.3518-5DB7-75B0 | M?rio Tom?N/

    A Pilot Study on the Metabolic Impact of Mediterranean Diet in Type 2 Diabetes: Is Gut Microbiota the Key?

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    The Mediterranean diet (MD) has been recommended for type 2 diabetes (T2D) treatment. The impact of diet in shaping the gut microbiota is well known, particularly for MD. However, the link between MD and diabetes outcome improvement is not completely clear. This study aims to evaluate the role of microbiota modulation by a nonpharmacological intervention in patients with T2D. In this 12-week single-arm pilot study, nine participants received individual nutritional counseling sessions promoting MD. Gut microbiota, biochemical parameters, body composition, and blood pressure were assessed at baseline, 4 weeks, and 12 weeks after the intervention. Adherence to MD [assessed by Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS) score] increased after the intervention. Bacterial richness increased after 4 weeks of intervention and was negatively correlated with fasting glucose levels and Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR). Prevotella to Bacteroides ratio also increased after 4 weeks. In contrast, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and HOMA-IR were only decreased at the end of study. Alkaline phosphatase activity was assessed in fecal samples and was negatively correlated with HbA1c and positively correlated with bacterial diversity. The results of this study reinforce that MD adherence results in a better glycemic control in subjects with T2D. Changes in gut bacterial richness caused by MD adherence may be relevant in mediating the metabolic impact of this dietary intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Full characterization of vibrational coherence in a porphyrin chromophore by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy

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    In this work we present experimental and calculated two-dimensional electronic spectra for a 5,15-bisalkynyl porphyrin chromophore. The lowest energy electronic Qy transition couples mainly to a single 380 cm–1 vibrational mode. The two-dimensional electronic spectra reveal diagonal and cross peaks which oscillate as a function of population time. We analyze both the amplitude and phase distribution of this main vibronic transition as a function of excitation and detection frequencies. Even though Feynman diagrams provide a good indication of where the amplitude of the oscillating components are located in the excitation-detection plane, other factors also affect this distribution. Specifically, the oscillation corresponding to each Feynman diagram is expected to have a phase that is a function of excitation and detection frequencies. Therefore, the overall phase of the experimentally observed oscillation will reflect this phase dependence. Another consequence is that the overall oscillation amplitude can show interference patterns resulting from overlapping contributions from neighboring Feynman diagrams. These observations are consistently reproduced through simulations based on third order perturbation theory coupled to a spectral density described by a Brownian oscillator model