245 research outputs found


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    Pirolisis kulit durian menjadi bio-oil dilakuk-an dalam sebuah reactor tubular yang dilengkapi dengan pengontrol suhu (PID con-troller). Pengaruh ukuran partikel umpan, suhu pirolisis, laju a-hr gas inert (N2) terhadap yield bio-oil yang dihasilkan telah dipelajari dalam penelitian ini. Ukuran umpan partikel yang dipelajari adalah 8/12 mesh, 16/20 mesh, dan 25/40 mesh. Suhu pi rolisis yang digunakan adalah 400- 700 C dengan laju alir gas inert 3, 4, dan 5 Liter/menit. Prod k- bio-oil yang dihasilk-an dianalisa komposisi bahan kimianya dengan menggunakan GC/MS QP 2010 Shimadzu. Nilai kalor bio-oil yang dihasilkan dianalisa dengan menggunakan Anton Paar calorimeter dengan menggunakan metode ASTM D5868- I Ode 1. Analisa proximate kulit durian dan bio-char yang dihasilkan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ASTM D3173-75. Sedangkan analisa TGA dilakuk-an dengan menggunakan TGA/DSC .star .system (Mettler Toledo) dengan gas N2sebagai gas carrier. Dari hasil percobaan yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil terbesar bio-oil adalah 49,8% yang diperoleh padasuhu 550 C dengan ukuran partikel 25/40 mesh. Sedangkan laju alir gas inert tidak berpengaruh pada yield bio-oil yang dihasilkan. Mat kalor total dari bio-oil yang dihasilkan adalah 26, 7 ± 3,1 MJ/kg

    Kinetics Study of Cellulose Nanocrystals Modification Using Rarasaponins by Elovich Equation

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    The modification of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) using rarasaponins (RSs) was carried out to enhancing the hydrophobicity of the CNCs. The RSs are a natural surfactant that has hydrophilic and hydrophobic sides. The linked RSs on the CNCs surface can be used to bond the hydrophobic drugs so that the modified CNCs can be applied as the hydrophobic drugs carrier in the medical field. The kinetics study was successfully carried out using the Elovich equation as the modeling equation. The Elovich equation fits the modification results well based on two parameters, i.e., the RSs/CNCs ratios and the times. The dispersion characteristics analysis was carried out to figure the enhancement of the hydrophobicity on the modified CNCs compared to the unmodified CNCs. According to the kinetics study and the dispersion characteristics analysis, the modification of CNCs using RSs could enhance CNCs utilization in the hydrophobic drug delivery syste


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    Sebuah metode baru dalam mengkonversi Lumpur aktif basah menjadi biodiesel diusulkan dalam penelitian ini. Air digunakan sebagai reagen hidrolisis untuk meningkatkan ekstraksi lipid dalam Lumpur aktif dan sebagai k-atalis untuk- konversi lipid murni menjadi biodiesel dalam kondisi subkritis. Metode ini mampu mencapai konversi 90% dari FAME dalam waktu yang wajar tanpa memerlukan katalis asam/basa. Karena air digunakan sebagai katalis, proses penghilangan air tidak- lagi diperlukan. Oleh karena itu, metode ini mengurangi biaya pengolahan secara signifikan dalam produksi biodiesel dari Iumpur akti

    Preparation of Clay Minerals – Natural Surfactant Composites to Remove Organic Dyes and Heavy Metals

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    The rapid development of industry is considered to be the main cause of various environmental problems, which are mainly caused by the discharge of wastewater which contains many hazardous compounds. Dyes and heavy metals are type of hazardous substances that are often found in industrial wastewater and cause ecosystem damage. Dyes and heavy metals are more difficult to remove due to their inability to be broken down, so they can build up and reach dangerous levels. Adsorption is a straighforward and efficient method for dealing with hazardous substance contamination in water. Clay minerals, known for their efficient adsorption properties, were chosen for this procedure. Clay minerals are porous materials so they are suitable for use as adsorbents. The intercalation technique is a robust strategy to further increase the adsorption capacity of clay minerals, which is done by treating clay minerals with surfactants. Clay minerals modified with natural surfactants are considered as a potential choice for removal procedures. The use of this natural surfactant was chosen because of its excellent adsorption capacity and environmentally friendly properties. Polar lipids, natural surfactants, are commonly present in the lipid layers of plants and animals. This review focuses on the synthesis of modified clay minerals using different natural surfactants such as soybeans, saponins, lipopeptides, and rhamnolipids, as well as the use of alternative clay mineral/natural surfactant composites. This review describe various types of natural surfactants that can be used to modify clay minerals and their application in the adsorption process

    Konversi Lumpur Aktif Menjadi Biodiesel dengan Proses Subkritis tanpa Katalis secara Insitu

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    Nowadays, biodiesel has been produced commercially for partial supporting energy demmand in Indonesia. However, high price feedstock and need of catalyst appear as the problem. In this research, activated sludge which is available as large scale waste and comprises significant ammount of lipid fraction (direct adsorption of industrial waste water and microbial lipid), was converted into biodiesel using subcritical process (without catalyst). The potential of the feedstock and process in producing biodiesel were studied. The optimum condition of the production is 215oC, 65 bar, and 5:1 of methanol to lipid mass ratio and the biodiesel meets the SNI-04-7182-2006 spesification

    A Review of Biofuels and Their Positive Impacts on Health and the Environment

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    Indonesia's high population and rapid economic growth are driving a major transformation in the transportation sector, which is in line with the high increase in fuel demand. The need for biofuel as a substitute for conventional fuel is increasingly being prioritized by considering sustainable development goals (SGDs). Biofuel has safer health and environmental impacts than conventional fuel but still has fuel performance that meets fuel standards and engine performance. Biofuels can be derived from a variety of more sustainable and abundant raw materials, such as biomass and vegetable oils. In this review biodiesel, hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO), and direct vegetable oil (SVO) are discussed in depth regarding the transformation of their production processes and their impacts on health and the environment. Biodiesel is one of the most widely developed and implemented compared to HVO and SVO to encourage the use of renewable energy in various aspects of people's lives in Indonesia. These three biofuels have different fuel characteristics and performance but can continue to be developed in the future to increase the implementation of renewable energy more massively

    Saponin Modified Clay For Crude Palm Oil Bleaching

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    Bleaching of crude palm oil (MGS) is a mandatory step for producing edible palm oil. Bleaching agent, known as bleaching earth, is used as the decolorization agent. Bleaching earth acts as adsorbent to adsorb carotenoid and other organic content in MGS. Bentonite is the common decolorization agent used in the bleaching process. Activation of bentonite is needed prior to enhanced the adsorptive ability. In this study, the bentonite was fabricated by using saponin surfactant to enlarge the surface area, and thus, improving the adsorption capacity of bentonite. The activation of bentonite was conducted by impregnating the bentonite particles with saponin solution at various mass ratio; specifically, bentonite to saponin ratios of 100: 1, 200: 1, 300: 1, 400: 1, and 500: 1 were applied. The impregnation, or activation, temperature of 40 and 50ËšC was chosen. The succeed of the saponin impregnation was characterized using a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis. The alteration of bentonite cation exchange capacity (CEC) value before and after impregnation was evaluated. The bleaching performance of the saponin modified bentonite was assessed by determining the amount of carotenoid compound removed. Furthermore, the change in free-fatty acid value of MGS (after bleaching) was also assessed. The bleaching process was carried out by mixing the bentonite into MGS at a temperature of 90ËšC for 10 minutes. The bleaching process result shows that the rarasaponin modified bentonite able to adsorp 310 mg of carotenoid per g of the adsorbent

    A Review of the Development and Role of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Production

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    Indonesian regulations regarding the implementation of B30 encourage a significant increase in biodiesel demand. Moreover, this implementation will continue to be increased to B35 in 2025 and is projected to reach B100 in 2045. This high demand for biodiesel needs to be supported by the development of adequate biodiesel production technology where the catalyst is one aspect that plays an important role in biodiesel production. The use of catalysts aims to accelerate biodiesel production so that high biodiesel yields and good quality are achieved. In biodiesel production, the choice of catalyst greatly influences the operating conditions, the products produced, the subsequent purification process, and the environmental impacts. Moreover, the changing trend in biodiesel raw materials from food to non-food ingredients requires the development of catalysts that are more suitable for the raw materials used in biodiesel production. The specific characteristics of each catalyst play an important role in the transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel where this needs to be supported and adapted to optimum operating conditions, especially in terms of alcohol-to-oil molar ratio, catalyst amount, temperature, pressure, and reaction time. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the various heterogeneous catalysts used to assist the transesterification reactions in biodiesel production


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    Abstrak: Porang merupakan komoditas alam dengan potensi yang besar dimana dapat terus dikembangkan mengingat kebutuhan ekspor yang cukup tinggi. Porang dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi berbagai produk turunan perantara maupun jadi, seperti mie, beras, tepung, dan keripik. Namun, nilai jual porang saat ini mengalami penurunan yang sangat drastis dimana berdampak negatif pada perekonomian petani porang. Berbagai trobosan diupayakan oleh pemerintah Desa Morang, Kecamatan Kare, Kabupaten Madiun untuk menyelamatkan pertanian porang dan perekonomian petani porang. Pemerintah desa menjalin kemitraan dengan Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya untuk membuka peluang pengembangan teknologi pengolahan porang dan produk-produk turunannya. Kemitraan ini telah menghasilkan berbagai teknologi tepat guna untuk produksi produk-produk turunan porang dimana salah satunya yaitu mesin penepung porang yang dapat dipergunakan untuk produksi tepung porang. Dengan adanya fasilitas mesin ini, petani porang perlu diberikan wawasan dan keterampilan bisnis untuk memanfaatkan mesin tersebut dalam memproduksi tepung porang. Dalam kegiatan ini, pendampingan diberikan kepada kelompok petani porang di Desa Morang yang terdiri dari sekitar 30 petani dalam bentuk pelatihan penggunaan mesin, diseminasi produk turunan porang dan peluang bisnisnya, serta pendampingan produksi skala kecil. Kegiatan ini dievaluasi dengan sistem kuisioner terkait wawasan dan keterampilan yang diberikan serta pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dimana tingkat keberhasilan dari kegiatan ini mencapai lebih dari 75%.Abstract: Porang is a natural commodity with great potential which can continue to be developed considering the high demand for exports. Porang can be used to make various intermediate and finished derivative products, such as noodles, rice, flour and chips. However, the selling value of porang is currently experiencing a very drastic decline which has a negative impact on the economy of porang farmers. Various breakthroughs have been attempted by the government of Morang Village, Kare Sub-district, Madiun District to save porang farming and the economy of porang farmers. The village government has established a partnership with Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University to open up opportunities for developing technology for processing porang and its derivative products. This partnership has produced various appropriate technologies for the production of porang derivative products, one of which is a porang flour machine which can be used to produce porang flour. With this machine facility, porang farmers need to be given the insight and business skills to use this machine to produce porang flour. In this activity, assistance was provided to a group of porang farmers in Morang Village consisting of around 30 farmers in the form of training on machine use, dissemination of porang derivative products and business opportunities, as well as assistance with small-scale production. This activity was evaluated using a questionnaire system regarding the insights and skills provided as well as the implementation of this activity where the success rate of this activity reached more than 75%
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