35 research outputs found


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    Ratéb Meuseukat was one of the variety of dance in Aceh that its lyrics and songs contained the messages of Islamic Education, moral values, as well as direction to take a better life. Ratéb Meusekat dance was interesting to be studied further because it not only a folk dance that served as an entertainment tool, but also as a media of Islamic Education. The researcher applied the qualitative approach in this research that was intended to create a description of the presentation form and the messages contained in the Ratéb Meusekat dance. As data collecting method, the researcher did the observation, interview and document recording. In this study the researcher did direct observation about the process of Ratéb Meusekat dance in Lempia studio. The result of this research then indicated that the Ratéb Meusekat dance contained of Islamic Educational messages by means the lesson of faith such as always rember Allah SWT, selawat to our Prophet and the mesage of remembering death. The value of worship like always be grateful. Then moral value such as honor the guest. The last is the value of social relationship that should obeye the instruction and also honor the memory of hero


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    ABSTRAKPemerintah sebagai penyelenggara jalan, wajib memenuhi amanat undang-undang sebagai bentuk pelayanan kepada masyarakat pengguna jalan. Penyelenggaraan jalan juga harus dapat menjamin terlaksananya pelayanan dasar yang harus diterima oleh masyarakat. Bentuk pelayanan dasar ini disebut dengan standar pelayanan minimal (SPM) yang ditetapkan. Dengan disahkannya Qanun Nomor 4 tahun 2009 tentang RTRW Kota Banda Aceh Tahun 2009 - 2029, yang telah menetapkan pusat-pusat kegiatan di Kota Banda Aceh serta klasifikasi sistem jaringan jalan maka penilaian SPM bidang jalan meliputi SPM terhubungnya pusat-pusat kegiatan dan pusat produksi (SPM konektivitas) dan SPM kondisi jalan dapat dilaksanakan.Penelitian ini menilai penerapan dan pemenuhan SPM konektivitas, kondisi jalan, pemenuhan SPM kondisi jalan, analasis perbandingan survei kondisi rinci jalan dan survei kondisi jalan dalam menentukan kondisi jalan untuk pemenuhan SPM kondisi jalan. Metode yang digunakan, mengacu pada Petunjuk Teknis yang merupakan bagian dari Lampiran II Peraturan Menteri PU Nomor : 01/PRT/M/2014. Penerapan SPM konektivitas dilakukan dengan mengukur pemenuhan/realisasi pembangunan/peningkatan kapasitas jalan dengan tahun existing (dasar) pada tahun 2009 sampai dengan tahun 2014 didapat 82,06 %.Pengukuran pemenuhan SPM konektivitas terhadap penerapan pertahunnya memperlihatkan pola pertumbuhan yang sama. Pengukuran kondisi jalan, dilakukan dengan 2 teknik survei, yaitu : survei kondisi jalan dengan metode visual (Road Condition Index = RCI), nilai RCI kemudian dikonversikan ke nilaiInternational Roughness Index(IRI) didapat 99,23 % (kondisi baik dan sedang); Survei kondisi rinci jalan dilakukan dengan mengukur seluruh luasan kerusakan, dari hasil pengukuran diperoreh hasil 82,39 % (kondisi baik dan sedang). Pemenuhan SPM kondisi jalan didapat 165,40 %. Dari analisis perbandingan, diketahui pencapaian SPM kondisi jalan melalui survei kondisi rinci jalan, mengalami penurunan sebesar 28,50 % dari SPM kondisi jalan melalui survei kondisi jalan dengan metode visual,dengan pemenuhan SPM kondisi jalan sebesar 136,90 %.Kata Kunci : SPM konektivitas, SPM kondisi jalan, IRI, RCI

    Pengelolaan Lesi Prakanker Serviks

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    Tujuan: memahami modalitas terapi terhadap lesi prakanker serta keuntungan dan kerugiannya. Tujuh puluh persen kanker serviks di Indonesia ditemukan dalam stadium lanjut. Salah satu faktor yang menunjang keberhasilan pengelolaan kanker serviks adalah USAha penemuan stadium prakanker dan stadium dini serta bagaimana pengelolaannya. Penemuan dan pengelolaan yang tepat pada stadium dini akan memberikan hasil penyembuhan antara 66,3% - 95,1%. Sedangkan jika pengelolaan pada stadium lanjut akan memberikan hasil yang kurang baik, di samping biaya yang cukup tinggi.1,2Lesi prakanker serviks yang sangat dini dikenal dengan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks atau NIS, yang ditandai dengan adanya Perubahan displastik epitel serviks. Sampai saat ini, pemeriksaan sitologi dengan test Pap masih merupakan pemeriksaan standar untuk deteksi dini keganasan serviks. Sejak 1985, WHO merekomendasikan suatu pendekatan alternatif bagi negara yang sedang berkembang dalam deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan konsep inspeksi visual dengan asam asetat (IVA).3Terminologi NIS dibagi menjadi 3. NIS 1 sesuai dengan displasia ringan, NIS 2 sesuai dengan displasia sedang, dan NIS 3 meliputi displasia berat serta karsinoma insitu. Terminologi ini juga dikonfirmasikan dengan sistem Bethesda, yaitu NIS 1 dan infeksi HPV sebagai lesi intraepitelial skuamosa derajat rendah (LISDR) serta NIS 2 dan NIS 3 sebagai lesi intraepitelial skuamosa derajat tinggi (LISDT). Karena tidak dapat diketahui risiko untuk menjadi progresif dari semua tingkatan lesi prekursor maka semua lesi NIS sebaiknya diobati. Berdasarkan perjalanan alamiah dari NIS, disimpulkan bahwa makin rendah derajat kelainan maka makin besar kemungkinan regresi menjadi normal. Sebaliknya, makin berat derajat kelainan maka makin besar kemungkinan menjadi lesi yang lebih berat.Modalitas yang dimiliki dalam penatalaksanaan lesi prakanker cukup banyak, biasanya dibagi dalam 2 golongan, yaitu destruksi dan eksisi. Pada tindakan destruksi, kita tidak dapat memiliki bahan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi, sedangkan pada eksisi kita sekaligus dapat memiliki bahan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Laser ablation, kauterisasi, serta krioterapi merupakan terapi destruksi yang biasa digunakan untuk displasia ringan. Sebenarnya, kauterisasi atau krioterapi masih punya tempat untuk displasia sedang keras. Sedangkan LEEP, LLETZ, konisasi dengan cold knife atau laser, serta histerektomi merupakan tindakan eksisi yang biasanya digunakan untuk displasia sedang - keras.Pemilihan terapi harus dipertimbangkan secara hati-hati dalam melihat efektivitas terapi serta efek samping. Keberhasilan destruksi lokal dalam pengelolaan lesi prakanker mencapai 95%. Ini berarti, ada faktor 5% kegagalan pengelolaan dengan destruksi lokal ini. Oleh sebab itu, sebagai operator harus teliti dalam mengelola lesi prakanker.Kesimpulan: pengelolaan lesi prakanker dengan destruksi lokal mencapai 95%. Penggunaan metode destruksi lokal sebagai salah satu manajemen lesi prakanker dapat menghindari terjadinya terapi yang berlebihan (over treatment). Tetapi, peningkatan kemampuan dalam menggunakan metode ini sangat diperlukan, di samping pengamatan lanjut yang adekuat

    High Random Blood Glucose Level before Surgery as a Risk Factor for Recurrent Event in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma : Kadar Gula Darah Sewaktu yang Tinggi sebelum Operasi sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Residif pada Pasien Karsinoma Ovarium Tipe Epitelial

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    Abstract Objective : To investigate the high random blood glucose level as a risk factor for recurrent disease in EOC patient at Kariadi General Hospital. Methods: Sixty six patients diagnosed as EOC in Kariadi General Hospital were divided into 2 groups: 30 patients with recurrent disease and 30 patients without recurrent disease after completing chemotherapy cycles. We analysed correlation between age of diagnosis, tumour mass location, Ca-125 level, histological subtype and random blood glucose level before surgery with recurrent disease. Result: There is no significantly difference in age of diagnosis, tumour mass location and histological subtypes between two groups. However, recurrent EOC patients have higher Ca-125 level significantly than non-recurrent patients (327.8±250.5 vs 183.5±212.1 respectively; p = 0,01). Mean of random blood glucose level of recurrent patients is also higher than non-recurrent patients significantly (150.5 ±79 vs 110.8 ± 31.1 respectively; p = 0.006). Patient with random blood glucose level > 110 mg/dl have 3 times more likely to develop recurrence in EOC patient significantly with 95% CI. Conclusion: The mean of random blood glucose level in recurrent EOC patients is significantly higher than non-recurrent EOC patients. Patient with random blood glucose level > 110 mg/dl have 3 times more likely to develop recurrence in EOC patient. Keyword: epithelial ovarian cancer, random blood glucose level, recurrent.   Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk membuktikan kadar glukosa darah sewaktu yang tinggi sebagai faktor risiko kejadian residif pada pasien karsinoma ovarium epitelial di RSUP dr. Kariadi. Metode: Enam puluh pasien yang telah didiagnosis sebagai karsinoma ovarium epitelial di RSUP dr. Kariadi dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: 30 pasien pada kelompok residif dan 30 pasien pada kelompok non-residif berdasarkan evaluasi setelah menyelesaikan siklus kemoterapi. Data yang dianalisis meliputi usia saat terdiagnosis, lokasi tumor, kadar Ca-125, subtipe histologi, kadar gula darah sewaktu (GDS) sebelum operasi dan hubungannya dengan kejadian residif. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna dalam usia saat diagnosis, lokasi tumor dan subtipe histologis diantara kedua kelompok. Namun, kelompok pasien residif memiliki kadar Ca-125 yang lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan kelompok pasien non-residif (327,8 ± 250,5 vs 183,5 ± 212,1; p = 0,01). Rerata kadar GDS pada kelompok pasien residif juga lebih tinggi secara bermakna daripada kelompok non-residif (150,5 ± 79 vs 110,8 ± 31,1; p = 0,006). Pasien dengan kadar GDS > 110 mg/dl memiliki risiko 3 kali lipat untuk menjadi residif secara bermakna dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Kesimpulan: Rerata kadar GDS pada kelompok pasien residif lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding kelompok pasien non-residif. Pasien dengan kadar GDS > 110 mg/dl memiliki risiko 3 kali lipat untuk menjadi residif Kata kunci: kadar gula darah sewaktu, karsinoma ovarium epitelial, residif


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    BACKGROUND: Non-epithelial ovarian cancer is a very rare type, accounting for less than 10% of ovarian cancers. This type of cancer originates from germ cells or stromal-sex cord cells. Disease-free survival (DFS) in cancer is the length of time after primary treatment for cancer ends so that patients survive without signs or symptoms of cancer. Recurrence is the return of cancer that has been declared in remission, usually after a certain period in which cancer cannot be detected. Cancer can return to the same place (primary) or other parts of the body. Ovarian cancer is a disease with a high probability of recurrence, after achieving a complete response to chemotherapy, >70%. Assessment of the recurrence rate is one of the ways used to assess the effectiveness of therapyAIM: Knowing the incidence of recurrence in patients with non-epithelial ovarian cancer who have received operative therapy with or without adjuvant chemotherapyMETHOD: Descriptive study with a case series research design and analytical works. The research sample was 50 non-epithelial ovarian cancer patients who were treated at RSUP Dr. Karadi Semarang from 2018-2019 who met the inclusion criteria and did not have exclusion criteria, 22 patients were loss of follow up during observation. The data collection technique used is total sampling. Data analysis was performed using the Chi-Square test with a significance level of p50 years age group and 1 patient with Yolk Sac cell tumor in 20-50 years age group. Higher survival rates were found for tumor residues 2cm at 6 months (54.5% vs 45.5%), 12 months (54.5% vs 36.4%), 18 months (45.5% vs 36.4%), and 24th month (45.5% vs 36.4%).CONCLUSION: Optimization of surgery depends on the type of non-epithelial ovarian cancer cells, age, and the stage when the diagnosis was first established to be a factor in the incidence of recurrence.

    Investigation on the effectiveness of mouth-washing using laban leaves (Vitex pinnata) steeping water in reducing plaque accumulation: a study in state elementary school 1 Pagar Air, Aceh Besar

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    Background: Dental and oral diseases that are commonly suffered by Indonesian people, are dental caries and periodontal disease. Dental plaque is the primary cause of the periodontal disease and dental caries. The diseases can be prevented by inhibiting the formation of dental plaque using a mouthwash. One of the ways in removing dental plaque is by mouth washing using laban leaves (Vitex pinnata Linn) steeping water. Laban leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins which can inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans so that it capable of removing dental plaque naturally. Bio-ingredients have been long used in health sector for preventive, curative, and rehabilitative treatments.Methods: Experimental research with pre- and post-tests design using proposing sampling technique, where 56 people were taken as samples. The samples were divided into 2 groups which receiving different treatments. Group 1 was instructed to do mouth washing with laban leaves steeping water, while Group 2 was with water. Each of students did the mouth washing for 30 s (20 ml).Results: based on the comparison of the dental plaque index (before and after the mouth washing using laban leaves steeping water) it is revealed that the steeping water of laban leaves was effective in reducing the plaque index with p value of 0.000 (<α=0.05).Conclusions: mouth washing using the laban leaves steeping water was effective in reducing the plaque accumulation. We then recommend a further study to investigate the potential of laban leave to be used in a mouthwash.

    Evaluation of minimum inhibitory concentration of methanol extract of cacao seeds on growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria by microdilution method

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    Background: Indonesia is famous for its medicinal plants. Cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao L.) is a plant widely used as a traditional medicine alternative to cure diseases. Cocoa beans contain alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins which are antibacterial and have potential as antioxidants. Various dental and oral diseases that occur are caused by bacteria, one of which is Streptococcus mutans which causes dental caries. Bacteria that play an important role in the occurrence of dental caries is Streptococcus mutans. Dental caries can be prevented by chemically and mechanically maintaining oral hygiene using antiseptics that have antibacterial properties. This study aimed to test the minimum inhibitory concentration of methanol extract of cocoa seeds on the growth of Streptococcus mutans with the microdilution method. Methods: The research method is the microdilution method with concentrations of 0.753%, 1.563%, 3.125%, 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%. Streptococcus mutans bacteria were obtained from the University of Indonesia's veterinary laboratory. Results: The results showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration of methanol extract of cocoa beans on the growth of Streptococcus mutans was at a concentration of 1.563%. Conclusions: In conclusion, the methanol extract of cocoa beans has an inhibitory effect on Streptococcus mutans bacteria and there is a minimum inhibitory concentration at a concentration of 1.563%. It is recommended to continue to toothpaste medication and do preclinical trials

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit ISPA Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Salah satu penyakit yang sering dianggap remeh oleh sebagian masyarakat adalah penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA). Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) adalah penyakit saluran pernafasan atas atau bawah, biasanya menular dan dapat menimbulkan berbagai spektrum penyakit yang berkisar dari penyakit tanpa gejala dan infeksi ringan sampai penyakit yang parah dan mematikan. Penyakit ISPA merupakan salah satu penyakit yang harus diperhatikan oleh masyarakat luas karena dapat menyebabkan kematian, terutama pada anak-anak dan balita. Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut maka diperlukanlah sebuah sistem pakar yang mampu mendiagnosa penyakit ISPA berbasis web dengan metode forward chaining. Sistem pakar ini dibuat dengan memanfaatkan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai database. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mendiagnosis penyakit ISPA berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang diderita. Manfaat dari pembuatan penelitian ini adalah agar masyarakat yang menderita penyakit ISPA dapat terbantu dan dapat ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat . Hasil dari pengujian validitas aplikasi, sistem pakar ini memiliki nilai keakuratan sistem sebesar 94% dari 100 data uji

    Factors Associated With Recurrence Of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer In RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Introductions: Epithelial ovarian cancer accounts for 90% of all ovarian malignancies. More than 70% of patients will experience a relapse even after receiving operative therapy and chemotherapy. There are several prognostic factors that influence the recurrence of ovarian cancer. In Indonesia, especially at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, the data as mentioned above is still very limited.objective: Knowing the disease-free survival rate, optimizing surgery and factors related to the incidence of recurrence in epithelial ovarian cancer patients at Dr. Kariadi Hospital SemarangMethods: This study is a retrospective cohort study with survival analysis. Data were collected through medical records, with the study population are patients with a diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer who were treated at Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang in period January 2018-December 2019. Furthermore, patients who had been remission were observed for signs of disease recurrence for 2 years period.Results: There were 361 patients with epithelial ovarian cancer who underwent primary treatment at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang in  2018-2019. Furthermore, there were observations of recurrence in 148 patients who achieved remission. Of these 76 patients (51.4%) experienced recurrence, while 72 patients not relapse. From 148 epithelial ovarian cancer patients who underwent cytoreduction surgery at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, 113 patients (76.4%) achieved optimal operation with a residu less than 2 cm, while 35 patients (23.6%) were not optimal with a residu more than 2 cm. FIGO stage (HR 2.44) and tumor residu (HR 2.15) were shown to be significant factors associated with the recurrence of epithelial ovarian cancer.Conclusion: Overall disease-free survival in epithelial ovarian cancer at Dr. Kariadi Semarang were 74.8% (6 months), 57.1% (1 year), 42.5% (18 months), and 37.4% (2 years). Tumor residual factors and FIGO stage were shown to be significant prognostic factors influencing the recurrence of epithelial ovarian cancer.

    Descriptive of Knowledge of Hypertension Preventive in Adolescents

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    Hypertension is the highest cause of death in the world and one of the diseases that triggers other non-communicable diseases. There are several factors that influence the incidence of hypertension in adolescents, one of which is low knowledge about hypertension. Knowledge can influence the lifestyle of teenagers to be unhealthy. Individual actions or behavior are greatly influenced by cognitive or knowledge. The aim of this study was to see the level of knowledge about hypertension and prevention of hypertension in adolescents.The population in this study were students of Universitas Teuku Umar, with a sample of 282 respondents. The data were collected via 9-item hypertension knowledge questionnaire. The knowledge level was classified as follows: good (points average ≥18); sufficient (<18 points). The results showed that the frequency of good and sufficient levels of knowledge about hypertension was 74.5% and 25.5% each